quest trigger dont start

Loyal Member
Sep 29, 2009
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its possible to activate an trigger ID from the debug / GM console ? - - - ngcgen > triggers > id in GM console - - - idk if this question need more info, if so, tell me plz :)
i dont understand what u mean, i made what in the quest?

the questname in a84 (second stage) is: "Testing Phase Complete" after i killed 12 mobs from the quest ( ) "The Weapon Unleashed / Exterminate! (First)" the trigger 188 dont work (transform into a Treedozer)
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There are few things you can check if you haven't yet:
Can you confirm if the trigger is working properly, does it do what it has to do?
Does the trigger works via the GM panel?
Does the quest has the proper GM_ID for the trigger?
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i dont know about things with a trigger ...
There are few things you can check if you haven't yet:
Can you confirm if the trigger is working properly, does it do what it has to do?

idk how ...

Does the trigger works via the GM panel?

idk how ... the old title was like: "how start trigger from gm (console / menu)

Does the quest has the proper GM_ID for the trigger?
i think so: in taskdata the have trigger id 188 also a84 npcgen have this id but idk about trigger working ...

1709292670702 - quest trigger dont start - RaGEZONE Forums

1709292830679 - quest trigger dont start - RaGEZONE Forums
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That's not an npcgen trigger GM ID, that's a transform ID. you complete the quest once you transform into that specific form, i think there was a command for it to test all polymorphs.

to test triggers
1709302476712 - quest trigger dont start - RaGEZONE Forums
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how can transform an non gm user?

edit: activate creation builder with ID 181 is not working ... or i need to do this in the specific area of a84? but my char is a non gm char ...

edit: ive testet it after killing the 12 mobs but activate creation builder id 181 not working ... char is gm ...

1709308695761 - quest trigger dont start - RaGEZONE Forums

testing phase complete is empty in the log (right)
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It has nothing to do with the npcgen triggers, the quest requires a polymorph
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