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How to Set Up a Multilingual Aion Private Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
hi all ragezone

new server AC4.5.0.15 FULL SERVER

contains server 4 languages

CN & DE & EN & SN

aion full server ac 4.5 4 languages

Server files + jdk-7u45-windows-x64 + mysql-5.1.72-winx64 + Navicat + npp.6.3...

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opne ... config security.properties

# ===================================
# ===================================

# Activation of anti Art-Money:
# Default: true
gameserver.security.artmoney.enable = true

# Time in minutes that the user will be jailed to use Art-Money:
# Default: 30000=20days
gameserver.security.artmoney.time = 30000

# ----- Anti-Hack Service -----
# Default: false
gameserver.security.antihack.invis = true

# Enable\disable validation for illegal teleportation
# Default: false
gameserver.security.antihack.teleportation = true

# Enable\disable validation for speed increase client inject
# Default: false
gameserver.security.antihack.speedhack = true

# Speedhack detect counter
# Default: 1
gameserver.security.antihack.speedhack.counter = 1

# Enable\disable validation for ignoring abnormals hack
# Default: false
gameserver.security.antihack.abnormal = true

# Abnormal hack alarm counter
# 0 will not allow hackers to move at all, but will logg some unguilty players (don't use this with punish = 3!)
# Default: 1
gameserver.security.antihack.abnormal.counter = 1

# Punishment
# 0 - add log record
# 1 - log and put cheater back on last known position
# 2 - log and put cheater back on last known position (after 'speedhack.counter * 3' kick player from game)
# 3 - log and kick player from game
# Default: 0
gameserver.security.antihack.punish = 3

# Kick players using speed hack
# Default: true
gameserver.kick.speedhack.enable = true

# Ping minimun Interval to consider speed hack
# Default: 100000
gameserver.kick.speedhack.pinginterval = 100000

# ----------------------------
# No-Animation config's:
# ----------------------------
# Check for No-Animation Hacks
# Default: false
gameserver.security.noanimation = true

# Enable kicking player if no animation hack detected
# Default: false
gameserver.security.noanimation.kick = false

# minimum values before kick player for no animation hack (client time / Server Time)
# Default: 0.1f
gameserver.security.noanimation.value = 0.1

# Enable Motion Time
# Default: true
gameserver.security.motion.time.enable = true

# Enable pre-buy checking broker item
# Default: true
gameserver.security.broker.prebuy = true

# Enable fly teleport validator
# Default: false
gameserver.security.validation.flypath = false

# Surveys validation time (test)
# Default: 20
gameserver.security.survey.delay.minute = 20

# Check if player have key for enter in Instance
# Portal key check
# Default: false
gameserver.security.instance.keycheck = false

Skype ; aissoubenzo
yahoo : aissoubenzo@yahoo.com
facbook :
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score

Need Admin commands

//admin no work

Thanks for listening
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
cant get this to work on lan or net like i did my other sever any help? and thank you for the files
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
I have a doubt.

31/08/2014 05: 04: 04,952 INFO [pool-2-thread-13] gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection [LoginServerConnection.java: 171] sending packet: 0xFF SM_PING
31/08/2014 05: 04: 34.952 INFO [pool-2-thread-13] gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection [LoginServerConnection.java: 171] sending packet: 0xFF SM_PING
31/08/2014 05: 05: 04,965 INFO [pool-2-thread-16] gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection [LoginServerConnection.java: 171] sending packet: 0xFF SM_PING

31/08/2014 02: 04: 34.989 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsConnection [GsConnection.java: 106] recived packet: null
31/08/2014 02: 05: 28.764 WARN [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsPacketHandler [GsPacketHandler.java: 122] Unknown packet recived from Game Server: state = 0xFF AUTHED
31/08/2014 02: 05: 28.764 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsConnection [GsConnection.java: 106] recived packet: null
31/08/2014 02: 05: 34.967 WARN [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsPacketHandler [GsPacketHandler.java: 122] Unknown packet recived from Game Server: state = 0xFF AUTHED
31/08/2014 02: 05: 34.967 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsConnection [GsConnection.java: 106] recived packet: null

The server is giving small break all the time. It is this error or normal?
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
it plays just fine for me so i dont think there is anything wrong, i just cant get to work on lan for some reason
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score

