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How To Make A MapleStory v117 (ExiledMS Based) Private Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
So, I can't use I have to check @ ipchicken.com (or some other) and use that IP? If so, thanks.

EDIT; I didn't port forward anything yet, this is just for localhost (testing).

If you're not using hamachi then yes, IP chicken and use that. Port forwarding is only when you want your friends to come and play.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I used my wan ip in the launcher but it still says "We are unable to connect to the login server due to a server check, a firewall block or other network issues."

Experienced Elementalist
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I used my wan ip in the launcher but it still says "We are unable to connect to the login server due to a server check, a firewall block or other network issues."


Disable your anti-virus, your firewall and anything else that might be blocking it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
kms works on windows 8 easily but the v117 sources i cannot get it working on windows 8. keeps saying outdated then i use a different client it says cannot connect.
Initiate Mage
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
Any idea how to solve this? It came out after i launch the .bat

ERRORcom.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving u
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at server.Start.run(Start.java:37)
at server.Start.main(Start.java:126)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at server.ServerProperties.<clinit>(ServerProperties.java:30)
... 2 more
Press any key to continue . .
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
do not work here, netbeans do not compile .

Deleting: C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\build\built-jar.properties
Updating property file: C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\build\built-jar.properties
Compiling 405 source files to C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\build\classes
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:3171: illegal start of type
Map<Skill, SkillEntry> list = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:3393: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> list = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:3415: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> list = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:3465: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> newL = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:3978: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skilz = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:8060: illegal start of type
final Map<Byte, Integer> eq = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacter.java:8170: illegal start of type
Map<MapleStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleStat.class);
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:38: illegal start of type
private Map<Integer, CardData> cards = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // order
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:39: illegal start of type
private List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> skills = new LinkedList<>(); // id, level
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:57: illegal start of type
List<Integer> cardids1 = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:58: illegal start of type
List<Integer> cardids2 = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:65: illegal start of type
skills.add(new Pair<>(skillData.getMid(), skillData.getRight()));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:74: illegal start of type
skills.add(new Pair<>(skillData.getMid(), skillData.getRight()));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:86: illegal start of type
skills.add(new Pair<>(ii, GameConstants.getSkillLevel(lowD1))); // we can have more than 1 unique skills
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:88: illegal start of type
skills.add(new Pair<>(CharacterCardFactory.getInstance().getRankSkill(lowD1), 1));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:93: illegal start of type
skills.add(new Pair<>(ii, GameConstants.getSkillLevel(lowD2)));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleCharacterCards.java:95: illegal start of type
skills.add(new Pair<>(CharacterCardFactory.getInstance().getRankSkill(lowD2), 1));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleClient.java:105: illegal start of type
private Map<Integer, Pair<Short, Short>> charInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\MapleClient.java:156: illegal start of type
charInfo.put(chr.getId(), new Pair<>(chr.getLevel(), chr.getJob())); // to be used to update charCards
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:59: illegal start of type
private Map<Integer, Integer> setHandling = new HashMap<>(), skillsIncrement = new HashMap<>(), damageIncrease = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:59: illegal start of type
private Map<Integer, Integer> setHandling = new HashMap<>(), skillsIncrement = new HashMap<>(), damageIncrease = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:59: illegal start of type
private Map<Integer, Integer> setHandling = new HashMap<>(), skillsIncrement = new HashMap<>(), damageIncrease = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:60: illegal start of type
private EnumMap<Element, Integer> elemBoosts = new EnumMap<>(Element.class);
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:61: illegal start of type
private List<Equip> durabilityHandling = new ArrayList<>(), equipLevelHandling = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:61: illegal start of type
private List<Equip> durabilityHandling = new ArrayList<>(), equipLevelHandling = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:206: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> sData = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:2506: illegal start of type
List<Equip> all = new ArrayList<>(equipLevelHandling);
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:2549: illegal start of type
List<Equip> all = new ArrayList<>(durabilityHandling);
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\PlayerStats.java:3340: illegal start of type
return new Pair<>(localmaxhp_x, localmaxmp_x);
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\CommandProcessor.java:58: illegal start of type
ArrayList<String> cL = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:90: '{' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_customlife (dataid, f, hide, fh, cy, rx0, rx1, type, x, y, mid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:90: ')' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_customlife (dataid, f, hide, fh, cy, rx0, rx1, type, x, y, mid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:90: ';' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_customlife (dataid, f, hide, fh, cy, rx0, rx1, type, x, y, mid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:88: 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'
try {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:110: 'else' without 'if'
} else {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:146: '{' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_customlife (dataid, f, hide, fh, cy, rx0, rx1, type, x, y, mid, mobtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:146: ')' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_customlife (dataid, f, hide, fh, cy, rx0, rx1, type, x, y, mid, mobtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:146: ';' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_customlife (dataid, f, hide, fh, cy, rx0, rx1, type, x, y, mid, mobtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:144: 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'
try {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:166: 'else' without 'if'
} else {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\client\messages\commands\AdminCommand.java:360: reached end of file while parsing
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\constants\OccupationConstants.java:93: illegal start of type
return new Pair<>(chance, drops);
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\InventoryHandler.java:442: illegal start of type
final List<StructItemOption> pots = new LinkedList<>(ii.getAllSocketInfo(rank).values());
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\InventoryHandler.java:476: illegal start of type
