Merchant Rate Query

Caipi i did this without the queery but on the subject the problem with setting the sell value so high for the trading is that the XP gained is insane, 1 5* will get you too level 7. Any idea how the XP could be reduced to keep the feeling of level 7 meaning something?

+1 is there a way to keep the job exp rate low and still get increased profit?
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

+1 is there a way to keep the job exp rate low and still get increased profit?

Eventually in _Reward_3Job_Related_Item

if (@TotalReward > 0)
			update _char set remaingold = remaingold + @TotalReward where charid = @CharID
-> UPDATE _Char set RemainGold = RemainGold + (@TotalReward/10) WHERE CharID = @CharID
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

If i do this in that procedure:

update _char set remaingold = remaingold*5 + @TotalReward where charid = @CharID

Without edit the quotation table the thief will get x5 rates too ?
Maybe im saying a stupid thing :P
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

not working with me .. the profit jump to 83 bill ..

there's no other way for the % between towns and the real profit - you shud rather try some more variations out, like keeping the normal price of the goods of 383 Gold.
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

When I try to run the query To adjust the necessary Exp for the Joblevels , I get this error
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Invalid column name 'NewEXPQuot'.

Can I simply just modfify the default "JobExp_Trade,Robber,Hunter" to the new Exp I need?

ex: Lv4 needs 38745000, If I divide it by 100 and change it to 387450. Exp rate now is 100% lower than before to get lvl 4?
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

When I try to run the query To adjust the necessary Exp for the Joblevels , I get this error
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Invalid column name 'NewEXPQuot'.

Can I simply just modfify the default "JobExp_Trade,Robber,Hunter" to the new Exp I need?

ex: Lv4 needs 38745000, If I divide it by 100 and change it to 387450. Exp rate now is 100% lower than before to get lvl 4?

Those columns are "int" data types meaning they cannot pass the max number in which Level 7 is using.

2,147,483,647 <- Game uses
2,147,483,648 <- Official max "int" value before it's considered bigint.

I've tried changing the procedure for the RefLevel to use bigint but when loading the game it returns an error related to the change in the RefLevel.

Also Altered the column data type and still no go. I can't find a way around this to increase the job level exp. Might need to crack the GS.
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

Ye it's prolly not only DB-sided - unfortunately, the only thing we cud also try is to decrease the receiving job EXP by editing the procedure
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

so like help traders, too help thiefs?
where i need to change on txdata?

Its funny how no one even bothered to answer you.

So can someone please tell us what needs to be changed client sided?

EDIT: Nvm i got it.

just edit pricepolicyofitem.txt clientsided.

EDIT: For some reason no matter what i put i always make like 20 bill +

SET @NewQuot = 0.2 -- Doubles the profit % trough "2.0" (e.g. 2.6 is also possible)
SET @NewPrice = 343 -- Goods Price @ the Shop
SET @NewStack = 40 -- Increases/Decreases the maximum Stack, Default = 40
SET @NewSellPrice = 250 -- Goods Price if you sell them directly again - without trading.

my values.
Last edited:
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

Yah increase the Sell Price. Thieves steal your merchendise and sell it without buying them so they have 100% profit over to how much they sell.
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

Yah increase the Sell Price. Thieves steal your merchendise and sell it without buying them so they have 100% profit over to how much they sell.

I increased buy price to 1915 and sell price to 1528 and this did not make the theif gain more gold than when I had the buy and sell values at 1915 and 955. My trade profit is set to 10x. What am I missing? :?:
Re: [Release] Merchant Rate Query

Its funny how no one even bothered to answer you.

So can someone please tell us what needs to be changed client sided?

EDIT: Nvm i got it.

just edit pricepolicyofitem.txt clientsided.

do you mean refpricepolicyofitem.txt? because i can't find pricepolicyofitem.txt

if that is, then which value should i change..??

btw, this is my query
DECLARE @NewQuot FLOAT                    -- @ SRO_VT_SHARD //by Caipi
SET @NewQuot = 3.0            -- Doubles the profit % trough "2.0" (e.g. 2.6 is also possible)

-- Profit %

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET BaseQuot = BaseQuot*@NewQuot

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET Quot_LB = Quot_LB*@NewQuot

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET Quot_UB = Quot_UB*@NewQuot

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET BaseQuot = BaseQuot*@NewQuot
WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET Quot_LB = Quot_LB*@NewQuot
WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET Quot_UB = Quot_UB*@NewQuot
WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET BaseQuot = BaseQuot*@NewQuot
WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET Quot_LB = Quot_LB*@NewQuot
WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672

UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation]
SET Quot_UB = Quot_UB*@NewQuot
WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672
i just want to make the profit 3x (3.0). is my query correct?