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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
thank you, maybe you can tell me what to do with the houses?

When using the default kernel from 1.5.5

Create grid: 800*800 with step 25.000000
Grid Region: {-10000.00,-10000.00} - {10000.00,10000.00}
Local Region: {-4096.00,-5632.00} - {4096.00,5632.00}
Inner Region: {-10000.00,-10000.00} - {10000.00,10000.00}
加载地图资源, servername:gs01 base_path:./config/world/ mapres_type:0
gs01 [region:0] gid:0 type:1 {-2579.227 4047.897 -2437.542 4190.766}
gs01 [region:1] gid:1 type:1 {-1540.320 4201.013 -1474.264 4264.406}
gs01 [region:2] gid:2 type:1 {-797.792 4190.594 -702.105 4297.113}
gs01 [region:3] gid:3 type:1 {921.600 4052.292 1021.219 4263.004}
gs01 [region:4] gid:4 type:1 {2532.261 4107.176 2735.521 4198.822}
gs01 [region:5] gid:5 type:1 {3671.756 3779.518 3850.824 3935.664}
gs01 [region:6] gid:6 type:1 {-2854.554 3003.193 -2670.121 3199.040}
gs01 [region:7] gid:7 type:1 {-2538.571 3390.859 -2389.885 3557.637}
gs01 [region:8] gid:8 type:1 {-2235.221 3100.145 -2075.241 3241.569}
gs01 [region:9] gid:9 type:1 {-2581.646 2578.044 -2440.101 2757.784}
gs01 [region:10] gid:10 type:1 {-1497.650 2580.372 -1389.486 2689.499}
gs01 [region:11] gid:11 type:1 {-981.286 2666.890 -401.698 3356.780}
gs01 [region:12] gid:12 type:1 {208.263 3164.931 643.998 3585.406}
gs01 [region:13] gid:13 type:1 {934.920 3147.955 1016.846 3244.808}
gs01 [region:14] gid:14 type:1 {207.033 2835.949 251.951 2873.175}
gs01 [region:15] gid:15 type:1 {217.621 3174.099 532.458 3557.043}
gs01 [region:16] gid:16 type:1 {1518.161 3176.354 1751.874 3410.597}
gs01 [region:17] gid:17 type:1 {2339.431 2778.069 2427.206 2858.674}
gs01 [region:18] gid:18 type:1 {3337.287 2745.211 3737.570 3317.467}
gs01 [region:19] gid:19 type:1 {-2739.855 1922.453 -2631.530 2119.364}
gs01 [region:20] gid:20 type:1 {-1731.828 2244.966 -1560.694 2329.580}
gs01 [region:21] gid:21 type:1 {-373.962 2070.182 -257.012 2170.566}
gs01 [region:22] gid:22 type:1 {227.304 1796.595 433.892 1963.666}
gs01 [region:23] gid:23 type:1 {1766.109 2107.369 1840.064 2184.018}
gs01 [region:24] gid:24 type:1 {2066.249 1610.942 2265.445 1790.442}
gs01 [region:25] gid:25 type:1 {-2854.310 875.534 -2793.648 937.319}
gs01 [region:26] gid:26 type:1 {-1674.938 823.860 -1345.951 1303.300}
gs01 [region:27] gid:27 type:1 {-1488.376 1348.248 -1407.604 1457.162}
gs01 [region:28] gid:28 type:1 {152.657 921.029 360.157 1065.671}
gs01 [region:29] gid:29 type:1 {1155.771 662.366 1909.796 1416.561}
gs01 [region:30] gid:30 type:1 {2729.359 639.431 2777.804 703.824}
gs01 [region:31] gid:31 type:1 {-2794.575 345.457 -2703.092 449.056}
gs01 [region:32] gid:32 type:1 {-3017.867 -462.543 -2909.757 -339.158}
gs01 [region:33] gid:33 type:1 {-1769.811 9.491 -1654.976 130.370}
gs01 [region:34] gid:34 type:1 {-1205.344 147.930 -1171.643 179.625}
gs01 [region:35] gid:35 type:1 {-161.337 -366.367 -66.533 -276.337}
gs01 [region:36] gid:36 type:1 {411.368 121.352 568.743 244.057}
