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Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hello guys i would like to present to you our new project Wich Succesfully Running
& Listen your likes and what you love from Legacy Golden age!

nrAPIcc - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

AvAudI3 - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

Despite many MU private servers attempts, not many actually fulfilled players needs.
After 4 years of development, LegacyMY provides you the adventure that you always
dreamed of, as it was just before the The new Bot/Helpers seasons, a golden age for most players.
LegacyMu was created by Couple of friends and we are trying to bring out the best for the oldschool Lovers of MuOnline.
Legacy Mu is a Free-To-Play Global Role-Play-Game with community in all over the World! Legacy Mu Online designed the game to make our players to Experience the Real and Original Mu Online Gameplay, with No-Resets at all.
Which means that PvP & PvM are very Challenging and Balancing!
In addition Real Mu Online focusing on based Economy which gives very high value to Zen & Rare Jewels.
We are using a very strong antihack to keep the game stable & Protected

Our website has Item shop. This is not a F.O Server Players can only (Donate to support the server) Buy Seals and other Helpfull items From our Fully Work Cashshop

Join Our Facebook Event now!

moDOofk - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*RAM: 8 GB*
*Processor Speed: 2.6*
*Connection: 1 Gbps*
*Server Location: France*
*Hosted By: OVH*

SLj4Dgy - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

r8rELgW - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

iUHwTH - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Auto Laucher Updater without Req New patch Downloads*

Server Information :

*Version Season 2 Full*
*Experience : 100x*
*Drop Rate : 20%*
*Max Level : 400*
*Points Per level : 5/7*
*Excellent Drop : Default*

YS1BJsE - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Magic Gladiator : 220*
*Dark Lord : 250*

a0sLfDm - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Jewel of Bless No Luck : 65%*
*Jewel of Bless With luck : 100% *
*Jewel of Soul No Luck : 65%*
*Jewel of soul with luck : 85%*

fJVdEAb - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Combine +10 = 85%*
*Combine +11 = 80%*
*Combine +12 = 60%*
*Combine +13 = 55%*

*Wings lvl 2 max success rate: 90%*
*Dark Horse combination success rate: 60%*
*Dark Spirit combination success rate: 60%*

jWi2gNn - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

Spots List

Lorenci Spots Default GMO

Noria Spots Default GMO

Devias Spots Default
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*Elite hound* 216:216 // Devias
*Elite hound* 235:216 // Devias
*Ninja* 36:21 // Devias

*Hommerd* 36:35 // Devias

Dungeon Spots Default GMO

Atlans Spots
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*Bahamut* 25 : 44 //Atlans
*Bahamut* 33 : 46 //Atlans
*Bahamut* 26 : 53 //Atlans
*vepar* 22 : 72 //Atlans
*vepar* 27 : 86 //Atlans
*Valkyrie* 19 : 100 //Atlans
*Valkyrie* 27 : 109 //Atlans
*Great Bahamut* 215 : 66 //Atlans
*Great Bahamut* 231 : 66 //Atlans

losttower Spots
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*Shadow* 191 : 87 //Losttower
*Shadow* 198 : 114 //Losttower
*Shadow* 201 : 102 //Losttower
*Shadow* 189 : 99 //Losttower
*Poison Shadow* 210 : 101 //Losttower
*Poison Shadow* 211 : 114 //Losttower
*Devil* 133 : 47 //Losttower
*Death kNight* 124 : 48 //Losttower
*Poison Shadow* 211 : 114 //Losttower
*Death Gorgon* 356 : 59 //Losttower
*Death knight* 46 : 39 //Losttower
*Death gorgon* 42 : 99 //Losttower
*Death gorgon* 20 : 100 //Losttower
*Deatg knight* 17 : 109 //Losttower er

Aida Spots
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*Forest Orc* 107 : 14 //Aida
*Death Tree* 116 : 10 //Aida
*Death Tree* 133 : 10 //Aida
*Forest Orc* 147 : 23 //Aida
*Death Tree* 146 : 41 //Aida
*Death Tree* 146 : 41 //Aida
*Blue Golem* 173 : 174 //Aida
*Blue Golem* 163 : 154 //Aida
*death rider* 164 : 172 //Aida

Tarkan Spot
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*Mutant* 204 : 107 //Tarkan
*Mutant* 185 : 119 //Tarkan
*bloody wolf* 143 : 53 //Tarkan
*Mutant* 139 : 59 //Tarkan

