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Mu Online History

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Aug 8, 2007
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Hello anyone! We ([P4F] Team) currently writing book about Mu Online History. About first coders, servers, teams and etc. We know a lot of stories but we cant know everything. So, please if you cant tell something about Mu Online history please write it. All adequate stories we include to our book.

Book will be free for all. Why we write it? We spend in Mu about 8 year of life. Mu is part of us and we just want to remember all mu history "as is". This is very interesting for us, remember all funny, or not, stories and flush our brain :) I hope that everyone will enjoy

Who we are? Just Play4Free Team. "[P4F] Team"

Peoples who work on this book:
  • Killbrum (me) - join to Mu at 2004-2005 year
  • epmak - join at 2004-2005
  • Masta(aka Booms) - join at ~ 2003 year.
Experienced Elementalist
Oct 11, 2008
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About MU Online History:
- Deathway, eRRoR, BBSLEON, Links, no more :lol:
Loyal Member
Aug 12, 2007
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I got a story :p:

Once upon a time, I was chatting to bet0x on msn for the first time. I asked if I could have his SCF source codes. He said no, so I used something like 5 DoS programs I found on some warez site and bombarded their webserver.

... here is the best part of the story, bet0x submitted weblogs to my server host company (yes, I used my dedi, I know, how much of an idiot can you be) and got an email from the server host guys asking me if I was using my server to DoS bet0x or whatever.

Haha I don't know how I did it, but I came up with some gay butt excuses and they let me go, no charges, no server loss.

Final question: Was it worth it? Hahaha yeah you bet your butt, duck you bet0x! :tongue:

I want to share more :D years ago, some guy called PumpkinKing (now name is Your.Name on ragezone or something) released some chinese, mega bugged semi-season2 1.02Q files.

I ran my Faronnia MU server with those, closed the server, repacked the files and released them ages ago here and on d3scene mu forums. Did you know those are some of the most popular mu files on the internet, or at least they were for a long time? ugh... shame i did a poop repack fo poop files years ago when everything including my brain and my ego was poop.

See? always is the poop that makes it #1 (just like in the music industry, and you know it).

Oh, I also ripped a dozen people off selling leaked/old SCF sources, uncracked scf files, and uber-gay repacks of those 1.02q files. I did a lot of poop like that when I was 14-16 years old... but hey, i never walked off with more than 200-300$ in total, so... yeah, and haven't done ANYTHING like that ever since.

Mmmh... got to help zemattana with enc in the early days, as well as John_D a bit (mmowebs, think he closed down that business ever since he and his wife got a kid).

Huuuum.... oh yeah, I got to piss off Shagoon and Ragnaros and RayOfLight for a long time (all 3 from romania.. lol), asking them for help all the time because i had developped the fear of trying to do things myself and learn because of my fucked up years in college. They all cracked and fucked off except for Shagoon, who showed so much patience for so little reason, something I now look back upon and respect.

Huuuum.... got loads of stories man, like i was for some time in czf.. didn't do nothing, had no skills haha such a noob.

Oh, you know that MuIsBest is the guy who helped me setup my 1st mu server? he helped me from beginning to end, meant a lot at the time, was Ducking up a whole school year just to get closer to computers and setup a mu server, was my ultimate mission back then haha. So, thanks to that guy!

Ohoh, got another story, you guys know [BoR] Team? zergNM first release 3d camera+sky on ragezone years ago, right? well i was dying for them to add it to my season 1 main, and was talking to S@nek on msn.

So, I ask first time, if zergNM could hook the dll stuff to my client for 50$.
S@nek says no, he's too busy.
1/2 weeks later, I ask again for 100$.
Again, he says no, too busy with life and other things to do.
1 week later or something, i asked agin for maybe 150/200/250$, I can't remember, and finally he says, OH, NOW we have time, OK can do NO PROBLEM for you ASAP!!!

... [BoR], thanks for all the awesome releases over the years, really, MST, MCS, etc. their all so awesome. BUT - duck you.