Need Admin commands

//admin no work

Thanks for listening

//add [Optional : Charactername] [ItemID] [Quantity]<br>
//addset [SetID]<br>
//addskill [SkillID] [SkillLevel]<br>
//addtitle [TitleID] [PlayerName]<br>
//addexp [Exp]<br>
//addtitle [Id] [PlayerName]<br>
//kinah [Player] [Quantity]<br>
//remove [Player] [ItemID] [Quantity]
//notice [Message]
//announcefaction [Ely | Asmo] [Message]<br>
//announce [Anonymous | Name] [Message]<br>
  • <br>
    //announcements add [faction: ELYOS | ASMODIANS | ALL] [type: SYSTEM | WHITE | ORANGE | SHOUT | YELLOW] [delay in seconds] [message]<br>
    //announcements delete [Id]<br>
    //wc [Ely | Asm | All | Default] [Message]
    //ban [Player] [Account | Ip | Full] [Time in Minutes]<br>
    //unban [Player] [Account | Ip | Full]<br>
    //banchar [Player] [Days | 0] [Reason]<br>
    //unbanchar [Player]<br>
    //banip [Ip] [Time in Minutes]<br>
    //unbanip [Ip]<br>
    //banmac [Mac] [Time in Minutes]<br>
    //unbanmac [Mac]<br>
    //gag [Player] [Time in Minutes]<br>
    //ungag [Player]<br>
    //kick [Player]<br>
    //sprison [Player] [Time in Minutes] [Reason]<br>
    //rprison [Player]
    //appearance [Size | Voice | Hair | Face | Deco | Head size | Tattoo | Reset (to reset the appearance)] [Value]<br>
    //bk [Add | Del | Tele | List]<br>
    //clear [Groups | Allys | Findgroup]<br>
    //status [Alliance | Group]<br>
    //delskill [Player] [All | SkillId]<br>
    //dye [Dye color | Hex color | No]<br>
    //enemy [Players | Npcs | All | Cancel]<br>
    //neutral [Players | Npcs | All | Cancel]<br>
    //equip help [Socket | Enchant | Godstone]<br>
    //goto [Location]<br>
    //grouptome [Player]<br>
    //heal [Dp]<br>
    //kill [Target | All | [Range]]<br>
    //marry [Player 1] [Player 2]<br>
    //morph [NPC Id | Cancel]<br>
    //movie [Type] [Id]<br>
    //passkeyreset [Player] [Passkey]<br>
    //pet [Add [Pet Id] [Pet Name]<br>
    //playerinfo [Player] [Loc | Item | Group | Skill | Legion]<br>
    //rename [Player] [New Name]<br>
    //res [Target]<br>
    //time [Dawn | Day | Dusk | Night | Desired hour (number)]<br>
    //skill [Skill Id] [Skill Level]<br>
    //whisper [on for wispable | off for unwispable]
    //moveplayertoplayer [Character Name To Move] [Character Name Destination]<br>
    //moveto [World Id] [X] [Y] [Z]<br>
    //movetome [Player]<br>
    //movetomeall [All | Elyos | Asmos]<br>
    //movetonpc [Npc Id]<br>
    //movetoplayer [Player]
    //spawn [Npc Id] [Respawn Time]<br>
    //delete [Target]<br>
    //info [Target]<br>
    //dropinfo [Target]<br>
    //removecd [Target]<br>
    //npcskill [Target]
    //reload [Quest | Skill | Portal | Spawn | Commands | Drop | Gameshop]<br>
    //raw [Name]<br>
    //ranking [update]<br>
    //motion [HELP|analyze|savetosql|advanced|as]<br>
    //promote [characterName] [accesslevel | membership] [mask]<br>
    //revoke [characterName] [acceslevel | membership]<br>
    //configure [set|show] [configname] [property] [newvalue]<br>
    //channel [On | Off]<br>

    I have a doubt.

