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Standalone avatar image generator + JavaScript Closets [Rev35]

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2007
Reaction score
Standalone avatar image generator [R63]

Tsuka - Standalone avatar image generator + JavaScript Closets [Rev35] - RaGEZONE Forums

Is there a demand for now I do'nt know but, it was released because I almost completed.
I hope you will find it helpful.

Is not dependent on the generator of official server, I made a generator of complete standalone.
It works by using the GD library in PHP.
It is extracted from SWF of revision 63 figure image used for resource.

use image cast revision: LASTEST

* This JavaScript is one of the use cases. To use the PHP code that is distributed, must be incorporated into the code yourself.


* need first run "resourse_update.php".

May.10.2015 / version 1.2.8 beta release
- supports more options for part-generator
- fixed alpha blend
- fixed renderer for large size
- fixed resource_update.php
- fixed bugs (indicated by Jer)

Apr.14.2015 / version 1.2.5 release

- support R63 casts.
- rewrite many code for processing speed. (successful to less than 100ms)
- included swf dump tool "resource_update.php".
Last edited:
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Needed something like this for a while. Hopefully someone can extract the r63 clothes for you so we can start using our own hosted avatars.

Big ups, Tsuka - surprised you're still around. I remember using your customs and hotel views when I was 12 and 13. Being Japanese, I can see why you base your stuff around cars :p
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Creds for the json structures? ^^

I could extract from r63
Initiate Mage
Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
Very nice project!

I have a similar script who uses SWF and XML files. Its development is not finished yet so there are still some errors, but extraction from SWF works fine. If you need help I am available ;)

Here is the thread of my project (on a French board):
  • Original:
  • Translated:
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Jesus Tsuka! Nice job you've maded in there! Each day we are progressing, and needing less of habbo resources!

I'll open a oldskool and I'll embed this in register/image change (and make via RCON to exec the :poof command automactly)!

Thanks a lot for this man!
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2007
Reaction score
Creds for the json structures? ^^

I could extract from r63

I wrote a program that automatically output unique JSON format... :p
and performance problems, it might change in the method to read the XML directly.

Now developing program that generates resources by automatically dump the SWF of R63.

Very nice project!

I have a similar script who uses SWF and XML files. Its development is not finished yet so there are still some errors, but extraction from SWF works fine. If you need help I am available ;)

Here is the thread of my project (on a French board):
  • Original:
  • Translated:
good. similar project :D

my project is likely take a long time, because I don't know the figure parts structure of R63.
I'll unhurriedly analyzes... :p


Legendary Battlemage
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
TSUKA! Konnichiwa!

Good to see you back on here :) This has made my day. I have no idea what this can be used for though because I'm a junior dev.

Can anyone explain in noob-friendly detail with what this is for, what it does, and what it is used for?

Thanks! !!!

Hey so I check into your blogs that you have every once in a while and they always have the most unique development I can find on there! Can you give an update to some new and unique features you've made so far?

That's a cool driving simulation setup you have too btw. haha.
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Initiate Mage
Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
@Tsuka: I can send you my avatar imager for the body parts if you want.

I've written a little script to extract data from SWF files.
Maybe it can help you or someone else to understand how SWF files are structured ;)


 * Extraction of tags from SWF file
 * @author Antoinee <anb505.spam@outlook.fr>
 * [USER=316612]Version[/USER] 0.0-20150804
 * [USER=585868]Lice[/USER]nse [url]http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT[/url] MIT License

define('INPUT_FILE', 'input.swf');
define('OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', './output');


function swf_read_DefineBitsLossless2($raw_data) {

    // Data length
    $data_length = strlen($raw_data) - 7;

    // Assuming that BitmapFormat = 5
    $tag = unpack('vsymbol_id/Cformat/vwidth/vheight', $raw_data);
    $data = gzuncompress(substr($raw_data, 7));

    if ($tag['format'] != 5) {

        echo "BitmapFormat = {$tag['format']}\tSkip this tag\r\n";
        return [];

    $im = imagecreatetruecolor($tag['width'], $tag['height']);
    imagefill($im, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff);

    for ($y = 0; $y < $tag['height']; $y++) {

        for ($x = 0; $x < $tag['width']; $x++) {

            list(, $color) = unpack('N', $data);
            $data = substr($data, 4);

            imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $color);

