How setup your server - Local and Online

Try to put your ipv4 instead of use or

have you tryied to change service.ini ip on client folder?

Changing service.ini worked! Thank you so much! Any idea on how to fix the UI? The button's and the place to click them don't match. I'm playing at 3840 x 2160. I can't even change the settings anymore because I can't click it lol

Thank you redownloading server and following steps again fixed the problem.
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Try to put your ipv4 instead of use or

have you tryied to change service.ini ip on client folder?

Hi Ledie, I was following this tutorial to setup my own private server ( I downloaded the Archer Version). But I'm having issues. At first, I got an error from second .bat file for JAVA_Home. So I downloaded Java and created JAVA_HOME thing by following a YT tutorial. Then again, the second .bat give another error saying my java runtime thing isn't new enough.. Which I "just" downloaded. I couldn't fix that thing. So I tried other things like changing the ip from 127.... to my own ip. Including at services.ini . Nothing seems to be working. I'm not trying to set up a server, I'm just hoping to play by myself locally. This is the screenshot from the error. And when I try to press Start at launcher it says Failed to Connect (also Running as administrator).
Ledie - How setup your server - Local and Online - RaGEZONE Forums
Hi Ledie, I was following this tutorial to setup my own private server ( I downloaded the Archer Version). But I'm having issues. At first, I got an error from second .bat file for JAVA_Home. So I downloaded Java and created JAVA_HOME thing by following a YT tutorial. Then again, the second .bat give another error saying my java runtime thing isn't new enough.. Which I "just" downloaded. I couldn't fix that thing. So I tried other things like changing the ip from 127.... to my own ip. Including at services.ini . Nothing seems to be working. I'm not trying to set up a server, I'm just hoping to play by myself locally. This is the screenshot from the error. And when I try to press Start at launcher it says Failed to Connect (also Running as administrator).
Ledie - How setup your server - Local and Online - RaGEZONE Forums

Hi, follow this tutorial for setup the java jdk14 version. I think you've setup a wrong version whos need

I applied the instructions for the Archer build, and installed Java DK 14.0.1. The database and loginserver both appear to be running just fine, but the gameserver won't. It says:

"Error occurred during initialization of UM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap"

Any idea how to fix this?

EDIT: I figured it out! 2 problems: My portable java was not set up correctly, and also my computer had too little RAM.
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Help, i don't know if it's an client oder server error (running on same maschine):

When I try to connect to the server "Serendia" (only server) via double LMB i get an crash to desktop. When I try to connect via "Main Server: Serendia" i get a notice "Cannot access the server."

the LoginServer tells me "new connection accepted: cookie..."

I set up the server with the local tutorial / LAN Setup.

ans i edited clients service.ini to "[GT]AUTHENTIC_DOMAIN=" I tried my internal ipv4, too.


I used the stable versions (
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Hey, I followed the guide to a T! And the .bats load up nicely but I'm having and issue when I start the launcher and login it says "Failed to init security" using nemesis desert client,not sure how to find the actual version tho :O. Thanks for any help! I'll post a solution if I find one :).

EDIT: Fixed it! installing the AIO runtimes and RESTARTING the computer lol, that's *important*! Good luck everyone, thank you for the awesome thread :D.
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If anybody got an JNI error with the loginserver bat file. This solved it for me:

Additionaly you need to edit the "AUTHENTIC_DOMAIN" in the service.ini from the client as well to
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Any fix to the JNI issue ? I tried redownload Java and that didn't work then tried the fix philz90 suggested still didn't fix the issue appearing in Loginserver.bin and Gameserver.bin

Fixed: I uninstalled all the java applications and downloaded the latest Java SE kit and that fixed the problem.

New Issue: When my friend try to connect to me he reach the world select when he select it stops at processing and then crashes. any help would be appreciated
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I have an issue with gameserver

EDIT: oh wait, please ignore this, i'm just stupid LOL
Help, i don't know if it's an client oder server error (running on same maschine):

When I try to connect to the server "Serendia" (only server) via double LMB i get an crash to desktop. When I try to connect via "Main Server: Serendia" i get a notice "Cannot access the server."

the LoginServer tells me "new connection accepted: cookie..."

I set up the server with the local tutorial / LAN Setup.

ans i edited clients service.ini to "[GT]AUTHENTIC_DOMAIN=" I tried my internal ipv4, too.


I used the stable versions (

I have the exact same issue.
Everytime I double click "Serendia" it will crashes to Desktop after 10 seconds of "Now Loading" box.

Anyone have the solution for this?

I had the same problem as you and couldn't solve it, if you can explain it to me.

EDIT : The name of directory is too long, i put the directory "NEWS19Compiled" at the root of hard drive.

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I had the same problem as you and couldn't solve it, if you can explain it to me.

EDIT : The name of directory is too long, i put the directory "NEWS19Compiled" at the root of hard drive.

You've put the files in a big folder. As you can see the syntax line is toooooo long. For example

It is on HD: T
on folder: down
inside of down: BLACKDESERT
inside of down of blackdesert: Guardian By Jin Mori
Inside of down of blackdesert of guardian by jin mori: NEW519COMPILED
inside of down of black desert of guardian by jin mori of new519compiled: gameserver
inside of down of black desert of guardian by jin mori of new519compiled of gameserver: bin

And here is the .bat where will run the server. How to fix? Put in a syntax line more near of the "T:" For example


Guild missions can't use\
when click =DC

For what version? What is your java version?

Be more specific
my cousin wants to connect to my server (archer version). got a video version for online?
my cousin wants to connect to my server (archer version). got a video version for online?

For online you just need setup same way, but open the ports 8888 and 8889 if you will open in your personal computer.
If it will be hosted into a VPS or dedicated server, just put the ipv4 of vps or dedicated server and change on service.ini client-side and have fun

I downloaded game and server from here

And followed the tutorial for offline setup, since I only wish yo goof around in the game solo.

But when I launch the game, the server comes up closed. What did I do wrong? Screen on link below.

I recommend you use the files from Archer version 223 or 2100/2260. It's more optimized and more fixed.
You can find theses files there
Thank you so much, I'll check it out.
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I dowloaded the server files and client files you recommended and followed your tutorial for a local setup, since I want to play alone, and the .bats seem to load fine ("Gameserver [Serendia] registered successfuly with ServerID=1 and ChannelID=1." and "13:20:55.396 INFO - Connected to login server successfully." so that seems good), but for some reason when I launch the game and press "Start", i get a "Failed to connect"...

Any idea how to fix it ?
Thank you for everything you do :)

EDIT: Nevermind you explained it somewhere else, I had not edited the service.ini in the client ^^'
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