ROM DB Editor

It depends, you know. Anyway, I (or someone) would need to create a merging tool. In the case if data structures will change it will be hard to move your changes on a new version. Same story about situation, when you cloned too much new objects with 6-number length guids. They should have overlap with new ones.

Ok I will continue testing.
For now you helped me very much.
thanks again for creating and sharing this tool. I appreciate it and your work! :thumbup1:
v 0.3.0 Released!
Adde basic support for all items, a bit more wide for eqipment, another bit more wide for weapons.
Fixed saveing strings .db issue

Hey MunkyCS,

the version works great. Thanx for that.

Will it be possible in a future version that we can edit things like WearStat[]Array ?

MunkyCS - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums
Hey MunkyCS, the version works great. Thanx for that.
Will it be possible in a future version that we can edit things like WearStat[]Array ?
It`s already possible, just use little "..." button when you hover your mouse over Attributes field.

v 0.3.1 Released:
+ Stats support
+ TreasureObject (drop lists) support

If you want to make an item with one random stat for example, you have to use treasures for that. Just create a treasure with stats you need, or use existing. Then set item`s one of the stats field so, that it`s id == tresure guid and rate == 100% (100000). If you want 1 of n random stats, simply pushing them to stats of an item with rates like 1/n won`t give you desired result. Allso be carefull not to mix up RuneObjects and Stats, while using treasures. I haven`t tested setting rune as a stat, I suppose that nothing neither interesting nor usefull would happen.

Also, to make TreasureObject have more/less slots for items:
1. Set desired count.
2. Re-find this treasure
3. Re-open this treasure.

Note: max count is 100.
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It`s already possible, just use little "..." button when you hover your mouse over Attributes field

Hey MunkyCS,

thanx for you answer. I think it´s not overall "..."....Here are a Buff:
MunkyCS - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

Here are a weapon and there are no "..." :w00t:

MunkyCS - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

Hey MunkyCS,

thanx for you answer. I think it´s not overall "..."....Here are a Buff:
Here are a weapon and there are no "..." :w00t:
There should be either a "..." button or ability to change elements of collection directly. Anyway, all of the collections are fixed-sized. So using buttons like Add and Remove are not very usefull (Deleting N items just assume that N last items should now become empty. Adding should not work at all, there`s no point in this, though)
There are another way.
I had use .db->.sql->.db variant before current db editor version. SQL give you access to powerful db editing without much problem. For ex., for your request it would be smth "update weaponobject set dmg=dmg*2".
As for batch version - not sure, but think, that it's low chance, that current app version have api or any other way to do smth like that, so ask MunkyCS about new version)
Is there anyway to make Batch Edit?
For example, edit all weapons damage X2 once.
There are another way.
I had use .db->.sql->.db variant before current db editor version. SQL give you access to powerful db editing without much problem. For ex., for your request it would be smth "update weaponobject set dmg=dmg*2".
As for batch version - not sure, but think, that it's low chance, that current app version have api or any other way to do smth like that, so ask MunkyCS about new version)

I had an idea of that. I suppose it will look like sql-like requests. I`ll try to do it shortly, may be as well as ability to delete objects and strings.
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You can try to use sql directly(just convert db to sql) or use sql-wrapper(for ex., convert to .sqlite and work with it). Also, you can add C# scripts and use LINQ...or another thousands methods)
I am sure I missed something along the way, but do we leave the fdb's packed, or do we have to unpack them with fdbextracter, I have tried starting the server with unpacked FDBs and it wont start.
I then left it the original way with packed FDBs and after cloning a Dagger and saving it I get a new DB file in the resource folder, but it doesn't appear to be imported by the server.

Am I missing some step or two maybe ?
I am sure I missed something along the way, but do we leave the fdb's packed, or do we have to unpack them with fdbextracter, I have tried starting the server with unpacked FDBs and it wont start.
I then left it the original way with packed FDBs and after cloning a Dagger and saving it I get a new DB file in the resource folder, but it doesn't appear to be imported by the server.

Am I missing some step or two maybe ?
You don`t have to unpack anything your self. My tool will extract just things you need into memory. Then if you edit something and press save all, it will drop that db to place you`ve specified. No changes to fdb are done. Everything you should do, is just make sure to store that .db in a correct places. For client it`s \data\ (relative to Client.exe) for server it`s \data\(relative to your Resource folder). Actualy, to make things work at all placing *.db to server would be enough, until you add new objects. However, no of your changes wouldn`t be seen in description of skills/buffs/items on outdated client. Also, it seams that some random crashes may occur if you won`t copy your *.db to client.
Something isn't working for me then. I start the editor, load the FDBs, find Dagger of Extremes, clone it, it get ID of 219999, modify the dagger, then in the File Menu choose Save ALL. Two files are created in the c:\runewaker\resource\fdb folder.
Copy those two files to my client fdb\ folder, restart server and client and no new wep 219999 is available.
Restart the Editor, and also no ID 219999 can be found.

So did I do this right, or over looked something.
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Something isn't working for me then. I start the editor, load the FDBs, find Dagger of Extremes, clone it, it get ID of 219999, modify the dagger, then in the File Menu choose Save ALL. Two files are created in the c:\runewaker\resource\fdb folder.
Copy those two files to my client fdb\ folder, restart server and client and no new wep 219999 is available.
Restart the Editor, and also no ID 219999 can be found.

So did I do this right, or over looked something.
That should be \data\ folder, not the fdb one. fdb is for opening data.fdb. Data is for storing you .db files
So it was my fault kind of, I didn't know that the default save folder should be c:\runewaker\resource\data I assumed it was the same folder you read the data.fdb, for me I had the save folder set to c:\runewaker\resource\fdb

Maybe instead of having default data.fdb location, have it as default resource folder, and then the editor can read from \fdb and save to \data to stop nubs like me stuffing that up. And why not add a save to a client as well if the user selects the folder where the game is installed. Just a thought.

I got the save folder messed up cause I went from what I read on the install guide that the server reads from the /resource/fdb folder, nothing suggested it reads from outside there. Anyhow, was my goof up I guess.
I wonder if the disabletags can work the same way so we can change events.
Hi MunkyCS,

Thanks for your help machine :). I have another question for you, do you know how I can decrease the size of items?
There is a buff with this option scale model koef, can I set this option manually in a weapon or I need another way to decrease the size?

Hi @MunkyCS,

Thanks for your help machine :). I have another question for you, do you know how I can decrease the size of items?
There is a buff with this option scale model koef, can I set this option manually in a weapon or I need another way to decrease the size?

I think there`s no way to do that right now. Scale works (or should work) for whole character but not for separate models. Item models are specified using Image Objects. May be there`s way to scale model in Image Objects. I will dig for that. Anyway, ImageObjects are not yet supported by app