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North Korea is at it again...

Apr 12, 2008
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They managed to create systems where even though miserable poverty reigns, they enjoy doing what they do and guess what, they do it better than ANY other country in the world could be able to. Their society works unlike any other society in the world, either you care to accept it or not.
duck you all.

Not sure if you're trolling or just THAT stupid. North Koreans are FORCED into labor or they're thrown in concentration camps.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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No smart country on Earth would willingly declare war on or try to even attack the US nowadays, because they know what would happen, so all of these weak threats mean nothing. That's like the bony school nerd picking a fight with a kid 5 grades ahead taking Martial Art's classes. The only way the US will get involved in another major war is if we are the ones who start it, otherwise most countries know that we are factually the strongest military force on this planet and they wouldn't stand a chance.

Which is why I laugh at threads and articles like these.

And no I'm not being arrogant or anything like that I'm only stating fact. Honestly I'm partially ashamed we have so much power, no human or amount of humans should have the power to destroy this planet multiple times over.
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
You guys need to stop being one-sided pieces of poop and actually see things as they are. They tested a nuclear bomb, a pretext is needed to create poop and tension, they used as one. How many nuclear tests and etc are conducted throughout the world that we don't even know? There's secret bases located EVERYWHERE that if you come even as 1km close you'll be shot down. That doesn't mean that eurofaggots and 'mericans can go and decide economic sanctions should be applied. Not saying they made the right decision but nor did the 'global leaders'. North korea might be the biggest pile of poop to you since all you are is media bigots and look like no brain morons most of the time, but they manage to continue and live their lives not giving a single duck what you retards think about them. If only it was two-sided....
They managed to create systems where even though miserable poverty reigns, they enjoy doing what they do and guess what, they do it better than ANY other country in the world could be able to. Their society works unlike any other society in the world, either you care to accept it or not.
duck you all.

1. The nuclear test was in february. nKorea lacks the resources and technology needed to weaponize a prototype that fast.
2. The nuclear technology they used is the same used at the hiroshima bombings. Good luck not getting that shot down as soon as it lifts.
3. What would they gain by entering in a war state with half the world?
4. I'm sorry, was the US even directly threatened? I though it was skorea...
5. Bigots, bigots everywhere
6. If you're so worried about nuclear warfare you should ask these countries to dismantle the more than 300 nuclear warheads they all have ^^

I'm confused by your argument.

There might be two sides, but what exactly is the merit of the other side? Why is NKorea antagonising every other country in the world? If you want us to see more than one side, why not try and enlighten us as to what this other point of view is? Unless you are just referring to what other people in this thread have already said, about Kim Jong wanting to prove himself, but then why the duck are you telling us to see their PoV when we already have.

If there are nuclear tests happening on the Earth, governments quite easily know about them. There's this little thing called radiation, which is very difficult to hide, and if you are hiding it it's not a very effective test anyway then. You simply can't test nuclear weapons in secret, and generally the people doing the test aren't really testing they are proving they can use them normally as a threat.

The rest of the world can decide to use economic sanctions if they want. It's their money after all. It's an effective way to stop countries being duck tards and killing people. No country is stand alone any more, and when one acts up it puts other at risk.

I don't need the media to tell me North Korea is a poop hole. Have you seen the sat images of it at night? It's like a dead zone, there's duck all electricity. I'm not sure how you can argue an advanced civilisation can exist without power. I'd welcome residents of NKorea to come online and tell us it's not so bad, but you don't see that happening. Why? Because it's a oppressive poop hole where no one is allow free will. It might as well be a country of slaves. They don't care what we think because I doubt they know we exist. They have been brain washed to think their country is the best in the world (a lot like USA :p).

Not sure what you mean by create systems. They get a poop load of foreign aid to curb poverty, and this is self made poverty too. What exactly do they enjoy doing? If you mean oppress the normal citizens, then yeah they probably do enjoy it, as much as slave owners enjoyed in a few 100 years ago. I wouldn't say they are the best at it, there are many oppressive governments around still. Their society doesn't work, because there society barely exists. A community of slaves is not a society.

