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Lunia Files

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
@pushedx Do you perhaps know the version of this? I might be able to get more recent files.

I don't know an exact version number of this, but based on the patches.dat, the files are from around March 12th, 2010. I've not looked at the packets yet for any useful information, but both the client and server files have dates around that for patch info. Other than that, I can't really tell.

lunia server looks great but may i ask a few questions about it?
how much Memory(Ram) I need to run it? pluses do I need MSSQL or MYSQL? please write a short guide it should helps us.. i read page 1-6 still don't know to how get this server up lol

It's hard to say without testing it on a real server with other players. Based on what I have seen in VM, I'd not try to run it on anything less than 4GB and at least a dual-core 2GHz CPU.

I'm thinking for a real server, and running everything on the same machine, you'd want quad core 2GHz+ and 8gb if not more. That's just my observation though, if you also run the web server and database from the same server, it might be perfectly fine with a lot less, but that seems doubtful.

The game uses ASP Classic and MSSQL (2005 Express Edition+). Ideally, you want Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) and IIS6. The guide I'm working on will address that setup. The files work on IIS7+ and Vista+, but it's a pain to work with and you do have to worry about the security issues of lowering 2008 and IIS7+ settings as much as you do to make it work.

I setup a Windows Server 2008 R2 VM to test some stuff, but the configuration you have to follow there is quite a bit different than if you were to do it on Vista/Win7. I didn't particularly like what I saw from working with Server 2008 and Lunia, so that's why I'm going to focus on 2003. Maybe in the future we can add more configurations.

If you are looking for just anythign to help you get started, try the Lunia (CN) again thread because it has a guide linked inside it. It's not complete, but it should at least get you started.

My guide and repack should be done "soon".

I don't think money actually dropped. Only items. I can't remember how you get money though, perhaps automatically distributed. Try translating text from system message. I'm pretty sure money never dropped, only items.

I considered that a possibility, but that's really quite unfortunate. Thanks for the information though. You can NPC items and sometimes you get coins as stage rewards after the boss battle, but it seems like money is going to be really low, aside from the quest rewards. Oh well, I guess some games are made like that.

I've been looking a little more into the web shop. It seems the money does work right, you can just edit the nCash field directly in Billing/CashPoints. A few minor tweaks and you can also access the shop from outside the client. The initial problems still remain, the ASP is really old, the CSS is old and parts are no longer supported, so pretty much a rewrite is needed. Likewise for the admin page, a few tweaks to make it display the characters correctly, but the interface is really hard to use and loading the items from the DB eats up a ton of CPU whenever you work with the page.

When it comes to the different server exes, there's actually only two unique exes. Lobby, Master, and PVP all use the same exe and Square and Stage use the same exe. The actual configs are what setup all the parts of the server. I wrote a little program to patch the Stage/Square exes at run so only one exe can be used rather than having to use separate folders. The exes are hard coded to use "config.xml" so that's why they couldn't be used in the same folder before. Now though, you can pass the config from my loader program to the exe and it'll use that.
SSLoader.cpp (SquareStageLoader)
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>


int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);

	char cd[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
	GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, cd);

	char path_to_exe[1024] = {0};
	_snprintf(path_to_exe, 1023, "%s\\Stage.exe", cd);

	char cmd_line[1024] = {0};
	_snprintf(cmd_line, 1023, "\"%s\"", path_to_exe);

	BOOL result = (0 != CreateProcessA(0, cmd_line, 0, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi));
	if(result == FALSE)
		MessageBoxA(0, "Could not start \"Stage.exe\".", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		return 0;

	LPVOID pPage = VirtualAllocEx(pi.hProcess, 0, 4096, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
	if( pPage == NULL )
		TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
		MessageBoxA(0, "Could not write memory to \"Stage.exe\".", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		return 0;

	int nArgs = 0;
	LPWSTR * szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs);
	if( NULL == szArglist )
		TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
		MessageBoxA(0, "CommandLineToArgvW failed.", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		return 0;

	if(nArgs != 2)
		VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
		TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
		MessageBoxA(0, "You must pass a commandline to this program.", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		return 0;

