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Moderator Application: Debate/Tech Zone

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Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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The Basics

Nathan James Dowell

19 years old

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Attended a private church school until around 9th grade, then attended a public high school. The private school I attended taught a grade ahead and had a very small amount of students, so each student was payed close attention to and was assured a proper education.

English Fluency:

Time Available:
All day from Sunday-Saturday. I am currently homeless and jobless and I have nothing else that is occupying my time so I am able to dedicate it all wherever I feel like.

Contact Information:
E-Mail- natetayhakayla@gmail.com
Phone- Available through PM.
MSN- natetayhakayla@gmail.com
Skype- natetayhakayla@gmail.com

Specific Information

Section(s) You Are Applying For:
Debate Zone and/or Tech Zone.

Reason For Joining RaGEZONE:
I originally joined many years ago for the Gunz Online section. I primarily stayed in that section developing maps, items and other things for Gunz private servers. I eventually expanded out into other forums such as the Evolution section because RaGEZONE had been so kind and helpful to me, so I wanted to return the favor, not to mention help boost activity and make a few more new friends.

Reason For Applying:
As I previously stated, I want to do all I can to help RaGEZONE, it's members and it's overall activity. Yes, you may say this can be accomplished without having to be a moderator; but only to an extent. I want to be there for members when they need assistance that can only be provided by a moderator; such as cleaning up threads/posts, dealing with reports, sorting out arguments and other problems, all in a swift and efficient manner.

About Yourself:
Allow me to gloat a little here. I am a very kind and friendly person. Although a bit antisocial and introverted in person, I am the complete opposite online. I am the type of person who always thinks of and puts others before myself. It has already been said a million times by others, but I am truly the type of person who would give you the shirt off my back and my last dollar; in fact, during my recent homelessness, I have done just that many times when that money was the only money I had to eat that night. I know all too well what it's like to hurt and suffer, and want, so I try my best to prevent others from experiencing those things.

What Are Your Motives/Goals:
My main goal/motive is to help RaGEZONE out in any way and as much as I possibly can. This site has become my home away from home and saved me from insanity and despair so I feel the need to be as helpful as possible. I also want to build up a decent account and reputation as, as sad as it sounds I have no life outside of this place.

Previous Moderating Experience:
Previously was a moderator here over the Entertainment section, and my memory isn't 110% but I vaguely recall also moderating the Debate section at the same time. Aside from RaGEZONE I have owned, developed for and moderated countless popular, and not so popular Gunz private servers. Suffice to say, experience is not an issue here at all.

What Will You Offer/Why Should You Be Hired:
A professional, yet friendly and warm attitude; along with a serious approach to any/all issues that may arise. I will also provide adequate time availability, as like I previously stated, I am currently homeless and jobless so I have nothing but free time with which I am prepared and willing to dedicate all to RaGEZONE. I will also provide constant and solid dedication to my position and will treat it as an actual job; because in certain aspects, it is.

Contributions To Section(s) You Are Applying For:
I could list every thread and post I have made, but I'm sure both you and I do not want that, and would be kind of useless as you can just do a search for my posts in the section(s) I am applying for; but as you will see, I have plenty of posts and contributions in both sections.

Hypothetical Questions/Situations

A user starts a fight with another user, resorting to insults and excessive foul language. What do you do?:
First clean the thread up and warn (or infract, depending on the amount/level of insults and foul language) the user(s) involved. If they persist, further action will be taken.

Two users have a whole page+ of arguments between them, both claiming to be innocent blaming the other. What do you do?:
I carefully read and assess the entire situation from start to finish, and using my better judgment I punish the appropriate user(s).

You come across two or more users that have the same IP. What do you do?:
I message the users and ask them why they share the same IP. If they claim to live together, I would ask them for some sort of proof of this. If they cannot provide any, I will look over the activity between the two accounts and if they seem to be closely related, further action will be taken.

A user specifically insults and makes personal attacks towards you. What do you do?:
I first delete any obscene and excessively insulting posts and warn the user. If the user persists, further action will be taken; but I will overlook the personal aspect of the ordeal and not take it to heart and use it to excessively punish said user.

Concluding Information

I know these sections (specifically the Debate Zone) aren't exactly thriving with activity, but I would still like to be able to moderate content when it is needed/posted. I hope you have enjoyed reading my application, and I hope I have supplied a sufficient amount of information on myself and why I am applying.

Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
The fact that you tried to 0 my rep with your minions is not forgotten by me. You however apologized. That wasn't a moderator or mature like action though.

However a lot of time has passed by ever since and hope you've changed. So I vouch for you.
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Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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TL;DR : I like you, I like your application, I vouch for you. Good luck :)

I think you are a good candidate.


wow we live in the same state. awesome!
@justice for all

Yes! Vouch! That is one amazing application and you are great yourself. Even though I don't like the font. :rolleyes:

Thank you very much for the support, means a lot.

The fact that you tried to 0 my rep with your minions is not forgotten by me. You however apologized. That wasn't a moderator or mature like action though.

However a lot of time has passed by ever since and hope you've changed. So I vouch for you.

I honestly don't even remember that it must've been so long ago when I was here just for the Gunz section lol You can rest assured I wouldn't do anything like that now, but thank you for the vouch.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Seems knowledgeable in some Tech stuff.....haven't seen you in a situation to judge Mod potential but that could go both ways because I haven't seen you fail such a situation yet either :)

I do know there is a big need for a Tech Zone mod and I feel as long as you stick to your words and stay professional only good could come from it...

+1 from me.
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, idiot chiming in here. Just thought I'd say:


Anyways, weren't you a mod in the past? Correct me if I'm mistaken. If you were and left on good terms, no reason why you shouldn't be reconsidered.

However I'm not seeing many posts from you in either of the two sections you're applying for. 5 posts within the past two years in the tech zone, and 10 posts since the start of 2015 in the debate section. You are required to be active in the sections you're applying for so you may want to start off with sections you're more active in, or get more active in the sections you want to mod first.


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Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi, idiot chiming in here. Just thought I'd say:


Anyways, weren't you a mod in the past? Correct me if I'm mistaken. If you were and left on good terms, no reason why you shouldn't be reconsidered.

However I'm not seeing many posts from you in either of the two sections you're applying for. 5 posts within the past two years in the tech zone, and 10 posts since the start of 2015 in the debate section. You are required to be active in the sections you're applying for so you may want to start off with sections you're more active in, or get more active in the sections you want to mod first.

Hmm, could've sworn I had way more posts than that in the Tech Zone. Guess I should've done a search first instead of just assuming I did. Will definitely fix that.

Yes I was a mod a short while ago, I willingly left on my own terms (foolishly) that I don't see as being on bad terms. Was just going through some personal bs.

Thank you for the criticism though, appreciate it.


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Elite Diviner
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hmm, could've sworn I had way more posts than that in the Tech Zone. Guess I should've done a search first instead of just assuming I did. Will definitely increase my activity there, same with Debate Zone.

Yes I was a mod a short while ago, I willingly left on my own terms (foolishly) that I don't see as being on bad terms. Was just going through some personal bs.

Thank you for the criticism though, appreciate it.

I would like to add; being a high advocate of atleast looking at every thread posted, I often would see Justice For All reading them too.
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