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Terrorist attacks in Paris Right now

Initiate Mage
Apr 12, 2014
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I live in france , this is horrible.
But our gouvernements sucks and we accept all people from others country that's why it's happening.
Skilled Illusionist
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
I live in france , this is horrible.
But our gouvernements sucks and we accept all people from others country that's why it's happening.

I couldnt believe it when i opened my news site, really sad horrible cant describe in what words to say this :(

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2008
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Just wondering but was Paris involved when Syrian refugees were looking for shelters?

Because I just read about this news just now and saw some videos of it on liveleak and it seems people are assuming that it has something to do with the jihadist and are saying that if they were muslims it is better to get out from the country as soon as possible.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Just wondering but was Paris involved when Syrian refugees were looking for shelters?

Because I just read about this news just now and saw some videos of it on liveleak and it seems people are assuming that it has something to do with the jihadist and are saying that if they were muslims it is better to get out from the country as soon as possible.

I don't think France was one of those countries but I am still trying to find out. I knew this would eventually happen but I expected it to be Germany or Sweden first.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry dudes, but I am being totally serious when I say this:
- Where were you (those who are going "oh no this is horrible~" when France killed over 600 civilians in Mali with air strikes last year?
- Russia is going all "oh no this is horrible~" too with the airplane crash...after having bombed over 60 homes with 200 dead Syrian civilians confirmed so far...only response from them was "our bad".

Makes it really hard to feel sorry for when stuff like this happens. Violence breeds violence.

Just wondering but was Paris involved when Syrian refugees were looking for shelters?

Because I just read about this news just now and saw some videos of it on liveleak and it seems people are assuming that it has something to do with the jihadist and are saying that if they were muslims it is better to get out from the country as soon as possible.

I thought the same thing...not sure what policies induced these particular attacks though, whether or not it was jihadists. The only thing France has done recently is the Rafale arms deal with Egypt. We'll most likely get to hear some kind of audio declaration from the attacker between now and tomorrow: thats how terrorist attacks usually go.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry dudes, but I am being totally serious when I say this:
- Where were you (those who are going "oh no this is horrible~" when France killed over 600 civilians in Mali with air strikes last year?
- Russia is going all "oh no this is horrible~" too with the airplane crash...after having bombed over 60 homes with 200 dead Syrian civilians confirmed so far...only response from them was "our bad".

Makes it really hard to feel sorry for when stuff like this happens. Violence breeds violence.

No it doesn't make it difficult to feel bad.
Are you heartless?

Doesn't matter who caused it (IE Government or Terrorist Org.)....

No one should have to go through these types of aggression based on the leaders mistakes, choices, plans, whatever you'd like to call it.
But the people do end up suffering for those choices. The people suffer for it on both sides of the coin. This is what is terrible and sad.

So the men, women, children, elderly, agriculture, animals, hell lets just say the entire ecosystem falls victim to the pain and suffering caused by these events. :(
Again caused by respective governments or terrorist organizations.
ImperiaMuCMS CEO
Loyal Member
Jul 4, 2011
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Yes, it's terrible what happend tonight in Paris and now everyone is crying, because it did "terrorists". But when USA is killing millions of innocent people all over the world, almost nobody gives a poop about it, because USA is the most powerful country in the world, so they can do it.
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
Don't confuse citizens with military and governments.

The real shame. Instead of everyone standing up and opposing the factions (be they're governments or organizations) causing the deaths and destruction.
Everyone seems to point fingers and say... yeah its okay because you guys are at fault.
Get over yourselves and look in the mirror first.

No one is free of blame.
No it is not okay.
Until everyone bands together and opposes it.
Everyone is at fault.

I feel for for all those suffering and do speak up about these issues.
Before replying, ask yourself. Do you?

Thought so!

Never mind. Your response already answered for you.
Just saying!

I'll clarify this even more for those that are still going to reply with negative feedback.

Did you see a poll allowing citizens to Vote on whether the country went to war? Or perhaps one that allowed a Vote whether specific members of other countries were attacked?
I think not.
So don't go pointing fingers at an entire country, when it was but a select few making the decisions.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2008
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Must be so eerie to walk in the streets after that has happened.

I wonder what could possibly be the main reason behind why it has to be in Paris and what did they want to send out as a message from that attack.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
No it doesn't make it difficult to feel bad.
Are you heartless?

Doesn't matter who caused it (IE Government or Terrorist Org.)....

No one should have to go through these types of aggression based on the leaders mistakes, choices, plans, whatever you'd like to call it.
But the people do end up suffering for those choices. The people suffer for it on both sides of the coin. This is what is terrible and sad.

So the men, women, children, elderly, agriculture, animals, hell lets just say the entire ecosystem falls victim to the pain and suffering caused by these events. :(
Again caused by respective governments or terrorist organizations.

I grew up in the aftermath of a post-occupational Algeria, France had killed over 1.5 million civilians, destroyed our educational system, and destablized the government. Thanks to this aftermath, I watched my 2 uncles lose their lives to the crime and instability that was left there, the lack of an educational and proper medical system claimed many more of my relatives. Making things worse the current government is a miitary dictatorship which is allied to France.

While I do pity the families in France, I have 0 pity left for hypocrisies. It's real easy to say something like "are you heartless?" when you've known peace and stability all your life.

On-Topic: ISIS has already released the statement btw. They claim they did it and gave some details, turns out one of the guys who held up the restaurant escaped - the other 7 were killed. Pity...was hoping they would atleast manage to capture one fucker for questioning.

In addition to that, turns out those that carried out the attack were all French citizens, some caucasians, other just born in France (i.e. not first generation). Heres to hoping the government does something about it instead of mumble and rally the base on the media.
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
I grew up in the aftermath of a post-occupational Algeria, France had killed over 1.5 million civilians, destroyed our educational system, and destablized the government. Thanks to this aftermath, I watched my 2 uncles lose their lives to the crime and instability that was left there, the lack of an educational and proper medical system claimed many more of my relatives. Making things worse the current government is a miitary dictatorship which is allied to France.

While I do pity the families in France, I have 0 pity left for hypocrisies. It's real easy to say something like "are you heartless?" when you've known peace and stability all your life.

On-Topic: ISIS has already released the statement btw. They claim they did it and gave some details, turns out one of the guys who held up the restaurant escaped - the other 7 were killed. Pity...was hoping they would atleast manage to capture one fucker for questioning.

In addition to that, turns out those that carried out the attack were all French citizens, some caucasians, other just born in France (i.e. not first generation). Heres to hoping the government does something about it instead of mumble and rally the base on the media.

Again, understanding where you're coming from. You don't know my life story. So do not assume I'm native american.
Next, you're blaming all of France yet again for those deaths.
Did the entire country walk in and do this? No.
Stop putting it on an entire nation or nations.
This is about acts of aggression by terrorists, military , and or governments.
Not the complete occupancy of one nation or another.
This is the point.

What you keep drolling on about...
If a neighbor was a pedophile, then surely the entire region is considered to be one....
Where does that poop make sense?

Stop going off on full nations. Point proven.
You can stop the bull poop now.