gs01 [region:37] gid:37 type:1 {1772.548 78.638 1921.495 207.525}
gs01 [region:38] gid:38 type:1 {2321.468 50.730 2556.894 183.128}
gs01 [region:39] gid:39 type:1 {-2349.207 -899.999 -2137.503 -690.062}
gs01 [region:40] gid:40 type:1 {-1868.619 -1442.968 -1756.056 -1251.654}
gs01 [region:41] gid:41 type:1 {-359.223 -943.155 -274.489 -862.834}
gs01 [region:42] gid:42 type:1 {-1031.952 -1540.380 -433.599 -898.038}
gs01 [region:43] gid:43 type:1 {215.913 -998.375 368.551 -853.320}
gs01 [region:44] gid:44 type:1 {600.573 -1292.302 786.110 -1123.396}
gs01 [region:45] gid:45 type:1 {1340.854 -1377.950 1413.351 -1304.409}
gs01 [region:46] gid:46 type:1 {2316.827 -820.558 2441.521 -718.332}
gs01 [region:47] gid:47 type:1 {-2990.284 -2485.576 -2786.794 -2314.824}
gs01 [region:48] gid:48 type:1 {-3071.921 -2481.742 -3009.155 -2418.381}
gs01 [region:49] gid:49 type:1 {-2413.630 -2249.892 -2294.376 -2140.138}
gs01 [region:50] gid:50 type:1 {-2029.449 -2441.619 -1858.241 -2199.421}
gs01 [region:51] gid:51 type:1 {-346.751 -2035.270 -247.191 -1956.479}
gs01 [region:52] gid:52 type:1 {394.657 -2357.796 811.122 -2014.369}
gs01 [region:53] gid:53 type:1 {1430.931 -1804.657 1585.756 -1685.640}
gs01 [region:54] gid:54 type:1 {2387.537 -1987.844 2885.185 -1629.729}
gs01 [region:55] gid:55 type:1 {-2902.125 -2978.499 -2786.961 -2876.035}
gs01 [region:56] gid:56 type:1 {-2617.587 -3217.141 -2382.185 -2968.639}
gs01 [region:57] gid:57 type:1 {-1809.234 -3268.698 -1608.420 -3142.777}
gs01 [region:58] gid:58 type:1 {-928.073 -3174.922 -869.654 -3131.985}
gs01 [region:59] gid:59 type:1 {-457.227 -3538.008 0.000 -2884.889}
gs01 [region:60] gid:60 type:1 {35.159 -3482.081 141.144 -3388.034}
gs01 [region:61] gid:61 type:1 {473.509 -3167.042 824.417 -2772.680}
gs01 [region:62] gid:62 type:1 {1269.614 -3107.791 1451.865 -2906.577}
gs01 [region:63] gid:63 type:1 {2495.418 -3492.466 2652.193 -3349.678}
gs01 [region:64] gid:64 type:1 {2286.226 -3089.562 2315.314 -3054.860}
gs01 [region:65] gid:65 type:1 {2408.906 -2874.894 2479.521 -2797.843}
gs01 [region:66] gid:66 type:1 {2830.027 -2993.765 2920.381 -2899.032}
gs01 [region:67] gid:67 type:1 {1430.368 -4569.441 1575.538 -4474.803}
gs01 [region:68] gid:68 type:1 {1123.793 -3985.047 1320.436 -3845.087}
gs01 [region:69] gid:69 type:1 {2498.553 -4361.464 2779.473 -3977.724}
gs01 [region:70] gid:70 type:1 {2678.480 -3778.968 2735.631 -3735.225}
gs01 [region:71] gid:71 type:1 {2689.206 -3886.636 2809.925 -3725.394}
NPC services: can't find 63361
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: thread[gs01:4541] assert failed:"false" in file ainpc.cpp:236
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: ################ Fault Info [gs01] ################
Signal: NULL (0), si_signo 0, si_code 0, si_addr 00000000, tid 4541
Registers: EIP=F76DC8D0,EAX=00000000,EBX=F7779FF4,ECX=0B6A0774,EDX=FFEF79B0,ESI=509DF794,EDI=509DF828,EBP=FFEF7768,ESP=FFEF75F0
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: ################ Stack backtrace [gs01] ################
0. F76DC8D0 [original164.gs+0x228d0]
