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Setting up eAthena!, Mainly 3CeAM Trunk SQL, but basicly works for everything.

Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
eAthena 3CeAM Installation Guide

After seeing TONS of people struggling with setting up there server, or asking for somebody to make/find them a guide to set up eAthena properly, I decided to make a guide. I'm not focusing on perfecting this guide as of now, it'll be quite basic. I'll post links to downloads required, and stuffz like that, y'knoow. Nah, just kidding, I'll do my best to help everyone to understand every single step.

A side note to clarify:
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate. I've set it up this way for XP and Vista also, so it should work.
This guide is based on 3CeAM, but it will work if you're using normal eAthena revision too.
This will be a guide to set up the SQL version, not the TXT version.
I will be using Trunk, but it should work with Stable too, I'm sure.
You should have some basic knowledge already. Not required, but it'll help.
This guide is set up and will be having links to the exact downloads I used. It's the only way I got it to work, so don't go off downloading other Revisions from other people then what I have done. It might cause problems, and I won't help if this is the cause!!
Can't come up with any more.

Vista Users Only:

Turning off UAC.
(I stole this part from another website, as I don't have Vista right now and I don't remember perfectly.)

1. Open Control Panel.
2. Under User Account and Family settings click on the "Add or remove user account".
3. Click on one of the user accounts, for example you can use the Guest account.
4. Under the user account click on the "Go to the main User Account page" link.
5. Under "Make changes to your user account" click on the "Change security settings" link.
6. In the "Turn on User Account Control (UAC) to make your computer more secure" click to unselect the "Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer". Click on the Ok button.
7. You will be prompted to reboot your computer. Do so when ready.

When this have been done, you're ready to start!

Installing, updating and preparing kRO and Renewal.

Download .
Install kRO to the preferred C:\RO. It's probably the best place to install it.
After installation is completed, run Ragnarok.exe and let it fully patch.
Download .
Install Renewal to the same directory as kRO, C:\RO. It's the best place to install it.
After installation has completed, run Ragnarok_RE.exe and let it fully patch.
After installation and updating is completed, download .
Extract it and put the Data folder and any extra files in C:\RO. This will be the data folder your server runs with. (I won't give a walkthrough on making .grf files now. Might do on a later date.)
Download .
Extract the file. Put the data folder and all other files in your C:\RO folder, merge it with your other data folder and overwrite anything it asks you to.
If you want 3rd class cloth color and other palettes, download (link coming soon, can't find it right now. /sob) and merge that with your data folder also. Overwrite everything it asks for (if it asks for overwriting that is).
Download .
Extract it and put the .exe in C:\RO. You might want to rename it to YourServerRO.exe or something like that.
If you have problems with typing @ in-game, download the newest non-diffed client and make sure you include @-chat fix when you diff it. I will not give you a guide on this for now, should be easy to figure out.
Edit your clientinfo.xml file for use with your server:
Open C:\RO > data > clientinfo.xml in notepad or your prefered editing program.
Edit the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="en_GB.utf8" ?> 





  <desc>Alternative Ragnarok Online</desc>

    <display>(Put your RO server name here)</display>

    <balloon>Click here to play</balloon>

    <address>(If you're running it local-only, use, if not change it to YOUR WAN IP. www.whatismyip.org)</address>




    <registrationweb>(leave this blank unless you have a working Control Panel set up.</registrationweb>


    <admin>(put your GM account ID here if you wish for GM clothes)</admin>





    <admin>(put your GM account ID here also if you want yellow text too)</admin>










Save and close.

Your RO folder should now be fully prepared for setting up with a perfect eAthena server!

Downloading and setting up eAthena 3CeAM.

Download .
Extract it do any directory, I personaly prefer C:\3CeAM Trunk SQL and would probably make it easier if you saved it there.
Now for the basic set-up of your .conf files. Enter 3CeAM Trunk SQL > conf.
Open char_athena.conf and edit the following lines/make sure it looks like this:
// Server Communication username and password.

userid: s1
(change this to something else, for the sake of security. Something unique.)
passwd: p1 (change this to something else, for the sake of security. Something unique.)

// Login Server IP

// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.

// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on

// a machine with multiple interfaces.

login_ip: (make sure this one is, do not edit it)(it'll most likely be // in front of this, remove if it's the case.)

// Character Server IP

// The IP address which clients will use to connect.

// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.

char_ip: (change this to YOUR WAN IP. www.whatismyip.org, if you want the server only localy for now set it to'll most likely be // in front of this, remove if it's the case.)

Open map_athena.conf and edit the following lines/make sure it looks like this:
// Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.)

userid: s1
(change this to the same as in your char_athena.conf file)
passwd: p1 (change this to the same as in your char_athena.conf file)

// Character Server IP

// The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.

// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on

// a machine with multiple interfaces.

char_ip: (make sure this one is, do not edit it) (it'll most likely be // in front of this, remove if it's the case.)

// Map Server IP

// The IP address which clients will use to connect.

// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.

map_ip: this to YOUR WAN IP. www.whatismyip.org, if you want the server only localy for now set it to'll most likely be // in front of this, remove if it's the case.)

