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News SARS like virus, a global threat, says WHO

Apr 12, 2008
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Pretty scary stuff if you ask me.

"A new SARS-like virus recently found in humans is "a threat to the entire world," according to the director-general of the United Nations' World Health Organization.The so-called novel coronavirus "is not a problem that any single affected country can keep to itself or manage all by itself," Margaret Chan said Monday in her closing remarks at the 66th World Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.
The world needs to pull together its resources to properly tackle the virus which, Chan said, is her "greatest concern" at present."

Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Creating AIDS?

He is probably one of those people who believe in conspiracies, the conspiracy surrounding AIDS is that the CIA created it in the 50s. Which is total bull poop.

At least there will be something to watch on the News, I would persuade my parents to just move into the near-by forest to evade the virus if suddenly everyone started dying around our community.

It's called Novel Coronavirus but is similar in symptoms to SARS, with the added symptom of death. It isn't directly a mutated strain of SARS, its a new virus.

It originates in the middle east, United Arab Emirates, but isn't as fast-spreading as SARS, personally I believe this is just a health scare.
Apr 9, 2005
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He is probably one of those people who believe in conspiracies, the conspiracy surrounding AIDS is that the CIA created it in the 50s. Which is total bull poop.

At least there will be something to watch on the News, I would persuade my parents to just move into the near-by forest to evade the virus if suddenly everyone started dying around our community.
Ugh, aren't there any better conspiracies to be crazy about?

Finally, a new plague. Hooray.

Well, it's probably a storm in a teacup. Or not. Might be fun.
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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50% mortality rate. Half the people who contracted it are now dead.

It won't stay that way, sub-strains would develop in which would be less fatal, once we get those and fight them off we already have some defence against the dangerous one. I bet there are over 100 strains that are not fatal that are currently spreading throughout the UAE.
Jun 25, 2008
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Once again, another thing has been discovered that should scare us civilians into a panic.

Note, I said 'should', and I said 'another'. Previous viruses and other epidemics have been occurring that have been deemed internationally "a reason to panic", yet, I'm still here, healthy as ever, and typing up a response to this newly discovered virus that is deemed as a global threat.

Let's go through a quick Q&A about this virus.

1. Is it scary?

2. Is it life-threatening?

3. Should you be concerned?

4. Is there anything YOU as a civilian can do about it?
Not much, so no, not really.

So honestly, it isn't worth reducing your life-expectancy by stressing out about it. If it's happening, it's happening. I'm sure scientists and doctors are already avidly searching for a vaccine, cure, or a way of further and better treatment for it.

Speaking of "it's happening"...

H2c1v - News SARS like virus, a global threat, says WHO - RaGEZONE Forums



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Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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sh1t........................i hate this kind of virus .... kill many human 。。。。。。。。

They kill a lot in countries with badly developed Disease control centres and bad hospitals.

I think this COULD spread to many major nations (USA, UK, France, China, Japan and Canada), and I don't think it will last long there before everyone is vaccinated (providing a vaccination is created in their secret bunkers)

This will pose a major problem in South East Asia, and other under-world average developed nations.
May 28, 2010
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Actually, having a new plague would be a great move for humanity, we're really too many already.
I know "OMG YOU SOULLESS PIECE OF CRAP" and "OMG HOW CAN YOU SAY ThAT?", but really, the universe doesn't give a crap and it'd be better off this way.All I hope is that the great minds of the earth will be protected from this so even after this is over, they shall construct, perhaps a better world.So I'd say, a few billions for a better future, why not?

Now I am waiting for the conspiracy theories. "USA Government created a new lethal virus and has set it free."
"North Korea deployed the virus."
Mar 7, 2003
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Actually, having a new plague would be a great move for humanity, we're really too many already.
I know "OMG YOU SOULLESS PIECE OF CRAP" and "OMG HOW CAN YOU SAY ThAT?", but really, the universe doesn't give a crap and it'd be better off this way.All I hope is that the great minds of the earth will be protected from this so even after this is over, they shall construct, perhaps a better world.So I'd say, a few billions for a better future, why not?

Now I am waiting for the conspiracy theories. "USA Government created a new lethal virus and has set it free."
"North Korea deployed the virus."

The current population could easily be feed and housed fully if a small minority weren't selfish bastards.