	DWORD dwWrite = 0;
	result = WriteProcessMemory(pi.hProcess, pPage, szArglist[1], sizeof(wchar_t) * wcslen(szArglist[1]), &dwWrite);
	if(result == FALSE || dwWrite != (sizeof(wchar_t) * wcslen(szArglist[1])) )
		VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
		TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
		MessageBoxA(0, "WriteProcessMemory failed (1).", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		return 0;

	DWORD dwAddr = PtrToUlong(pPage);
	result = WriteProcessMemory(pi.hProcess, ULongToPtr(0x40C749 + 1), &dwAddr, sizeof(dwAddr), &dwWrite);
	if(result == FALSE || dwWrite != sizeof(dwAddr) )
		VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
		TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
		MessageBoxA(0, "WriteProcessMemory failed (2).", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		return 0;




	VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

	return 0;

Merging everything only actually saves like 200MB or so, but the files look a lot more organized and easier to work with.

_start.bat is simple:
start Master.exe master_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start Master.exe lobby_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start SSLoader.exe stage_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start SSLoader.exe square_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start Master.exe pvp_config.xml
You don't actually have to wait for servers to start before the next one, so I just start them all with a short delay in between. The Stage configuration takes the longest to start by far. If you run on a slower PC or single core, it will take around 10+ minutes to startup entirely. This makes playing with configs and server testing really annoying because of how long it takes to restart.

When it comes to the initial SQL database cleanup, I've update my script to cleanup the d-shop and removed some unnecessary inserts. Right now the script looks like this:

	I'm no MSSQL master, but this is what I have come up with from
	researching the issue on how to cleanup tables with FK constraints.
	There might be easier ways to do this, but this is what I have for now.

	Stage 1:
	- Expand "Databases\v3_guild\Tables"
	- Right click on "dbo.guild" and choose Design
	- Right click on "guildId" and choose "Relationships"
	- There should be one relationship, "FK_guildGrade_guild"
	- For each relationship:
	-- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
	-- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade"
	-- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade"
	- Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
	- You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
	Stage 2:
	- Expand "Databases\v3_character\Tables"
	- Right click on "dbo.Accounts" and choose Design
	- Right click on "accountName" and choose "Relationships"
	- There should be two relationships, "FK_Characters_Accounts" 
		and "FK_LobbyConnections_Accounts"
	- For each relationship:
	-- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
	-- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
	-- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
	- Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
	- You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
	Stage 3:
	- Expand "Databases\v3_character\Tables"
	- Right click on "dbo.Characters" and choose Design
	- Right click on "characterName" and choose "Relationships"
	- There should be six relationships, "FK_Characters_Accounts", "FK_Items_Characters", 
		"FK_Licenses_Characters", "FK_QuickSlots_Characters", "FK_SelectedCharacters_Characters", 
		and "FK_Skills_Characters"
	- For each relationship:
	-- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
	-- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
	-- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
	- Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
	- You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
	Stage 4:
	- Expand "Databases\v3_character\Tables"
	- Right click on "LobbyServers" and choose "Relationships"
	- There should be one relationship, "FK_LobbyConnections_LobbyServers" 
	- For each relationship:
	-- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
	-- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
	-- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
	- Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
	- You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
	AFTER YOU RUN (optional?):

	Go through the above steps again, but change the "Cascade"
	back to "None".
	I'm not sure if this has to be done or not or what implications 
	arise if you do or don't.


use [Billing]

	/* Remove all old data */
	truncate table CardList
	truncate table CardUseLog
	truncate table CashPoints
	truncate table CashUseLog


use [v3_gate]

	/* Remove all old data */
	truncate table Connections


use [v3_guild]

	/* Remove all old data */
	delete from guild where 1=1
	delete from guildGrade where 1=1
	truncate table family
	truncate table familyMember
	truncate table guildNexon
	truncate table guildLevel
	truncate table guildMaintain
	truncate table guildMember
	truncate table guildRank
	truncate table guildShopProduct


use [v4_stage]

	/* Remove all old data */
	truncate table ActiveStages
	truncate table Connections
	truncate table InActiveStages
	truncate table LastPlayedStage
	truncate table PvpChannels
	truncate table PvpConnections
	truncate table SquareStages
	truncate table StageGroups
	truncate table StageServers

