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[PC] League of Legends - General Talk

Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Aatrox isn't a really good jungle, you should start playing him top and get some offensive items like Hydra etc, Bloodthirster, etc.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Actually Aatrox saw a lot of jungle play among the pro's in season 3, his tower dives were insane because he can jump from the jungle, take tower aggro, kill the enemy together with top laner and if needed, 'die', get passive and walk away while tower has targetted minions again.
Also since Aatrox has massive life steal and fast clearing speed, he definitely does well.
While his popularity has gone down, he's still a viable pick.

Life steal is definitely popular, especially since doing your damage, will drain your health, while you can easily pick up your health again when you get low.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Actually Aatrox saw a lot of jungle play among the pro's in season 3, his tower dives were insane because he can jump from the jungle, take tower aggro, kill the enemy together with top laner and if needed, 'die', get passive and walk away while tower has targetted minions again.
Also since Aatrox has massive life steal and fast clearing speed, he definitely does well.
While his popularity has gone down, he's still a viable pick.

Life steal is definitely popular, especially since doing your damage, will drain your health, while you can easily pick up your health again when you get low.

Not saying he's not viable, I'm saying in s4 he is stronger in the loplane, full AD.
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Well usually im stuck playing as the tank in every game (since im jungle or top). He does really well taking the damage due to his passive and lifesteal. The only problem with this is that you need items, unlike some other champs who are designed to tank. I'll try getting a hydra after botrk and see how well he does.

And to think I went 8-2 in qualifying matches, but get thrown in silver 5 :(
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Not saying he's not viable, I'm saying in s4 he is stronger in the loplane, full AD.
And I said he's still very much viable. Whether you think he's better top or not was besides the point.

Also why would he be stronger in toplane in S4? I can't really think of any items that has increased his strength to make his solo stronger than jungle.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

And I said he's still very much viable. Whether you think he's better top or not was besides the point.

Also why would he be stronger in toplane in S4? I can't really think of any items that has increased his strength to make his solo stronger than jungle.

As jungle you can't really get all the AD you want, as you need some tanky items. This really makes his attack weaker and early game less as AD champ.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

As jungle you can't really get all the AD you want, as you need some tanky items. This really makes his attack weaker and early game less as AD champ.
Eh? Go Spirit of the Elder Lizard and after that Hydra etc.
With that much life steal on Aatrox, there is absolutely no reason at all that you would need defensive items in the jungle.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I play on EUW. I am currently Gold V and not that interested in climbing ATM. I played more than 700+ games only jungle and my fav champs are Udyr, Hecarim and J4. I went 9/10 in my promos only Hecarim. I am decent in other roles and I usually have specific champions for each lane and if I can't play them I just go jungle for example I playing only Jax or Renekton top in ranked. I pick Jax only if Renekton and Garen are banned or not picked because the are hard counters for Jax early game. Mid lane I play Gragas, Diana and brand. Diana got nerfed hard so I didn't pick her this season at all and I don't pick brand if I am going against someone with high mobility such as Fizz, Kassadin or Ahri since they counter brand hard so the only champion I play mid atm is Gragas. My adc isn't that good this season since lack of practice and my support is good.

As jungle you can't really get all the AD you want, as you need some tanky items. This really makes his attack weaker and early game less as AD champ.

Aatrox is a heavy Item dependent champion and because of the way he looks people think he is an assassin but he isn't, He is a fighter just like Renekton or any other top laner. You should play Aatrox jungle when you are sure that your lanes don't need that much help only one gank here and there and you should just sit in the jungle get some items and then try to get dragon control. Machete, Spirit stone or any other jungler items are not needed for Aatrox. I started with doran blade and a potion since he has amazing sustain from his W so the jungler item would be useless and his W's lifesteal doubles when he is below 50% hp. Blade of the ruined king should be your first choice and I don't know about hydra but since you don't get that much farm as a laner attack speed and attack damage on one items saves you alot of gold until later on into the game. After you completed your Botrk you should move into tanky items, Spirit Visage is good as it increases the percentage of lifesteal and omen is a good pickup. If they don't have much AP or AD you can delay one of those and rush GA and then grab your self a zephyr and you are ready to wreck their team.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

"Who cares about the information and facts? if you dont have the skills you dont play simple."

Just had to share that here. Quote from a guy from another forum. Basicly he says that you don't need to know what items to build, background information etc, to play on a high standard. He also wants Spider Man and the Hulk in League.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I played rework Xerath today and I am not liking him =l
I liked old Xerath, the burst, but now I suck with Xerath. Maybe it will take time to get used to Xerath.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

"Who cares about the information and facts? if you dont have the skills you dont play simple."

Just had to share that here. Quote from a guy from another forum. Basicly he says that you don't need to know what items to build, background information etc, to play on a high standard. He also wants Spider Man and the Hulk in League.

The fact that we always seem to forget is that league is filled with 13 year olds so I don't blame him.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Machete, Spirit stone or any other jungler items are not needed for Aatrox. I started with doran blade and a potion since he has amazing sustain from his W so the jungler item would be useless and his W's lifesteal doubles when he is below 50% hp.
You are absolutely right that he doesn't need it, but with the changes to those jungle items, you would be missing out on a lot of gold by not getting them. It can definitely be a viable choice if you got a strong early game, but if you want to go a bit late game, definitely get that jungle item.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

When going a dorans start, you have to look at enemy team jungler, if your are able to duel him then dorans is a good start.
If you want to clear the jungle HARD then go machete x5 pots. But aatrox jungle must rush Ancient Golem or Elder Lizard.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Never go jungler start with Doran's. You need the health pots for more sustain in the jungle in the start.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Never go jungler start with Doran's. You need the health pots for more sustain in the jungle in the start.

If you have LS Quints then going dorans helps a ton. Also it gives bit of more damage than the enemy jungler.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

You are absolutely right that he doesn't need it, but with the changes to those jungle items, you would be missing out on a lot of gold by not getting them. It can definitely be a viable choice if you got a strong early game, but if you want to go a bit late game, definitely get that jungle item.

Since Aatrox is so item dependent I don't think it is worth it. Aatrox without attack speed is just useless yes his ulti will give him 40% attack speed but you cannot always pop it. If you go spirit of the ancient lizard you will lack attack speed until you can build attack speed item which will be 2 or 3 items later since you have to build tanky items. If you go spirit of the ancient lizard and after it botrk you will get popped faster than your carrys an you are suppose to be the front line.

When going a dorans start, you have to look at enemy team jungler, if your are able to duel him then dorans is a good start.
If you want to clear the jungle HARD then go machete x5 pots. But aatrox jungle must rush Ancient Golem or Elder Lizard.

Aatrox is trash early against all the jungler in this meta. Elise will burst you down like nothing, Vi will one shot you, Lee sin's e will destroy your attack speed unless you go vs fiddle jungle which also has a chance to rape you. Most of the time you will be going around your jungle with low hp so counter jungling is not a thing Aatrox does. If you want to counter jungle pick elise,udyr or lee sin.

Never go jungler start with Doran's. You need the health pots for more sustain in the jungle in the start.

I never go hunter's machete on jungle which has sustain like olaf and aatrox, I always go doran's blade.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Twisted Fate - [PC] League of Legends - General Talk - RaGEZONE Forums

+27 LP, love it.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Since Aatrox is so item dependent I don't think it is worth it. Aatrox without attack speed is just useless yes his ulti will give him 40% attack speed but you cannot always pop it. If you go spirit of the ancient lizard you will lack attack speed until you can build attack speed item which will be 2 or 3 items later since you have to build tanky items. If you go spirit of the ancient lizard and after it botrk you will get popped faster than your carrys an you are suppose to be the front line.
Being squishy is not a massive problem for a jungler like Aatrox, you don't have to worry about harass and when you come to gank, you can rely on your teammate and your passive to keep you alive. If this is too much to ask from you as a jungle, then yeah go for the really safe route, but going aggressive early game, is quite common among players, including the pro junglers.

If you want some tankiness, go Golem, will give you plenty of good stats including tenacity, so with the massive life steal you will be able to gank with full hp, while getting all of the gold generation.

I'm not saying you need to get it, but there are plenty of choices and they are absolutely viable due to the gold generation on it.