• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

Offline / Afk Vendor

Experienced Elementalist
Jan 1, 2014
Reaction score
No, put a position condition ... so that only GM / ADM can open 2 salespeople or more.

ok ok i never tested in normal players., thanks for the info

the only problem on this features here in source is the time expiration of the item. and auknown text -----fixed unknown text

this is weired the time is not sync https://ibb.co/S34cdv8
Last edited:
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 1, 2014
Reaction score
Another free release being sold by multiple people and now it's here to stay.

I was also kind enough to add the fix to ObjSerializeOpt.cpp so you won't have to buy it from people.

Offline / Afk Vendor (Tested & Working) = __VENDING_NPC

#ifndef    __SERVER_COMMON_H__
#define    __SERVER_COMMON_H__
//============================================= CONFIGURATION ==================================================
#define    __NEUZ_TITLE        "Vendedor AFK de Grátis"//| Nom du serveur                                        [Ok]
#define    __NEUZ_IPSET        ""                //| IP du serveur                                        [Ok]
#define    __NEUZ_PHASH        "PrimeiramenteBomDia"    //| Hash du mot de passe                                [Ok]
#define    __NEUZ_BOOTS        "sunkist"                //| Cle de demarrage                                    [Ok]
#define    __NEUZ_CPORT        "5400"                    //| Port de Neuz.exe                                    [Ok]
#define    __NEUZ_MSGVR        "20180719"                //| Version de Neuz.exe                                    [Ok]
#define    __VER                20                        //| Version du serveur                                    [Ok]

#define    __PETS_RATE            25                        //| Rate d'exp des familiers                            [Ok]
#define    __COUPLE_RATE        100                        //| Rate d'exp des couples                                [Ok]
//#define    __GUILD_RATE    25                        //| Rate d'exp des guildes                                [Ok]

//============================================= SYSTEMS ========================================================
#if __VER >= 15
//#define    __HACKSHIELD                            //| V15 - Utilisation de HackShield                        [MC]
//#define    __CONSOLE                                //| V15 - Affichage d'une console sur WorldServer        [Ok]
//#define    __AES                                    //| V15 - Cryptage Rijndael                                [Ok]
#define    __CHEAT_ENGINE                                //| V15 - Protection contre Cheat Engine                [Ok]
#define    __IAOBJ0622                                    //| V15 - Vaisseaux volants                                [Ok]
#define    __Y_INTERFACE_VER3                            //| V15 - Interface 3.0                                    [Ok]
#define    __LOADER_SPLASH                                //| V15 - Ecran de chargement                            [Ok]
#define    __ENVIRONMENT_EFFECT                        //| V15 - Effets environnementaux                        [Ok]
#define    __BS_ADD_CONTINENT_WEATHER                    //| V15 - Effets météos                                    [Ok]
#define    __BS_CHANGEABLE_WORLD_SEACLOUD                //| V15 - Transforme les océans en nuages                [Ok]
#define    __BS_ADDOBJATTR_INVISIBLE                    //| V15 - Ajoute les attributs invisibles                [Ok]
#define    __EVENTLUA_RAIN                                //| V15 - Augmente l'exp quand il pleut                    [Ok]
#define    __EVENTLUA_SNOW                                //| V15 - Augmente l'exp quand il neige                    [Ok]
#define __YENV                                        //| V15 - Post Processing Shader                        [Ok]
#define    __YENV_WITHOUT_BUMP                            //| V15 - Post Processing Shader without bump            [Ok]
#define    __2ND_PASSWORD_SYSTEM                        //| V15 - Code de banque à la connexion                    [Ok]
#define    __CHANGE_2ND_PASSWORD                        //| V15 - Modifier le code de banque à la connexion        [Ok]
#endif // __VER >= 15

