let me help vm server set up (ing)

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 18, 2016
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ps, omfg mistyping (it's getting worse nowadays)
i desperately need your help :(

1. success download and unzip the torrent (files are below)

2. toclient050.exe is also ready (uninstalled now)
View attachment 159135

3. step 8,9 is done
View attachment 159134

4. step 10 is done, but where's trickster icon(=jenny's face) that is shown in the example? And what's that error message? is there something wrong?
View attachment 159133
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just wanna use card magics(not skills in the s2) like light, ice, ,fire, lightning (dunno English name of that magics)
I know s2 version is still running up as a public server that many tricksters already play (especially playtrickster) so I don't need that.
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