Please can't connect DB!

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everybody!

First, We have:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64
- Static IP with PPPoE (
- The server was made by:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000
- Router: TP-LINK TL-WR541G

- CPU: Intel Core2Duo E7200 @ 2.53GHz
- RAM: Kingmax DDR-2 2x2GB 800MHz
- VGA: MSI Nvidia GeForce 9400GT 512MB

We have a little problem: no matter what we change the ips to, we can't start the server becouse when we try to start the AccountServer it says:
Main database handler create failed, AccountServer hang!
The website (pkosite) can connect to the DB so I gues the problem is not the DB.

We use the portforwarding option on the router. I forwarded some ports (1978, 1971, 1975, 194) with TCP&UDP.

Once, we could mannage to start the server based on the YouTube tutorial, but then we had a dynamic IP with the dyndns utill & we used a hamachi IP for the configuration (.cfg files).

Please help!
Many thanks, greg1996 and Beny9512!

listen_port = 1978
listen_ip =    //(YOUR IP HERE) ĽŕĚýIPµŘÖ·Ł¬ÓĂÓÚ˝ÓĘÜGroupServerµÄÁ¬Čë

dbserver =        // IP Address Of Server Database
db = AccountServer        // Database Name
userid = ihd8_cy6y_cydung_account            // SQL Security Login
passwd = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw==    // Password = Y87dc#$98

enable_bill = 0
enable_passport= 0               // ĘÇ·ńĆôÓĂbillingϵͳµÄpassport
enable_kickuser = 0

bill_server1 =    //
bill_server2 =    //

enable_tom = 0                // 

GroupServerAndor = GroupServerAndor     // ע˛áµÄGroupServerŐ˺ţ¨¸ńʽΪŁşˇ°ŐËşĹĂűˇ± = ˇ°ĂÜÂ롱Ł©
GroupServerAndor1 = GroupServerAndor1     // ע˛áµÄGroupServerŐ˺ţ¨¸ńʽΪŁşˇ°ŐËşĹĂűˇ± = ˇ°ĂÜÂ롱Ł©
GroupServerAndor2 = GroupServerAndor2     // ע˛áµÄGroupServerŐ˺ţ¨¸ńʽΪŁşˇ°ŐËşĹĂűˇ± = ˇ°ĂÜÂ롱Ł©
GroupServerAndor5 = GroupServerAndor5     // ע˛áµÄGroupServerŐ˺ţ¨¸ńʽΪŁşˇ°ŐËşĹĂűˇ± = ˇ°ĂÜÂ롱Ł©
GroupServerAndor6 = GroupServerAndor6     // ע˛áµÄGroupServerŐ˺ţ¨¸ńʽΪŁşˇ°ŐËşĹĂűˇ± = ˇ°ĂÜÂ롱Ł©
enable_ping = 1                     // ÓëGroupServerĘÇ·ńĆôÓĂ "Keep Alive"

// Game Server ĹäÖĂÎÄĽţ
// ÇëĚîČëËůÓĐĐčŇŞ˝¨Á˘Á¬˝ÓµÄGateĐĹϢŇÔĽ°¸Ă·ţÎńĆ÷¸şÔđÔË×÷µÄµŘÍĽĂűłĆ

name = GameServer00          
equment = ĘŘ»¤Éń1

gate =, 1971         // IP, Port (IP Address Of GameServer)

map = garner                            // Ascaron
//map = garner2                        // Chaos Argent
//map = leiting2                            // Thundoria Mirage
//map = lonetower                    // Lone Tower
//map = teampk                        // PvP Arena
//map = eastgoaf                        // Under Water Tunnel, BD Lair, Silver Mine, Abandon Mine
//map = puzzleworld                    // Demonic World Map 1
//map = puzzleworld2                // Demonic World Map 2
//map = prisonisland                    // Prison Island
//map = sdBoss                            // Unknown Map - Not Working

[ÓÎĎ·ĘýľÝżâ]                  // Ö¸¶¨ĘýľÝÁ¬˝ÓĐĹϢ
db_ip   =      
db_usr  = ihd8_cy6y_cydung_game                // SQL Security Login
db_pass = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw==    // Password = Y87dc#$98

keep_alive = 120

[ID»ůĘý]                            // ·ţÎńĆ÷ÎŞ˝ÇÉ«·ÖĹäIDµÄ»ůĘý, Ăż¸öµŘÍĽserver¶Ľ˛»Í¬
BaseID = 0x50000000

