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How to make a MapleStory Private Server [v62]

Newbie Spellweaver
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Xiuz, I using ur Source and find it simple and nice....

Btw how to make myself to become a gm?
Subscriber and Mod!
Loyal Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Btw how to make myself to become a gm?

Go to your my sql database and open up accounts table, in the GM column set the level you want to be
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Do what blackscarf told you while you are logged off the character.
Subscriber and Mod!
Loyal Member
Jan 1, 2009
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These are some commands

ThePack Commands

Admin Commands
For characters with a GM level of 5 or higher.

!pmob        [mobid] [mobtime] - Permanently creats a mob at that point.
!pnpc        [npc]             - Permanently creates a npc at that spot.
!sql         [command]         - Does an ingame SQL Command.
!setGMLevel  [person][level]   - Set's [person]'s GM level to [level].
!shutdown    [minutes]         - Shuts down server.
!shutdownnow                   - Shuts the server down immediately.


Super Commands
For characters with a GM level of 4 or higher.

!checkkarma [user]             - Check karma of the user.
!dcall                         - Disconnects everyone in the server.
!horntail                      - Spawns Horntail.
!givedonatorpoint [user] [num] - Gives [user] [num] donator points.
!npc [npcid]                   - Spawns a NPC [npcid].
!removenpcs [npc arraylist]    - Removes every npc in [npc arraylist].
!ringme [ringid] [user]        - Gives self a ring with [user].
!sex [user] [type] [message]   - Sends a Smega for [User] with the message [message].
!speak [user] [message]        - Makes [user] say [message].
!unban [userid]                - Unbans [user]'s IP and account.
!zakum                         - Spawns Zakum.


GM Commands
For characters with a GM Level of 3 or higher.

!anego                         - Spawns Anego.
!balrog                        - Spawns Balrogs.
!bird                          - Spawns Phoenix and Freezer.
!blackcrow                     - Spawns Black Crow.
!bob                           - Spawns Bob the Snail.
!centipede                     - Spawns Centipede.
!clone                         - Spawns Clone Bosses.
!coke                          - Spawns Coke Monsters.
!ergoth                        - Spawns Ergoth.
!franken                       - Spawns Frankensteins.
!horseman                      - Spawns Headless Horseman.
!leafreboss                    - Spawns Bosses of Leafre.
!loki                          - Spawns Loki Box.
!ludimini                      - Spawns Minibosses.
!mushmom                       - Spawns Mushmoms.
!nx                            - Spawns 10 NX Slimes.
!pap                           - Spawns Papulatus.
!papapixie                     - Spawns Papa Pixie.
!pianus                        - Spawns Pianus.
!pirate                        - Spawns Pirates.
!snackbar                      - Spawns Snack Bar.
!theboss                       - Spawns The Boss.

!str [number]                  - Sets [number] as str.
!dex [number]                  - Sets [number] as dex.
!luk [number]                  - Sets [number] as int.
!int [number]                  - Sets [number] as luk.
!ap  [number]                  - Sets [number] as ap.
!sp  [number]                  - Sets [number] as sp.
!allocate [stat] [num]         - Add [num] to the stat [stat].
!exp [number]                  - Sets [number] as exp.
!god                           - Sets Hit-Godmode.
!level [number]                - Sets [number] as level.
!maxall                        - Maxes stats.
!setall [number]               - Sets Str/Dex/Int/Luk as [number].

!exprate [num]              - Sets exp rate as [num].
!mesorate [num]             - Sets meso rate as [num].
!droprate [num]             - Sets drop rate as [num].
!bossdroprate [num]         - Sets boss drop rate as [num].
!petexprate [num]           - Sets pet exp rate to [num].
!mountexprate [num]         - Sets mount exp rate to [num].
!shopmesorate [num]         - Sets shop meso rate to [num].

!giftnx [user] [amount]        - Gifts [user] [amount] nx.
!healperson [user]             - Heals [user].
!healmap                       - Heals the whole map.
!hurt [name]                   - Sets HP/MP of name to 1.
!jobperson [person] [jobid]    - Gives [person] job with jobid [jobid].
!kill [user]                   - Kills [user].
!killeveryone                  - Kills everyone in the server.
!killmap                       - Kills everyone in your map. 
!levelperson [user] [level]    - Set's [user] to level [level].
!lolhaha [user]                - Switches the gender of [user].
!mesoperson [user] [mesos]     - Gives [user] [mesos] mesos.
!mute [person]                 - Mutes the person
!slap [person] [damage]        - Slaps [person] with [damage] damage. 
!warphere [user]               - Warps [user] to your map.
!warpmap [map]                 - warps everyone in your map to [map].
!karma [up/down] [victim]      - Raises or drops the karma of a user.