    31/08/2014 05: 04: 04,952 INFO [pool-2-thread-13] gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection [LoginServerConnection.java: 171] sending packet: 0xFF SM_PING
    31/08/2014 05: 04: 34.952 INFO [pool-2-thread-13] gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection [LoginServerConnection.java: 171] sending packet: 0xFF SM_PING
    31/08/2014 05: 05: 04,965 INFO [pool-2-thread-16] gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection [LoginServerConnection.java: 171] sending packet: 0xFF SM_PING

    31/08/2014 02: 04: 34.989 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsConnection [GsConnection.java: 106] recived packet: null
    31/08/2014 02: 05: 28.764 WARN [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsPacketHandler [GsPacketHandler.java: 122] Unknown packet recived from Game Server: state = 0xFF AUTHED
    31/08/2014 02: 05: 28.764 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsConnection [GsConnection.java: 106] recived packet: null
    31/08/2014 02: 05: 34.967 WARN [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsPacketHandler [GsPacketHandler.java: 122] Unknown packet recived from Game Server: state = 0xFF AUTHED
    31/08/2014 02: 05: 34.967 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher] loginserver.network.gameserver.GsConnection [GsConnection.java: 106] recived packet: null

    The server is giving small break all the time. It is this error or normal?

    opne StartGS config

    java -Xms5000m -Xmx6000m -XX:MaxNewSize=3072m -XX:NewSize=3072m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseSplitVerifier -ea -Xbootclasspath/p:./libs/jsrc.jar -Xbootclasspath/p:./libs/jsr166-1.0.0.jar -javaagent:./libs/AJ-Commons.jar -cp ./libs/*;./libs/CERBERUS-GS.jar gameserver.GameServer %LANGUAGE%


    Need Admin commands

    //admin no work

    Thanks for listening

    config start aion lenchr
    echo off
    echo Starting Aion ...

    if exist L10N\DEU\DEU.pak (
    start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:deu -noweb -nowebshop -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

    ) else if exist L10N\ENG\ENG.pak (
    start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:eng -noweb -nowebshop -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

    ) else if exist L10N\ENU\ENU.pak (
    start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:1 -lang:enu -noweb -nowebshop -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

    ) else if exist L10N\FRA\FRA.pak (
    start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:fra -noweb -nowebshop -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

    ) else if exist L10N\RUS\RUS.pak (
    start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:7 -lang:rus -noweb -nowebshop -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

    ) else (
    echo Aion folder not found or unsupported language.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you for your attention aissoubenzo

sending packets not stopped.
but small breaks yes.

Quest error: Quest 2073 Captured Comrades. The quest stop in Captured Comrades Prisioner. (_2073CapturedComrades.java)

So far is the best 4.5 I've seen here in ragezone.
Great work thx all.
Initiate Mage
Sep 3, 2014
Reaction score
where is there actually the "setup" hes using in the vid?
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
What client do i use for this server?
Right now i'm using Gameforge client,but everything is fine except i get the client regional code error.
I tried it also on -cc1 and it isn't available in my country that way.

Should i use NCSoft client?
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
What client do i use for this server?
Right now i'm using Gameforge client,but everything is fine except i get the client regional code error.
I tried it also on -cc1 and it isn't available in my country that way.

Should i use NCSoft client?
Gameforge = 2
NCSoft = 1
you need config server

AC-GS\config\EN\main opne gameserver.properties

# Server Country Code(cc) South Korea=0 US=1 France=2 China=5 Taiwan=6
# Default: 1
gameserver.country.code = 2
Initiate Mage
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
any way to disable auto-create accounts?

also, what's the password encryption? it can be implemented over PHP for a website?

Also, the black cloud market does not show up, and it opens a link to aiononline.com, any fix on that?
When I click the in-game shop (black cloud market) over game server appears "unknown packet recived from client"...

Also, npc shops all empty: and if you try to sell items, you get an empty window which makes your items disappear (but they're still here) and if you click over sell button you actually get the amount of kinah, any fix for that?



Fixed the NPC stores, now they show correctly.

Got the ingameshop to show, but it does not work properly, if you click an item, it won't let you buy it, actually, nothing happens, even if you click gift.

Still need to disable account auto-creation.

Bug: The system mail does not work properly (mails does not show up)

Bug: If you turn on geodata, it makes the game server crash with outofmemory error and many "duplicate warnings"


ingameshop fixed and now working.

Successfully disabled auto-create accounts, but still need to solve the geodata crash
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