I love and hate you all,
Last edited:
Aug 8, 2007
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Thanks for KingLordMaster

And for moderators. Please delete 2-4 posts. We dont need any flood here. Thanks

oh and KingLordMaster please PM me or skype me. I want listen more about Faronia =)
Apr 19, 2006
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Cool bro, guess i will definetly read it, if you don't include the the "self pro claimer coders" that call themself coders after chris05 released his book in 2007 and up.

In my oppinion you shouldn't miss skyteam and sobieh, probably the first coders in mu history.
Aug 8, 2007
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This book will be about history. Nothing about "self pro claimer coders". I dont miss skyteam (and ye.... maybe someone remember skyteam team members?) and already write about them. And... MX team =) karrak, betox, luciano, bbsleo and other xD

i remember a lot of things but i can miss something thats why i need you help
Apr 19, 2006
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Well if your book gonna be about how some teams broke out or fights, there are several pages here in rz, just look for them :), you'll find alot of "untold things" :D

Also here's the skyteam members

Kirgston - Mu Online History - RaGEZONE Forums
Experienced Elementalist
Mar 5, 2011
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I got a story :p:

Once upon a time, I was chatting to bet0x on msn for the first time. I asked if I could have his SCF source codes. He said no, so I used something like 5 DoS programs I found on some warez site and bombarded their webserver.

... here is the best part of the story, bet0x submitted weblogs to my server host company (yes, I used my dedi, I know, how much of an idiot can you be) and got an email from the server host guys asking me if I was using my server to DoS bet0x or whatever.

Haha I don't know how I did it, but I came up with some gay butt excuses and they let me go, no charges, no server loss.

Final question: Was it worth it? Hahaha yeah you bet your butt, duck you bet0x! :tongue:

I want to share more :D years ago, some guy called PumpkinKing (now name is Your.Name on ragezone or something) released some chinese, mega bugged semi-season2 1.02Q files.

I ran my Faronnia MU server with those, closed the server, repacked the files and released them ages ago here and on d3scene mu forums. Did you know those are some of the most popular mu files on the internet, or at least they were for a long time? ugh... shame i did a poop repack fo poop files years ago when everything including my brain and my ego was poop.

See? always is the poop that makes it #1 (just like in the music industry, and you know it).

Oh, I also ripped a dozen people off selling leaked/old SCF sources, uncracked scf files, and uber-gay repacks of those 1.02q files. I did a lot of poop like that when I was 14-16 years old... but hey, i never walked off with more than 200-300$ in total, so... yeah, and haven't done ANYTHING like that ever since.

Mmmh... got to help zemattana with enc in the early days, as well as John_D a bit (mmowebs, think he closed down that business ever since he and his wife got a kid).

Huuuum.... oh yeah, I got to piss off Shagoon and Ragnaros and RayOfLight for a long time (all 3 from romania.. lol), asking them for help all the time because i had developped the fear of trying to do things myself and learn because of my fucked up years in college. They all cracked and fucked off except for Shagoon, who showed so much patience for so little reason, something I now look back upon and respect.

Huuuum.... got loads of stories man, like i was for some time in czf.. didn't do nothing, had no skills haha such a noob.

Oh, you know that MuIsBest is the guy who helped me setup my 1st mu server? he helped me from beginning to end, meant a lot at the time, was Ducking up a whole school year just to get closer to computers and setup a mu server, was my ultimate mission back then haha. So, thanks to that guy!

Ohoh, got another story, you guys know [BoR] Team? zergNM first release 3d camera+sky on ragezone years ago, right? well i was dying for them to add it to my season 1 main, and was talking to S@nek on msn.

So, I ask first time, if zergNM could hook the dll stuff to my client for 50$.
S@nek says no, he's too busy.
1/2 weeks later, I ask again for 100$.
Again, he says no, too busy with life and other things to do.
1 week later or something, i asked agin for maybe 150/200/250$, I can't remember, and finally he says, OH, NOW we have time, OK can do NO PROBLEM for you ASAP!!!

... [BoR], thanks for all the awesome releases over the years, really, MST, MCS, etc. their all so awesome. BUT - duck you.

