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So... Gunz is dead?

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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 9, 2007
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dem fgunz numbers tho

It pains me to say that Freestyle is currently on the verge of becoming another Dark Gunz, for the simple fact that they have affiliated themselves with a criminal hacker, as in: a boy who goes around using botnets to DDoS other servers and communities - which is preoccupying several Gunz players, both old and new, since some have contacted me about this matter.

This boy is already tainting Freestyle's reputation by going around with several different accounts preaching in the name of Freestyle Gunz, while harassing and stalking whoever he has a grudge against.

Not to mention that this boy also affiliated himself in the past with another criminal hacker who was known as "kolie", the thief who stole Daemons Ring's ownership from its founder Mackintosh, being this "kolie" also known to be an addict of DDoS attacks since he started issuing them against Legacy Gamers back in 2007, and even DDoS'ed Dark Gunz along with this boy back in 2012.

Don't get me wrong though, I like Freestyle, because when me and my colleagues temporarily closed DRGunZ, I personally advised all of our players that, if they wanted a good Gunz server to play, they should go to Freestyle. I've actually tried their server, and even gave them a nice review here on Ragezone.

Other than that, Freestyle is still the best Gunz pserver, and has been in that position for a few years, but they are currently risking everything they have worked for during all these years, and all because of a boy who isn't even as skilled as he claims to be, since even some Freestyle staff members told me that he gave them some code of a simple task that was full of memory leaks.

I apologize if this is not the proper place to state these facts, but I tend to look out and care for people and communities that I like and respect, and that are constituted by a majority of good people. Also since this thread is about Gunz dying, and since most of my Gunz friends told me that the Freestyle staff has no idea about who and what exactly this boy is, then I have chosen to share my concerns here.

As an example, Artic Gunz took a heavy loss on their player count since they've affiliated themselves with another criminal hacker, the one who was known as "vitaminch/eugene/ekondrus", and I honestly fear that the same might happen with Freestyle.

EDIT: Surprises and strange contradictory facts keep coming regarding this boy, I was told today that he also went around bragging within Freestyle that he was 'friends' with 'kolie'.
This preoccupied and even upset some people, since 'kolie' once DDoS'ed Freestyle Gunz...
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Jun 17, 2009
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From a development standpoint I would say it's pretty much dead to most oldgens but not to the newgens or the people who are very dedicated about changing the game still. From a playing stand point, I would say it survives off the ego tbh. I would say Gunz servers on a whole would need something "life" changing to rake back in people, other than that everyone would just go on to the next best thing.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 22, 2016
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Masangsoft ( KOREANGUNZ) Still working on the source so not died!! :love:
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May 16, 2011
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As an example, Artic Gunz took a heavy loss on their player count since they've affiliated themselves with another criminal hacker, the one who was known as "vitaminch/eugene/ekondrus", and I honestly fear that the same might happen with Freestyle.

With all due respect, I doubt Eugene had a part in the player loss for Artic. Eugene provided amazing features for our staff team which made our job much easier. He ended up disappearing for quite sometime after that. Matter of fact, I don't think I ever saw him again. Artic's player loss is most likely due to the fact they receive attacks from other servers(wont put them out on blast), as well as their source being 'leaked' and lack of development.
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Pee Aitch Pee
Mar 30, 2011
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With all due respect, I doubt Eugene had a part in the player loss for Artic. Eugene provided amazing features for our staff team which made our job much easier. He ended up disappearing for quite sometime after that. Matter of fact, I don't think I ever saw him again. Artic's player loss is most likely due to the fact they receive attacks from other servers(wont put them out on blast), as well as their source being 'leaked' and lack of development.

I feel your pain. Pretty sure who you are referring to when you state "they receive attacks from other servers" since FGunZ had the same problem a couple months ago.
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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 9, 2007
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With all due respect, I doubt Eugene had a part in the player loss for Artic. Eugene provided amazing features for our staff team which made our job much easier. He ended up disappearing for quite sometime after that. Matter of fact, I don't think I ever saw him again. Artic's player loss is most likely due to the fact they receive attacks from other servers(wont put them out on blast), as well as their source being 'leaked' and lack of development.