1. 081398AB [gs+0xf18ab] {08D5E9CE 08D5E9B5 000000EC 080D22D2 FFEF79B0 EF789064 FFEF77A8 08064CC1 0B69E758 FFEF77B0}
2. 080FD6D2 [gs+0xb56d2] {509274E0 50949688 FFEF79B0 FFEF78B0 094DF42C 509DF558 FFEF7A08 F74D69C9 509274E0 EF789064}
3. 081735D3 [gs+0x12b5d3] {50949688 FFEF79B0 FFEF78B0 08064CC1 0C30E6C0 00000000 00000800 00000800 00000001 EF789064}
4. 08174D16 [gs+0x12cd16] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 44F83860 00000000 FFEF7A60 FFEF7A50 000000FE 00000019 00000000 00000000}
5. 08174F31 [gs+0x12cf31] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 00000000 44F83860 EF37E490 00000001 EF788F80 00000000 00000001 00000000}
6. 0817CE5B [gs+0x134e5b] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 FFEF7AD8 F7779FF4 FFEF9845 43B697A4 FFEF7AE8 0817CAA3 44F837D4 2C1F83C4}
7. 0817CAA3 [gs+0x134aa3] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 FFEF7B08 0817AF5A 43B697AC 00003EDD FFEF7B08 0817AF65 44F837D4 2C1F83C4}
8. 0817AF65 [gs+0x132f65] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 00000040 00000001 44C7580F 00003EDD FFEF7B28 0817AFD6 43B697A4 2C1F83C4}
9. 0817AFD6 [gs+0x132fd6] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 44C76ECA 4364E4F5 C3DC683D 4521F54C FFEF8B58 F76D740B 43B697A4 2C1F83C4}
10. F76D740B [original164.gs+0x1d40b] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 C3DC1342 F76D738B 00000043 00000001 44C79354 4364E520 C3DCBC7A 4521F58C}
11. 0817CBF1 [gs+0x134bf1] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 FFEF8B88 0806F85C 2C1F8E34 00001017 FFEF8B98 0806F843 43B69808 00000000}
12. 08175C0B [gs+0x12dc0b] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 45800000 45B00000 44D67E44 00001017 FFEF8BD8 08066077 2C1F8E1C 2C1F83C4}
13. 08066077 [gs+0x1e077] {2C1F8E1C 2C1F83C4 0000219F FFEF8BD7 3F7E49F7 00C5E191 FFEF8C78 0822DAB7 2C1F83C4 439A0DB4}
14. 0822DAB7 [gs+0x1e5ab7] {2C1F83C4 439A0DB4 458573F7 0805960A C501F1C3 4356BEF7 45856FE4 08073907 08DC30E8 439C9DDC}
15. F76C950D [original164.gs+0xf50d] {094C2AC0 2C1F83C4 00000000 00063BEE F7647EFC 2C1F81B4 FFEF8F18 082834CB 094C2AC0 2C1F83C4}
16. 082834CB [gs+0x23b4cb] {094C2AC0 2C1F83C4 FFEF8F18 082833D0 00027000 00000001 00000005 0000050E 2C1D0098 000000F8}
17. 082880AD [gs+0x2400ad] {2C1F81B4 08D4AEA8 FFEF9845 FFEF92C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000}
18. F7713EF2 [original164.gs+0x59ef2] {08D4AEA8 FFEF9845 00000005 00000020 0B7EEA18 08D4AEA0 F7779FF4 08056128 08D4AF52 FFEF9354}
19. 08054567 [gs+0xc567] {08D4AEA8 FFEF9845 00000002 00000000 F7779FF4 00000000 08D4AE92 F76F1D47 F77505B3 00000000}
20. F7710574 [original164.gs+0x56574] {00000002 FFEF9514 F7777F88 F7549000 08D4AC78 F7549000 00000000 F739C2D3 00000002 FFEF9514}
21. F739C2D3 [libc-2.17.so+0x1a2d3] {00000002 FFEF9514 FFEF9520 F6BB2AB0 00000001 00000001 00000000 093EC6EC 0804BC70 F7549000}
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: ################ Fault Info [gs01] ################
Signal: SIGUSR1 (11), si_signo 11, si_code 1, si_addr 00000000, tid 4541