1, How can you suggest they have this utopia of a society, then say they don't have resources and technology? You;re killing your own argument.
2, It simply doesn't matter how ancient nuclear tech they use. To be fair, all nuclear tech is ancient now because there is no point in research it, it only does one job and that's to wipe out everything in an area. Most countries wouldn't consider that because of the collateral damage, and the waste of land it causes. No nuclear weapons are all about intimidation, not about warfare.
3, Not half the world, the entire world. Not even China and Russia are happy about NKorea any more. They are fools for antagonising the rest of the planet, and if poop happens they have entirely brought it on themselves.
4, SKorea is the USAs ally (and most of the rest of the world), if you threaten it you are threatening everyone. It's called a defensive pact.
5, I doubt anyone here has any issue with NKoreaians as a people. I know I don't! I really don't care who or what you are, if you are threatening people I have an issue with it.
6, Those are for defence. Essentially the only way to stop someone else from using their nukes, is to have them yourself. It's called mutually assured destruction. I have no issue with countries owning nuclear weapons, I have issue with countries threatening to use them on anyone.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 12, 2010
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Fairly sure if North Korea was holding War Games with Canada using military aircraft capable of dropping nukes and pretending to do bombing runs, the USA would get some rockets ready to fire back, throw some rhetoric around and put their military on stand-by.
It's a lemon thing
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure if you're trolling or just THAT stupid. North Koreans are FORCED into labor or they're thrown in concentration camps.
Are they really? Please list me your sources, if you have any other than manipulated press shenanigans.

In the last 10 to 20 years several nations announced they had developed nuclear warheads. Either 1, they bought the weapons or 2 they developed them. In case 2 happened (most of the times), you gotta be pretty stupid to think they wouldn't test them out first. It's tests are simply not announced.
Also, we are told that anyone who disagrees with their points of view get's sent to labor camps. The labor camps I've seen in independent documentarys which weren't one sided like vice's doc where the perpose was none but educate people towards focusing the nKoreas are poor, filthy, uneducated and starve to death. Uneducated? Lemme tell you they receive one of the best educations of the world. Better than mine and better than yours or your sons-to-be will have. I've seen nKorean 7year olds do more or know more than 65% of ignorants in this thread.

nKorea is a threat to us as much we are a threat to them, roles roll. Hence the threats.
Plus your whole speech coincides exactly with what people are told. Watch independent un-cut footage and then come discuss it with me. If anyone even believes that press news is 100% accurate lemme tell you. You're a freaking Special person.
I once was like that and would give out the exact same speech. Right now, untill I manage to raise 3.2k€ to purchase a trip there before it goes to shitters based on ignorant support from the people and ganancious pretexts by global governments I will never talk random crap (you guys know nothing off) about them. Untill I see it with my OWN eyes.
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Are they really? Please list me your sources, if you have any other than manipulated press shenanigans.

In the last 10 to 20 years several nations announced they had developed nuclear warheads. Either 1, they bought the weapons or 2 they developed them. In case 2 happened (most of the times), you gotta be pretty stupid to think they wouldn't test them out first. It's tests are simply not announced.
Also, we are told that anyone who disagrees with their points of view get's sent to labor camps. The labor camps I've seen in independent documentarys which weren't one sided like vice's doc where the perpose was none but educate people towards focusing the nKoreas are poor, filthy, uneducated and starve to death. Uneducated? Lemme tell you they receive one of the best educations of the world. Better than mine and better than yours or your sons-to-be will have. I've seen nKorean 7year olds do more or know more than 65% of ignorants in this thread.

nKorea is a threat to us as much we are a threat to them, roles roll. Hence the threats.
Plus your whole speech coincides exactly with what people are told. Watch independent un-cut footage and then come discuss it with me. If anyone even believes that press news is 100% accurate lemme tell you. You're a freaking Special person.
I once was like that and would give out the exact same speech. Right now, untill I manage to raise 3.2k€ to purchase a trip there before it goes to shitters based on ignorant support from the people and ganancious pretexts by global governments I will never talk random crap (you guys know nothing off) about them. Untill I see it with my OWN eyes.

Afaik, countries aren't allowed to sell nuclear weapons, or share knowledge with countries who haven't already got nukes. Granted some countries break this rule, so pinch of salt and all that. Anyway, if a country tests a nuke we don't need them to announce it, the radiation released is pretty obvious. It's kind of why it makes it a good threat, every time you test one the rest of the world can see the radiation spike and think "holy poop", without having to be told how powerful it is.

