Pokemon Adventure Online -- One Of Your Only PMD MMO's!

Initiate Mage
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
Welcome to Pokemon Adventure Online, a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanbased MMO.
Myself as well as the current staff team have been working on a PMDMMO sort of game to bring something new to the Pokemon Community, which you don't see often.

The game isn't fully released yet, but we've got a lot done and release isn't that far away!

So, what does the game look like you wonder? Here are some screenshots:


If you have any questions feel free to leave them below and I'll reply ASAP. Thanks!
Very nice, I can't say the chosen graphics are my style, but good job none the less! I hope for a capstone project for school, or a hobby project, I will build a game kind of like this!