[Release] Compiled IGCN Season 9 Server Files

hello, who can help to add an item to the angel of this assembly?
evilek91 how to fix this??? is this normal?

xIQaGZo - [Release] Compiled IGCN Season 9 Server Files - RaGEZONE Forums

can soume one how to fix this?
I have a server behind the router.
If I change the IP to external, there is no connection, for this I use the program NO-IP.
Because of this, can this write?
I add in shop gold braches - 255 but when i try to enter them in spirit in noria a get error improper item for combination.
Did u make any changes in settings?
check chaosbox.xml

I already check it,
;~~ Modification of values below requires update of Mix.bmd (MixGroup: 10, Min Cnt 1 / Max Cnt 1)

;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom White required for mix purpose
CherryBlossomWhiteNeedItem = 10

;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom Red required for mix purpose
CherryBlossomRedNeedItem = 30

;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom Gold required for mix purpose
CherryBlossomGoldNeedItem = 255

The red and white branches are with no name, so i add in shop only gold x 255 but nothing!

Can u share your mix.bmd? Cause i use win 8.1 x64 and i can not run pentium tools to check it!
I already check it,
;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom White required for mix purpose;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CherryBlossomWhiteNeedItem = 10;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom Red required for mix purpose;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CherryBlossomRedNeedItem = 30;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom Gold required for mix purpose;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CherryBlossomGoldNeedItem = 150

How to find ring of honor (Marlon quest), i cant find it in itemlist.xml
I already check it,
;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom White required for mix purpose;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CherryBlossomWhiteNeedItem = 10;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom Red required for mix purpose;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CherryBlossomRedNeedItem = 30;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-- Count of combined Cherry Blossom Gold required for mix purpose;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CherryBlossomGoldNeedItem = 150


It work!
Now it combines all braches, red, white and gold.
Where can i add the options in white and red braches cause are lacking

I'll try to fix red and white brach item description and upload asap.