[Release] DropSimulation

whats "Simulation Rounds"? how much times u kill the mob?
drop-sim-error - [Release] DropSimulation - RaGEZONE Forums

Dont know if its just me, or something. BUT i think its thinking that one of the items is a Potato vs money...
yes.. it simulates monster kill and their drops.. to give a view of how it could be dropped ingame.. So you can see if the drops are to good or what ever...

Ill talk to Atemo about it... The error on money vs. items... but do tell if there is any errors, so they can be fixed.
OFFTOPIC (somewhat... lol) is there any plans of releaseing this tool?
Having an error

De indeling van de invoertekenreeks is onjuist.

English: the structure of the inputstring is incorrect

When do you get this error?

If you read Message-E, InitItem, InitGroup or InitMonster?

Any stack trace information displayed?
ItemGroup. I use this itemgroup for my server and drops are fine.

no other errors, only a box when i press Read, called

"Project Hoax - Drop simulation - Exception"
An error has occured during the use of this program. Please report the following to the following.

De indeling van de invoertekenreeks is onjuist.
