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[Question] Cabal version

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2018
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Hello everyone first of all thanks for viewing my thread.

Here we go with my questions:

1) I just wondering what is the most actual stable free files for cabal and wich version. A year ago or so i try using the extornia repack ep8 but someone told me that channels could be crashed with malicious packets, so since i never discover a solution for this i just leave it in that way.

2) If i want to purchase or buy any premium cabal files with monthly updates and stables with a developer that offers support to wich company or person i must go?. Or this just doesn´t exists in Cabal?.

3) I loved the Cabal EP3 reloaded version (Sienna) but I can´t find it in the forum. ¿Maybe is impossible to have a server with this version?

Thanks you. :lol:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2018
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I feel ignored, it is so bad what I have asked here?
I just want some info from veteran cabal members that can guide me trought.
If you are thinking:
"This person does not ever read or bother to read the topics already created"
You are wrong i did take the time for it.
But at this point, I want opinions from all of you those who are friendly enough to guide me.
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Aug 27, 2013
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Welcome to Cabal Community Rose,

1. There used to be an old method of crashing, but it has been fixed / patched and so on. If you use toast repack [which is for centos 6] or centos 7 repack, you should not encounter any problems of that sort, but there is other issues, although, they are not known for everyone and you need to make a very very popular server or piss someone off enough to make your developement/editor life missery and be a constant target of that person, but that aside, all amateurs and etc can simply hack in your server, as long as you don't do any silly mistakes, such as: leaving globalmgrsrv port open and so on.
The beginniner files would be fallen files, as they have least bugs and have a stable EP8 base, the rest you can simply "extract" from various other releases, edit / fix them a bit and vuola, you have it working in your server.

2. DO NOT BUY any type of files from anyone who will try to PM you on here or anywhere else, for simple following reasons:
- You will buy a renamed repack that already exists in this forum.
- You will get exactly same problems or variety of different other issues, that will be very hard to solve, if you have no knowledge or experience with cabal editing yet.
- Waste of money.
So to answer your question: There is no currently updated 100% bugless files with constant monthly or any other period updating.
Another thing is that there is no higher than EP8 files either. There might be emulators out there or some private projects, but they are not public, nor they want to share / sell their files, if such thing even exists, but if it does, and this is some sort of a parallel universe, the files will cost unimaginary gigantic amount of money.
[P.S. Read this, if you still have any kind of a idea of buying any files from anyone: http://forum.ragezone.com/f451/beware-scammers-811489/]

3. There is an EP3 "source", but that is all I can say, I am not sure if there is any people today in the Ragezone, that can successfully compile it / make it fully working. EP2 files still exist though, but do not expect to have a very successful server with them or avoid old ep2 problems. If you still interested in them,
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2018
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Thanks you AzureSensei, for your friendly answer. I appreciate it.
You can close the thread since all my questions were clarify.
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