    $tag['im'] = $im;

    return $tag;

function swf_read_SymbolClass($raw_data) {

    // Read the number of symbols
    list(, $number_of_symbols) = unpack('v', substr($raw_data, 0, 2));

    $raw_data = substr($raw_data, 2);

    // Read all symbols
    // for ($symbols = []; count($symbols) < $number_of_symbols; ) {
    for ($symbols = []; strlen($raw_data); ) {

        extract(unpack('vsymbol_id/Z*symbol_value', $raw_data));
        $symbols[$symbol_id] = $symbol_value;

        $raw_data = substr($raw_data, 2 + strlen($symbol_value) + 1);

    return $symbols;

function swf_read_DefineBinaryData($raw_data) {

    // Data length
    $data_length = strlen($raw_data) - 6;

    return unpack('vsymbol_id/V/Z' . $data_length . 'data', $raw_data);

function swf_extract($swf_file) {

    // Read SWF file
    $raw_data = file_get_contents($swf_file);

    // Uncompress SWF data
    if (substr($raw_data, 0, 3) == 'CWS') {

        $raw_data = 'F' . substr($raw_data, 1, 7) . gzuncompress(substr($raw_data, 8));

    // File length
    list(, $file_length) = unpack('V', substr($raw_data, 4, 4));

    // Header length
    $header_length = 8 + 1 + ceil(((ord($raw_data[8]) >> 3) * 4 - 3) / 8) + 4;

    // Output arrays
    $pngs = [];
    $xmls = [];

    // Read tags
    for ($cursor = $header_length; $cursor < $file_length; ) {

        // Read tag header
        list(, $tag_header) = unpack('v', substr($raw_data, $cursor, 2));
        $cursor += 2;

        list($tag_code, $tag_length) = [$tag_header >> 6, $tag_header & 0x3f];

        // Read long tag header
        if ($tag_length == 0x3f) {

            list(, $tag_length) = unpack('V', substr($raw_data, $cursor, 4)); // Must be signed!
            $cursor+= 4;

        // Read tag body
        switch ($tag_code) {

            // DefineBitsLossless2
            case 36:
                $tag = swf_read_DefineBitsLossless2(substr($raw_data, $cursor, $tag_length));
                $pngs[$tag['symbol_id']] = $tag['im'];

            // SymbolClass
            case 76:
                $symbols = swf_read_SymbolClass(substr($raw_data, $cursor, $tag_length));

            // DefineBinaryData
            case 87:
                $tag = swf_read_DefineBinaryData(substr($raw_data, $cursor, $tag_length));
                $xmls[$tag['symbol_id']] = $tag['data'];

        // Go to the next tag
        $cursor+= $tag_length;

        // Exit loop if End tag
        // $tag_code != 0 ? : break;

    foreach ($xmls as $symbol_id => $xml) {

        $name = isset($symbols[$symbol_id]) ? $symbols[$symbol_id] : 'symbol_' . $symbol_id;

        // if (file_exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' .$name . '.xml')) {

        //     $name.= '_' . substr(md5(microtime(true)), 0, 8);

        //     echo $name,PHP_EOL;
        // }

        file_put_contents(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' . $name . '.xml', $xml);

    foreach ($pngs as $symbol_id => $png) {

        $name = isset($symbols[$symbol_id]) ? $symbols[$symbol_id] : 'symbol_' . $symbol_id;

        // if (file_exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' .$name . '.png')) {

        //     $name.= '_' . substr(md5(microtime(true)), 0, 8);

        //     echo $name,PHP_EOL;
        // }

        imagepng($png, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' . $name . '.png');

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2007
Reaction score
@Tsuka: I can send you my avatar imager for the body parts if you want.

I've written a little script to extract data from SWF files.
Maybe it can help you or someone else to understand how SWF files are structured ;)


 * Extraction of tags from SWF file
 * @author Antoinee <anb505.spam@outlook.fr>
 * [USER=316612]Version[/USER] 0.0-20150804
 * [USER=585868]Lice[/USER]nse [url]http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT[/url] MIT License

define('INPUT_FILE', 'input.swf');
define('OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', './output');


function swf_read_DefineBitsLossless2($raw_data) {

    // Data length
    $data_length = strlen($raw_data) - 7;

