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Neverwinter Online RE-Release (Based on DNC'S source)

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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

6890 is the communication port for the servers itself (they're communicating over the port, so it should never be accessed with a browser.). 6850 is the actual nodeJS http server.

Then mine is not working... oh well :D ill look into it later then.
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

@Keiko123 i cannot add your refreshed tutorial too it gives me the same error, also; you cannot accept more privat messages, clean your box pls.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

@Flyer8472 Thanks for the notice, sorry for the trouble. I think that's the only edit I'll apply to it so that's done.

I'll stick to the balancing the powers. Speaking of which, this will balance the Eye of the Storm feature for the SpellStorm Control Wizard builds and make it more useful.


1. Go to the Night\data\defs\powers\Player\Paragon\Spellstormmage\Spellstormmage_Classfeature_Stormspell_Apply.Powers

2. Change it to this code :

PowerDef Spellstormmage_Classfeature_Eyeofthestorm_Apply
    Categories  Paragon,  Classfeature
    Targetmain Self
    Targetaffected Self
    Timeallowqueue 0.5
    Attribkeyblock 1958594624

        Attrib CritChance
        Aspect BasicAbs
        Tags  Buff
        Applypriority 1.000000
        Key 1958594624


            Statement <&4.5 + (.5 * (CharNodeRank(SourceOwner,"Paragon_SpellStormMage.ClassFeatures.Class_EyeoftheStorm")-1))&>


            Statement 1
        Target Self
        Flags  ShowPowerDisplayName
        Stack Replace
        Enhancementextension 1


        Statement <&HasPowerCat(powerDef,"Atwill") OR HasPowerCat(powerDef,"Encounter") OR HasPowerCat(powerDef,"Daily")&>


        Statement <&Application.Random <= ((.9 + (.9 * (NodeRank("Paragon_SpellStormMage.ClassFeatures.Class_EyeoftheStorm")-1))) * (1 + 2 * HasPowerCat(PowerDef,"Encounter")) * (1 + 2 * HasPowerCat(PowerDef,"Daily")))&>


        Statement 0
    IconName Wizard_Classfeature_Eyeofthestorm
    Purpose Class

    Msgdisplayname Pn.1r9aog

    Group Player/Paragon/Spellstormmage
    Indextags Enhancement
    Type Enhancement
    Targetvisibilitymain None
    Targetvisibilityaffected None
    Enhancementattachunowned AlwaysIfAttached
    Donotautoslot 1

It makes changes as they were during the MOD3-MOD5, and also something that is widely credited as the best Feature for a SpellStorm mage overall.


1. Go to Night\data\defs\powers\Player\Paragon\Spellstormmage\Spellstormmage_Classfeature_Stormspell_Apply.Powers

2. Apply the given code below to the text and save it as it is.

PowerDef Spellstormmage_Classfeature_Stormspell_Apply
    Categories  Paragon,  Classfeature
    Targetmain Self
    Targetaffected Self
    Timeallowqueue 0.5
    Attribkeyblock -1171177856

        Attrib Lightning
        Aspect BasicAbs
        Tags  RangedDmg
        Applypriority 2.000000
        Key -1171177856


            Statement <&( ItemWeaponDamage() + Table(Source,"Base_Ranged_Heavy") ) * (Var(Source,"Mult_AtWill") * .6) * (1 + (.1 * (CharNodeRank(SourceOwner,"Paragon_SpellStormMage.ClassFeatures.Class_StormSpell"))))&>


            Statement 0.4
        Continuingfx Fx_Spellstormmage_Classfeature_Stormspell
        Continuingfx Fx_Controller_Daily_Maelstromofchaos_Dot
        Type Magnitude
        Flags  ShowPowerDisplayName
        Enhancementextension 1

        Attrib Lightning
        Aspect StrAdd
        Applypriority 1.000000
        Key -1171177855


            Statement <&0.6 * Attrib(Source,"Abs_Power")&>
        Target Self
        Enhancementextension 1


        Statement <&HasPowerCat(powerDef,"Atwill") OR HasPowerCat(powerDef,"Encounter") OR HasPowerCat(powerDef,"Daily")&>