!chattype                      - Switches your GM white chat to black, or vice-versa.
!fakechar [num]                - Creates a clone of you [num] times.
!fame                          - Sets your fame to [number].
!heal                          - Heals you to max.
!job [jobid]                   - Changes your job to [job].
!levelup                       - Levels you up.
!maxall                        - Maxes all your stats.
!mesos [number]                - Adds [number] mesos to your account.
!skill [skill] [level]         - Gives you [skill] at level [level].
!warp [mapid] [portal]         - Warps you to [mapid] and portal [portal].

!ban [user] [reason]           - Ban [user].
!dc [user]                     - Disconnects [user].
!getnamebyid [id]              - Gets the name of a user with id [id].
!jail [jailnum] [user]         - Jails [user].
!unjail [user]                 - Sends [user] to Henesys.

!gmchat                        - Enables or disables GM Chat.
!gmsg [message]                - Sends all GMs [message].
!mute [type] [user]            - Mutes [user]'s [type] of chat (ex: smega, whisper).
!notice [message]              - Sends a notice to the whole server.
!removebot                     - Removes the Server Bot.
!say [message]                 - Say a message to the whole server.
!servermessage [message]       - Changes the world message.

!drop [id] [amount]            - Drops item with id [id] and amount [amount].
!droprandomstatitem [id]       - Drops item [id] with random stats.
!id [name]                     - Searches IDs.
!item [id] [amount]            - Gains item with id [id] and amount [amount].

!charinfo [user]               - Gets Character info.
!connected                     - Shows how many people are connected to the server.
!pos                           - Shows your position in your map.
!whereami                      - Shows what map you are in.
!whosthere                     - Shows who's in the map.

!cancelBuffs [user]            - Cancels buffs of [user].
!cleardrops                    - Clears all drops on the map. 
!clock [time]                  - Creates a clock with time limit [time].
!fakerelog                     - Fake relogs your character.
!event                         - Starts an event in your map.
!killall                       - Kill all monsters in the map.
!killallmany                   - Kill all the monsters in your map and others' maps.
!openshop [shop]               - Opens a shop with id [shop].
!saveall                       - Saves the server.
!showMonsterID [mob]           - Shows monster id of [mob].
!spawn [mob] [amount]          - Spawns [amount] of monster [mob].


Intern Commands
Only available for GM Level of 2 or higher.

!glimmer                       - Opens a shop that sells NLC items.
!gmshop                        - Opens the GM Shop.
!maple                         - Opens a shop that sells maple items.
!misc                          - Opens a shop with chairs, gloves and rare items.
!sbag                          - Opens the summon bag shop.
!scroll                        - Opens the scroll shop.
!cheaters                      - Shows the cheaters in the server. 
!map [mapid]                   - Warps you to [mapid].


Donator Commands
Only available for GM level of 1 or higher.

!buffme                        - Gives you a variety of buffs.
!online                        - Shows how many people are online.
!goto [map]                    - Go to [map].


Player Commands
Available for all players.

@bot                          - Helps you with the server bot.
@checkkarma                   - Shows how much karma you have.
@credits                      - Shows Credits.
@dispose                      - Use if you're stuck.
@emo                          - Kill yourself.
@expfix                       - This resets your exp to 0.
@fmnpc                        - Opens Shanks.
@help                         - This shows all the player commands.
@karma [raise/drop] [user]    - Raises or drops [user's] karma (costs 1 karma to do, 40 needed to use command)
@rebirth                      - Does Reborn/Rebirth at level 200+.
@save                         - Saves your data.
@str [num]                    - Adds [num] str.
@dex [num]                    - Adds [num] dex.
@int [num]                    - Adds [num] int.
@luk [num]                    - Adds [num] luk.
@version                      - Shows Version.
@warphere [player]            - Warps [player] to your map, need 5 karma to use.
Initiate Mage
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
This Is a noob question ! ><
Im new in making servers,
I just wanna ask, how do we remove NPCs in a certain map!
Subscriber and Mod!
Loyal Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Well it depends how you put the npc there. In the xml , it will take some work, But if you did !npc its easy.