    // Assuming that BitmapFormat = 5
    $tag = unpack('vsymbol_id/Cformat/vwidth/vheight', $raw_data);
    $data = gzuncompress(substr($raw_data, 7));

    if ($tag['format'] != 5) {

        echo "BitmapFormat = {$tag['format']}\tSkip this tag\r\n";
        return [];

    $im = imagecreatetruecolor($tag['width'], $tag['height']);
    imagefill($im, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff);

    for ($y = 0; $y < $tag['height']; $y++) {

        for ($x = 0; $x < $tag['width']; $x++) {

            list(, $color) = unpack('N', $data);
            $data = substr($data, 4);

            imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $color);

    $tag['im'] = $im;

    return $tag;

function swf_read_SymbolClass($raw_data) {

    // Read the number of symbols
    list(, $number_of_symbols) = unpack('v', substr($raw_data, 0, 2));

    $raw_data = substr($raw_data, 2);

    // Read all symbols
    // for ($symbols = []; count($symbols) < $number_of_symbols; ) {
    for ($symbols = []; strlen($raw_data); ) {

        extract(unpack('vsymbol_id/Z*symbol_value', $raw_data));
        $symbols[$symbol_id] = $symbol_value;

        $raw_data = substr($raw_data, 2 + strlen($symbol_value) + 1);

    return $symbols;

function swf_read_DefineBinaryData($raw_data) {

    // Data length
    $data_length = strlen($raw_data) - 6;

    return unpack('vsymbol_id/V/Z' . $data_length . 'data', $raw_data);

function swf_extract($swf_file) {

    // Read SWF file
    $raw_data = file_get_contents($swf_file);

    // Uncompress SWF data
    if (substr($raw_data, 0, 3) == 'CWS') {

        $raw_data = 'F' . substr($raw_data, 1, 7) . gzuncompress(substr($raw_data, 8));

    // File length
    list(, $file_length) = unpack('V', substr($raw_data, 4, 4));

    // Header length
    $header_length = 8 + 1 + ceil(((ord($raw_data[8]) >> 3) * 4 - 3) / 8) + 4;

    // Output arrays
    $pngs = [];
    $xmls = [];

    // Read tags
    for ($cursor = $header_length; $cursor < $file_length; ) {

        // Read tag header
        list(, $tag_header) = unpack('v', substr($raw_data, $cursor, 2));
        $cursor += 2;

        list($tag_code, $tag_length) = [$tag_header >> 6, $tag_header & 0x3f];

        // Read long tag header
        if ($tag_length == 0x3f) {

            list(, $tag_length) = unpack('V', substr($raw_data, $cursor, 4)); // Must be signed!
            $cursor+= 4;

        // Read tag body
        switch ($tag_code) {

            // DefineBitsLossless2
            case 36:
                $tag = swf_read_DefineBitsLossless2(substr($raw_data, $cursor, $tag_length));
                $pngs[$tag['symbol_id']] = $tag['im'];

            // SymbolClass
            case 76:
                $symbols = swf_read_SymbolClass(substr($raw_data, $cursor, $tag_length));

            // DefineBinaryData
            case 87:
                $tag = swf_read_DefineBinaryData(substr($raw_data, $cursor, $tag_length));
                $xmls[$tag['symbol_id']] = $tag['data'];

        // Go to the next tag
        $cursor+= $tag_length;

        // Exit loop if End tag
        // $tag_code != 0 ? : break;

    foreach ($xmls as $symbol_id => $xml) {

        $name = isset($symbols[$symbol_id]) ? $symbols[$symbol_id] : 'symbol_' . $symbol_id;

        // if (file_exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' .$name . '.xml')) {

        //     $name.= '_' . substr(md5(microtime(true)), 0, 8);

        //     echo $name,PHP_EOL;
        // }

        file_put_contents(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' . $name . '.xml', $xml);

    foreach ($pngs as $symbol_id => $png) {

        $name = isset($symbols[$symbol_id]) ? $symbols[$symbol_id] : 'symbol_' . $symbol_id;

        // if (file_exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' .$name . '.png')) {

        //     $name.= '_' . substr(md5(microtime(true)), 0, 8);

        //     echo $name,PHP_EOL;
        // }

        imagepng($png, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/' . $name . '.png');


thats interesting.

I also developed process of similar dump program before, but more of your code is light.
I developing extract tool now using it.

Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
holy poop this is bringing it to a whole new level
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