[RP] Release Guns [RP]

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#region :knife <user>
                    case "knife":
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                if (roomUser.walkLock == true)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Nice try, but you are either stunned or cuffed and carnt stabb them.");
                                    if (punchCdLooper != null)
                                        Room.sendWhisper(roomUser, _Username, "*attempts to stab at " + User._Username + ", but is out of energy*");
                                        int isArrested = dbClient.getInt("SELECT arrested FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                        int canHit = dbClient.getInt("SELECT violence FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                        int isAfk = dbClient.getInt("SELECT afk FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                        if (isAfk == 1)
                                            sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but this user is AFK.");

                                            if (isArrested < 1)
                                                if (canHit == 1)
                                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but this room has been declared a no fighting zone So no fighting.");
                                                    if (User._roomID == _roomID && (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X))
                                                        //db queries
                                                        int myHealth = dbClient.getInt("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                                        int knife_mod = dbClient.getInt("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");

                                                        //generates a random number
                                                        Random randNum = new Random();
                                                        int hit_dif_0 = randNum.Next(10, 30);
                                                        int hit_dif_1 = randNum.Next(30, 60);

                                                        //what a user hits
                                                        int hit = knife_mod * hit_dif_0 + hit_dif_1;

                                                        int getHit = myHealth - hit;
                                                        if (getHit < 1 && _Username == User._Username)
                                                            sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you can not knock yourself out by stabbing.");
                                                            dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health - '" + hit + "' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                                            dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                                            int health_db_ko = dbClient.getInt("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                                            Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", causing " + hit + " damage*");

                                                            ThreadStart punchCdStarter = new ThreadStart(punchCoolDown);
                                                            punchCdLooper = new Thread(punchCdStarter);
                                                            punchCdLooper.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

                                                            //if the user has 0 or less helth left
                                                            if (health_db_ko < 1)
                                                                if (User._Mission == "[Game] Deathmatch" || User._Mission == "[Game] Brawl")
                                                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Knocks out " + args[1] + ", sending them to the lobby*");
                                                                    if (User._Mission == "[Game] Deathmatch")
                                                                        if (_Mission == "[Game] Deathmatch")
                                                                            dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET game_dm = game_dm + '10' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                                                        User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(272));
                                                                        User.sendData("BK" + "Thank you for playing deathmatch.");
                                                                    if (User._Mission == "[Game] Brawl")
                                                                        if (_Mission == "[Game] Brawl")
                                                                            dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET game_brawl = game_brawl + '10' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                                                        User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(181));
                                                                        User.sendData("BK" + "Thank you for playing brawl.");
                                                                    User.refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                                                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = '100' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                                                    User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(153));
                                                                    User.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out by another user and sent to the hospital.");
                                                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Knocks out " + args[1] + ", sending them to the hospital*");
                                                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET kills = kills + 1 WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + 1, dead = '1', time_dead = '10' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                                                    User._Mission = "Dead";

                                                                    refreshAppearance(true, true, true);

                                                                    ThreadStart koStarter = new ThreadStart(User.knockOut);
                                                                    User.deadLooper = new Thread(koStarter);
                                                                    User.deadLooper.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

                                                                    User.roomUser.walkLock = true;
                                                        if (User._roomID == _roomID && (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X))
                                                            Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*stabs at " + args[1] + ", but misses*");
Not that i know of? And before you start bitching, if i have, its been credits to them? Aye.. Gage, Your a little kid, who begs me 24/7 on MSN..
Gage hasen't been on in 4-5 weeks bud. He has been so busy I keep him updated on what is up. So.. Got anything to say?
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Wow, thanks dick, i dont mind the knifes? but my guns. I didnt release them for a reason, there goes all my belief and trust in this community, i was just about to release my 100% clothes, hair and skin CREDITS TO SWIMOTHEBIG FOR BASE, but there goes that. Die

And P.S good luck getting the codes, at least that way i will know no noobs like you cant use my guns, Craig, settaz or anyone else PM me if u want it.

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