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Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom

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Aug 26, 2010
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Okay so I didn't want to release too much stuff since everyone would have the same stuff. But since this will be in Chinese you'll have to work hard too translate the new files. A Chinese sharing site has released something similar too my EliteJD client.
I'll give you the English description below the pictures.
Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums

Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums

Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums

Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums

Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums

Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums
Henmoro - Jade Dynasty 3 files 2.2.5> 1.3.6 + Custom - RaGEZONE Forums

File's include Jade Dynasty 3 features, with the Divine realm map, Celan and Rayan fashions and weapons usable via human race.
Customized weapons. Upgraded UI. and much more!
File may contain a password. If it does then the password is somewhere in a *.txt file in the file download!
Password will most likely be a url.
Download 1:
Download Mirror:

Hope you enjoy!
Oct 28, 2011
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Thank you :-D Will play around with this one as well.

This ISBN matches that of Basic Client... Nice.

Graphics looking great.

The only Chinese - Simplified Han that I know like my own name is:
Female, male and of course >.< "Binds when equipped." As I've only just translated over the 6000 items in the equipment list on elements.data. :-/
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Aug 26, 2010
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Thank you :-D Will play around with this one as well.

This ISBN matches that of Basic Client... Nice.

Graphics looking great.

The only Chinese - Simplified Han that I know like my own name is:
Female, male and of course >.< "Binds when equipped." As I've only just translated over the 6000 items in the equipment list on elements.data. :-/

I speak Chinese so I have a advantage :p, Though due too Personal issue's I no longer run a server :)
Oct 28, 2011
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I'm very critical of my own work and enjoy putting these together. I'm not out to be the next big deal. Just enjoy this game a lot, so I've been investing a ton of time into the client, server and even operating systems the server is hosted by. Takes 20 minutes to scrape over and setup from one OS to another if I've setup my dependencies and have the OS prepped for planting of the crucial files.
Been migrating a small group of friends back from one to the other by copying the gamedbd, toplist, uniquenamed sub folders housing their characters and keep login server in mysql by itself on what I'm calling the temporary login server. Testing failing over or load balancing multiple VM environments using physical partitions cloned from an original as the "vhd" so to speak inside the VM. These cloned partition/drive-so-to-speak only need couple of changes. IP address and /usr/rain/glinkd g1-g11. pretty much that straight forward.

Lots of fun on this project. If I may be of any assistance, don't hesitate to ask (goes for anyone). I'm hoping to see more activity in this subforum.

I had to have my fileserve.com account import these two since they kept dropping.

The links are below... @Henmoro if you wish these to be removed no worries my friend, just let me know or edit out the links. ;-)

first file link:

same file secondary link:
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Aug 26, 2010
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The files you will gain in this release will help modify your current client.
You can gain the 1.3.6 client in almost any client guide here in this section.
This file is different from the other release in many ways, this has released jd3 skin, custom weapons etc.
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 7, 2011
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Does not work. Well, not really. The LOVEMC.7z worked. But once you patch the MC--.7z does not, the client crashed while loading....not even get to the login screen :(
Aug 26, 2010
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Does not work. Well, not really. The LOVEMC.7z worked. But once you patch the MC--.7z does not, the client crashed while loading....not even get to the login screen :(

It's not the file's, The files work. If they didn't they wouldn't be permitted to be on the sharing website that it's on.
A simple copy and paste won't help you. You need to know the files before trying to add them randomly to your game client.
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 7, 2011
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I patched with the patch program that does automatically added to the specific file(s) into elements folder. Which the files are under .7z, and in that .7z contains folders/subfolders/files that tells the patch program where to patch/add to.
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Aug 26, 2010
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I patched with the patch program that does automatically added to the specific file(s) into elements folder. Which the files are under .7z, and in that .7z contains folders/subfolders/files that tells the patch program where to patch/add to.

Depending on the error's you my need to bck trak where it gives the error at and examine it :)
Permanent Lurker
Jul 3, 2004
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Thank! But do you where/what files I need to edit the npcs/quests names/descriptions into english?:?:

i don't do dev anymore, i merely translated your error into english for you since i came across it while browsing RZ for new games.

therefore, i can't help you. however, i would believe that quest names/descriptions can be edited from task.data.

the chinese task editor Henmoro provided is written in delphi, if someone can spare time to translate it, it would be good. other than that, it works perfectly.

as for custom quests, i think there is only one server with custom quests that u can find. server name is Age of Chaos, owner is i don't know who.

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 20, 2005
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it's this JD LEGACY files? sorry maybe the Chinese call them different from their official web site :)

JD 3 looks cool hope someone can translated all and make a guide for setting up this the easy way as Henmoro does :)

Thank you Henmoro for dig this up :)

does this ones require the same Memory(RAM) to host it too? 1 GIG to 1.5 GIG RAM?
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