        Statement <&TargetIsType(source,target,"foe")&>


        Statement 1
    IconName Wizard_Classfeature_Stormspell
    Purpose Class

    Msgdisplayname Pn.Zh5vu

    Group Player/Paragon/Spellstormmage
    Indextags Enhancement
    Type Enhancement
    Targetvisibilitymain None
    Targetvisibilityaffected None
    Enhancementattachunowned AlwaysIfAttached
    Donotautoslot 1

It will make the StormSpell feature similar to the way it was during the MOD3-MOD5, also one of the most recognizable traits of the SpellStorm mage. I've made it to hit instead 30% of all times, to hit 40% of all times.

This way the At-Will Ray of Frost will have a bit of an upper-hand on the single-target enemies, specifically bosses, since it will make the StormSpell feature to proc a bit more often due to the way that Ray of Frost ticks on each 0.5 sec (common to most spells, however Ray of Frost is constant).

Note that even with all the given buffs and whatnot, the Castle Never dragon will be a hard one to take down singlehandedly.

Trickster Rogue players, please note that in this version Smoke Bomb does not apply DoT effects in terms of poison, it simply dazzes the opponents.

Furthermore note that in Elite Dungeons enemies are level 65 and have Mitigation (other name for the armor) that doesn't drop below a certain point. Elite enemies are more resistant to all effects such as immobilization, rooted, frozen, prone and whatnot. Bosses are immune to all controlling effects.
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Thx, added to main post.
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

@DNC knows better, but afaik the only working language the english...
Initiate Mage
Nov 10, 2016
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Guys I have a couple of questions 1) is there a newer version of an Assembly e.g. m 7-8, if not then how can the server translate to another language, and why can't I insert the 2 stones at once and inserted only 1 stone to choose from, please tell me how to fix it in advance large with many thanks
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Guys I have a couple of questions 1) is there a newer version of an Assembly e.g. m 7-8, if not then how can the server translate to another language, and why can't I insert the 2 stones at once and inserted only 1 stone to choose from, please tell me how to fix it in advance large with many thanks


1. It goes as far as Module 2, meaning Dread Ring and Sharandar as the only expansions.
2. Translations to other languages shouldn't be that hard.
3. There is an UI interaction code missing or displaced somewhere, so that is why it doesn't work properly. I'm looking to fix it for 2 days now, but I will find a way in the meantime, alongside with other fixes to items, description etc.
It might take some time to release it, but as soon as I find a fix I will post here. Hopefully someone else finds it :)

I can't find a way to remove the issues with the UI because there's an actual missing code that I'm not familiar with to any extent.

My knowledge ends with the possibility to edit the .wtex files which, to my knowledge, aren't even properly implemented. They're regular parts of the texture that needs JS/HTML implementation. (yes, the game uses HTML, you could create weird looking stuff in the comments of the guilds and whatnot, change fonts, font colors etc if you implemented basic html)

I've found out that certain parts of the UI are not connected despite being in the data files, it's a missing string, a missing code.

I'm thinking to make Weapon versions that LACK the 2nd slot (they'd only have Weapon slots), and furthermore increase the rank 10 enchantments for around 0.15 in order to compensate for the loss of one slot.

I've been able to add extra slots to numerous items, however the UI script that deals with advancing to the slot 2 doesn't exist anywhere in the data as far as I've seen. The fact that gemslots work themselves is rather strange to me and whoever was fixing that part of the data spent quite a lot of time.

Currently testing with every single item slot, adding up to ten slots, double and triple weapon enchantments to slots, and even to pets. Trying to find that missing code, somehow, somewhere, maybe, and get a bit of that puzzle in the returning arbitrary code.
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

am redownloading this since i lost the dnc source
again,does this work if i have windows on chinece crp locale?cause the dnc one didnt
Initiate Mage
Nov 10, 2016
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Guys I don't understand how can I translate the server and client, there is a file (POToTranslateFiles) I was launched and then what? Maybe there is some detailed description of how to do it?(
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

I've figured out why certain powers do not make a critical strike, it's all about the way powers interact with the projectile.powers files.