final List<List<StructItemOption>> pots = new LinkedList<>(ii.getAllPotentialInfo().values());
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\InventoryHandler.java:990: illegal start of type
final List<StructItemOption> pots = new LinkedList<>(ii.getAllSocketInfo(rank).values());
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\InventoryHandler.java:2297: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> sa = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\InventoryHandler.java:2580: illegal start of type
final List<StructItemOption> pots = new LinkedList<>(ii.getAllSocketInfo(rank).values());
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\InventoryHandler.java:3450: illegal start of type
final List<String> lines = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\ItemMakerHandler.java:691: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> sa = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\MobHandler.java:106: illegal start of type
/* 122 */ final List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> unk3 = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\MobHandler.java:112: illegal start of type
/* 148 */ final List<Integer> unk2 = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\MovementParse.java:37: illegal start of type
final List<LifeMovementFragment> res = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\PlayersHandler.java:535: illegal start of type
final List<Integer> newDrops = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\PlayersHandler.java:675: illegal start of type
List<Pair<Integer, String>> players1 = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\channel\handler\PlayersHandler.java:677: illegal start of type
players1.add(new Pair<>(players.get(xx).getId(), players.get(xx).getName()));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:49: '{' expected
try (PreparedStatement ipc = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SessionIP FROM accounts WHERE SessionIP = ?")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:49: ')' expected
try (PreparedStatement ipc = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SessionIP FROM accounts WHERE SessionIP = ?")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:49: ';' expected
try (PreparedStatement ipc = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SessionIP FROM accounts WHERE SessionIP = ?")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:54: '{' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts (name, password, email, birthday, macs, SessionIP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:54: ')' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts (name, password, email, birthday, macs, SessionIP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:54: ';' expected
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts (name, password, email, birthday, macs, SessionIP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:53: 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'
try {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:73: 'catch' without 'try'
} catch (SQLException ex) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:73: ')' expected
} catch (SQLException ex) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:73: not a statement
} catch (SQLException ex) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:73: ';' expected
} catch (SQLException ex) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:49: 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'
try (PreparedStatement ipc = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SessionIP FROM accounts WHERE SessionIP = ?")) {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:47: 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'
try {
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\AutoRegister.java:77: reached end of file while parsing
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:170: illegal start of type
final Map<Integer, Integer> cids = new LinkedHashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:258: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:264: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss1 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:272: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss2 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:278: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss3 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:284: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss4= new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:290: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss5 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:306: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss6 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:337: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss7 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:361: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss8 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:369: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss9 = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\login\handler\CharLoginHandler.java:491: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\handling\world\CharacterTransfer.java:81: illegal start of type
public final Map<Integer, CardData> cardsInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\scripting\NPCConversationManager.java:572: illegal start of type
final List<StructItemOption> pots = new LinkedList<>(ii.getAllSocketInfo(grade).values());
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\scripting\NPCConversationManager.java:678: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills = new HashMap<>(getPlayer().getSkills());
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\scripting\NPCConversationManager.java:679: illegal start of type
final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> newList = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\scripting\NPCConversationManager.java:1559: illegal start of type
HashMap<Skill, SkillEntry> sa = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\scripting\NPCConversationManager.java:1569: illegal start of type
HashMap<Skill, SkillEntry> sa = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\scripting\NPCConversationManager.java:1604: illegal start of type
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CashItemFactory.java:27: illegal start of type
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> openBox = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CashItemFactory.java:83: illegal start of type
List<Integer> availableSN = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CashItemFactory.java:93: illegal start of type
availableSN = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CashItemFactory.java:104: illegal start of type
availableSN = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CashItemFactory.java:113: illegal start of type
availableSN = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:49: illegal start of type
private final Map<Integer, Integer> cardEffects = new HashMap<>(); // cardid, skillid
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:50: illegal start of type
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> uniqueEffects = new HashMap<>(); // skillid, cardids
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:86: illegal start of type
return new Triple<>((skillid - 71000000), skillid, GameConstants.getSkillLevel(level));
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:90: illegal start of type
final List<Integer> uis = new LinkedList<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:114: illegal start of type
Map<Integer, CardData> cards = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // order
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:152: illegal start of type
Map<Integer, Pair<Short, Short>> chars = new HashMap<>();
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Desktop\ExiledMS\src\server\CharacterCardFactory.java:160: illegal start of type
chars.put(rs.getInt("id"), new Pair<>(rs.getShort("level"), rs.getShort("job")));
100 errors
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\nbproject\build-impl.xml:603: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\nbproject\build-impl.xml:245: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
FALHA NA CONSTRUÇÃO (tempo total: 3 segundos)
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
kms works on windows 8 easily but the v117 sources i cannot get it working on windows 8. keeps saying outdated then i use a different client it says cannot connect.