Icarus Spots
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*alquamos* 13 : 36 //icarus
*alquamos* 34 : 29 //icarus
*Mega Crust* 45 : 41 //icarus
*Mega Crust* 65 : 29 //icarus

Kanturu Spots
Monster Name // Cords // Zone

*Splinder Wolf* 37 : 230 //Kanturu
*Splinder Wolf* 46 : 235 //Kanturu
*Splinder Wolf* 74 : 231 //Kanturu
*Splinder Wolf* 136 : 224 //Kanturu
*Splinder Wolf* 156 : 207 //Kanturu
*satyros* 209 : 40 //Kanturu
*blade hunter* 215 : 34 //Kanturu
*blade hunter* 219 : 49 //Kanturu
*satyros* 227 : 40 //Kanturu
*satyros* 232 : 59 //Kanturu
*Twin tale* 98 : 85 //Kanturu
*Twin tale* 98 : 104 //Kanturu
*Persona* 123 : 75 //Kanturu

A98ErWr - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Legacy - MU economy is based on Zen & Rare Jewels*
*Jewels can be found as game rewards by Heart of Love/Medals & by killing random monsters*

UFmQ1vV - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*First basic skills for each class*
*Classic Low Sets & Weapons*

eJt7RKq - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Kundun boss spawn time 6 Hours*
*Kanturu Event spwn time 6 Hours*
*Red Dragon event spawn time 3 Hours*
*Chaos Castle event spawn time 1 Hour*
*Blood Castle event spawn time 2 Hour*
*Devil Square event spawn time 2 Hour*
*White wizzard event spawn time 1 Hour*
*Skeleton King event spawn time 2 Hours*
*Golden Invasion event spawn time 2 Hours*
*Castle Siege every Satturday 19:00 Server time*
*Crywolf event everyday spawn time 12 Hours*

tSskFLm - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*Box Of Kundun +1 = Low Category Exc Items *
*Box Of Kundun +2 = Low Category Exc Items *
*Box Of Kundun +3 = Low Category Exc Items*
*Box Of Kundun +4 = Medium Category Exc Items*
*Box Of Kundun +4 = Rare Category Exc Items*

*Golden Monsters*
*2 Golden Goblin in Devias/Lorencia/Noria (Box+1)*
*3 Golden Titan in Devias1/2/3 (Box+2)*
*3 Golden Dragon in Devias/Lorencia/Noria (Box+3)*
*5 Golden Lizard King in Atlans1/2/3 (Box+4)*
*5 Golden Tantalos in Tarkan1/2 (Box+5)*

uRuF9IX - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

*[Main Commands]*
*/pkclear - clears PK stats for 5.000.000 Zen*
*/post - Chat on the global post for 1.000.000 Zen*

*/addstr /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd (Max 200 Points*
*Use your level points and add stats without clicking*

*[General Commands]*
*/GuildWar - Start a guild war with any guild*
*/battlesoccer GuildName - Start soccer fight with any one*
*/alliance - Create alliance with another guilds*

[TIP: Click M to move to other maps and click D to use many features like Party.Trade.Guild.Duel.War & more]

Server FAQ
What is LegacyMu ?
Despite many Mu private servers attempts, Not many actually fulfilled players needs. After 4 years of development, LegacyMu provides you the adventure that you always dreamed of, as it was just before the The new Bot/Helpers seasons, a golden age for most players. LegacyMu was created by Couple of friends.

Legacy Mu Era won't have any "instant X" features : everyone will start at level one.
Additionally, the server is now completely international, see below for more information.

Why should I go on LegacyMu and not another server?
Check and remind your self about nostalgia of Old school game play.

What is the release date for LegacyMu?
Comming Soon on May we are on the last configs !

What is the rate ?
Server will be low rate for Now 100x Experience and 20% Drop.

How about the low level content ?
Leveling can be sometimes difficult, and if the content is not in line with Spots and Several Monsters, it can easily turn into a nightmare. We gave a particular attention to this critical part to increase MuOnline immersion.

How about class Pvp balance ?
The class Balance is, without modesty, the most advanced today regarding what you can find the best PVP out and fixing it day by day.

How about lags ?
We trying to bring the best Host Company and The right specs for our server make some Crash / Stress tests for that.

What is your timeline ?
Please refer to the appropriate chapter
Take it as an indicative timeline, not a final one.