	/* NOTE: PvpChannels / StageServers are setup for us automatically! */


use [v3_character]
	drop table aa
	/* Remove all old data */
	delete from Accounts where 1=1 /* This might take some time to run */
	delete from Characters where 1=1 /* This might take some time to run */
	truncate table SkillLicenses
	truncate table BankItems
	truncate table BankBags
	truncate table Bags
	truncate table WorkingQuests
	truncate table CharacterRebirth
	truncate table CharacterLicenses
	truncate table Blocking
	truncate table CompletedQuests
	truncate table InvalidString
	truncate table PlayTime
	truncate table web_MailItems_History
	truncate table web_Mails_History
	truncate table LobbyConnections
	truncate table PetItems
	truncate table PetTraining
	truncate table Pets
	truncate table Event_PlayTime
	truncate table Items
	truncate table FriendList
	truncate table Event_0901_3Year
	truncate table CashItemStorage
	truncate table Event_090827_ExpBox
	truncate table AddedSkillPoint
	truncate table jiangli
	truncate table CharacterRename
	truncate table Skills
	truncate table Market
	truncate table QuickSlots
	truncate table Licenses
	truncate table SelectedCharacters
	truncate table Event_PcRoom
	truncate table Event_ExpBox
	truncate table KeySetting
	truncate table Market_History
	truncate table MailItems
	truncate table Mails
	/* TODO: Work this table's data out */
	update Constants set CharValue='RageLunia' where KeyName='ServerName'

	/* Note: LobbyServers is setup for us at runtime */
	delete from LobbyServers where 1=1


	use [d-shop]

	/* Remove all old data */
	truncate table tblCoupon
	truncate table tblCoupon_Serial
	truncate table tblCoupon_User
	truncate table tblOrder
	truncate table tblOrder_Coupon
	truncate table tblOrder_CouponUse
	truncate table tblOrder_Detail
	truncate table tblOrder_DetailPackage
	truncate table tblOrder_Direct
	truncate table tblOrder_Log
	truncate table tblOrder_ProductReceive
	truncate table tblVIP

I think this isn't needed since we truncated all the old data from the 
database. I'll leave it in here for reference for future maintence though.
It will generate quite a few (harmless) errors.
use Billing
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v3_character
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v3_gate
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v3_guild
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v4_stage
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use d-shop
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';
The server exes actually go through and update most of everything else when they are ran, so no extra config is needed.

Anyways, I'm going to finish my guides, write a small config tool for my repack, then I'll post here so if anyone is interested in continuing work with the files, they have something a little more easy to work with. Honestly, the files as-is are good enough and it's not really needed, but it was just for fun. I don't think I'll get around to working with the .b files for now, so maybe I'll look into it again in the future. It's just way too time consuming and given the type of game Lunia is, I don't have the time to spend on that for now.
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know an exact version number of this, but based on the patches.dat, the files are from around March 12th, 2010. I've not looked at the packets yet for any useful information, but both the client and server files have dates around that for patch info. Other than that, I can't really tell.

It's hard to say without testing it on a real server with other players. Based on what I have seen in VM, I'd not try to run it on anything less than 4GB and at least a dual-core 2GHz CPU.

I'm thinking for a real server, and running everything on the same machine, you'd want quad core 2GHz+ and 8gb if not more. That's just my observation though, if you also run the web server and database from the same server, it might be perfectly fine with a lot less, but that seems doubtful.

The game uses ASP Classic and MSSQL (2005 Express Edition+). Ideally, you want Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) and IIS6. The guide I'm working on will address that setup. The files work on IIS7+ and Vista+, but it's a pain to work with and you do have to worry about the security issues of lowering 2008 and IIS7+ settings as much as you do to make it work.

I setup a Windows Server 2008 R2 VM to test some stuff, but the configuration you have to follow there is quite a bit different than if you were to do it on Vista/Win7. I didn't particularly like what I saw from working with Server 2008 and Lunia, so that's why I'm going to focus on 2003. Maybe in the future we can add more configurations.

If you are looking for just anythign to help you get started, try the Lunia (CN) again thread because it has a guide linked inside it. It's not complete, but it should at least get you started.

My guide and repack should be done "soon".

I considered that a possibility, but that's really quite unfortunate. Thanks for the information though. You can NPC items and sometimes you get coins as stage rewards after the boss battle, but it seems like money is going to be really low, aside from the quest rewards. Oh well, I guess some games are made like that.