He was a good Gunz developer and all around programmer, that is undeniable; but there were rumors that he abused some players at Artic and went around using hacks ingame - the exact same way he did at DR - despite his great contributions to both servers.

I feel your pain. Pretty sure who you are referring to when you state "they receive attacks from other servers" since FGunZ had the same problem a couple months ago.

That was always part of the problem within the Gunz pserver scene, and the main reason why some servers weren't able, or even, allowed to survive: DDoS attacks, private and public hacks, server and forum exploits.

It actually saddens me that an average number of members of the Gunz community were never able to just live and let live.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 24, 2014
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It pains me to say that Freestyle is currently on the verge of becoming another Dark Gunz, for the simple fact that they have affiliated themselves with a criminal hacker, as in: a boy who goes around using botnets to DDoS other servers and communities - which is preoccupying several Gunz players, both old and new, since some have contacted me about this matter.

This boy is already tainting Freestyle's reputation by going around with several different accounts preaching in the name of Freestyle Gunz, while harassing and stalking whoever he has a grudge against.

Not to mention that this boy also affiliated himself in the past with another criminal hacker who was known as "kolie", the thief who stole Daemons Ring's ownership from its founder Mackintosh, being this "kolie" also known to be an addict of DDoS attacks since he started issuing them against Legacy Gamers back in 2007, and even DDoS'ed Dark Gunz along with this boy back in 2012.

Don't get me wrong though, I like Freestyle, because when me and my colleagues temporarily closed DRGunZ, I personally advised all of our players that, if they wanted a good Gunz server to play, they should go to Freestyle. I've actually tried their server, and even gave them a nice review here on Ragezone.

Other than that, Freestyle is still the best Gunz pserver, and has been in that position for a few years, but they are currently risking everything they have worked for during all these years, and all because of a boy who isn't even as skilled as he claims to be, since even some Freestyle staff members told me that he gave them some code of a simple task that was full of memory leaks.

I apologize if this is not the proper place to state these facts, but I tend to look out and care for people and communities that I like and respect, and that are constituted by a majority of good people. Also since this thread is about Gunz dying, and since most of my Gunz friends told me that the Freestyle staff has no idea about who and what exactly this boy is, then I have chosen to share my concerns here.

As an example, Artic Gunz took a heavy loss on their player count since they've affiliated themselves with another criminal hacker, the one who was known as "vitaminch/eugene/ekondrus", and I honestly fear that the same might happen with Freestyle.

EDIT: Surprises and strange contradictory facts keep coming regarding this boy, I was told today that he also went around bragging within Freestyle that he was 'friends' with 'kolie'.
This preoccupied and even upset some people, since 'kolie' once DDoS'ed Freestyle Gunz...
Completly agree,

Gunz scene is fucked up.

You didn't even mentioned universegunz, owned by a shady guy by a known ip hijacker/ddos/cc fraud

But i still prefer UGG over FG, my opinion.

He was a good Gunz developer and all around programmer, that is undeniable; but there were rumors that he abused some players at Artic and went around using hacks ingame - the exact same way he did at DR - despite his great contributions to both servers.
Yes, eugene used to make cheats and hack private servers.
Atleast he is mia now.
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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 9, 2007
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Completly agree,

Gunz scene is fucked up.

You didn't even mentioned universegunz, owned by a shady guy by a known ip hijacker/ddos/cc fraud

But i still prefer UGG over FG, my opinion.

Yes, eugene used to make cheats and hack private servers.
Atleast he is mia now.


I never went much outside DR until 2012 when 'kolie' decided to simply delete DR in its totality for no valid reason other than his own madness, or a possible bad meth trip, since he once had the nerve to publicly say on ventrilo that he spent DR's donations on drugs.

