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Request For More Strict Posting In MapleStory Section

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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
the Maplestory section is terrible right now with people spamming rubbish most of the time.. I think the sections needs a revamp, it is terrible most of the time useless stuff are getting released and people have been posting help in the release section... something has to be done..

guys who get ban makes another account bypassing the in fact ban/ban so what is the purpose ? no one bother learning or helping anymore..
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Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
the Maplestory section is terrible right now with people spamming rubbish most of the time.. I think the sections needs a revamp, it is terrible most of the time useless stuff are getting released and people have been posting help in the release section... something has to be done..

guys who get ban makes another account bypassing the in fact ban/ban so what is the purpose ? no one bother learning or helping anymore..

Says the one who:
A: Does have multiple accounts and likes his own accounts :
zPsychotic, iKillCypher, ExtremeDevilz, xZain
B: Does spam rubbish... just like i do on most of your poop posts.
C: Does release useless stuff:
D: Says the one who quited the maplestory section like 7 times now......
E: You already made this posts...

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Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
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We could have use for this in the Habbo section as well. All trough it's the most moderated section there's still alot of "OMG AWZOME, OMG DONT WORK FIX PL0xxx" etc. People post wrong and double post their threads (facepalm)

I'm not sure but it seems like all of the rule breakers goes unpunished 'cus it's the same people every time (and new newbies ofc). A system that forces a user to read trough the rules when a moderator action is taken against would be nice.
Aug 19, 2010
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The moderators do take the necessary actions wherever they can, but unfortunately proxy's are our enemy.
People get banned and simply make a new account.

Look at the Kal section. There are many members there with 10-30 post counts and they all claim to be veteran contributors.

It's not always as simple as it seems. I must also say that I do not agree with how that particular post issue had been handled.
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
Wonder if that report is real, is so what a unrespectful moderator.

We could have use for this in the Habbo section as well. All trough it's the most moderated section there's still alot of "OMG AWZOME, OMG DONT WORK FIX PL0xxx" etc. People post wrong and double post their threads (facepalm)

I'm not sure but it seems like all of the rule breakers goes unpunished 'cus it's the same people every time (and new newbies ofc). A system that forces a user to read trough the rules when a moderator action is taken against would be nice.

its because of them not reading the rules and they are used to their own local community crap forums.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2012
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which is why maybe you guys should hire more better moderators.. isnt it much better that way... or strict up the posting limit for a release.. not just 1 post.
Aug 9, 2012
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My 2c (
), If thats the reason for topic/post deletion, that person shoulnd't even be made moderator due to such immaturity.

The moderators do take the necessary actions wherever they can, but unfortunately proxy's are our enemy.
People get banned and simply make a new account.

Look at the Kal section. There are many members there with 10-30 post counts and they all claim to be veteran contributors.

It's not always as simple as it seems. I must also say that I do not agree with how that particular post issue had been handled.

Wonder if that report is real, is so what a unrespectful moderator.

its because of them not reading the rules and they are used to their own local community crap forums.

The screenshot is real, you can ask retep about it. (If metal saves deleted private messages, he would be able to see it)

Short summary of the situation:
The story starts with this thread of zPsychotic where he leaves again -_-..............

Then when he came back.. (again) i posted a stupid reply

Retep deleted my post, because well uh, 90% of the MapleStory community hates zPsychotic and i think he didn't want a flame thread.
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Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2008
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which is why maybe you guys should hire more better moderators.. isnt it much better that way... or strict up the posting limit for a release.. not just 1 post.

No... just no. You clearly are not a "veteran" of the section, or you would know how the section was when they were as strict as you're requesting. I should know since I was the head moderator of that section at the time before I moved to Supervisor. All it did was cause the trolls (such as yourself) to mass create accounts and spam the section with shenanigans. Literally to the point Mental started raging... something I've never seen him actually do to a specific section. I mean... if you really want moderators to be more strict, I can always request to be reinstated and do it for the couple hours I have after work. I can promise you one thing though. You WILL cry and probably make another thread like this but instead, ask for more relaxed moderators.
Feb 9, 2007
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Your not a veteran and that's first of all so i wouldn't prefer you to talk out of knowledge because you've clearly not been a member for a long while and yet your pretending to be and that's probably going to cause hate on you and cause people to dislike you but that's your decision not mine.

