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[PC] Hearthstone - open beta card game from blizzard

Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Military Quarter was very challeging for my rogue deck. There were a lot of bosses that could finish you in 5 to 6 turns and had really strong hero powers to destroy set ups like taunts and powred up minions. Im pretty sure I will have to create a PvE deck for the heroic bosses and use classes that can sustain damage for the first 4 turns.
Sep 10, 2003
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Had yesterday the most amazing RNG finish ever...

My Paladin charge deck vs Zoolock. As you can imagine, it was a lot of quick damage traded. I ended up with 1 HP and he was at 5 HP, he had 3 minions, including a 6/6 and 1/3 Taunt. I had 1 minion, the 1/1. I had 1 card, the Hammer of Wrath. So I started doing the math, I had 3 cards left that could finish me the game, an Arcane Golem, so Wrath the 1/3 and go for the face, and 2 Consecrations. I also still had 2 Defenders of Argus in my deck that could have stalled the game.
Since it's extremely risky to stall against a Warlock who gets 2 cards a turn, I figured I had to go for face and hope for the Consecration. So I hit it and... well got an Arcane Golem... ah I'm messing with you, I consecrated his butt!
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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This monster isn't what you want to run into in a dark alley when you already feel in a very tight spot! Saw it coming when he played the first-time-ever-effective-ancient-mage so was ready to hit print screen :laugh:

Hearthstone_Screenshot_8.28.2014.00.45.58 - [PC] Hearthstone - open beta card game from blizzard - RaGEZONE Forums

By the way, playing arena there.


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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2014
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Guys add me up Persona#1233

I made a crazy deck - similar to anti Frost Lair Naxxramas.
Tried it on rank and its supper effective against zoolock, aggressive hunter, face hunter.


Hearthstone Warlock Epic Comeback 1 Life - Shadow Flame FTW
Hearthstone Naxxramas Ranked

Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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Btw what program are you using for the card info?
Hearthstone deck tracker,

Actually just found it myself yesterday thanks to Persona's video above :)

Most of the time it's more fun than use but if/when a game goes into the last 5-10 cards phase it can be quite the advantage to realize what options you still have left in your deck. This is especially true in my arena decks where I don't have a good sense of what's included in the first place, probably not so much in constructed where you're sure to remember if you've already used up your limit on card X. In constructed though the opponent's side can be more helpful then in keeping track what he may or may not have left.
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Sep 10, 2003
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Thanks for the link!
There are definitely some advantages. I mean with constructed it's easy to keep track of what's been used and how many. You can also calculate what someone has left, obviously you don't know for sure, but some cards are a must have, so if they have 4 cards left, you should be able to know what those cards are.
Also keep tracking of when they had the cards in their hand, is a massive advantage, I rarely keep track of it.

Anyway got rank 11 this season, I'm actually considering pushing for Legendary this season, I watch a lot of stream, I know the decks by now and what to watch out for now, so it's a matter of mastering the tactics. So I should be able to do it.
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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I've been much into arena lately (well always have) but I think I'm starting to focus more on constructed. It's just been really interesting to find that recently I very very rarely end up with less than 4 wins even when I'm given poop for picks, averaging around 6-7 wins per run and 9+ isn't all that rare either. Just yesterday pulled yet another 12-win run and today a 11-win one. My goal is to, if possible, improve a bit still so that on average I gain more gold out of the arena than put into it. Not that I need the gold, but it'd give a nice sense of achievement seeing gold piling up.

I've been using another tracker as well, Heartstone Tracker and the statistics are quite intriguing, especially how having the coin affects my win/loss ratio; I was around 55-45 when going second and 70-30 when going first. These are mostly arena stats, of course and of a rather small sample size so far, but still.

Btw, any good streams to recommend for education?
Sep 10, 2003
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In Arena coin isn't as important as in constructed, this is mostly because it's much harder to get your turns done properly. Basically when I play like a Zoolock, the coin is just so strong, because I can get strong board control because of it, on top of that classes like Rogue or Mage get extra value out of coin, Combo's and things like Mana Wyrm.
But like I said, in Arena this is much harder to do, it's hard to get a lot of 1 and 2 drops that are actually good, so it's much more about turn 3-4-5.