I don't personally care about forced labour camps, or reeducation camps, or whatever you want to call them. If free speech is illegal over there, then technically a forced labour camp is a prison, and it's really very similar to the US. I disagree with the countries policies, but then who am I to decide what is correct? We tolerate China being a dicatorship, and countless other countries having questionable legal systems. No, what I find wrong about NKorea is they are actively threatening the world.

Best educations in the world you say? You must be quite insane. The only reason the west has a decent education system is due to how interconnected every university is. The vast majority of cutting edge research is conducted between many universities, and that's how it needs to be for peer review. One university makes a breakthrough, many others try to replicate it and disprove it. A single university is quite worthless. NKorea unis simply can't be as advanced as ours because they aren't building upon the research at ours. On a side note, the university I'm currently working with is currently applying for a grant to work with 3 southern African universities on my project. This is currently just a small project, but it just goes to show how interconnected they all are. You will find professors in any uni from most advanced countries in the world.

As for a 7 y/o being smarter than me, well I'd love to meet them and help them progress! I consider myself to be quite smart (I'm going for a Masters in Sept, and hopefully a PhD after), so I'd question if everyone in NKorea has a degree level education, but suppose you are correct there are so many fields of study now I'm not sure one country would have the population to be advanced in everything.

NKorea isn't really a threat to us personally, it's a threat to our allies, which means we must defend them.

Who said the news was 100% accurate? It depends on which source you go by, and I tend to take all of them with a pinch of salt. All I need to know is NKorea has nukes, and are threatening various allies with them. Would you disagree with those statements?

As for going to visit NKorea, good luck with that.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
Afaik, countries aren't allowed to sell nuclear weapons, or share knowledge with countries who haven't already got nukes.

It is kind of common knowledge, North Korea is vastly lacking resources though.
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score

It is kind of common knowledge, North Korea is vastly lacking resources though.

So you think you could create a nuclear weapon with a wiki article?

Just no, if it was that simple every country would have them, and it wouldn't have taken over 130k people to develop.

No, you can find the basic theory online, but the actual knowledge to create them is a closely guarded secret. Think of it like this, you might know how a microchip works, and even have a good knowledge of transistors, but do you know how to dope the semiconductor? How to scale it down to such a small size? How quantum mechanics affects electronics at those scales? Etc, etc etc, you might have a general knowledge of a subject but it doesn't mean you could create one.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
1)Afaik, countries aren't allowed to sell nuclear weapons, or share knowledge with countries who haven't already got nukes. Granted some countries break this rule, so pinch of salt and all that. 2)Anyway, if a country tests a nuke we don't need them to announce it, the radiation released is pretty obvious. It's kind of why it makes it a good threat, every time you test one the rest of the world can see the radiation spike and think "holy poop", without having to be told how powerful it is.

I don't personally care about forced labour camps, or reeducation camps, or whatever you want to call them. If free speech is illegal over there, then technically a forced labour camp is a prison, and it's really very similar to the US. I disagree with the countries policies, but then who am I to decide what is correct? We tolerate China being a dicatorship, and countless other countries having questionable legal systems. 3)No, what I find wrong about NKorea is they are actively threatening the world.

4)Best educations in the world you say? You must be quite insane. The only reason the west has a decent education system is due to how interconnected every university is. The vast majority of cutting edge research is conducted between many universities, and that's how it needs to be for peer review. One university makes a breakthrough, many others try to replicate it and disprove it. A single university is quite worthless. NKorea unis simply can't be as advanced as ours because they aren't building upon the research at ours. On a side note, the university I'm currently working with is currently applying for a grant to work with 3 southern African universities on my project. This is currently just a small project, but it just goes to show how interconnected they all are. You will find professors in any uni from most advanced countries in the world.

As for a 7 y/o being smarter than me, well I'd love to meet them and help them progress! I consider myself to be quite smart (I'm going for a Masters in Sept, and hopefully a PhD after), so I'd question if everyone in NKorea has a degree level education, but suppose you are correct there are so many fields of study now I'm not sure one country would have the population to be advanced in everything.

5) NKorea isn't really a threat to us personally, it's a threat to our allies, which means we must defend them.