The main spell power transfers the damage to the projectile.damage that doesn't make a critical hit, at all. Virtually all spells that use the projectile-based damage are having this bug.

To name a few
Oppressive Force daily power from Control Wizard
Sudden Storm encounter from the Control Wizard
Shard of Endless Avalanche encounter from the Control Wizard
Icy Terrain encounter from the Control Wizard

All powers that do not use the projectile.damage type will critically hit by default string, it's part of the default mechanic.

Question is - how to make certain spells critically hit? Keeping the projectile/based powers or creating a completely new power.damage attribute... I have no idea what to do at this point.

Better yet, did anyone find a way to work around this? If I had just one prototype of a working encounter with proper projectile.damage applied, I'd be able to fix everything in one day and release a completely fixed version of all powers that are currently broken.

Alternatively, I could simply release powers that are dealing 1.15x of their intended damage but then Weapon Enchantments such as Vorpal wouldn't do anything for a potential build.

As for the Smoke Bomb, I've found out that Smoke bomb encounter actually has animation that Trickster Rogue never saw. It's a rather funny one, too. Trickster rogue raises his hand and slams the ground with a small battlecry like "Raaaagh".

Anyone interested in finding out how to make powers critically hit or, better yet, anyone already found that one out? And, yes, the manual doesn't do anything in terms of fixing the powers.
I've read that manual, believe it or not.
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

can someone mirror no mega?it stops every 1gb and ask me to wait 3 hours ¬¬
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

I've made an acc on it, then log-in and then download. It downloads approx 4gb, then stops for some time, then again.
It's been downloading it for around one day maybe, but it was worth it.

I'd mirror it, but my Upload speed is terrible.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

This is part one of my updates to the game. This update is regarding the alternative fix to the Weapons that use Weapon Enhancement slots.
The idea is to remove all the Offense slots from the weapons that use them, and maintain Weapon Enhancement slots (pink square on the weapons) exclusively. This is a temporary fix that surgically removes the incorrect syntax in 291 weapons that I've edited per item and also tested with their classes in-game after the applied fixes. Everything works as intended with all Weapon Enhancement slots (that means that I've tested around 2300 items through the console).

NOTE : If you already have a weapon equipped with either Offense enchantment or Weapon Enhancement, you will need to discard it and find the alternative version, otherwise you will get the bug and client will CTD. Apply the Weapon Enhancements only after you add these new files.

NOTE2 : When you're extracting these, your server needs to be completely off and after the files have been extracted, you need to start _0_MCP.bat file exclusively.

LINK to the file : https://mega.nz/#!pp5iDRrY!9ttbL4wMHMWg8iRAl9A0xyY8BC67MDegd_pEIyCeIZE
Password : RAGEzone123

If you find any bugs, whatsoever, please let me know and I will fix them for you.

STEP 1 : Go to where you extracted the Server itself. Extract the files in Night\Data.
STEP 2 : Overwrite all files that it asks you to do. There are 46 folders and 290/291 files.
Last edited:
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Added to the main post:D
Jul 26, 2011
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

does anyone know how to add zen to an account (this is probably the most difficult thing to do when completely unfamiliar with the structures)? and also what ports can be used "client"-side? (such as the above gateway)

I know of 8090, and obviously 80
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

got megadownloader 1.7,its slowly going without those stupid mega notices that i exed limit,i recomend you all to get it
5 of 21 gb going smooth
but would be nice if someone mirror it outside mega
anyway i know it works i want to check the new features you added
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2014
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Re: [RELEASE] Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

does anyone know how to add zen to an account (this is probably the most difficult thing to do when completely unfamiliar with the structures)? and also what ports can be used "client"-side? (such as the above gateway)

I know of 8090, and obviously 80

Start server the usual way. No need for the client.

Go to your browser and type and then navigate to the account details, find the Name of the account that you're going to change in terms of ZEN amount.

Once you find it, navigate the page down and find the sentence "Add or Change the Key Value''. You will have two fields to type in, first field is used to type "NeverwinterChain" and another field is used to type in the amount/value of ZEN that you will add (like 5000000).

You confirm it and that's all.

However, once you get used to the commands, you will never use ZEn anymore, unless you need something fast.
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