Pokemon Vortex Source Code

Initiate Mage
Mar 3, 2017
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Hello everyone. This is Abbas. I will be now leaking one of the major online browser based Pokemom RPG source codes. That is of Pokemon Vortex/Crater anything you'd like to call it. I never planned this to happen but I feel that am doing nothing wrong. I'm leaking the source out of anger. The admin of game Patrick seem to relish his fame among his own community.

I will upload SQL file sometime soon. If you really want it you can Skype me IamAbbas7 I'd rather suggest you to use this source as a reference. It has good amount of security flaws.



His disrespectful behavior made me do this. He likes to fight his own community, defending his incorrigible staff member (named Tyheamma)

He deserved this.

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You can find this source at my GITHUB. The link is

+rep for giving away such source. I will try to post the Database soon.
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IamAbbas - Pokemon Vortex Source Code - RaGEZONE Forums

The db is 10%, i need it
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How can I make this work??

I mean, when i put the files in my webserver he just return a page without layout just the text

there are in the files many folders, they are all needed?
You have all of the files but you are missing the main key which would be the Database it's self which I cannot hand out as of yet since I do not have it within my possession at the current time I will share it once I can get my hands on it.
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