Who said the news was 100% accurate? It depends on which source you go by, and I tend to take all of them with a pinch of salt. All I need to know is NKorea has nukes, and are threatening various allies with them. Would you disagree with those statements?

As for going to visit NKorea, good luck with that.

1. They are allowed to give other countries nukes though, look at: Germany, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey for example holding a large stockpile of B61-11's given to them by the US
2. North Korea's recent nuke test was barely able to be found by searching for radiation. Countries with better tech could easily hide the radiation.
3. The United States of America and other NATO countries actively threaten other countries with war unless they seize and desist in activities which they do not like.
4. North Koreans get specialized education depending on what class of field of study their family is in.
5. Unless your allies attack first.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
So you think you could create a nuclear weapon with a wiki article?

Just no, if it was that simple every country would have them, and it wouldn't have taken over 130k people to develop.

No, you can find the basic theory online, but the actual knowledge to create them is a closely guarded secret. Think of it like this, you might know how a microchip works, and even have a good knowledge of transistors, but do you know how to dope the semiconductor? How to scale it down to such a small size? How quantum mechanics affects electronics at those scales? Etc, etc etc, you might have a general knowledge of a subject but it doesn't mean you could create one.

Given the resources, yes I can.
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score

It is kind of common knowledge, North Korea is vastly lacking resources though.
Don't be Ducking stupid, nuclear fission is a very simple reaction on paper but when it comes to doing it in real life it's a whole different thing. Unless you're a nuclear physicist I seriously doubt that you have the knowledge to create a nuclear warhead by reading a Wikipedia article!! Maybe you are just as stupid as Kim Jong Un.
It's a lemon thing
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Who the duck said it was built based on a wiki article. It's old tech, get a degree and you could build one at your basement, thing is you'd have the feds at your house in a few hours/days

1. They are allowed to give other countries nukes though, look at: Germany, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey for example holding a large stockpile of B61-11's given to them by the US
2. North Korea's recent nuke test was barely able to be found by searching for radiation. Countries with better tech could easily hide the radiation.
3. The United States of America and other NATO countries actively threaten other countries with war unless they seize and desist in activities which they do not like.
4. North Koreans get specialized education depending on what class of field of study their family is in.
5. Unless your allies attack first.
Thank you heinrich

Also to add up to 3, russia threatened nuclear war on nato involved countries in case nato wouldn't back off syria last summer. There's something you didn't hear on the news.
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Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
1. They are allowed to give other countries nukes though, look at: Germany, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey for example holding a large stockpile of B61-11's given to them by the US
2. North Korea's recent nuke test was barely able to be found by searching for radiation. Countries with better tech could easily hide the radiation.
3. The United States of America and other NATO countries actively threaten other countries with war unless they seize and desist in activities which they do not like.
4. North Koreans get specialized education depending on what class of field of study their family is in.
5. Unless your allies attack first.

Are you sure they hadn't already developed nukes on their own? Like I said, as long a the country already has the tech sharing is allowed, but it's not allowed to help them develop it.

Easily hide it? Even nuclear reactors release a small amount, which are shielded to a crazy amount, and those aren't trying to explode anything! Doing nuclear tests without world governments knowing is impossible, or more questionable governments would have them.

NATO doesn't threaten anyone with war you imbecile. Do you even know what NATO is? It's a defence treaty, ie we defend each other, not attack together. Frankly the US only goes to war when it's other options fail.

How does specialised education equate to smarter than every other country? Plus the west does something similar at university level once you have a decent foundation from school. I think our system is better because how useful is being fantastic at say physics if you can't use your language well, or have no math ability. It's a lot cheaper and easier to start specialisation earlier, but it's flawed in the long run and seriously limits your society. Plus having it based on family members is completely retarded, my parents are office workers, surely that would have been a waste of my engineering abilities?

Which I've stated at least twice in this thread I believe.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Are you sure they hadn't already developed nukes on their own? Like I said, as long a the country already has the tech sharing is allowed, but it's not allowed to help them develop it.

Easily hide it? Even nuclear reactors release a small amount, which are shielded to a crazy amount, and those aren't trying to explode anything! Doing nuclear tests without world governments knowing is impossible, or more questionable governments would have them.

NATO doesn't threaten anyone with war you imbecile. Do you even know what NATO is? It's a defence treaty, ie we defend each other, not attack together. Frankly the US only goes to war when it's other options fail.