I've been looking a little more into the web shop. It seems the money does work right, you can just edit the nCash field directly in Billing/CashPoints. A few minor tweaks and you can also access the shop from outside the client. The initial problems still remain, the ASP is really old, the CSS is old and parts are no longer supported, so pretty much a rewrite is needed. Likewise for the admin page, a few tweaks to make it display the characters correctly, but the interface is really hard to use and loading the items from the DB eats up a ton of CPU whenever you work with the page.

When it comes to the different server exes, there's actually only two unique exes. Lobby, Master, and PVP all use the same exe and Square and Stage use the same exe. The actual configs are what setup all the parts of the server. I wrote a little program to patch the Stage/Square exes at run so only one exe can be used rather than having to use separate folders. The exes are hard coded to use "config.xml" so that's why they couldn't be used in the same folder before. Now though, you can pass the config from my loader program to the exe and it'll use that.
SSLoader.cpp (SquareStageLoader)
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>


int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    STARTUPINFOA si = {0};
    si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);

    char cd[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
    GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, cd);

    char path_to_exe[1024] = {0};
    _snprintf(path_to_exe, 1023, "%s\\Stage.exe", cd);

    char cmd_line[1024] = {0};
    _snprintf(cmd_line, 1023, "\"%s\"", path_to_exe);

    BOOL result = (0 != CreateProcessA(0, cmd_line, 0, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi));
    if(result == FALSE)
        MessageBoxA(0, "Could not start \"Stage.exe\".", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;

    LPVOID pPage = VirtualAllocEx(pi.hProcess, 0, 4096, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
    if( pPage == NULL )
        TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
        MessageBoxA(0, "Could not write memory to \"Stage.exe\".", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;

    int nArgs = 0;
    LPWSTR * szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs);
    if( NULL == szArglist )
        TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
        MessageBoxA(0, "CommandLineToArgvW failed.", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;

    if(nArgs != 2)
        VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
        MessageBoxA(0, "You must pass a commandline to this program.", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;

    DWORD dwWrite = 0;
    result = WriteProcessMemory(pi.hProcess, pPage, szArglist[1], sizeof(wchar_t) * wcslen(szArglist[1]), &dwWrite);
    if(result == FALSE || dwWrite != (sizeof(wchar_t) * wcslen(szArglist[1])) )
        VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
        MessageBoxA(0, "WriteProcessMemory failed (1).", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;

    DWORD dwAddr = PtrToUlong(pPage);
    result = WriteProcessMemory(pi.hProcess, ULongToPtr(0x40C749 + 1), &dwAddr, sizeof(dwAddr), &dwWrite);
    if(result == FALSE || dwWrite != sizeof(dwAddr) )
        VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
        MessageBoxA(0, "WriteProcessMemory failed (2).", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;




    VirtualFreeEx(pi.hProcess, pPage, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

    return 0;

Merging everything only actually saves like 200MB or so, but the files look a lot more organized and easier to work with.

_start.bat is simple:
start Master.exe master_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start Master.exe lobby_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start SSLoader.exe stage_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start SSLoader.exe square_config.xml
PING -n 5>nul
start Master.exe pvp_config.xml
You don't actually have to wait for servers to start before the next one, so I just start them all with a short delay in between. The Stage configuration takes the longest to start by far. If you run on a slower PC or single core, it will take around 10+ minutes to startup entirely. This makes playing with configs and server testing really annoying because of how long it takes to restart.

When it comes to the initial SQL database cleanup, I've update my script to cleanup the d-shop and removed some unnecessary inserts. Right now the script looks like this:

    I'm no MSSQL master, but this is what I have come up with from
    researching the issue on how to cleanup tables with FK constraints.
    There might be easier ways to do this, but this is what I have for now.

