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My events dont work

Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2016
Reaction score
Hey guys i can't seem to find any info on how to actually execute the event.
Here is what my Event.lua looks like

---- Event-related loading Lua functions -----------------------------

-- Auto-Bulletin -----------------------------------------------------
bNotice = True -- Notice whether to run automatically(true or false)
Notice( "Tue 05:00", 50, 1 ) -- Automatic notification time interval Notice (MIN), notice the number of
AddMessage( "The most apologies!" )
AddMessage( "Server is still under fixes so expect reboot from time to time" )
AddMessage( "Report all bugs on forum please!" )

---- Initialization --------------------------------------------------

-- Hourly drop-weight items
tHour = { 505, 409, 324, 280, 220, 203, 202, 212,
227, 261, 302, 349, 571, 701, 764, 803,
790, 789, 754, 849, 936, 940, 919, 720 }

---- 1. AddEvent( strDesc ) -- Add an event registration and description
---- 2. SetTime( strStartTime, strEndTime ) -- Of the event start time, end time registration (multiple configurable)
---- ( ?? ?? -- "2007-05-03 17:53" )
---- 3. SetItem( ItemId, nMax, nNum, nLevel ) -- Events and drop items, most of one day, drop the number of (random),
---- The minimum level of monsters drop items - several possible
---- 4. SetExpFactor( fFactor ) -- Increased experience
---- 5. SetItemDropRate( fFactor ) -- Drops increased the item drop rate
---- 6. SetPieceItemDropRate( fFactor ) -- The piece has a monster multiple of items increase
---- 7. SetGoldDropFactor( fFactor ) -- Pena drop
---- 8. SetAttackPower( nAttackPower ) -- Increase Attack
---- 9. SetDefensePower( nDefensePower ) -- Increased defense
---- 10. SetCouponEvent( SEC(n) ) -- Coupon Event (access time - SEC (n) or MIN (n))
---- 11. SetLevelUpGift( nLevel, "all", ItemId, nNum, byFlag ) -- Level-Up Gifts (nLevel achieve items paid for, "all" part specifies the specific account (eg. "__bu" - Buddy, "__an" - Angel)
---- 12. SetCheerExpFactor( fFactor ) -- Set cheer experience
---- 13. SetSpawn( TYPE, strId, nNum ) -- Sponsored events: Type - ITEM or MONSTER, ID, 1 Seuponil seuponryang
---- 14. SetKeepConnectEvent( nTime, strItemId, nItemNum ) -- Cumulative access items paid event (connection time, the item ID, item number)
---- 15. SetRainEvent( fExpFactor, strTitle ) -- Rainy events (Exp Value, Event Title)
---- 16. SetSnowEvent( fExpFactor, strTitle ) -- Snowfall events (Exp Value, Event Title)
---- *** Add an event to register from 1 to repeat 3-16 times as needed may be omitted.
AddEvent( "EVENT TEST 01" )
SetTime( "2007-06-08 14:23", "2007-06-08 16:11" )
SetTime( "2007-06-09 14:23", "2007-06-10 00:00" )

SetItem( "II_SYS_SYS_EVE_HAPPYMONEY01", 30000, 5, 15 )
SetItem( "II_SYS_SYS_EVE_PUMPKIN01", 2000, 3, 15 )
SetExpFactor( 2 )
SetItemDropRate( 2 )
SetPieceItemDropRate( 2 )
SetGoldDropFactor( 2 )
SetAttackPower( 150 )
SetDefensePower( 100 )
SetCouponEvent( MIN(120) )
SetLevelUpGift( 15, "__bu", "II_SYS_SYS_SCR_BX_PET_LAWOLF7", 1, 2 )
SetCheerExpFactor( 1.3 )
SetSpawn( ITEM, "II_SYS_SYS_EVE_HAPPYMONEY01", 10000 )
SetSpawn( MONSTER, "MI_AIBATT1", 2000 )
SetSpawn( MONSTER, "MI_AIBATT4", 2000 )
SetKeepConnectEvent( MIN(60), "II_SYS_SYS_SCR_BXTREASURE01", 1 )
SetRainEvent( 2, "Experience the two times when it rains!" )
SetSnowEvent( 2, "If snow falls experience 2 times!" )

---- Begin Script -------------------------------------------------------

AddEvent( "Shall We Dance? LVL Event! 01" )
SetTime( "2009-08-11 00:00", "2019-08-11 23:59" )

SetRainEvent( 2, "Rain event (x2 Exp)" )
SetSnowEvent( 1.1, "Snow event (x2 Drop)" )


AddEvent( "Dress to impress Leveling Rewards!! 02" )
SetTime( "2009-02-23 00:00", "2099-08-25 23:59" )

SetLevelUpGift( 5, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 100 )
SetLevelUpGift( 10, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 200 )
SetLevelUpGift( 15, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 300 )
SetLevelUpGift( 20, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 400 )
SetLevelUpGift( 25, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 500 )
SetLevelUpGift( 30, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 600 )
SetLevelUpGift( 35, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 700 )
SetLevelUpGift( 40, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 800 )
SetLevelUpGift( 45, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 900 )
SetLevelUpGift( 50, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 1000 )
SetLevelUpGift( 55, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 1100 )
SetLevelUpGift( 60, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 1200 )
SetLevelUpGift( 180, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 1300 )
SetLevelUpGift( 190, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 1400 )
SetLevelUpGift( 200, "all", "II_CHP_RED", 1500 )
SetLevelUpGift( 120, "all", "II_SYS_SYS_SCR_PERIN", 1, 2 )
SetLevelUpGift( 65, "all", "II_SYS_SYS_GM_SKLVLALL", 10 )
SetLevelUpGift( 110, "all", "II_SYS_SYS_GM_SKLVLALL", 5 )


but when i type /EVENTINFO 1 & 2 , It says the events ongoing are " MochiKochi" and "Quit Event"
Wtf? Those aren't my events nor did i create them. How can i fix this? Do i need to move my event.lua to certain folder or something for the events to actually take affect or what? :blushing: