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[PC] League of Legends - General Talk

Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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You are right... It will be the best trolling champ probably cause of his ultimate. Anyways, it's seems interesting, but I would like to know, what will happens, if Anivia will place on the end of his tunnel her Ice Wall or what's the name of this spell. Champions will get stuck in tunnel until Anivia's wall will disappear or they will stuck in tunnel until the game will end? :D:

They will be stuck in the tunnel until her wall disappears
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2013
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JJ9kiv3 - [PC] League of Legends - General Talk - RaGEZONE Forums

G6hrv5T - [PC] League of Legends - General Talk - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2013
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i hate that we cant have good things on SEA

And the Graves game was a DC game cause my area had a blackout. I came back 10 mins in, my cs wouldn't be that horrible....

i hate that we cant have good things on SEA

And the Graves game was a DC game cause my area had a blackout. I came back 10 mins in, my cs wouldn't be that horrible....
Sep 17, 2010
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Just played a 1hr and 15min match in ranked. I DCed because of my internet at around 15min~20min mark. Super close game, my butt was hurting and everyone was nice. I was Jinx because I didn't notice Vayne in the beginning so I decided to go top. You'll see I have no items at the end, I sold them all and ended with 16k.
Sep 17, 2010
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Decided the other day that I should move to LAN after trying it out(had 31ms~35ms ping) and it was nice. Played 1 ranked game, no one even warded as I was the only one who did. Keep in mind, this is B4 as I was B3 in NA. After that game, I decided to move back and thought it was a horrible idea. 40$ well spent imo.
Elite Diviner
Mar 30, 2013
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AD FIZZ - with the new changes to his passive again making his W do passive %% health, you no longer need to waste mana at early levels to get the damage off in the jungle, therefore allowing you to gank pre6. AD FIZZ JUNGARUUUU
Elite Diviner
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
AD Fizz was already quite strong, that's quite a buff. I love how the META keeps changing most of the time.

Honestly, I quite hate it atm. The current meta for Top/Jungle, is tank. Almost consistently every game you have to be tanky. Thats coming from a D5-D3 point of view. The only Jungle ive played as of late that can build pure damage is Fizz(In both Normals and Twisted). Between BOTRK, and his W passive, makes him a fearful opponet to both tanks and squishies.

Then to Twisted treeline, ive noticed Talon making a comeback in it. Not sure why, but going full armor pen, and challenging smite is quite fun. Pop your ulti with full armor pen + Challenging smite, extremely fun. Fizz is also quite common jungler in 3's currently for the same reason above.

The reason I hate this, is ive always been a person that builds raw flat damage. Rengar, riven, jayce, ad fizz, talon, fiddle, ad malz, yi, etc. They just arnt in the current meta, and it makes playing quite hard for me. Just recently started playing 3's again, plan on starting up a team with a few buds and aiming for masters.
Sep 17, 2010
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Played my first promos to get out of B3. I feel as if I did good since I got 2 double kills and some good team fight moments. We successfully got 3 dragons and 2 barons in the time span of the game. Towards the beginning, I thought I was going to have a not so good game since it was Trist and Thresh on the bottom lane w/ myself(Cait) and Blitz. But, I was ok.
Jan 3, 2012
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could anyone explain the Kennen support trend? I've seen some pros spam it recently in soloq.
I play him top lane sometimes but I can't see how he's a better support option than the current meta ones(Annie, Morgana, Janna, Thresh, Leona, etc)

I mean, his poke is great but no smart adc will let his Q hit you that often, not to mention his unreliable stun.
then he has that lv 6 teamfight potential, but then again, there are supports who just do better in any aspect.
not to mention his damage is heavily item dependent