v117 Isn't compatible with windows 8, you'll have to update your source to v117.2


Initiate Mage
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone able to help with this issue that im facing with?
Everything is working fine except when i tried to start the game.
With IP address set to , i am still not able to connect to the server despite it running perfectly fine.
Skilled Illusionist
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
People please, if you need help open a thread in the help section as more people are able to help with your issues there.
Also, please use the search function before posting a question, many of the questions here have been answered multiple times.

Any idea how to solve this? It came out after i launch the .bat

ERRORcom.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving u
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at server.Start.run(Start.java:37)
at server.Start.main(Start.java:126)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at server.ServerProperties.<clinit>(ServerProperties.java:30)
... 2 more
Press any key to continue . .

Make sure WAMP is fully online(green).

do not work here, netbeans do not compile .

100 errors
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\nbproject\build-impl.xml:603: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Cleviojr\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ExiledMSv117\nbproject\build-impl.xml:245: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
FALHA NA CONSTRUÇÃO (tempo total: 3 segundos)

Make sure you added the jar files as dependencies.
Use spoiler tags/code tags if you have a long wall of text next time.

Anyone able to help with this issue that im facing with?
Everything is working fine except when i tried to start the game.
With IP address set to , i am still not able to connect to the server despite it running perfectly fine.

Possibly due to you having the wrong version of the JCE files, do a check.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
If I were to let someone else play do I need to give them my hamachi id and pass? Once more question, do I need to give him/her the LEN-basic_v115.1 files from my folder, plus the launcher?
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 18, 2013
Reaction score
If I were to let someone else play do I need to give them my hamachi id and pass? Once more question, do I need to give him/her the LEN-basic_v115.1 files from my folder, plus the launcher?

You need them to join your Hamachi network, and give them the LEN files with LEN.ini changed to redirect to your Hamachi IP.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
Apologies for the bump,

I've an issue with the character changing (to a seemingly random) facial expression while it's walking. How can I remove this "feature" or fix this bug?

Y Squared - How To Make A MapleStory v117 (ExiledMS Based) Private Server - RaGEZONE Forums
Initiate Mage
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
What am i suppose to do with this ?
8 Tablespace for table '`accounts`' exists . Please DISCARD the tablespace before import ? o_O DO HELP ME OUT .
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
how to do a job advance in this version? talking to NPC the quest just wont work, thanks