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SOPA terminated

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Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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This is step 1. There is still PIPA, OPEN, and ACTA (although ACTA would require a supermajority).

It's also assuredly the case that the function of all of these pieces of legislation will slowly be inserted into "sure-fire" bills like we saw indefinite detention of US citizens written into NDAA which Obama signed (despite being in stark contrast to his campaign promises). Obama is easily the worst president we've ever had, deciding to use his veto power only twice despite many tens of controversial (and indeed both constitutionally and morally questionable) bills being passed under him, even those with which he claims to disagree (hint, veto = disagree).
Elite Diviner
May 30, 2011
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Obama is easily the worst president we've ever had

Remember the time Brownie did a heck of a job? Or when we went looking for WMDs in the middle of a goddamned desert? Or the time that Reagan sold the country? You're giving Obama far too much credit.


Murdoch knows precisely what SOPA will do. He's the one lobbying for it.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 23, 2011
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Yet another example of a guy who doesn't know what these bills will do if passed.
Speaking of presidents, George Bush was funny cause he was such a retarded moron
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
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I find it highly funny how people witch and whine about a president doing a bad job. Don't like the way they're doing their job so much, why don't you run for president, see how much good you bring to the country. Every president to date has been labeled as horrible/not-doing-a-good-enough-job. People need to shut up or nut up.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
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Nov 23, 2010
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I find it highly funny how people witch and whine about a president doing a bad job. Don't like the way they're doing their job so much, why don't you run for president, see how much good you bring to the country. Every president to date has been labeled as horrible/not-doing-a-good-enough-job. People need to shut up or nut up.

Maybe if people like us whine about a president doing a bad job is because we weren't elected to do so, maybe it's because it's not our job, with great power comes great power comes great responsibility, he was elected to do so, to make a change like he claimed.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Presidents successors are decided already... There is no point in trying to get in the top, you know that the world has been manipulated already, as all presidents are forced to do some actions.


It's great news to hear that SOPA is gone =3
Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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I find it highly funny how people witch and whine about a president doing a bad job. Don't like the way they're doing their job so much, why don't you run for president, see how much good you bring to the country. Every president to date has been labeled as horrible/not-doing-a-good-enough-job. People need to shut up or nut up.

Because it is constitutionally impossible for me to run for president. It is not difficult to stand up in front of the country, tell them you'll do something, then actually Ducking do it. If I were ever elected president, I'd be assassinated immediately because I wouldn't be playing ball with anyone in Washington who isn't answering to the people. I don't really care about deadlines on funding bills, unless you can justify every penny in that bill to the satisfaction of the entire country, you can shove it up your butt, etc.

The problem is first past the post voting. It is mathematically highly improbable that any candidate outside of the two parties would ever be elected. And so long as the corporations making up some large % of our national GDP are funding those two parties, they will never again accept a candidate that isn't in lock-step with those paying to put them in power.

change my name already!
Loyal Member
Apr 10, 2007
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I'm sorry completely off topic but since we are going with the whole president thing. Our entire Ducking system is gay. Democracy is good yes. But do you know how many billions are spent on campaigns for congress, presidential races, etc...? With all the suffering in the country, people still find it acceptable to donate to candidates so they can run their ads and then continue 4 more years of shenanigans.

And to keep this on topic, good that SOPA has hit a roadblock. Now let's not stop till we kill it with fire.
Oct 4, 2004
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Because it is constitutionally impossible for me to run for president. It is not difficult to stand up in front of the country, tell them you'll do something, then actually Ducking do it. If I were ever elected president, I'd be assassinated immediately because I wouldn't be playing ball with anyone in Washington who isn't answering to the people. I don't really care about deadlines on funding bills, unless you can justify every penny in that bill to the satisfaction of the entire country, you can shove it up your butt, etc.

The problem is first past the post voting. It is mathematically highly improbable that any candidate outside of the two parties would ever be elected. And so long as the corporations making up some large % of our national GDP are funding those two parties, they will never again accept a candidate that isn't in lock-step with those paying to put them in power.

How is Obama the worst president the US has had?..? Really?..... LOL?....

Also, SOPA isn't dead, it was brought back.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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Nixon, Harding, Johnson... In fact surely anyone who was pro-slavery should rank below Obama.
Feb 19, 2003
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Internet wins: SOPA and PIPA both shelved

Just hours after Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) announced he was delaying a vote on the PROTECT IP Act, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the sponsor of the Stop Online Piracy Act, followed suit and announced he would be delaying consideration of the companion legislation.

“I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns regarding proposed legislation to address the problem of online piracy," Smith said. "It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products."

"The Committee will continue work with both copyright owners and Internet companies to develop proposals that combat online piracy and protect America’s intellectual property," Smith continued. "We welcome input from all organizations and individuals who have an honest difference of opinion about how best to address this widespread problem." (He may want to check out our thoughts on the matter.)

Even former Senator Chris Dodd, the head of the Motion Picture Association of America, seemed to concede defeat. "With today’s announcement, we hope the dynamics of the conversation can change and become a sincere discussion about how best to protect the millions of American jobs affected by the theft of American intellectual property," he said in a statement. "It is incumbent that they now sincerely work with all of us to achieve a meaningful solution to this critically important goal."

The ideas present in both SOPA and PIPA may return, but both bills in their present form—and with their present names—are probably done for good.

A key figure in the fight against SOPA was Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). Issa had planned to use his perch as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to highlight the flaws of SOPA's DNS blocking provisions. He was planning to hold a hearing featuring the testimony of actual technical experts, something that had been mysteriously missing from Smith's hearings on the bill. Wednesday's Internet protests were originally scheduled to coincide with the hearings. But Issa scrapped his hearing after receiving assurances that the DNS provisions would be dropped from SOPA. The broader protest went forward anyway.

"Supporters of the Internet deserve credit for pressing advocates of SOPA and PIPA to back away from an effort to ram through controversial legislation," Issa said in a Friday statement. "Over the last two months, the intense popular effort to stop SOPA and PIPA has defeated an effort that once looked unstoppable."

"Postponing the Senate vote on PIPA removes the imminent threat to the Internet, but it's not over yet," Issa continued. "Copyright infringement remains a serious problem and any solution must be targeted, effective, and consistent with how the Internet works."
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 30, 2011
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I'm so glad that this outcome has happened, hopefully this will be the start to returning freedom to the internet world.

It shows that as users, we do have a voice, and hopefully we will be able to get PIPA etc overruled as well!
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