Registers: EIP=081398AE,EAX=00000000,EBX=509274E0,ECX=F754A898,EDX=00000000,ESI=509DF794,EDI=509DF828,EBP=FFEF7848,ESP=FFEF7780
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: ################ Stack backtrace [gs01] ################
0. 081398AE [gs+0xf18ae]
1. 080FD6D2 [gs+0xb56d2] {509274E0 50949688 FFEF79B0 FFEF78B0 094DF42C 509DF558 FFEF7A08 F74D69C9 509274E0 EF789064}
2. 081735D3 [gs+0x12b5d3] {50949688 FFEF79B0 FFEF78B0 08064CC1 0C30E6C0 00000000 00000800 00000800 00000001 EF789064}
3. 08174D16 [gs+0x12cd16] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 44F83860 00000000 FFEF7A60 FFEF7A50 000000FE 00000019 00000000 00000000}
4. 08174F31 [gs+0x12cf31] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 00000000 44F83860 EF37E490 00000001 EF788F80 00000000 00000001 00000000}
5. 0817CE5B [gs+0x134e5b] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 FFEF7AD8 F7779FF4 FFEF9845 43B697A4 FFEF7AE8 0817CAA3 44F837D4 2C1F83C4}
6. 0817CAA3 [gs+0x134aa3] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 FFEF7B08 0817AF5A 43B697AC 00003EDD FFEF7B08 0817AF65 44F837D4 2C1F83C4}
7. 0817AF65 [gs+0x132f65] {44F837D4 2C1F83C4 00000040 00000001 44C7580F 00003EDD FFEF7B28 0817AFD6 43B697A4 2C1F83C4}
8. 0817AFD6 [gs+0x132fd6] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 44C76ECA 4364E4F5 C3DC683D 4521F54C FFEF8B58 F76D740B 43B697A4 2C1F83C4}
9. F76D740B [original164.gs+0x1d40b] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 C3DC1342 F76D738B 00000043 00000001 44C79354 4364E520 C3DCBC7A 4521F58C}
10. 0817CBF1 [gs+0x134bf1] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 FFEF8B88 0806F85C 2C1F8E34 00001017 FFEF8B98 0806F843 43B69808 00000000}
11. 08175C0B [gs+0x12dc0b] {43B697A4 2C1F83C4 45800000 45B00000 44D67E44 00001017 FFEF8BD8 08066077 2C1F8E1C 2C1F83C4}
12. 08066077 [gs+0x1e077] {2C1F8E1C 2C1F83C4 0000219F FFEF8BD7 3F7E49F7 00C5E191 FFEF8C78 0822DAB7 2C1F83C4 439A0DB4}
13. 0822DAB7 [gs+0x1e5ab7] {2C1F83C4 439A0DB4 458573F7 0805960A C501F1C3 4356BEF7 45856FE4 08073907 08DC30E8 439C9DDC}
14. F76C950D [original164.gs+0xf50d] {094C2AC0 2C1F83C4 00000000 00063BEE F7647EFC 2C1F81B4 FFEF8F18 082834CB 094C2AC0 2C1F83C4}
15. 082834CB [gs+0x23b4cb] {094C2AC0 2C1F83C4 FFEF8F18 082833D0 00027000 00000001 00000005 0000050E 2C1D0098 000000F8}
16. 082880AD [gs+0x2400ad] {2C1F81B4 08D4AEA8 FFEF9845 FFEF92C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000}
17. F7713EF2 [original164.gs+0x59ef2] {08D4AEA8 FFEF9845 00000005 00000020 0B7EEA18 08D4AEA0 F7779FF4 08056128 08D4AF52 FFEF9354}
18. 08054567 [gs+0xc567] {08D4AEA8 FFEF9845 00000002 00000000 F7779FF4 00000000 08D4AE92 F76F1D47 F77505B3 00000000}
19. F7710574 [original164.gs+0x56574] {00000002 FFEF9514 F7777F88 F7549000 08D4AC78 F7549000 00000000 F739C2D3 00000002 FFEF9514}
20. F739C2D3 [libc-2.17.so+0x1a2d3] {00000002 FFEF9514 FFEF9520 F6BB2AB0 00000001 00000001 00000000 093EC6EC 0804BC70 F7549000}
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: Filesystem free space 353.52 MB, economy mode: yes.
