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Web MapleBit login script with HeavenMS

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
Would someone be able to assist me in converting this Login script to use Bcrypt for reading the password instead of sha512/sha1?
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
	$is_ajax = $_REQUEST['is_ajax'];
	if(isset($is_ajax) && $is_ajax) {
		if(isset($_COOKIE["block"])) {
			$cookie = json_decode($_COOKIE['block']);
			$time = $cookie->expiry - time();
			echo "wait%" . $time;
		else {
			if(!isset($_SESSION['attempts'])) {
				$_SESSION['attempts'] = 1;
			else {
				if($_SESSION['attempts'] >= 3) {
					$expiry = time() + 60;
					$cookieData = array("data" => 1, "expiry" => $expiry);
					setcookie("block", json_encode($cookieData), $expiry);
					$_SESSION['attempts'] = 1;
					$time = $expiry - time();
					echo "wait%" . $time;
				else {
		$u = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['username']);
		$p = $_REQUEST['password'];
		$s = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `name`='".$u."'") or die();
		$i = $s->fetch_assoc();
		if($i['password'] == hash('sha512',$p.$i['salt']) || sha1($p) == $i['password']) {
			#echo "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `name`='".$i['name']."' AND `password`='".$i['password']."'";
			$userz = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `name`='".$i['name']."' AND `password`='".$i['password']."'") or die();
			$auser = $userz->fetch_assoc();
			$checkpname = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."profile WHERE accountid=".$auser['id']."");
			$countcheckpname = $checkpname->num_rows;
			$checkprofile = $checkpname->fetch_assoc();
			$_SESSION['id'] = $auser['id'];
			$_SESSION['name'] = $auser['name'];
			$_SESSION['mute'] = $auser['mute'];
			$_SESSION['email'] = $auser['email'];
			if($countcheckpname == 1) {
				$_SESSION['pname'] =  $checkprofile['name'];
			else {$_SESSION['pname'] = "checkpname";}
			if($auser['webadmin'] == "1") {
				$_SESSION['admin'] = $auser['webadmin'];
			if(isset($auser['gm']) && $auser['gm'] >= $gmlevel) { // Make sure that the gm column exists. If it does, check if gmLevel is above
				$_SESSION['gm'] = $auser['gm'];
			echo "success";
		else {
			// echo "bad password";
	else {
		// echo "not ajax";

I have been looking into it but each time i've not been able fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.