(leave this one be)
(add this line, but remember to change to YOUR WAN IP. www.whatismyip.org)
(add this line, but remember to change to YOUR LAN IP. Start > run.. > cmd > ipconfig. It will most likely be 10.0.0.x or 192.168.0.x, but it will NOT end on .138, that is your router IP. It's the other look-a-like with another number, usually 1-4.)(Your subnet might also vary, but it will be, or, can also be found with ipconfig.)

grf-files.txt: (make sure it looks like the following)

// GRF List


// grf: C:\path\to\RO\data.grf

// You may add more in this format

grf: C:\RO\data.grf

grf: C:\RO\rdata.grf

//------ Others ---------------------------

// Data Directory (without the actual data\ though)

// the below example would use C:\path\to\RO\data\

data_dir: C:\RO\

(Running the server will come near the end, after you set up MySQL!)

Setting up and preparing MySQL.

Download the
Download the
Run mysql-essential-5.1.48-win32.msi and choose Typical and install it. Remember to skip sign-up and click next. When it's done, click Finish and make sure you didn't uncheck 'Configure the MySQL Server now'.
Choose Standard Configuration and click Next.
For service name, pick MySQL5 and click Next.
Choose a password you wish to set for Root. It's recommended you pick something unique, and you have to remember it for later. Now click Next.
Click 'Execute'. When it's done, simply click Finish.
To make sure MySQL is running properly, open up your task manager. Click 'Processes' and find mysqld(-nt).exe. (the -nt doesn't come up for me in Windows 7 'least)
Run mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r17-win32.msi. All you really need is Query Browser and Administrator, but install everything anyways.
Start MySQL Administrator and a window will pop up. You have to fill in Host Name, Username and Password and leave everything else blank. It should look like this:
Stored Connections: (leave it alone)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (use the password that you created before for root)
Port: 3306
Click 'OK', then MySQL Administrator should open up.
Go to User Administration and create a new user, enter these credentials:
MySQL User: ragnarok
Password: ragnarok
Confirm Password: ragnarok
When done, just click 'Apply Changes' and exit MySQL Administrator.
Start MySQL Query Browser and a window like last time will pop up. Fill in the same as we did for MySQL Administrator, just remember to set Default schema to ragnarok.
Stored Connection: (leave it alone)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (use the password that you created before for root)
Default Schema: ragnarok
Port: 3306
When you are in MySQL Query Browser, click once on ragnarok database that is below Schemata.
Go to menu, click File and choose Open Script...
We need to execute main.sql, mail.sql (note by kyrato: recent updates have this loaded in the main.sql already, so you can skip this step) and log.sql (execute upgrade_svn* .sql files, too, if require) so, look for the main.sql, which should be in sql-files folder in eAthena Server and other .sql files.
Pick main.sql and click Open.
Click the Green Execute Icon to the upper right to execute. Do the same with mail.sql now and execute it.
When you are done, we need to create log database by right-click somewhere within the table where the databases are and choose Create New Schema and type in log and click OK.
Double-click on log database, go to menu, click File, choose Open Script..., open logs.sql and Execute.
Double click ragnarok database to expand to see all tables.
Look for login table and double click and double click again.
Click once on Edit so, we can edit the cells. This icon should be in bottom.
For userid: and user_pass:, type in the name that you used in char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf.
When you are done editing, just click the Apply Changes that is next to the Edit icon.
NOTE: userid: and user_pass: must be same in login table, char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf.
In menu, click Tools and choose MySQL Administrator.
Go to User Administration and click ragnarok user.
Now, go to Schema Privileges and click once on ragnarok database/schema and click this button << and then click Apply changes. Do the same with log database/schema.

Now that you have set everything up properly, it should all work. If you set the server up for local-only, that is. If you want it live, you will have to set up your firewall and forward ports in your router. If you have no router, you may skip this part.
Log in to your Router's configuration site. (usually or, you may find this IP with Start > run.. > cmd > ipconfig.)
You will have to port forward port 6900, 6121 and 5121. Because of the different set-up on so many routers, I won't be able to help you do this.
Find your Router in the list. Follow the guide, and forward port 6900, 5121 and 6121 properly!
If you have a firewall, you might have to open up port 6900, 5121 and 6121 in that also. I cannot find a guide for you here, due to there being so many and I have no firewall at all at the moment. Google will help you out, I guess. (You could always turn off the entire firewall, but this will leave your system at risk.)

Starting eAthena and logging on your server!

Navigate to C:\3CeAM Trunk SQL and find runserver-sql.bat.
Run the file, and 3 windows will pop up. This should go smooth with no errors if you set everything up properly.
Once the mapserver has finished loading, it's time to attempt logging in!
Navigate to C:\RO\ and find YourServerRO.exe (whatever you named it).
Run the .exe and RO will start.
Once you reach the login screen, choose a password and username. Username followed by _M for male, _F for female.
Username: myusername_M (or myusername_F for female)
Password mypassword
Next time you log in, remember to NOT use _F or _M in your username.
Once you logged in, create a character. It won't matter what name you use, just create something.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your RO server is now ready for use!

Making your account administrator!
Open up MySQL Query Browser.
Login with your root username and password, like you did last time.
Expand the ragnarok table if it isn't expanded. Find the login database, double-click it.. TWICE.
Once it has loaded, find your account name in the big panel.
Find the "level" tab. By default this will be set to 0, click 'Start Editing' (or the likes) in the bottom and double click the tab. Change the value to 99 to set your account an admin. Select 'Apply Changes' and exit Query Browser.
Restart your server by simply exiting all the 3 server windows, and then running runserver-sql.bat once again.
Log in and you should now be an Administrator. Try @go 0 to see if it's working, then @commands to see all the different commands you may play around with.

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 28, 2009
Reaction score
Please check the link its was dead already.

thank you.
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
You can download it from here