I'm still not a fan of Arena, for me strategy is so important, and not knowing if there is a third, fourth or fifth flamestrike, makes it so hard for me to play the game. Obviously this is part of the challenge and does offer different strategy elements, but I like to predict what they are gonna do and respond to that.
Sep 10, 2003
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Rank 15 already, crushing with my current deck. Lot's of deathrattles (harvest, belcher, haunted etc) and lots of divine shields (scarlet, sunwalker etc) add to that Kel Thuzad to really turn things and of course Tirion, and it's so hard to clear.
The thing is that most people 'waste' their silences etc to kill off many of them, just now I had a game where I knew the druid had 1 more keeper, so I just played Kel Thuzad knowing he would silence it if he had it in his hand, he did, after which I played Tirion. If he hadn't and silence Tirion after, I would have just got it killed off and got myself a new unsilenced Tirion. :p
Sep 10, 2003
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Hahaha, some of these arena players...

So I was playing priest versus priest, he gets the 3/4 that gives 3 health on death. He keeps boosting it's hp with +2 draw and double hp. I couldn't do a thing, so figured I'd just keep on doing damage to the rest. He then doubles it again to 24 and gives it the same damage... on top of that he had a 3/3 stealth minion (that gets 1 more hp every turn), plus 2 minions he just played. Now I got 2 hp left. So he must have figured that if he kept it stealth he could kill me if I got rid of his 24/24 somehow. The dumbass however didn't count my damage, because he had 11 health left, and I had 11 damage over my 4 minions... hahaha.
What an idiot, if he just killed 1 minion, or healed instead of playing a second minion, he would have won for sure. :D
Sep 10, 2003
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Playing a Hunter deck now... I don't like it.. but it's so extremely strong. Even when the enemy is playing well, making the right trades, they still end up loosing. The only way to survive is with lots of taunts and healing, and even then, it's very hard. This is btw a deck without unleash/buzzard, it works with deathrattles incl undertaker instead. It's also very cheap to play, I only use commons and rares, even though I got plenty of epics and legendaries that could work, but they are all too much lategame.

It's sad though, I want to play my control Paladin, but I just get constantly stomped by Huntards.
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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Playing a Hunter deck now... I don't like it.. but it's so extremely strong. Even when the enemy is playing well, making the right trades, they still end up loosing. The only way to survive is with lots of taunts and healing, and even then, it's very hard. This is btw a deck without unleash/buzzard, it works with deathrattles incl undertaker instead. It's also very cheap to play, I only use commons and rares, even though I got plenty of epics and legendaries that could work, but they are all too much lategame.

It's sad though, I want to play my control Paladin, but I just get constantly stomped by Huntards.
I actually just started playing some Hunter as well, and on purpose made a deck without the lame hound/buzzard combo. I can't get over how boring the hounds are since they seem to be the essential ingredient in like 80% of hunter decks you play against... I don't want to see them on the opponent and I don't want to see them in my decks, not because they're OP but because they're OP as in Over Played.
Sep 10, 2003
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They are definitely over played, but definitely not over powered, I mean with the nerf to the mana cost, they nerfed quite a bit, with loatheb and sludge belcher they got hit even harder. It's so hard to properly release them now and clear the board. A lot of that is also because people know it's gonna happen, so they play around it. Which is why the non UTH deck is so great, they are playing around something that isn't there, yet they don't figure that out until it's too late.

Anyway some great news. Blizzard is nerfing 2 cards soon, Buzzard is going 5 mana and 3/2 and Leeroy is being changed to 5 mana as well.
This breaks Zoolock, traditional Hunter and Miracle rogue. Zoolock can't finish with Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless, Miracle can Shadowstep once before running out of mana (unless you coin) and Hunter can't unleash properly anymore. Basically the old 5 mana combo is now 8 mana, and the lategame Leeroy + Buzzard + UTH is simply impossible.