I think it's fair to be banned when you don't obey the rules and you deny to follow the rules then it's a reason to be banned and then you should not re-register via an other IP trying to be someone who you are not and also as to avoid another ban beause to be honest that's really stupid if you but MentaL should put some Proxy IP Blocker so they are not able to log in or access the forum via an proxy.

And the part where the moderator warned you or deleted your post saying: Nobody likes you is really stupid and it's really weird from a moderator to do that and even though that it's understandable that you re-register for a while on a proxy or VPN and keep on spamming / flaming is for sure making people mad and that's the part where i understand them but to say that in a deletion / warning is weird and stupid in my opinion.

What Shawn said is true and you may hate him for posting that but he's right.
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Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
I can confirm that I did indeed delete some posts with that reason, although the real reason was because Hilia told zPsychotic to get out so I deleted Hilia's post and the replies to it (topic). The amount of times I've had to delete piles of shitposts that were caused by zPsychotic, or his alter egos, is overwhelming, and he frequently comes on IRC where he further annoys us with even more garbage. I do have a hatred towards zPsychotic and I do express that hatred, however I do make an attempt to not let that hatred influence my decisions in which posts to delete. If someone can deal with him over and over and over without developing a hate for him, then that person garners a lot of respect from me.
Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
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I'd suggest Kreeata adding a new or two new moderators, that are strict. One day people will learn, and understand that rules are easier to follow than to be broken.

As for the reason for the deletion of that post, people shouldn't always judge by a look at a picture. We don't necessarily know the whole story, and everyone makes certain mistakes. Especially when they are influenced by hatred or annoyance, and whatso.

I'm glad to see the moderators there are being strict, cause they should be if the community can't behave.
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Staff member
Apr 3, 2009
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MS doesn't really need another moderator. It's just that some users and when I say some about a few that like to try and give the moderators a hard time. They deal with them just fine, they won't stop doing with they do if you add additional help. Probably will give them even more of a reason to act out the way they do. For the past few years it has been kept and check and the guys are doing a splendid job at that.
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2008
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removed in favor of PM, rather that public retort.
Aug 9, 2012
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In my opinion the moderators at the maplestory section are great.

I am one of the persons who goes often oftopic when hated persons in the maplestory community do make posts. (sango,zpsychotic,bloodthrusty etc). Everytime retep and kevin are great in bringen a topic back on topic and giving out interfactions.
Example: http://forum.ragezone.com/f427/relea...86/index2.html
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Elite Diviner
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
ok now lets get the story straight over here yes zPsychotic is me and I have created multiple accounts was due to the fact of a lose email account/password which had took me sometime to recover.. I can say I have been around here since the birth of maplestory private server and but everything was different back in those days also this retep guy is only like 15 -> 16, I could never understand on why mental hired such moderators in the first place...

The amount of times I've had to delete piles of shitposts that were caused by zPsychotic, or his alter egos, is overwhelming, and he frequently comes on IRC where he further annoys us with even more garbage.

this guy wasnt even around when Vana was born today he has consider himself as god together with afew others.. and claim to be some c++ expert.. just because of understanding functions better, and I strongly agree with the fact with SuperFun and fk0wned on this guy should not have become moderator..

also I dont know who is this Hila guy is seems like he is new to all this and blindly has followed everyone.. I dont think it actually matters if I quit of not.. the fact Im free to come back and have no limitation over posting of this section,maybe you should learn to respect someone.. and just because some guys here hate me dont make it as 90% does..

I think everyone that actually contribute releases are gone due the to lack of immaturity and how selfish it has become of the community...

and someone should really read this thread and tell me : http://forum.ragezone.com/f621/moderator-application-maplestory-871480/

you honestly think this guy should be a moderator ? I think I would have done a better job.
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Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
First of all, I'm 19 years old, please don't lie about my age (not sure how you got that wrong considering my application you linked had my age).
Secondly, I've been around here for just as long as you, and me not joining the Vana community as soon as you did is irrelevant to RageZone.

If you have a problem with a moderator, bringing it up in this section is probably the wrong area to do so. If you wish to complain about me, please send a complaint to a super moderator. They'll determine what the correct course of action is. Arguing back and forth with you here isn't going to accomplish anything.

@Hilia - Was that meant to be ironic? I see no infractions, no deletions, the thread isn't even locked.
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