Original [12/11/2023 20:00:19]: Unable to create file dumps/dump_gs01_1_12.11.2023_20:00:19.bin size 1.29 GB.
Use gamedbd from 165 and add the lines to gamedbd/gamesys.conf
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2023
Reaction score
Use gamedbd from 165 and add the lines to gamedbd/gamesys.conf
in the core of the assembly, the house function does not work correctly, drawings for construction are not issued and the house is 0 ur when created, there should be 1 ur
1699832122097 - pwserver165 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2023
Reaction score
Does anyone have a normal aipolicy.data under this assembly?
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 12, 2022
Reaction score
How to change iweb "jetty" in chinese include in the server with the iweb "jakarta" in english in this server?
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Use GAuthd, don't forget to configure the database in gauthd.conf and change your start.sh file for GAuthd to work
using this Gauthd gives me a Segmentation fault (core dumped) error
Initiate Mage
Apr 25, 2023
Reaction score
Anyone has map a96-a103 on the server side?
a95, a96, a98 and so on are missing on my server.


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Initiate Mage
Apr 25, 2023
Reaction score
а80-a101 +gs.conf

Thankyou sir. The maps are works, but there is no NPC inside the Maps :D. Do you have npcgen.data each map sir?
Very grateful if some one has the npcgen.data.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2023
Reaction score
Has anyone figured out mentoring and clan hall with the clan hall event?
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
I got an issue that after period time gdelivery is offline. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. Please help if you have any idea. Thank you.
gdelivery log:
info : HomeSave:count=0 need Save!
TRACE : WaitQueueManager Free Logout User Count=0.
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::statusannounce,online=70,fakemax=8000,load=1,attr=-805306367
TRACE : GameTalkManager: NotifyTeamMemberOp(0,26993)
TRACE : WaitQueueManager Free Logout User Count=0.
TRACE : delroleannounce::Try to delrole 30050
TRACE : dbdeleterole: Notify UniqueNameServer. zoneid=1,roleid=30050,rolename.size=18
TRACE : GameTalkManager: NotifyRemoveRole(30048, 30050)
TRACE : gdelivery::receive setuiconfig. roleid=21808,localsid=574
TRACE : GameTalkManager: GTRoleOffline(21808)
TRACE : RoleStatusManager: RoleOffline(21808)
TRACE : PlayerProfile PlayerLogout roleid=21808
TRACE : RoleStatusManager: GetRoleStatus(21808)
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::statusannounce,online=70,fakemax=8000,load=1,attr=-805306367
TRACE : GetRoleInfo roleid 21808
TRACE : getroleinfo user 21808 lastlogintime 1700491671
TRACE : WaitQueueManager Free Logout User Count=0.