[ʵĚĺĘýÄż]                 // Impact of memory occupation
max_ply = 500                // The number of players 
max_cha = 15000                // The number of monsters
max_item = 30000            // The number of itens
max_tnpc = 300                // The number of NPC dialogue

guild_num    = 80            // Max people inside a Guild

guild_try_num    = 80            // Max people on Guild apply list

item_show_time    = 60            // Time for item to desapear (In Seconds)
item_prot_time    = 30            // Time for item to be looted for another person (In Seconds)

say_interval    = 3            // In Seconds

log_cha     = 0
log_cal     = 0
log_ai      = 0
log_mission = 0

[µ÷ĘÔÖ¸ÁąŘ]                 // µ÷ĘÔÓĂ, ·ÇGMÖ¸Áî
supercmd   =  1 

res_dir = ./resource
log_dir = log\\log

db_mapmask = 1

;GateServer Initial information file 

Name = Anchor_gate        //ąŇGateServerÉöÇĚÉĆGroupServerŠfÇ»Ť\?ĂŇőÂ
Version = 136        //ąŇGateServerčć»×ÚĐŐcÉËǻহŇŃń¨Ű?1.01ন@¨@101

IP =        //ó°ÚĂÇ»GroupServer›ü?GateServeró°ÚĂÇ»›ü?IP»Şłu
Port = 1975                //ó°ÚĂÇ»GroupServer›ü?GateServeró°ÚĂÇ»›ü?TCPÉËÚĎ
EnablePing = 180        //GateServerÉĆGroupServerÇ»Socketó°ÚĂÇ»KeepAlivełt

IP =            //GateServer›ü?ÍV?ÚĐŐcÉËó°ÚĂÇ»›ü?IP»Şłu
Port = 1973                //GateServer›ü?ÍV?ÚĐŐcÉËó°ÚĂÇ»›ü?TCPÉËÚĎ
CommEncrypt = 1            //ÉĆÚĐŐcÉËÇ»Socketó°ÚĂŚë´áşţôËÂĄłů»oę|
EnablePing = 60            //GateServerÉĆÍV?ÚĐŐcÉËÇ»Socketó°ÚĂÇ»KeepAlivełt
MaxConnection= 1000        

IP = // ÜííłŤRßůŘÇip»Şłu    ¨ŰGateServer›ü?GameServeró°ÚĂÇ»›ü?IP»Şłu
Port = 1971                //GateServer›ü?GameServeró°ÚĂÇ»›ü?TCPÉËÚĎ
EnablePing = 180        //GateServerÉĆGameServerÇ»Socketó°ÚĂÇ»KeepAlivełt

ShowMin = 500            // ÜÖôŔŐÍôŔShowMinŠC«}Ś´śB¶Ľ
ShowMax = 800            // äÎôŔShowMinĚđĄÖÜÖôŔŐÍôŔShowMax«}Ś´—ü˝®¨ŰäÎôŔShowMax«}Ś´łű
IsUse = 1                // Śë´áŠpÍ[«}Ś´ÓĽľˇ÷ŐŮç,0-ĎéŠpÍ[,1-ŠpÍ[


Name        =GroupServerAndor1
Listen_Port    =1975
Listen_IP    =    //INADDR_ANY
KeepAlive    =600
Version        =103

AcctEnable    =1            //0:ąŘ±ŐAccountServerÁ¬˝ÓŁ»1:´ňżŞAccountServerÁ¬˝Ó
Password    =GroupServerAndor1
IP        =
Port        =1978

IP        =
DB        =GameDB
Login        =ihd8_cy6y_cydung_game
Password    =EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw==
MaxVal        =2000000000

MaxCharNumPerAct        =3                    //ĂżŐĘşĹÄÜ´´˝¨µÄ×î´ó˝ÇÉ«Ęý
MaxCharMapIconValue        =30                    //¸öĐÔ»ŻÍĽ±ęµÄ×î´óÖµ
MaxLoginPlayerNum        =3000                    //±ľ·ţÎńĆ÷×é×î´óµÇÂĽČËĘý

MaxInvitationNum            =5
InvitationOverTime            =30                    //µĄÎ»(Ăë)
MaxFriendNumPerChar        =50                    //ĂżČË×î¶ŕÓĐşĂÓѸöĘý
MaxOwnFriendListNumPerChar    =10

MaxInvitationNum            =5
InvitationOverTime            =30                    //µĄÎ»(Ăë)
MaxMemberNumPerParty        =5

MaxChatNumPerPlayer        =30
MaxPlayerNumPerChat        =50
WorldChannelInterval        =60                    //µĄÎ»(Ă룩
TradeChannelInterval        =90                    //µĄÎ»(Ăë)
PrivateChannelInterval        =2    

[BirthPlace]                                     //ĄXĄÍ¦a
Argent City                =garner
Shaitan City                =magicsea
Icicle Castle                =darkblue

---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------

beny9512 - Please can't connect DB! - RaGEZONE Forums

beny9512 - Please can't connect DB! - RaGEZONE Forums
local ip:, localhost, (local),, 127.0.01 = Hang!
I thing accounts in MSSQL is all right.

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

I re-attached and re-created the users in MSSQL, but Hang!

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

Any idea?

---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

I installed the Hamachi. I used the hamachi IP and working. ... WTF? How to work with static IP?
Interesting. This is what I get, I've tried like everything. Followed many different tutorials, tried heaps of different things. I have yet to get it working.

I'm also using "Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64"
And I have Windows 7 (Don't know if that helps).

It's odd, I don't know why it would be doing it. Currently uninstalling Microsoft Server and going to try a few things.