Map/Area Info title

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 30, 2013
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Good evening,

I would like to make a Map/Area Info title on my own maps, like it is on screen.
Any ideas how to do it?

Maz3LT0v - Map/Area Info title - RaGEZONE Forums
Maz3LT0v - Map/Area Info title - RaGEZONE Forums
I think its a .dat file inside the maps folder
cant rly remember. xD
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Good evening,

I would like to make a Map/Area Info title on my own maps, like it is on screen.
Any ideas how to do it?

Maz3LT0v - Map/Area Info title - RaGEZONE Forums
Maz3LT0v - Map/Area Info title - RaGEZONE Forums

Go in your client folder and open the data/Overlays folder

The overlay images are in there and can be edited directly.

Maz3LT0v - Map/Area Info title - RaGEZONE Forums
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wow guys... gave the answer in the 2nd post and u guys are rambling about sources, coders and kamellanas.. srsly?

just check Regions.dat ffs
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Here's the ScreenOverlay function in 2016 engine
static char (__thiscall *ScreenOverlay)(int a, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(int,int,int,int,char))0x00426F80;

Hook it in a client-side dll then make a function in server-side dll to check if player in map X && Y then send a packet to client with the packet type you've set for screenoverlay function and you're done.

for example:
if (Player.GetX() / 8192 == 32 && Player.GetY() / 8192 == 29)
  // Send a packet to client with the packet type you've set for screen-overlay function.

hf :)
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