[Tutorial] Setting up Infestation MMO server - RaGEZONE Community Edition!

@ugurkontel btw did you build it on debug? its suppose to be on release not debug. Also did you have sp1 install?

1. Open WZ\src\RSBuild\RSBuild.sln
Select "Release" Wait until Updating IntelliSense is done and select from menu Build -> Build Solution
Wait until "Build succeeded" and close the program.

2. Open WZ\src\RSUpdate\RSUpdate.sln
Select "Release" Wait until Updating IntelliSense is done and select from menu Build -> Build Solution
Wait until "Build succeeded" and close the program.

3. Open WZ\src\server\WarZ_Server.sln
Select "Debug" Wait until Updating IntelliSense is done and select from menu Build -> Build Solution
Wait until "Build succeeded" and close the program.

4. Open WZ\src\eclipsestudio\WarZ.sln
Select "Final" Wait until Updating IntelliSense is done and select from menu Build -> Build Solution
Wait until "Build succeeded"
Select "Release" Wait until Updating IntelliSense is done and select from menu Build -> Build Solution
Wait until "Build succeeded" and close the program.

5. Open WZ\src\Scripts\WZBackend-ASP.NET\WZBackend-ASP.NET.sln
Select "Debug" Wait until Updating IntelliSense is done and select from menu Build -> Build Solution
Wait until "Build succeeded"
Select from menu Build -> Publish Web Site
Set target Location to your api folder. For example mine is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\api
Press OK to execute.
Wait until „Publish succeeded" and close the program.
Where do I download windows server 2008 r2 from? Also, I don't understand what to do with .iso? How do i extract it? If anyone can help me with setup please PM me ur skype
@Darkiriah use a virual drive google Daemon tool lite to mount the .iso so Vbox or vmware or your local comp can read them to be able to install it.
ugurkontel you see where it say Debug | Win32 click on Debug and click on release then wait for it to load then click build solution. (This is my third day of WarZ section and I havnt come across any problem and this tutorial is Very Detail unless you do not know about MSSQL or VB 2008 it can be pretty hard.)

Edit: I have Visual Basic Professional but I believe it the same installation just make sure you install VB 2008 then VB 2008 sp 1.

Off topic: If your a student you can get most developer software for free like VB 2012, Window server 2012/2008, SQL server 2012 and other just visit Dreamspark.
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@NanayaQ, pff same problem... Click release, and waited, ready wrote. Build> Build Solution clicked, the same error!
Visual C + + 2008 Express Edition can be caused from?

Edit: I'm trying to install ..
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@ugurkontel you should delete everything (in src and bin) and start new again make sure you have the file in order, Please follow the tutorial and read it carefully because most people who do not read it word from word ends up with errors because they are rushing to get it to work.
@NanayaQ Do you mind if you install Visual Studio 2012

ztimer - [Tutorial] Setting up Infestation MMO server - RaGEZONE Community Edition! - RaGEZONE Forums
@ugurkontel I do not know you have to ask ztimer or DNC if the files is capable to be used on newer version

Did you do a window update because thats a lot of errors if you uninstall it make sure everything is uninstall try using CC cleaner to wipeout access data that still there.
Finally... Final hurdle,

ztimer - [Tutorial] Setting up Infestation MMO server - RaGEZONE Community Edition! - RaGEZONE Forums

I have to sleep, I'll see when it comes to your reply. Thank you again for everything...

000000.000| ini: no ini file Launcher.cfg
000000.053| Input Devices enabled: Mouse, Keyboard
000000.132| VMEM As seen through DDRaw: 1990
000000.132| VMEM As seen through WMI: 0
000000.216| We have 4026 MB texture memory
000000.217| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
000000.218| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
000000.218| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 12pt
000000.223| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 12pt
000000.223| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 10pt
000000.223| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 10pt
000000.224| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 9pt
000000.224| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 9pt
000001.027| Starting updater, v:1.0.0, cmd:
000001.028| Checking for new updater
000001.040| Checking for new updater - finished
000005.197| WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: Procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_LOGIN has too many arguments specified.
000005.197| Login FAILED, code: 5
000083.132| WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: Procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_LOGIN has too many arguments specified.
000083.132| Login FAILED, code: 5
000157.798| WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: Procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_LOGIN has too many arguments specified.
000157.798| Login FAILED, code: 5
000158.828| WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: Procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_LOGIN has too many arguments specified.
000158.828| Login FAILED, code: 5
000159.010| WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: Procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_LOGIN has too many arguments specified.
000159.010| Login FAILED, code: 5
000161.460| WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: Procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_LOGIN has too many arguments specified.
000161.460| Login FAILED, code: 5
000196.183| Requested to stop, 0 files in queue
000196.183| CUpdater::Stop()

logss / GS_1000004ce46f7,
000000.052| arg0 WZ_GameServer.exe
000000.053| arg1 65792 34010 0
000000.053| arg2 0 2 100 0 1 1 0
000000.053| arg3
000000.053| arg4 UmFHRVpPTkU=
000000.054| arg5 0
000000.054| Name = RaGEZONE
000000.054| ------- **** Official Server **** -------
000000.054| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin
000000.055| Connecting to master server at
000000.055| r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.092| IP:
000000.093| r3dNetwork: connecting to
000000.093| waiting: connecting, 10.0 sec left
000000.114| r3dNetwork: external ip:
000000.114| Game: Initializing with 100 players
000000.115| Server time is Tue Nov 06 03:04:42 2029
000000.116| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.120| Starting server on port 34010
000000.120| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34010
000000.130| IP:
000000.152| Getting shop data
000000.210| Reading game rewards
000000.224| Loading armory config
000000.282| Reading loot boxes
000000.383| There is no LootBox 301138
000000.384| There is no LootBox 301139
000000.387| Starting game server
000000.388| SetHomeDir: Levels\WZ_Colorado
000001.901| TERRAIN: LOADING Levels\WZ_Colorado\TERRAIN
000001.971| TERRAIN2: Finished reading script file
000004.397| TERRAIN: LOADED
000004.597| Building 073C5C38

.... too more

For Login FAILED, code: 5.