#if __VER >= 16
#define    __IMPROVE_MAP_SYSTEM                        //| V16 - Map                                            [Ok]
#define    __NEW_MAP_V16                                //| V16 - Ajout des téléportations sur la map            [Ok]
#define    __3RD_LEGEND16                                //| V16 - 3e classes                                    [Ok]
#define    __NEW_SKILL_TREE                            //| V16 - Nouvel arbre des compétences                    [Ok]
#define    __CROSSBOW                                    //| V16 - Arbalète                                        [Ok]
#define    __ITEMLINK                                    //| V16 - Link des objets dans le chat                    [Ok]
#define    __UPGRADE_SUCCESS_SCROLL                    //| V16 - Parchemin d'améliorations                        [Ok]
#define    __ILLIMITED_PARTY_SKILL                        //| V16 - Parchemin fureur                                [Ok]
#define    __UNBIND                                    //| V16 - Parchemin déliant                                [Ok]
#define    __MAP_LOADING_UPDATE                        //| V16 - Images de chargement des maps                    [Ok]
#define    __INSTANCE_AGGRO_SYSTEM                        //| V16 - Aggro                                            [Ok]
#define    __NEW_WEAPON_GLOW                            //| V16 - Nouveaux SFX                                    [Ok]
#define    __NEW_STACKABLE_AMPS                        //| V16 - Parchemins de maîtrise                        [Ok]
#define    __GLOW_CHANGE                                //| V16 - Aura colorées                                    [Ok]
#define    __NEW_ITEM_VARUNA                            //| V16 - Baruna                                        [Ok]
#endif // __VER >= 16

#if __VER >= 17
#define    __TABBED_INV                                //| V17 - Inventaire 4 onglets                            [Ok]
#define    __COLOSSEUM                                    //| V17 - Coliseum                                        [Ok]
#define    __LOOKCHANGE                                //| V17 - Lookchange                                    [Ok]
#define    __LOOKCHANGE_PET                            //| V17 - Lookchange pour ramasseurs                    [Ok]
#define    __FASHION_COMBINE                            //| V17 - Fusion de fashions                            [Ok]
#define    __TREASUREBOX                                //| V17 - Coffre au trésor                                [Ok]
#define    __BARUNA_PIERCING                            //| V17 - Piercing baruna                                [Ok]
#define    __BARUNA_WAKEUP                                //| V17 - Eveil baruna                                    [Ok]
#define    __MAP_TORCH_SYSTEM                            //| V17 - Torches pour les maps                            [Ok]
#define    __SHOPPING_CART                                //| V17 - Caddie                                        [Ok]
#endif // __VER >= 17

#if __VER >= 18
#define    __RANDOMOPTION_RETRY                        //| V18 - Parchemin de mémoire sélective                [Ok]
#endif // __VER >= 18

#if __VER >= 19
#define    __NEW_TASKBAR_V19                            //| V19 - Taskbar                                        [Ok]
#define    __NAVIGATOR_V19                                //| V19 - Minimap                                        [Ok]
#define    __FLY_COUPON                                //| V19 - Coupon FlyForFun                                [Ok]
#define    __TARGET_INF_V19                            //| V19 - Infos. de la cible                            [Ok]
#define    __NEW_EXCHANGE_V19                            //| V19 - Echange NPC                                    [Ok]
#define    __MADRIGAL_GIFT_POINT                        //| V19 - Cadeaux des dieux                                [Ok]
#define    __MARKET_TELEPORT_V19                        //| V19 - Téléportation vers le marché                    [Ok]
#define    __ELLDIN_POTION                                //| V19 - Potion d'Eldine                                [Ok]
#define    __OPTION_EX                                    //| V19 - Options                                        [Ok]
#endif // __VER >= 19

#if __VER >= 20
// #define    __UPGRADE_CARDS                            //| V20 - Amélioration de cartes                        [Ok]
#define    __INVENTORY_SORT_BUTTON                        //| V20 - Bouton de rangement dans l'inventaire            [Ok]
#define __ITEM_GRADE_EDGE                            //| V20 - Cadres sur les objets                            [Ok]
#endif // __VER >= 20

// #define    __TEST                                    //| Fonctionnalités de test pour le développement        [Ok]
// #define    __GUILD_BUFFS                            //| Buffs de Guilde                                        [Bg]
// #define    __LIVELY_INVENTORY                        //| Mouvements dans l'inventaire                        [Bg]
// #define    __MODEL_VIEW                            //| Cabine d'essayage                                    [Bg]
// #define    __MODEL_VIEWER                            //|    Visionneur de style                                    [Bg]
// #define    __SYS_HONORSTAT                            //| Système de statistiques via sys. de titres            [Bg]
// #define    __DOUBLECLICK_ITEMUSE                    //| Utilisation rapide des objets de l'inventaire        [Ok]
// #define    __DELETEITEM_INSTANT                    //| Suppression rapide (SHIFT + Click droit)            [Ok]
// #define    __RECORDBOOK                            //| Livre des records                                    [Bg]
// #define    __AUTO_HEAL                                //| Soin automatique quand nourriture au sol            [Ok]
// #define    __CHAR_CREATE_ROTATE                    //| Rotation du personnage à la création du personnage    [Bg]