This doesn't mean UTH is dead, I think it's very viable actually, you just need new sources of card draw, but Unleash + Timber and Hunters Mark is still very powerful to clear the board and all.
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
They are definitely over played, but definitely not over powered,
I may have phrased badly, my meaning was that they're not over powered. I was thinking the same actually, getting benefits from the hounds combos without even having them in my deck.
Anyway some great news. Blizzard is nerfing 2 cards soon, Buzzard is going 5 mana and 3/2 and Leeroy is being changed to 5 mana as well.
This breaks Zoolock, traditional Hunter and Miracle rogue. Zoolock can't finish with Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless, Miracle can Shadowstep once before running out of mana (unless you coin) and Hunter can't unleash properly anymore. Basically the old 5 mana combo is now 8 mana, and the lategame Leeroy + Buzzard + UTH is simply impossible.
Oooh, that's really nice. Those are some combos I hardly used anyway.
Sep 10, 2003
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Nah I understood you. My phrasing was actually the bad one, shouldn't have used the word 'but'. :D
Yeah right now the meta is that you have them, thus being scared of them is enough to beat them. At turn 5 they expect it, if not at turn 5, at turn 6 with Timber, and otherwise they will just feel like you are baiting them. So they won't play as much and do inefficient trades, just to keep their board small, all the while you keep doing a lot of damage to the face and doing efficient trades.

And yeah, me too. I don't UTH Buzzard, and I don't own Leeroy, even if I died, I still don't care.

That said though, I can see Arcane Golem rise in usage, he's actually quite strong, yes 2 damage less than Leeroy, but at 3 mana, he's still doing a lot of work considering you can combo more. You can also run 2 of them and they are less risky to use for trading. Obviously you don't want to use it before they got 9 mana, but if needed, it's not the end of the world. Whereas using Leeroy is just extremely desperate, not only is he the only 1 you can combo with, but he also leaves 2 1/1's up.
Sep 10, 2003
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Just had another awesome game, Hunter vs Handlock, so I get in some damage, which is expected against Handlock, he starts dropping the big ones, but having my hunters mark and 2 kill commands in hand, I can deal with most of it. I get pretty low and got him down in lethal, he used Alexstrasza, I use a freezing trap and kill his other minion, he used alex to pop the trap, making it 11, I put in some more damage and get him down to 4 with 2/2 (from highmane) and a undertaker and scientist on board, agaim lethal, then for the first time Deathwing is used against me, everything dies, I'm at 4 health, but I just got a freezing from scientist, I hero power, put down my useless minion and he pops the second trap, leaving him with only 1 choice... hero power himself. :D

Rank 11 now. I really should play more, I can definitely get legendary.
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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So you're telling me he died with 11 and 12 mana minions in his hand.. the handlock? Ironic. :)

I've been playing around rank 11 as well. I think I could rise a couple of ranks just by playing my better decks consistently, but I keep going down to 14 occasionally when I want to try something else that doesn't quite work the way it should. I used to imitate if not straight copy decks a lot which I picked from the web that I had a similar idea for and wasn't sure how to execute, but lately I've assembled decks more on my own which is telling me there's definitely some progress in there since the decks actually tend to more or less work at this rank.

We should definitely duel every now and then. Friend me if you haven't already: DonSteep#2888
Nae-un <33
Jun 23, 2012
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Hunter got hit relatively hard with the buzzard nerf. Their early-mid game card draw has been eliminated. There are propositions to substitute Cult Master, but that's pretty bad as well. It's a 4 drop, so the combo with UTH will be 7 mana. On top of that, Cult Master requires a minion death, so you have to crash all your hounds in order to get your card draw. That means you can't drop your Timber Wolf down for a kill on a big, or trade. You may end up trading all your hounds before drawing into your Timber Wolf.

UTH definitely is weaker, but still playable. It's just ... a lot weaker. UTH is usually followed by a second card to boost its prowess, and that results in a 2 card deficit since your hounds are bound to die.

At least that's how I feel. I'm just fishing for some opinions.