I love and hate you all,

Funny how similar our MU experiences are. :]
Loyal Member
Aug 12, 2007
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This book will be about history. Nothing about "self pro claimer coders". I dont miss skyteam (and ye.... maybe someone remember skyteam team members?) and already write about them. And... MX team =) karrak, betox, luciano, bbsleo and other xD

i remember a lot of things but i can miss something thats why i need you help

I tried to run Faronnia on MX Team's 1.01e gameserver. Was packed... couldn't debug and fix anything. Shame, was the perfect server, had completed everything for it, but bugs f**ked me over. :(

I'll post more info about my mu story then, as Kirgston requested. Why not, and I encourage other folks to do the same :p:

When I was 10 years old or something, my old friend Nicolas came running back from Poland with this MU CD, but because of my dumb stubborn butt, I kept playing whatever I was hooked on, not even giving MU a chance.

Then 1 day, me, Nicolas and another kid called Pierre(french name lol) went to a internet cafe, where I sat down to play some Serious Sam (FPS) and they played MU, a private server called Apocalypse MU, polish.

When I finally glimpsed at their screen, that was it. 1st MMORPG i came across, and I still remember what I saw, Noria packed FULL with people just jamming outside town gates, either on unirias or with wings equipped. Instantly fell in love with it.

It closed, and my friend Nicolas hooked me unto another private server, called Lockdown MU. Gawd damn, what a server. Fun ultimate maximum extreme deluxe supreme. hahaha

And guess what, one of the server admins, back then known as Caviar, now runs Faronnia MU eX700+ with me ;D (lol currently offline at the moment, too many bugs.). We met on d3scene forums very randomly, and I instantly jumped on the guy, because I had so much respect for Lockdown MU and for what it had achieved back in the old days.

Anyways, Lockdown MU closed and I woke up one morning determined to setup my own MU private server. I was 13, maybe 14 years old, and I didn't know poop about computers (am now 22), so the task at hand was rather difficult. MSSQL? Databases? Webserver? IPs? dudes, I hadn't a clue, I even needed my dad's assistance to install games on the computer from CD, wasn't exactly a natural with computers.

So, as I said, thanks to MuIsBest, was online for some time, was poop, was experimental, hadn't a clue what to do.
Some time later though, I did open another server called Shannara MU (shannara is a series of fantasy literature by this guy called Terry Brooks. I strongly recommend, if your into reading). That one was more successful, had 30~40 online in average after a couple of months, and it wasn't terrible.

Then I tried to run a Season 1 server, but didn't get much attention and I'd bugged it to hell. ugh, was a long, dumb, costly and terrible process of learning, but thanks to all that poop I am now OK, you got to learn from your mistakes, and by MAKING those mistakes (not on purpose though, obviously lol aint gonna learn nothing from that hahaha).

Then failed 1.01e server, and now ex700 which is offline for a while. I met plenty of amazing, nice, evil, weird and crazy people along this journey. Dan from sweden, the czf guys (DjSpankman had an L2 project which i tried to help him with, but then i did some fucked up poop to him and kinda just fucked off. ye, did quite a bit of bastardly things back then.). Also Eternity, from czf, those who remember, he was in the faronnia team for quite some time, too.

You know what, as a conclusion, cos im tired of writing, i've had a most excellent time with MU Online, the mu community on ragezone and other sites or whatever, got some skills out of it, some experience, and I'm happy. and still play MU, you bet your butt ;P
Oct 29, 2007
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Someone who was also very important in the history: Mu Online, was: Sobieh, he was who I think very many original concepts of source codes to modify the client side, which to this day we first began to understand the other, ie after a very long time that I did, it certainly can not be omitted.

In my opinion, Sobieh was and always will be the "Big Man", the best programmer who has ever made ​​a modification to a client: Mu Online.
Aug 8, 2007
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Russian edition? :)
Both. English and Russian. We dont want to release this after 1 or 2 weeks. Maybe after half year or year. That's why we need more stories and interesting information.
Dec 28, 2009
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I got a story :p:

Once upon a time, I was chatting to bet0x on msn for the first time. I asked if I could have his SCF source codes. He said no, so I used something like 5 DoS programs I found on some warez site and bombarded their webserver.