#define    __FAST_NEUZ                                    //| Démarrage rapide de Neuz.exe                        [Ok]
#define    __GAMEGUARD                                    //| Système de securité                                    [Ok]
#define    __GAMEMASTER                                //| Avantages des GM                                    [Ok]
#define    __FR_USE_EN                                    //| Langue FR sur jeu EN                                [Ok]
#define    __AWAKE_SELECT                                //| Parchemin d'éveil par statistique                    [Ok]
#define    __TAXES                                        //| Taxes en ville                                        [Ok]
#define    __SAVE_PASSWORD                                //| Sauvegarde du mot de passe (client)                    [Ok]
#define    __ADDSHOPITEM                                //| Fonction AddShopItem NPC                            [Ok]
#define    __FLYFF_HD                                    //| Résolution 1920x1080(HD)                            [Ok]
#define    __HEAL_SHOW                                    //| Affichages de PV soignés                            [Ok]
#define    __AddTextColored                            //| dwColor dans fonction AddText                        [Ok]
#define    __INVENTORY_POINTER                            //| Pointeurs dans l'inventaire                            [Ok]
#define    __WEAPON_RARITY                                //| Rareté des armes                                    [Ok]
#define    __NAME_COLOR                                //| Choix de la couleur du pseudo                        [Ok]
#define    __NAME_FONT                                    //| Choix de la police du pseudo                        [Ok]
#define    __FLY_LV1                                    //| Permet de voler à partir du Lvl 1                    [Ok]
#define    __SHOUT_LV1                                    //| Permet de crier à partir du Lvl 1                    [Ok]
#define    __NO_QUAKE                                    //| Suppression des tremblements des portes                [Ok]
#define    __PET_AUTO_LEVEL_UP                            //| Auto lv. up des familiers                            [Ok]
#define    __DROP_LOG                                    //| Log des drops                                        [Ok]
#define    __WIKIPEDIA_ITEM                            //| Wikipedia (objets)                                    [Ok]
#define    __WIKIPEDIA_JOB                                //| Wikipedia (classes)                                    [Ok]
#define    __WIKIPEDIA_TITLE                            //| Wikipedia (titres)                                    [Ok]
#define    __WIKIPEDIA_DUNGEON                            //| Wikipedia (instances)                                [Ok]
#define    __WIKIPEDIA_MONSTER                            //| Wikipedia (monstres)                                [Ok]
#define    __DAILY_GIFT                                //| Cadeau journalier                                    [Ok]
#define    __STATISTICS                                //| Affichage amélioré des stats (H)                    [Ok]
#define    __CHANGE_HOT_KEY                            //| Choix des touches                                    [Ok]
#define    __UNLIMITED_ARROW                            //| Carquois illimités                                    [Ok]
#define    __UNLIMITED_CHARM                            //| Mantras & conjurations illimitées                    [Ok]
#define    __AWAKE_MASK                                //| Bénédiction de la Déesse pour les masques            [Ok]
#define    __BLING_BLING                                //| Parchemin Bling Bling                                [Ok]
#define    __LORD_DONATE                                //| Donation au souverain                                [Ok]
#define    __ITEM_CONVERTER                            //| Boutons supplémentaires dans l'inventaire            [Ok]
#define    __AUTO_PERIN_CONVERTER                        //| Convertisseur de perin automatique                    [Ok]
#define    __MIN_MAX_PENYAS                            //| Boutons d'ajout et suppression de penyas            [Ok]
#define    __PET_FILTER                                //| Filtre du ramasseur                                    [Ok]
#define    __TRADE_FASHION_PET                            //| Echange des fashions et ramasseurs éveillés            [Ok]
#define    __VENDOR_UPDATE                                //| Mise à jour shop NPC                                [Ok]
#define    __SWITCH_GLOW_OLDNEW                        //| Ancienne & nouvelle aura pour les armes                [Ok]
#define    __RESIZE_CHARACTER                            //| Taille du personnage                                [Ok]
#define    __REMOVE_MAIL                                //| Suppression rapide des mails                        [Ok]
#define    __TRANSFER_AWAKE                            //| Parchemin de transfert d'éveil                        [Ok]
#define    __SPONGEBOB                                    //| Map de Bob l'éponge                                    [Ok]
#define    __4TH_JOBS                                    //| 4e classes                                            [Ok]
#define    __AUTO_MAX_SKILL                            //| Augmentation automatique des compétences            [Ok]
#define    __WORLDSERVER_MENU                            //| Options sur WorldServer.exe                            [Ok]
#define    __BADGE_SYSTEM                                //| Système de Badge                                    [Ok]
#define    __TELEPORTER_SYSTEM                            //| Système de téléporteur                                [Ok]
#define    __DISPLAY_WORLDINFO                            //| Affichage des FPS & du PING                            [Ok]
#define    __MAC_BAN                                    //| Bannissement par adresse mac                        [Ok]
#define    __PARTY_FIND                                //| Recherche de groupe                                    [Ok]
#define    __EATPET_STATS                                //| Statistiques sur les ramasseurs                        [Ok]
#define    __FAST_LOGIN                                //| Connexion sans choix du canal                        [Ok]
#define    __GOLDEN_MINE                                //| Ajout de la Mine d'Or                                [Ok]
#define    __NEW_CHANGE_JOB                            //| Changement de classe automatique                    [Ok]
#define    __NEW_BUFF_FORMAT                            //| Icones des buffs en cercle                            [Ok]
#define    __SWING_CHANGE                                //| Swing colors                                        [Ok]
#define    __NEW_COLOR_CHANGE                            //| Couleur des cheveux à la création du perso.            [Ok]
#define    __SPEED_CAST                                //| Vit. d'incant pour tous les skills                    [Ok]
#define    __EXTENDED_SALE_SYSTEM                        //| Boutique joueurs en perin                            [Ok]
#define    __MORE_OR_LESS                                //| Plus ou moins                                        [Ok]
#define    __WINDOW_TITLE                                //| Nom perso. dans le titre de la fenêtre                [Ok]
#define    __GOLD_ATTRIBUTE                            //| Attribut penyas (%)                                    [Ok]
#define    __MULTI_CREATE_ITEM                            //| Permet de créer plusieurs objets à la fois            [Ok]
#define    __TRAILS                                    //| Trails personnalisés                                [Ok]
#define    __ULTI_SHIELDS                                //| Boucliers ultimes                                    [Ok]