How does specialised education equate to smarter than every other country? Plus the west does something similar at university level once you have a decent foundation from school. I think our system is better because how useful is being fantastic at say physics if you can't use your language well, or have no math ability. It's a lot cheaper and easier to start specialisation earlier, but it's flawed in the long run and seriously limits your society. Plus having it based on family members is completely retarded, my parents are office workers, surely that would have been a waste of my engineering abilities?

Which I've stated at least twice in this thread I believe.

The US shares nuclear weapons under the NATO Nuclear Weapons Sharing uh, treaty?? Policy??

Minuscule amounts of radiation were able to be found from the latest test. The only thing that gave it away was something resembling an earthquake.

I said NATO countries, this includes Britain and many other Countries. please don't call me an imbecile when you clearly can not read. US only goes to war when they cant overthrow a government "peacefully".

I disagree, I would rather have a highly specialized education from a young age then go through the shenanigans school system which tries to mass educate us with general knowledge most of which I will never use. TBH it doesn't mean poop if you are an engineer or not, somebody else can take your place anyway.
May 15, 2009
Reaction score
Id like to know why Israel is aloud nukes they threatened europe before with them look it up they have not signed any treaty yet no ones bitches about them ffs say anything against a jew and your instanly antisemmic(or how ever you spell it)

Wake up and realize Israel combined with the USA are the biggest terrorist in the world.
I truly feel sorry for the US citizens that are loosing there great country to Zionist interest and corrupt governments.
If any country needs to be witch slaped it would have to be them.

Hate me what ever USA libertys are getting stripped by the minute. here is something i find funny found on internet.
On 9/11 and the years following, the Terrorists have Won.

America has been Destroyed.

They made Everyone Afraid, Scared, shaking in their little booties, which is exactly what the Terrorists Wanted.

Americans have Given up their Rights because of their Fear.

The Government has given up their responsibility and see all the worlds Citizens as Enemy Combatants, Because of their Fear.

The USA has fallen to Communism and to Corrupt Cronyism, Now they Spy on their Citizens, because of Fear, now they Disarm their Citizens, because of Fear, They refuse to pay a living wage, Because of Fear.

America has been Defeated, Defeated by Terrorists who got exactly what they wanted.

America, Scared enough to strip its own rights, to strip its own glory and to murder its own citizens and its own future, all due to Fear.

Policies and Agenda's pushed on a basis of Fear, for Americans to be Afraid ~ when just a little over a decade ago we were all strong believers in the opposite ~ The Terrorists Have Won.

And upon their victory they created Tens of Thousands of More Terrorists Within the Country itself, when they Pitted Ourselves against Each other and when they made everyone Afraid, even the Government, to the point that they remove our rights and spy on us as if we have anything against them when it is They that are Spying, They that are Stealing, They that are Murdering, Not Me, Not Us.

R.I.P America,
The Terrorists Won,
Through Fear,
Without a Shot Fired.

All as Planned.
You think the Government is Concerned?
They are just like the Terrorists, They hate our Rights and want to get rid of them!
(All so they can profit! Mostly off of our corpses.)

R.I.P America.
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
You guys need to stop being one-sided pieces of poop and actually see things as they are. They tested a nuclear bomb, a pretext is needed to create poop and tension, they used as one. How many nuclear tests and etc are conducted throughout the world that we don't even know? There's secret bases located EVERYWHERE that if you come even as 1km close you'll be shot down. That doesn't mean that eurofaggots and 'mericans can go and decide economic sanctions should be applied. Not saying they made the right decision but nor did the 'global leaders'. North korea might be the biggest pile of poop to you since all you are is media bigots and look like no brain morons most of the time, but they manage to continue and live their lives not giving a single duck what you retards think about them. If only it was two-sided....
They managed to create systems where even though miserable poverty reigns, they enjoy doing what they do and guess what, they do it better than ANY other country in the world could be able to. Their society works unlike any other society in the world, either you care to accept it or not.
duck you all.