    Stage 1:
    - Expand "Databases\v3_guild\Tables"
    - Right click on "dbo.guild" and choose Design
    - Right click on "guildId" and choose "Relationships"
    - There should be one relationship, "FK_guildGrade_guild"
    - For each relationship:
    -- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
    -- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade"
    -- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade"
    - Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
    - You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
    Stage 2:
    - Expand "Databases\v3_character\Tables"
    - Right click on "dbo.Accounts" and choose Design
    - Right click on "accountName" and choose "Relationships"
    - There should be two relationships, "FK_Characters_Accounts" 
        and "FK_LobbyConnections_Accounts"
    - For each relationship:
    -- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
    -- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
    -- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
    - Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
    - You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
    Stage 3:
    - Expand "Databases\v3_character\Tables"
    - Right click on "dbo.Characters" and choose Design
    - Right click on "characterName" and choose "Relationships"
    - There should be six relationships, "FK_Characters_Accounts", "FK_Items_Characters", 
        "FK_Licenses_Characters", "FK_QuickSlots_Characters", "FK_SelectedCharacters_Characters", 
        and "FK_Skills_Characters"
    - For each relationship:
    -- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
    -- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
    -- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
    - Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
    - You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
    Stage 4:
    - Expand "Databases\v3_character\Tables"
    - Right click on "LobbyServers" and choose "Relationships"
    - There should be one relationship, "FK_LobbyConnections_LobbyServers" 
    - For each relationship:
    -- Expand "INSERT And UPDATE Specification" at the bottom
    -- Change "Delete Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
    -- Change "Update Rule" to "Cascade" if it is not already
    - Hit "Close" and save the table (ctr + s)
    - You will get a warning box about changes, hit "Yes"
    AFTER YOU RUN (optional?):

    Go through the above steps again, but change the "Cascade"
    back to "None".
    I'm not sure if this has to be done or not or what implications 
    arise if you do or don't.


use [Billing]

    /* Remove all old data */
    truncate table CardList
    truncate table CardUseLog
    truncate table CashPoints
    truncate table CashUseLog


use [v3_gate]

    /* Remove all old data */
    truncate table Connections


use [v3_guild]

    /* Remove all old data */
    delete from guild where 1=1
    delete from guildGrade where 1=1
    truncate table family
    truncate table familyMember
    truncate table guildNexon
    truncate table guildLevel
    truncate table guildMaintain
    truncate table guildMember
    truncate table guildRank
    truncate table guildShopProduct


use [v4_stage]

    /* Remove all old data */
    truncate table ActiveStages
    truncate table Connections
    truncate table InActiveStages
    truncate table LastPlayedStage
    truncate table PvpChannels
    truncate table PvpConnections
    truncate table SquareStages
    truncate table StageGroups
    truncate table StageServers

    /* NOTE: PvpChannels / StageServers are setup for us automatically! */


use [v3_character]
    drop table aa
    /* Remove all old data */
    delete from Accounts where 1=1 /* This might take some time to run */
    delete from Characters where 1=1 /* This might take some time to run */
    truncate table SkillLicenses
    truncate table BankItems
    truncate table BankBags
    truncate table Bags
    truncate table WorkingQuests
    truncate table CharacterRebirth
    truncate table CharacterLicenses
    truncate table Blocking
    truncate table CompletedQuests
    truncate table InvalidString
    truncate table PlayTime
    truncate table web_MailItems_History
    truncate table web_Mails_History
    truncate table LobbyConnections
    truncate table PetItems
    truncate table PetTraining
    truncate table Pets
    truncate table Event_PlayTime
    truncate table Items
    truncate table FriendList
    truncate table Event_0901_3Year
    truncate table CashItemStorage
    truncate table Event_090827_ExpBox
    truncate table AddedSkillPoint
    truncate table jiangli
    truncate table CharacterRename
    truncate table Skills
    truncate table Market
    truncate table QuickSlots
    truncate table Licenses
    truncate table SelectedCharacters
    truncate table Event_PcRoom
    truncate table Event_ExpBox
    truncate table KeySetting
    truncate table Market_History
    truncate table MailItems
    truncate table Mails
    /* TODO: Work this table's data out */
    update Constants set CharValue='RageLunia' where KeyName='ServerName'

    /* Note: LobbyServers is setup for us at runtime */
    delete from LobbyServers where 1=1


    use [d-shop]

    /* Remove all old data */
    truncate table tblCoupon
    truncate table tblCoupon_Serial
    truncate table tblCoupon_User
    truncate table tblOrder
    truncate table tblOrder_Coupon
    truncate table tblOrder_CouponUse
    truncate table tblOrder_Detail
    truncate table tblOrder_DetailPackage
    truncate table tblOrder_Direct
    truncate table tblOrder_Log
    truncate table tblOrder_ProductReceive
    truncate table tblVIP

I think this isn't needed since we truncated all the old data from the 
database. I'll leave it in here for reference for future maintence though.
It will generate quite a few (harmless) errors.
use Billing
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v3_character
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v3_gate
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v3_guild
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use v4_stage
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';

use d-shop
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ([?], RESEED, 1)';
The server exes actually go through and update most of everything else when they are ran, so no extra config is needed.