#define    __PLAYER_LIST                                //| Annuaire des joueurs                                [Ok]
#define    __LOTTERY                                    //| Roulette & ticket à gratter                            [Ok]
#define    __CASH_SHOP_POINTS                            //| Ajoute des points cash shop au compte                [Ok]
#define    __ONEHANDYOYO                                //| Yo-yo à une main                                    [Ok]
#define    __BUFF                                        //| Nouvelles fonctions de buff                            [Ok]
#define    __ADDMENU2                                    //| AddMenu2( MMI_ "" );                                [Ok]
#define    __GAY_AND_LESBIAN                            //| Mariages homosexuels                                [Ok]
#define    __USER_OWN_TITLE                            //| Titre personnalisé                                    [Ok]
#define    __CANDY_CRUSH                                //| Bonbons candy crush                                    [Ok]
#define    __NPC_SPAWN                                    //| Commande d'apparition de NPC                        [Ok]
#define    __ABILITY_OPTION_BONUS                        //| Bonus élémentaire                                    [Ok]
#define    __MESSENGER_CTRL_EXTENTED                    //| Modification de la messagerie                        [Ok]
#define    __PARTYLIST_MESSENGER                        //| Modification de la messagerie                        [Ok]
#define    __PET_GLOW                                    //| Aura sur le ramassseur                                [Ok]
#define    __REPORT                                    //| Signaler bug/joueur directement en jeu                [Ok]
#define    __UPGRADE                                    //| Application pour améliorer des objets                [Ok]
#define    __MASQUERADE                                //| Texture & SFX de Flyff Masquerade                    [Ok]
#define    __SFX_SHIELDS                                //| SFX sur les boucliers                                [Ok]
#define    __NO_TICKET_RESELL                            //| Revente des tickets utilisés à 1 penyas                [Ok]
#define    __AWAKE_WINDOW                                //| Fenêtre pour les éveils                                [Ok]
#define    __BUFF_SERVER                                //| Buffs pour tout le monde                            [Ok]
#define    __SCROLL_AWAKESLOT                            //| Parchemin d'ajout de ligne d'éveil                    [Ok]
#define    __NO_GUILD_DELAY                            //| Pas de cooldown pour changer de guilde                [Ok]
#define    __MODS_MANAGER                                //| Gestionnaire de modes                                [Ok]
#define    __REMOVE_PK_ANGEL                            //| Ange de la confession                                [Ok]
#define    __REBUFF                                    //| Parchemin de rebuff automatique                        [Ok]
#define    __ALCHEMY                                    //| Système d'alchimie                                    [Ok]
#define    __LAYER_SWITCH                                //| Switch de canal dans les tickets                    [Ok]
#define    __VIP                                        //| Parchemin VIP                                        [Ok]
#define    __MOUNT                                        //| Système de montures                                    [Ok]
#define    __RUNES                                        //| Système de runes                                    [Ok]
#define    __BETTER_POCKET                                //| Sacs d'inventaires plus grands                        [Ok]
#define    __HOLLY_SUPPORT_GS                            //| Points de support avec croix du templier            [Ok]
#define    __PANG_SYSTEM                                //| Remplacement de pang par piñata                        [Ok]
#define    __MESSAGE_SYSTEM                            //| Auto-message défilant en jeu                        [Ok]
#define    __PLAYERS_MENU                                //| Menus supplémentaires sur les personnages            [Ok]
#define    __REMOVE_MAX_RECOVER_RATE                    //| Suppression de la limite de PV pour régénération    [Ok]
#define    __BLOOM_QUALITY                                //| Qualité de la floraison                                [Ok]
#define    __ALIASING                                    //| Réduit le crénélage                                    [Ok]
#define    __ANISOTROPIC                                //| Filtrage anisotrope                                    [Ok]
#define    __CSHOUTSCR                                    //| Parchemins de cris colorés                            [Ok]
#define    __TIMER_MGR                                    //| Informations sur le cooldown des instances            [Ok]
#define    __RMVOBJ                                    //| Supprimer des entités                                [Ok]
#define    __SELECT_LORD                                //| Sélection du souverain                                [Ok]
#define    __NO_PARTY_GW_JOIN                            //| Groupes bloqués en guerre de guildes                [Ok]
#define    __CREATE_CHAR_WITH_JOB                        //| Choix de classe à la création du personnage            [Ok]
#define    __LOGIN_CAPS                                //| Affichage des majuscules sur l'app. de login        [Ok]
#define __NO_COMMAND_LIMITATION                        //| Affichage de toutes les commandes                    [Ok]
#define __DELETE_CHAR_WITH_PIN                        //| La suppression des perso. requiert le code PIN        [Ok]
#define    __MULTIPLE_THEME                            //| Choix du thème dans les options du jeu                [Ok]
#define    __REFRESHER                                    //| Régénération des stats avec fioles X                [Ok]
#define    __REMOVE_SKILL_BUFF                            //| Retirer les buffs                                    [Ok]
#define    __REBIRTH                                    //| Renaissance    du personnage                            [Ok]
#define    __DROP_ITEM                                    //| Permet de jeter les oeufs et jetons rouges            [Ok]
#define    __BUYBACK                                    //| Système de rachat d'objets vendus au NPC            [Ok]
#define    __DROP_GOLD                                    //| Permet de jeter des penyas                            [Ok]
#define    __MINIMAP_NAV_OBJ                            //| Suppression des images dans le navigateur            [Ok]
#define    __HARDCORE                                    //| Mode Hardcore                                        [Ok]
#define    __HIDE_COAT                                    //| Masquer les fashions                                [Ok]
#define    __PET_FAST                                    //| Pet Collector Faster                                [Ok]
#define __SYS_ONLINECOUNT_BUFFS                        //| Online Player Buff System                            [Ok]
#define __SYS_ONLINECOUNT_BUFFS_MODE    1            //| 1 = To turn on 0 = To turn off                        [Ok]
#define __MONSTER_BUFFS                                //| Monster Buffs (All from Party)                        [Ok]
#define __BUFF_ICON                                    //| Buffs Time Counter (EX. 1h, 59m, 59s,)                [Ok]
#define __GLOBALANNOUNCEMENT_GM                        //| Global Announcer for GameMaster's                    [Ok]
#define __HIDE_FASHION_FIX                            //| Fashion Hat Visual Correction                        [Ok]
#define __VENDING_NPC                                //| AFK Vendor without currency  [Saving]                [Ok]