1. The nuclear test was in february. nKorea lacks the resources and technology needed to weaponize a prototype that fast.
2. The nuclear technology they used is the same used at the hiroshima bombings. Good luck not getting that shot down as soon as it lifts.
3.What would they gain by entering in a war state with half the world?
4.I'm sorry, was the US even directly threatened? I though it was skorea...
5. Bigots, bigots everywhere
6. If you're so worried about nuclear warfare you should ask these countries to dismantle the more than 300 nuclear warheads they all have ^^

The Hiroshima bombings were actually extremely powerful, even compared to modern-warheads. and most countries that have nukes probably have 3x what they announce they have.
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
The US shares nuclear weapons under the NATO Nuclear Weapons Sharing uh, treaty?? Policy??

Minuscule amounts of radiation were able to be found from the latest test. The only thing that gave it away was something resembling an earthquake.

I said NATO countries, this includes Britain and many other Countries. please don't call me an imbecile when you clearly can not read. US only goes to war when they cant overthrow a government "peacefully".

I disagree, I would rather have a highly specialized education from a young age then go through the shenanigans school system which tries to mass educate us with general knowledge most of which I will never use. TBH it doesn't mean poop if you are an engineer or not, somebody else can take your place anyway.

They might share them but only to countries that theoretically could make their own.

So they are detectable, so why are you still arguing?

Why not say developed nations? You inferred that NATO were attacking people, why is just BS.

Well you are a fool, and probably very young, likely still at school. General knowledge is very important to create a well rounded person. Without History lessons, people repeat the same mistakes of the past. Without religious education, how are people to understand and tolerate other religions? Without Geography, you lack the knowledge to communicate with other cultures. Without ICT you are seriously limiting kids productivity/employability later in life. This is probably why NKorea is so fucked up in the first place.

As for someone replacing me, I doubt it. But I'm not going to go into what I do in this thread as it's not really relevant. Surfice to say the world needs more engineers, it's a heavily in demand recruitment, and if it was family based we would have far less technology. I'd bet on the vast majority of inventors don't have parents who were particularly inventive. Education should be based on ability, and it's madness to suggest otherwise.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
Are they really? Please list me your sources, if you have any other than manipulated press shenanigans.

In the last 10 to 20 years several nations announced they had developed nuclear warheads. Either 1, they bought the weapons or 2 they developed them. In case 2 happened (most of the times), you gotta be pretty stupid to think they wouldn't test them out first. It's tests are simply not announced.
Also, we are told that anyone who disagrees with their points of view get's sent to labor camps. The labor camps I've seen in independent documentarys which weren't one sided like vice's doc where the perpose was none but educate people towards focusing the nKoreas are poor, filthy, uneducated and starve to death. Uneducated? Lemme tell you they receive one of the best educations of the world. Better than mine and better than yours or your sons-to-be will have. I've seen nKorean 7year olds do more or know more than 65% of ignorants in this thread.

nKorea is a threat to us as much we are a threat to them, roles roll. Hence the threats.
Plus your whole speech coincides exactly with what people are told. Watch independent un-cut footage and then come discuss it with me. If anyone even believes that press news is 100% accurate lemme tell you. You're a freaking Special person.
I once was like that and would give out the exact same speech. Right now, untill I manage to raise 3.2k€ to purchase a trip there before it goes to shitters based on ignorant support from the people and ganancious pretexts by global governments I will never talk random crap (you guys know nothing off) about them. Untill I see it with my OWN eyes.

You are literally Ducking moron. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't think the holocaust happened at all as well eh?

All different sources, all interviewing different people who escaped. Anything else? Do you honestly don't believe people are starving to death there either?

Oh but you know all this "footage" must have been doctored right? Take off your tinfoil Ducking hat.
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It's a lemon thing
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
You are literally Ducking retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't think the holocaust happened at all as well eh?

All different sources, all interviewing different people who escaped. Anything else? Do you honestly don't believe people are starving to death there either?

Oh but you know all this "footage" must have been doctored right? Take off your tinfoil Ducking hat.

Oh, I've read all of those before dear sir, thing is...I also know how to READ them ^^ Don't trust everything you see on the news. This reminds me a presentation I saw on TED recently towards science/study articles. Half of the poop they post is wrong, yet, even though they're fully aware of their bias'ed shenanigans, they don't take the initiative to look like idiots and correct it. Much like yourself :/ Plus, all those are one sided documentaries (I've seen ages ago) and articles that all they do is raise public fear and make people consent to acts most of us would consider 100% immoral were we not as brainwashed as you claim north koreans are.