... here is the best part of the story, bet0x submitted weblogs to my server host company (yes, I used my dedi, I know, how much of an idiot can you be) and got an email from the server host guys asking me if I was using my server to DoS bet0x or whatever.

Haha I don't know how I did it, but I came up with some gay butt excuses and they let me go, no charges, no server loss.

Final question: Was it worth it? Hahaha yeah you bet your butt, duck you bet0x! :tongue:

I want to share more :D years ago, some guy called PumpkinKing (now name is Your.Name on ragezone or something) released some chinese, mega bugged semi-season2 1.02Q files.

I ran my Faronnia MU server with those, closed the server, repacked the files and released them ages ago here and on d3scene mu forums. Did you know those are some of the most popular mu files on the internet, or at least they were for a long time? ugh... shame i did a poop repack fo poop files years ago when everything including my brain and my ego was poop.

See? always is the poop that makes it #1 (just like in the music industry, and you know it).

Oh, I also ripped a dozen people off selling leaked/old SCF sources, uncracked scf files, and uber-gay repacks of those 1.02q files. I did a lot of poop like that when I was 14-16 years old... but hey, i never walked off with more than 200-300$ in total, so... yeah, and haven't done ANYTHING like that ever since.

Mmmh... got to help zemattana with enc in the early days, as well as John_D a bit (mmowebs, think he closed down that business ever since he and his wife got a kid).

Huuuum.... oh yeah, I got to piss off Shagoon and Ragnaros and RayOfLight for a long time (all 3 from romania.. lol), asking them for help all the time because i had developped the fear of trying to do things myself and learn because of my fucked up years in college. They all cracked and fucked off except for Shagoon, who showed so much patience for so little reason, something I now look back upon and respect.

Huuuum.... got loads of stories man, like i was for some time in czf.. didn't do nothing, had no skills haha such a noob.

Oh, you know that MuIsBest is the guy who helped me setup my 1st mu server? he helped me from beginning to end, meant a lot at the time, was Ducking up a whole school year just to get closer to computers and setup a mu server, was my ultimate mission back then haha. So, thanks to that guy!

Ohoh, got another story, you guys know [BoR] Team? zergNM first release 3d camera+sky on ragezone years ago, right? well i was dying for them to add it to my season 1 main, and was talking to S@nek on msn.

So, I ask first time, if zergNM could hook the dll stuff to my client for 50$.
S@nek says no, he's too busy.
1/2 weeks later, I ask again for 100$.
Again, he says no, too busy with life and other things to do.
1 week later or something, i asked agin for maybe 150/200/250$, I can't remember, and finally he says, OH, NOW we have time, OK can do NO PROBLEM for you ASAP!!!

... [BoR], thanks for all the awesome releases over the years, really, MST, MCS, etc. their all so awesome. BUT - duck you.

I love and hate you all,

bet0x I hope you are seeing this!! YOUR DESERVE IT!!:D
Account Upgraded! :P
Apr 11, 2007
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sobieh was the man! i remember when he quit mu development, he was selling his sources and at czf forum members wanted to collect money and buy the sources.goehdtjdrnr and the list go on.... memories...
King of the bongo
Oct 17, 2009
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Still waiting for other team in the future.. :) where are you guyz!

does anyone knows blurcoder??

I do remember of someone called BlurCode or smth like that, he worked with Fen$x on his latest failing attempt of creating something worth of praise... VeMU remember? :)

Also please do not forget lucianoaibar for his awesome s3 e1 release which has been used for years in MU servers xD
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 5, 2009
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sobieh was the man! i remember when he quit mu development, he was selling his sources and at czf forum members wanted to collect money and buy the sources.goehdtjdrnr and the list go on.... memories...

he quit mu development 1 year ago, and he deleted S6 E2 emulator source + client addons source =///
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