#define    __MAX_COLLECT_BY_IP        3                    //| P : nombre max de collecteur par IP                    [Ok]
#define    __PRAISE_GLOVES            1.50f                //| P : pourcentage d'augmentation de l'acclamation        [Ok]
#define    __PERFECT_EATPET        99999                //| P : niveaux des familiers                            [Ok]
#define    __CRITICAL_AWAKE        200                    //| P : chances d'avoir un éveil critique (1/x)            [Ok]
#define    __RECYCLE                8                    //| P : nCost/x donne le nombre de morceaux                [Ok]
#define    __DEATH_MATCH            25000000            //| P : prix de l'inscription                            [Ok]
#define    __NEW_COLLECTOR_LV        20                    //| P : niveau max. du collecteur                        [Ok]
#define    __MAX_SPEED                200                    //| P : vitesse de déplacement max.                        [Ok]
#define    __MAX_GIFT_BOX            3                    //| P : multiplicateur de drop max.                        [Ok]
#define    __MULTIPLE_ITEM_PICKER    5.0f                //| P : Distance de ramassage des objets identiques        [Ok]
#define    __HACK_SHIELD                                //| P : AHNLAB HACKSHIELD                                [Ok]
#endif // __SERVER_COMMON_H__

0 support will be given by me as you guys never hit the thanks button and(or) say thanks in general.