TRACE : GameTalkManager: NotifyTeamMemberOp(1,26993)
Signal: SIGUSR1(11), si_signo: 11, si_code: 1, si_addr: 0x230
Registers: EIP=0840F3B2, EAX=0000022C ,EBX=0A77AB08, ECX=00000000, EDX=FFFFFFFF, ESI=00007850, EDI=00007850, EBP=FFCDDD98, ESP=FFCDDD50
.01) 08322F39 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8322f39]
.02) F7715CC0 => [0xf7715cc0]
.03) 0840F3B2 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x840f3b2]
.04) 084067D3 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x84067d3]
.05) 08406AAC => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8406aac]
.06) 08198CA4 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8198ca4]
.07) 0810B370 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x810b370]
.08) 080D1146 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x80d1146]
.09) 08327D1E => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8327d1e]
.10) 08327BC7 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8327bc7]
.11) 08326CF4 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8326cf4]
.12) F7528AF3 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0xf7528af3]
.13) 08051B89 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8051b89]
1700493793339 - pwserver165 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Night Gaming Network
Sep 13, 2014
Reaction score
how do i get past
ERROR: ld.so: object 'original164.gs' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
nohup: failed to run command ‘./gs’: No such file or directory
ive installed damn near every lib into my os i could find on google that people said fixed their problems but wouldn't fix mine, using ubuntu 14 64bit
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
how do i get past
ERROR: ld.so: object 'original164.gs' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
nohup: failed to run command ‘./gs’: No such file or directory
ive installed damn near every lib into my os i could find on google that people said fixed their problems but wouldn't fix mine, using ubuntu 14 64bit
enable your operating system to operate with x32 and x64 libraries

I got an issue that after period time gdelivery is offline. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. Please help if you have any idea. Thank you.
gdelivery log:
info : HomeSave:count=0 need Save!
TRACE : WaitQueueManager Free Logout User Count=0.
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::statusannounce,online=70,fakemax=8000,load=1,attr=-805306367
TRACE : GameTalkManager: NotifyTeamMemberOp(0,26993)
TRACE : WaitQueueManager Free Logout User Count=0.
TRACE : delroleannounce::Try to delrole 30050
TRACE : dbdeleterole: Notify UniqueNameServer. zoneid=1,roleid=30050,rolename.size=18
TRACE : GameTalkManager: NotifyRemoveRole(30048, 30050)
TRACE : gdelivery::receive setuiconfig. roleid=21808,localsid=574
TRACE : GameTalkManager: GTRoleOffline(21808)
TRACE : RoleStatusManager: RoleOffline(21808)
TRACE : PlayerProfile PlayerLogout roleid=21808
TRACE : RoleStatusManager: GetRoleStatus(21808)
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::statusannounce,online=70,fakemax=8000,load=1,attr=-805306367
TRACE : GetRoleInfo roleid 21808
TRACE : getroleinfo user 21808 lastlogintime 1700491671
TRACE : WaitQueueManager Free Logout User Count=0.
TRACE : GameTalkManager: NotifyTeamMemberOp(1,26993)
Signal: SIGUSR1(11), si_signo: 11, si_code: 1, si_addr: 0x230
Registers: EIP=0840F3B2, EAX=0000022C ,EBX=0A77AB08, ECX=00000000, EDX=FFFFFFFF, ESI=00007850, EDI=00007850, EBP=FFCDDD98, ESP=FFCDDD50
.01) 08322F39 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8322f39]
.02) F7715CC0 => [0xf7715cc0]
.03) 0840F3B2 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x840f3b2]
.04) 084067D3 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x84067d3]
.05) 08406AAC => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8406aac]
.06) 08198CA4 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8198ca4]
.07) 0810B370 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x810b370]
.08) 080D1146 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x80d1146]
.09) 08327D1E => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8327d1e]
.10) 08327BC7 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8327bc7]
.11) 08326CF4 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8326cf4]
.12) F7528AF3 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0xf7528af3]
.13) 08051B89 => ./gdeliveryd() [0x8051b89]
View attachment 251515
Reinstall the libraries, if you still have a problem, use Centos 7