12. Open Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager
13. Navigate to SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for WARZ
14. Right click on TCP/IP and select Properties
15. In the Protocols tab change Enabled value to Yes
16. In the IP Addresses tab set every TCP Dynamic Ports value to blank (This means delete everything from the value box).
17. In the IP Addresses tab set every TCP Port value to 1433
18. Click OK to apply changes.
19. Warning message will notify you that these changes will not take effect until you restart the service. Click OK to the message
20. Navigate to SQL Server Services. Right click on SQL Server (WARZ) and select restart.
21. You may close Sql Server Configuration Manager

Maybe you missed that part of the tutorial.

If it helps there is also a video about someone doing this.
@Darkiriah or @rodolfocano whitch ever user you like to be at the time you read this. Please don't confuse me or others posting from different usernames at the same problem its difficult to remember who you are helping with what problem and at what stage.

To others. He was using a different incomplete source and is trying again with community edition so do not help with last two posts about serial.
It was resolved in another thread in Help section.

You have made a mistake while editing the src files somewhere I'm not sure where. It does not say.
If you dont know what you are doing then easier is to suggest to delete WZ folder and restart. I do not know what files and where you have modified.

Read the tutorial carefully and do not rush. Take your time and do it once.
000000.000| ini: no ini file Launcher.cfg
000000.045| Input Devices enabled: Mouse, Keyboard
000000.081| VMEM As seen through DDRaw: 978
000000.081| VMEM As seen through WMI: 0
000000.093| We have 2505 MB texture memory
000000.094| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
000000.106| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
000000.106| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 12pt
000000.109| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 12pt
000000.109| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 10pt
000000.110| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 10pt
000000.110| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 9pt
000000.112| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 9pt
000000.373| Starting updater, v:1.0.0, cmd:
000000.373| Checking for new updater
000000.397| Checking for new updater - finished
000012.312| WO_API: returned http404
000012.315| WO_API: returned http404
000012.315| Login FAILED, code: 8
000013.313| WO_API: returned http404
000013.313| Login FAILED, code: 8
000022.296| WO_API: returned http404
000022.296| Login FAILED, code: 8
000023.662| WO_API: returned http404
000023.662| Login FAILED, code: 8
000024.745| WO_API: returned http404
000024.745| Login FAILED, code: 8
000024.928| WO_API: returned http404
000024.928| Login FAILED, code: 8
000025.096| WO_API: returned http404
000025.096| Login FAILED, code: 8
000025.262| WO_API: returned http404
000025.262| Login FAILED, code: 8
000025.412| WO_API: returned http404
000025.412| Login FAILED, code: 8
000025.545| WO_API: returned http404
000025.545| Login FAILED, code: 8
000025.712| WO_API: returned http404
000025.712| Login FAILED, code: 8
000025.862| WO_API: returned http404
000025.862| Login FAILED, code: 8
000026.028| WO_API: returned http404
000026.028| Login FAILED, code: 8
000026.162| WO_API: returned http404
000026.162| Login FAILED, code: 8
000026.312| WO_API: returned http404
000026.312| Login FAILED, code: 8
000026.495| WO_API: returned http404
000026.495| Login FAILED, code: 8
000026.679| WO_API: returned http404
000026.679| Login FAILED, code: 8
000026.829| WO_API: returned http404
000026.829| Login FAILED, code: 8
000030.579| WO_API: returned http404
000030.579| Login FAILED, code: 8
000031.262| WO_API: returned http404
000031.262| Login FAILED, code: 8
000031.995| WO_API: returned http404
000031.995| Login FAILED, code: 8
000032.545| WO_API: returned http404
000032.545| Login FAILED, code: 8
000032.962| WO_API: returned http404
000032.962| Login FAILED, code: 8
000033.128| WO_API: returned http404
000033.128| Login FAILED, code: 8


ztimer - [Tutorial] Setting up Infestation MMO server - RaGEZONE Community Edition! - RaGEZONE Forums

I think you have some serious trouble with the api. Im thinkign the IIS setup is done wrong.
Please recheck everything there.. The error code http404 means its not there.!

Before continuing go to folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot and create a folder named api

1. Open Start -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Navigate to WARZ -> Sites and delete Default Web Site
3. Right click on Sites and select Add Web Site...
4. Set Site name: Site
5. Set Application pool: DefaultAppPool
6. Set Physical path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
7. Click OK
8. Right click on Site and select Add Virtual Directory
9. Set Alias: wz
10. Set Physical path: C:\WZ\bin\build
11. Click OK
12. Right click on api and select Convert to Application
13. Click OK
14. Navigate to WarZ(WARZ\Administrator)
15. Open feature Server Certificates
16. From the right side menu. Select Create Self-Signed Certificate..
17. Enter api as the name of the certificate and press OK to close.
18. Right click on Site and select Edit Bindings..
19. Click Add...
20. Set Type: https
21. Set SSL certificate: api
22. Click OK
23. Click Close
24. Click on Site and open feature MIME Types
25. From right side menu. Select Add...
26. Set File name extension: .php
27. Set MIME type: application/x-php
28. Click OK
29. Click on Site and from the right side menu click on Restart