Download: | Password: RageZone

I've notice that this features have minus ,

if i open all the programs and login create offline vendor and logout and back to login nothings problem when i click the vendor npc
when i closed all the programs and reopen again and login ingame when i click the vendor npc the client will freeze and it cause to crash the client
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
I've notice that this features have minus ,

if i open all the programs and login create offline vendor and logout and back to login nothings problem when i click the vendor npc
when i closed all the programs and reopen again and login ingame when i click the vendor npc the client will freeze and it cause to crash the client

Not entirely sure why your quoting my original post?

However most of your issues come down to poor copy/pasting and(or) not paying attention as I have added this and haven't experienced half the issues you claim it has. I also gave this to others before I posted this and they didn't have a majority of the issues you claim to have. While i do believe it contains some errors just not as many as your leading on to.

Do be sure to have all 3 of these from this source:

Make sure perin buy bug is also disabled.

Any other issues you need to resolve yourself.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
i add this in files but i have a problem offline vend i think is in good condition but the problem is if offline vend is define and I used private shop the item i sold the penya will not go to my inventory and also in my bank .
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 1, 2014
Reaction score
i add this in files but i have a problem offline vend i think is in good condition but the problem is if offline vend is define and I used private shop the item i sold the penya will not go to my inventory and also in my bank .

just rework your MoverItem.cpp., actually if your offline the earning penya will go to bank if your offline, and if your online your penya will automatically procced to your inventory if ever you have already much penya your inventory. the earn money from your offline vending npc will automatically converted to perin., mine is already fix i just remove the features name __PLAYEROWNSHOP of my source.., i need little bit to rework for that,..,
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
just rework your MoverItem.cpp., actually if your offline the earning penya will go to bank if your offline, and if your online your penya will automatically procced to your inventory if ever you have already much penya your inventory. the earn money from your offline vending npc will automatically converted to perin., mine is already fix i just remove the features name __PLAYEROWNSHOP of my source.., i need little bit to rework for that,..,

the main problem of mine is

Offline bendor is working good even if I'm online or offline it will go to mail but my problem is when I used private shop not offline vend the penya not go trough to inventory or even bank or mail
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
the main problem of mine is

Offline bendor is working good even if I'm online or offline it will go to mail but my problem is when I used private shop not offline vend the penya not go trough to inventory or even bank or mail

You have both of these defined?

And CMover::AddGold looks like:
BOOL CMover::AddGold(int nGold, BOOL bSend)
	if (!IsValidObj(this))
		return FALSE;

	if (nGold == 0)
		return TRUE;

	__int64 i64Total = static_cast<__int64>(GetGold()) + static_cast<__int64>(nGold);

	if (i64Total > static_cast<__int64>(INT_MAX))
		i64Total = static_cast<__int64>(INT_MAX);
	else if (i64Total < 0)
		i64Total = 0;


	if (bSend)
#ifdef __VENDING_NPC
		if (i64Total >= INT_MAX)
			i64Total = INT_MAX;

		g_UserMng.AddSetPointParam(this, DST_GOLD, (int)i64Total);
		g_UserMng.AddSetPointParam(this, DST_GOLD, static_cast<int>(i64Total));

	return TRUE;

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
You have both of these defined?