Is it a pay-to-win server?
There will not be any Webshop with the release date. A week later Player will be able to Donate for Cashshop items
Seals/And more

What is the official language on the server?
English, english, and english. No other language shall be allowed on forum and public channels. It's an important rule to us, and we'll be very attentive to the behaviour of our players regarding this rule.

How about role-playing ?
The staff clearly wishes to have an active RP community, since they were an integrated part of the golden age of MuOnline. It doesn't mean that we will entirely rely on players to organize events : we'll do some too, as we love roleplay
Bhood - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

Where is the server located ?
Western Europe.

How about modified clients?
Be carefull, modified clients are forbidden for now and can lead to a ban.

How about DDOS attacks?
LegacyMu has a DDOS mitigation security system delivered by our provider. We are constantly attacked by DDOS attack: none of them ever succeed.

How about cheats ?
UGK Game shield (The best out right now.) with the checks against the latest known cheats. The main thing is that this system can theoretically detect any cheat (from MPQ/DBC modifications, to packets modification, including memory modification and proc detour ...).
The ultimate anticheat

How about multi-boxing and bots ?
You're not allowed to use any form of program to control multiple characters at once. You are, however,

Can you restore a character that was deleted from an account ?
Player is fully responsible of his own account access:
* Password shall be enough complicated,
* Don't give your password to anybody,
* Connect yourself in the game from a safe place,
* Don't delete your character "for fun".

How about account trading ?
Account trading is forbidden on our server.

Will we have access to a public database ?
No database will be provided to the players. They will have to find a 1.4 database on their own (like it was back in time).

How about characters used during Beta?
The LegacyMu beta testers will NOT get their characters at server launch. We want the server to be launched like normal servers used to be, where everybody has to start from level 1. The old beta characters could still be imported, but under several hard conditions.

Is it possible to transfer my characters from another server?
Sadly no.

Beta Test Players List:
Special Thanks to the Players who Helped Out with the beta test


reward them with 50m Zen & 100 Website Credits

Server Links & Media




Dwonloads + Register!

Server Pictures:
l97oUma - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums
ZKH2TXK - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

oj0bS1R - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

a7AOeD7 - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums
9xGchFF - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

pRKZVwf - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

bKzLSdH - Legacy MU - S2 | 100x - 20% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable - RaGEZONE Forums

For questions regarding the server Feel free to Reply Here or our forums.
We will be happy to see you in-game!



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Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

Waiting for you guys!
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

Bump 1 day left!
Newbie Spellweaver
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

Nice Server ! i remember the season2 Old Games :D
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

Thats What We trying For mate :) thx a lot for your comment!! :) Good luck on your S3 Also Rocks!
Newbie Spellweaver
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

The Season2 was the most played season ever ! and they are alots of peoples still playing on s2 , so ... after meny years the players still have the pleasure of Playing good season2 i hope you will grow up in top and meny players for you guys ! LET REMEMBER S2 ! I downloaded the client to remember again , playing hard old school ! but i'm sorry i cannot play ... just i played few moment's ad i like it ! Spots and shops are perfects the exp it's incrasing well , the zen quantity it's OK ! If you like a good Hard game i recomand to everybody Legacy MU !
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

Thanks a lot for your Good Words It's true Many People Love Legacy Server (OLDSCHOOL)
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

The Golden Era Is about to Begin Some Hours left!

Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

how much left? till opening?
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Legacy MU / Season 2 / 10x No Resets / Balanced & Protected / Grand Opening 25th

Server Succesfully Running! Waiting for you Guys!
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
re: Legacy MU - S2 | 10x - 100% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable

This is awesome, I think I should play this server.. :D
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
re: Legacy MU - S2 | 10x - 100% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable

This is awesome, I think I should play this server.. :D

Thx for the Good words will be glad to see you in-game.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
re: Legacy MU - S2 | 10x - 100% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable

:( dont know why GGuard blocked my conection

Co Loi Trong Qua Trinh Thuc Thi 204
UGK GameShield
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
re: Legacy MU - S2 | 10x - 100% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable

:( dont know why GGuard blocked my conection

Co Loi Trong Qua Trinh Thuc Thi 204
UGK GameShield

Hello My friend your pc Finds the antihack as a virus turn off Antivirus and Waiting for you in - game :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
re: Legacy MU - S2 | 10x - 100% Drops | Balanced & Protected | Long Term & Stable