Go to the map Id e.g. 910000000 in mysql browser , find the npc column spawn table and highlight that row and delete all the npcs. restart and it should be good
Initiate Mage
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Well it depends how you put the npc there. In the xml , it will take some work, But if you did !npc its easy.

Go to the map Id e.g. 910000000 in mysql browser , find the npc column spawn table and highlight that row and delete all the npcs. restart and it should be good

Thanks, I got it to work, And btw, I have somee shops problems :x,
When I Make Meteorite1, A Shop, Selling Power elixers, Summoning rocks, It sells Suits for wedding :O
And How Do We Make An all In One Shop ? :X
Initiate Mage
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Xiu.

I keep edditing the the commands from the folder but nothing happens. Wonder how to change commands at ur source.

may i have some tips pls. :?:
Initiate Mage
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
I entered that, press ok, then the program stops working, then says:
"Application error

Exception EInvaildOperation in module MySQLQueryBrowser.exe
at 0007ccee
Cannot focus a disabled or invisable window."

Than I press ok, and says:

Runtime error 216 0040417a"

I press ok, and then it goes away, but yeah thats it, I have everything running, I followed the guide. I don't know if it is something I did wrong... I'm sure I did everything right... Well I'll check back tomorrow morning. Thanks for the help in advance. ^^

Try this:
Click the [...] box then click 'new connection'.
Connection: 'XiuzSource'
Username: 'root'
Password: ''
Hotname: 'localhost'
Port: '3306'
Schema: 'xiuzsource'

Then click apply.
Try what I said before again.

It still doesn't work for me. I am running on x64 Vista. :(
It just says: "This program has stopped working"
and then the same thing as paranoid kid.

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------

nvm i found the problem
you cant open it directly from c:/xiuzsource/sql/xiuzsource
you have to open mysql query browser first and then you put in the info ^^

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

XiuzSu - How to make a MapleStory Private Server [v62] - RaGEZONE Forums

can anyone help me with that?


Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2009
Reaction score
How do I create characters?
Initiate Mage
Sep 27, 2009
Reaction score
Its a good guide, and it works =)

Just one question though, can i make this server public?
If so, how do i do it?
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Xiu.

I keep edditing the the commands from the folder but nothing happens. Wonder how to change commands at ur source.

may i have some tips pls. :?:

You need a program called Netbeans to edit the source, look for a guide related to Netbeans or Compiling.

It still doesn't work for me. I am running on x64 Vista. :(
It just says: "This program has stopped working"
and then the same thing as paranoid kid.

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------

nvm i found the problem
you cant open it directly from c:/xiuzsource/sql/xiuzsource
you have to open mysql query browser first and then you put in the info ^^

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

XiuzSu - How to make a MapleStory Private Server [v62] - RaGEZONE Forums

can anyone help me with that?

Make sure you used the Java files for 64bit OS, as well as double check the file placement, that is
very important.

How do I create characters?

Open the localhost and log in to an account and make one?

Its a good guide, and it works =)

Just one question though, can i make this server public?
If so, how do i do it?

In the world.properties file where you see put your servers IP address, then edit
the localhost with your servers IP address and give it to your community. I believe there are a few
guides for hexing your localhost.
Initiate Mage
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
ty xiu, ur source is very nice =)
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Initiate Mage
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
I did download x64 version of Java and I made sure than I was running on a x64 Vista. It still doesn't work. ):
I'm confused


Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry, my bad. I meant, how do I create accounts? Every time I add them to xiuzsource > accounts on MySQL Query Browser, it never saves and I get the default settings back.
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
I did download x64 version of Java and I made sure than I was running on a x64 Vista. It still doesn't work. ):
I'm confused

I've never seen that error before so I would advice you to unistall java and install it back.
Then place the files again, and try running the server.

Sorry, my bad. I meant, how do I create accounts? Every time I add them to xiuzsource > accounts on MySQL Query Browser, it never saves and I get the default settings back.

Do you have a registration page?
There's an auto-register feature on the source you could use by activating it on world.pro.

Remember that when you edit an account you cannot be logged in it for the changes to take place.


Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you so much XiuzSu. Your fast replies and reliable sources are awesome! I'm one of your biggest fans now. :p:
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