And since someone mentioned Freestyle, I took the opportunity to mention this other criminal hacker who goes by the name of modal/nespresso/angryon nowadays; whose mother asked me not to press criminal charges against him back in 2012 when he was hilariously accusing *me* of issuing DDoS attacks against 'kolie gunz', and of also 'beating my wife'...LOL! It was extremely funny for everyone, even for 'kolie's followers, since I'm actually a lawyer/jurist and never even once committed one single crime in my entire life, and also because, in real life, I'm known as a gentleman who treats Woman as Goddesses, and I've even worked at a female and child abuse department during the last decade.

As for UGG, I've had no idea about such crimes, but then again, as I've said, I was always focused mostly on DR.

Regarding Eugene, well, maybe he was arrested just like 'kolie' for hacking and economical/financial crimes.

It's like they say: "If you want to truly evaluate a man's character, give him money or power." - Putin is a good example on how evil a person can become when given supreme rule over a country.

Thank you for the information.

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Junior Spellweaver
Aug 30, 2014
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I never went much outside DR until 2012 when 'kolie' decided to simply delete DR in its totality for no valid reason other than his own madness, or a possible bad meth trip, since he once had the nerve to publicly say on ventrilo that he spent DR's donations on drugs.

And since someone mentioned Freestyle, I took the opportunity to mention this other criminal hacker who goes by the name of modal/nespresso/angryon nowadays; whose mother asked me not to press criminal charges against him back in 2012 when he was hilariously accusing *me* of issuing DDoS attacks against 'kolie gunz', and of also 'beating my wife'...LOL! It was extremely funny for everyone, even for 'kolie's followers, since I'm actually a lawyer/jurist and never even once committed one single crime in my entire life, and also because, in real life, I'm known as a gentleman who treats Woman as Goddesses, and I've even worked at a female and child abuse department during the last decade.

As for UGG, I've had no idea about such crimes, but then again, as I've said, I was always focused mostly on DR.

Regarding Eugene, well, maybe he was arrested just like 'kolie' for hacking and economical/financial crimes.

It's like they say: "If you want to truly evaluate a man's character, give him money or power." - Putin is a good example on how evil a person can become when given supreme rule over a country.

Thank you for the information.

"modal/hexexpresso/angryon/alaygro" Has the tendency to harass other servers with false accusations lies and discriminitory comments due to his personal insecurities and grudges towards something he cannot stand.

He spends alot of time dictating on reddit and uses multiple accounts to downpost people's threads comments and spreads negativity based on what I've seen proven by one of my passionate GM's. He has joined my server multiple times to come in rooms start arguing with players who has not played Gunz over the years since the ijji days. I don't consider him criminal or anything close to it, just a lowly pest incompetent whos lacking integrity to see things professionally.

As far as F.G Dave, you're better of having a decent server with one less ignorant childish developer, who'll eventually ruin your servers rep with his aggressive negative pressure among Gunz cummunities with rude atrocities which no communities enjoys having a riot aboard.
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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
"modal/hexexpresso/angryon/alaygro" Has the tendency to harass other servers with false accusations lies and discriminitory comments due to his personal insecurities and grudges towards something he cannot stand.

He spends alot of time dictating on reddit and uses multiple accounts to downpost people's threads comments and spreads negativity based on what I've seen proven by one of my passionate GM's. He has joined my server multiple times to come in rooms start arguing with players who has not played Gunz over the years since the ijji days. I don't consider him criminal or anything close to it, just a lowly pest incompetent whos lacking integrity to see things professionally.

As far as F.G Dave, you're better of having a decent server with one less ignorant childish developer, who'll eventually ruin your servers rep with his aggressive negative pressure among Gunz cummunities with rude atrocities which no communities enjoys having a riot aboard.


