K5 compile & Debug Tantra

This guy is working hard and I am watching hard as well with his work. I wonder how far Tantra go with this recent development.

Yes! I hope he will released the source k5 for us to continue tantra development !
This guy is working hard and I am watching hard as well with his work. I wonder how far Tantra go with this recent development.

I don't know what you mean with "working hard", but if is because he shows a video where he compile DBSRV and ZONESRV, I will tell you that anyone who have those sources files can do that, and believe me, is not hard work at all.

The HARD WORK will be: to add on those sources files (k5) the code added by Hanbit on k6.2 (last release made by Hanbit), for example: those source files don't have the code for the BOARDS, the Pets, and a lot more.
I don't know what you mean with "working hard", but if is because he shows a video where he compile DBSRV and ZONESRV, I will tell you that anyone who have those sources files can do that, and believe me, is not hard work at all.

The HARD WORK will be: to add on those sources files (k5) the code added by Hanbit on k6.2 (last release made by Hanbit), for example: those source files don't have the code for the BOARDS, the Pets, and a lot more.

Whatever bro. These things we ordinary people seeing is not normal to us, especially from tandev01. So don't blame me I called this hard work :). I am only an ordinary citizen.

Now I understand why master_unknown answer the way he does.

If what he shows is "NOT NORMAL" that only means that you have never compiled a program.
And I was not blaming you, I was just saying that compiling an existing code is not a hard work, and if by any chance you found those source files, add them on VC and compile it, then you will understand what I was trying to say.

Now I understand why @master_unknown answer the way he does.

If what he shows is "NOT NORMAL" that only means that you have never compiled a program.
And I was not blaming you, I was just saying that compiling an existing code is not a hard work, and if by any chance you found those source files, add them on VC and compile it, then you will understand what I was trying to say.

Hahaha...Whatever dearest GM Black a.k.a Eliana...I have nothing to brag about though..I am enjoying seeing you posting those kinds of line...Now I am going to retract my recent post and let me tell you now that its "EASY" to compile existing code if that's what you want. :)

Btw, I am excited to see your next post.

Her point was not to encourage post like OP did that is "hard work".
It never was, its just boast-posting to be honest. Nothing new.

I'm pleased to see that at least one understand my point.

Of his video the only thing that I'm curious to know is: if he managed the _Xlen and _Xran same as I did, and why he compiled DBSRV on 2013 toolset when can be compiled with 2017
And if he thinks i'm asking because im not able to compile:

And what I did to solve the the _Xlen and _Xran issue (because Microsoft changed the signature of those) was to follow Dmitry Ilukhin post in this thread:
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I'm pleased to see that at least one understand my point.

Of his video the only thing that I'm curious to know is: if he managed the _Xlen and _Xran same as I did, and why he compiled DBSRV on 2013 toolset when can be compiled with 2017
And if he thinks i'm asking because im not able to compile:

And what I did to solve the the _Xlen and _Xran issue (because Microsoft changed the signature of those) was to follow Dmitry Ilukhin post in this thread:

Apologies if that was an OP..my bad :). As I can see it its easier to watch than doing it eventhough we have the source files already.

I am talking about the thread posted by forsakendev few days ago. Hopefully you can enlighten us in compiling everything we got in here and maybe the development of Tantra will continue in the hands generous people like you.

I'm pleased to see that at least one understand my point.

Of his video the only thing that I'm curious to know is: if he managed the _Xlen and _Xran same as I did, and why he compiled DBSRV on 2013 toolset when can be compiled with 2017
And if he thinks i'm asking because im not able to compile.
42121330_2036864636336218_6543171148316672000_n - K5 compile & Debug Tantra - RaGEZONE Forums
The source code has several problems because it was written in a very old VS version. I can compile it in VS 2017 but it's not all source code of the game.
I just have DBSRV, SQLDaemon, ZONESRV, and HTLauncher. ITEMSRV and MSGSRV can be rewriten but won`t be easey.

has someone the another source code?
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View attachment 163735
The source code has several problems why it was written in a very old VS version. I can compile it in VS 2017 but it's not all source code of the game, that is not all code.
I just have DBSRV, SQLDaemon, ZONESRV, and HTLauncher. ITEMSRV and MSGSRV can be rewriten but won`t be easey.

has someone the another source code?
You mean did you try to rebuild the file that was given in this thread and succeeded (example for the DBSRV sources)?
You mean did you try to rebuild the file that was given in this thread and succeeded (example for the DBSRV sources)?

The source code which was given in this thread is the same that was published in pudn.com and ymcn.org, the source code has been in that website for long, even is the base for WYD source code(I think is the same team), but this is the first time that I built it.
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