And CMover::AddGold looks like:
BOOL CMover::AddGold(int nGold, BOOL bSend)
	if (!IsValidObj(this))
		return FALSE;

	if (nGold == 0)
		return TRUE;

	__int64 i64Total = static_cast<__int64>(GetGold()) + static_cast<__int64>(nGold);

	if (i64Total > static_cast<__int64>(INT_MAX))
		i64Total = static_cast<__int64>(INT_MAX);
	else if (i64Total < 0)
		i64Total = 0;


	if (bSend)
#ifdef __VENDING_NPC
		if (i64Total >= INT_MAX)
			i64Total = INT_MAX;

		g_UserMng.AddSetPointParam(this, DST_GOLD, (int)i64Total);
		g_UserMng.AddSetPointParam(this, DST_GOLD, static_cast<int>(i64Total));

	return TRUE;

i think only __ADDSHOPITEM
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, Who would have the object (SpecItem) to create an AFK store?

APP_MESSAGEBOX_VENDOR (ResData.inc) I wonder if this is correct?

APP_MESSAGEBOX_VENDOR "WndTile00.tga" "" 1 192 224 0x2410000 26
// Title String
// ToolTip
    WTYPE_BUTTON WIDC_BUTTON "ButtGuildhousecargo.bmp" 0 131 8 170 47 0x220010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    // Title String
    // ToolTip
    WTYPE_TEXT WIDC_TEXT "WndEditTile00.tga" 1 8 56 168 179 0x20000 0 0 0 0 255 255 255
    // Title String
    // ToolTip
    WTYPE_EDITCTRL WIDC_EDIT "" 1 8 8 127 50 0x20000 0 0 0 0 255 255 255
    // Title String
    // ToolTip

thanks in advance ;)
Lodelight - Offline / Afk Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

Lodelight - Offline / Afk Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

Lodelight - Offline / Afk Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, Who would have the object (SpecItem) to create an AFK store?

APP_MESSAGEBOX_VENDOR (ResData.inc) I wonder if this is correct?

APP_MESSAGEBOX_VENDOR "WndTile00.tga" "" 1 192 224 0x2410000 26
// Title String
// ToolTip
    WTYPE_BUTTON WIDC_BUTTON "ButtGuildhousecargo.bmp" 0 131 8 170 47 0x220010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    // Title String
    // ToolTip
    WTYPE_TEXT WIDC_TEXT "WndEditTile00.tga" 1 8 56 168 179 0x20000 0 0 0 0 255 255 255
    // Title String
    // ToolTip
    WTYPE_EDITCTRL WIDC_EDIT "" 1 8 8 127 50 0x20000 0 0 0 0 255 255 255
    // Title String
    // ToolTip

thanks in advance ;)
Lodelight - Offline / Afk Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

Lodelight - Offline / Afk Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

Lodelight - Offline / Afk Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

V16+ ResData:
APP_MESSAGEBOX_VENDOR "WndTile00.tga" "" 1 320 208 0x2410000 26
// Title String
"To close the private shop"
// ToolTip
    WTYPE_BUTTON WIDC_BUTTON1 "ButtClose.tga" 0 119 139 192 160 0x220010 0 0 0 0 46 112 169
    // Title String
    // ToolTip
    WTYPE_TEXT WIDC_TEXT1 "WndEditTile00.tga" 1 16 18 292 126 0x20000 0 0 0 0 46 112 169
    // Title String
    "To close the private shop? The merchant will be returned to the post office."
    // ToolTip

V19 spec item format is already included in the release itself.

If you need a different version you should specify which lol.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
The system is not working? with each purchase the WorldServer.exe crash. Who would have the solution please? :drool:
Initiate Mage
Jul 22, 2021
Reaction score
First of all thanks releasing this. Without you I wouldn't be able to apply this to my test server. It was working fine until I have decided to add this WEAPON RARITY thingy on my server. My only issue is, whenever I'm vending a weapon with Rarity attribute on my Offline vendor and close the vendor and I rebooted my server, The rarity always disappear for some reason.

May you have some solution for this?
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 18, 2021
Reaction score
Thanks sir, and where can i find this client and resource file

I've notice that this features have minus ,

if i open all the programs and login create offline vendor and logout and back to login nothings problem when i click the vendor npc
when i closed all the programs and reopen again and login ingame when i click the vendor npc the client will freeze and it cause to crash the client

i'm new here, and can you share this resource files for me, thank you very much.~~~