From a legal perspective, most hacking crimes are currently punishable by Law, such as: distributed denial of service and denial of service; illegal system access; selling and using remote access tools, malware, and keyloggers; copyrighted content and intellectual property misusage and/or theft; database hijackings; sabotaging; theft of private, personal and/or classified/secret/State documents; dox'ing - revealing an individual's personal information; purchase of illegal drugs and all kinds of weaponry through the deep web; child pornography trafficking; sabotaging; physical threats and attacks, like overcharging the battery of someone's laptop to iterally make it explode (seems far fetched, but it has happened); 'carding', which is credit card theft and trafficking; petty social and personal crimes such as threatening, harassing, stalking, slandering, defamation, and libeling through the internet; interception of private conversations; all types of frauds and economical/financial crimes; and the most recent escalating threat, the usage of the internet for recruitment, communication, coordination, and logistical purposes by terrorist organizations in order to carry out terrorist attacks.
There have been some arrests and convictions, mostly in the US since they take cibercrime very seriously... These are some that I can quickly remember since they are some of the most practiced and known ones, but nowadays there are far more, and cibercrime is being treated a growing phenomenon - theoretically, in the current days, one can plan and/or order the commitment of any kind of crime through the internet.
It was also known that assassination attempts were ordered to some contract killers/hitmen through the deep web, but I don't believe they succeeded.

As for the other issue, since I've already came across this individual in 2012 and solved the matter with his mother because he was, and still is, just a child; I personally advise you to just ignore him, because if you reply to him, we will not stop, he will feel popular and important, but if you ignore him, he'll get frustrated, give up on you, and will probably target someone else.

He has always been trying to provoke me, ever since I've banned him for breaking Dark Gunz's rules in 2012. But I've always ignored him because he means nothing to me, he's just a blatant liar, childish provocateur, and a rich boy who is used to be given everything in life without having to work or struggle for anything.

He provoked me on Dark Gunz, some friends told me about it, and I didn't care, since back then on 2012 he was freely allowed to break their rules because he was protected by some corrupt staff members.
He provoked me here on Ragezone through a visitor message, and I've only replied to him because I had no idea who he was.
Also, he provoked me at Freestyle Gunz, and about this, when he made the provocative post and some people told me about it, I just ignored it as usual; however, when he messaged me here on Ragezone, and then I asked around who was this 'modal' individual, some of my Gunz friends and colleagues informed me about his actions, and even Freestyle staff and players became worried and upset because he claims to have been close friends with 'kolie' and speaks highly of him - which was Daemons Ring previous "owner" (who literally stole its ownership from DR's Founder), and was known as a criminal hacker and server/community destroyer, which ironically, even DDoS'ed Freestyle Gunz once or twice... And this individual goes around claiming to be 'friends' with him and praising him...Sigh.

Since his MO is exactly the same from 4 years ago, I'm already predicting what might happen to Freestyle Gunz, which was what happened to Dark Gunz literally killing it - the snowball effect, one person starts destroying, persuades 2/3 to join him by gifting them with custom items, then those persuade more 5/6, who persuade 10, then 20, then 50, then 100, 200, etc.. - ultimately causing chaos and mayhem to rule, making this individual happy.

This matter that has been preoccupying and upsetting a lot of people has lead me into reporting his childish provocation on Freestyle Gunz, to avoid them from looking like Dark Gunz, because of very same exact individual, for the exact same reasons. Strangely, no action has been taken yet, and if I'm not mistaken, I've made the report 3 days ago... So I honestly hope that he hasn't bought his way already to become immune to rule enforcement, since Freestyle is actually known to be a respectable server, and when we've stopped hosting DRGunz, I've even recommended Freestyle to the Daemons Ring community for being a safe and peaceful environment where they could keep playing Gunz, and a place which I'm quite fond of if I may add. Hence why I'm openly discussing this matter here, I do not want them to perish and fall to corruption and power abuse like Dark Gunz did...

BTW, as a personal note, you've once put me in charge of your Shaolin clan on ijji :) That was approx. 10 years ago, most likely you don't remember which is understandable, but I do because it was the only clan I was part of in ijji. I went by the name of Shadowking at that time, which was the name of my heavy metal garage band. However, I never had the chance to get to know you better since I quickly left ijji and permanently moved to Daemons Ring Gunz, since I already knew its founder due to playing his DR Ultima Online shard in 2003.

Regards, and thank you for your information.
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