Anyways, I'm going to finish my guides, write a small config tool for my repack, then I'll post here so if anyone is interested in continuing work with the files, they have something a little more easy to work with. Honestly, the files as-is are good enough and it's not really needed, but it was just for fun. I don't think I'll get around to working with the .b files for now, so maybe I'll look into it again in the future. It's just way too time consuming and given the type of game Lunia is, I don't have the time to spend on that for now.

Mario185 was developing a .b editor, and some people say LuniaArthemisBr have it o-o [?idk about that], but if there already is a .b editor made, why make another?
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Mario185 was developing a .b editor, and some people say LuniaArthemisBr have it o-o [?idk about that], but if there already is a .b editor made, why make another?

My perspective on this stuff is, before I'm going to even consider running a pserver as a business for a game, I want to understand how everything works. I want to know how the games files are setup, how the network code works, how packets are built, parsed and processed by the client, and so on. That way, when it comes to modifying the game or fixing issues that pop up along the way, you know how it works so you are more capable of fixing it.

Tools are nice, especially tools that come with source, but most don't. As valuable as some tools are, the knowledge that comes from creating them yourself and really understanding how things work is worth so much more in the long run. That's why I've pretty much always have made my own tools for everything; you learn how stuff works and are then able to apply the concepts elsewhere, improving your skills as a developer and reverse engineer. That way, you are never left out to dry or held hostage with a dependency on someone else.

Lunia seems interesting. I mean, the files are all there. It'd be nice to have an easier way to work with the data files, but it's not a must for someone just trying to get their first p-server setup. Likewise, the cash shop can just be disabled until it's rewritten using a new system. However, before I'd even consider setting up a p-server for it, I'd want to understand the packets a lot more, the data files, as well as general game-play to be able to provide the services necessary for running a successful p-server that isn't just crap or the type to take peoples money and run. If I'm going to do it, I want something of quality but I've only been around Lunia for a little over a week now, so I still have at least a few months more of research and development to do before I'd be comfortable with it.
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
Mario185 was developing a .b editor, and some people say LuniaArthemisBr have it o-o [?idk about that], but if there already is a .b editor made, why make another?

Arthemis lunia do not have the editor :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

what is this? ... Seems me a binary converter .. will it work?
search for ||LuniaTools-0822.zip||
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Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

what is this? ... Seems me a binary converter .. will it work?
search for ||LuniaTools-0822.zip||

ohh -.-, i dont like this :(
do not share the tools :p
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Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
ohh -.-, i dont like this :(
do not share the tools :p

but earlier you said

you are not wrong, but, trust me, i know what i sayd, you can!
i have stoped to work with lunia why is not good to make money.

You no longer work with lunia, yet you do not want people to share the tools, even though it is impertinant to you?

ooo i remember how i found it. There was a file on QQLunia named LuniaTools.rar, except you could not download it. So I searched for "LuniaTools" <with quotes in google, and bam, that site was the first to come ^-^
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Skilled Illusionist
Apr 30, 2010
Reaction score
ok guys just made it up and running got few players and i need some help in the .b files and cash translation ... not to mention in getting /5m/6 + atra and gaon :) along with my team from brazil made with the following " Renan ( main programmer) - Will - ( verry good GM) - Bruno ( good moderaor )

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Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
ok guys just made it up and running got few players and i need some help in the .b files and cash translation ... not to mention in getting /5m/6 + atra and gaon :) along with my team from brazil made with the following " Renan ( main programmer) - Will - ( verry good GM) - Bruno ( good moderaor )

If you need help with the structure of the .b files, add me~ Polyneices at hotmail.co.kr
renan already has me added.

I appear offline 100% of the time, so just message me~
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score

[Mirror](thanks to jhongeek)

Mall + server + set + register + B video file editing tools March 1
[Mirror](thanks to jhongeek)

Not sure what this is.
[Mirror](thanks to jhongeek)

I found these and I was wondering if anyone can download the rayfile files and reupload them to another host.
Not sure if these were already released. I think these files are from March.

PLS upload to MediaFire.. its too slow 4shared in my country:thumbup:
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