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Legend of Mir 2 Updating SQL database for mob spawns in Old World zones

Initiate Mage
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, i have messed aroung with the really old server files for some years on and off. so today thought i would try the 2.3 now i find that i need to update the sql database so mobs spawn in the old world zones (bichon etc) which they dont on the 2.3 server realeae set at the moment.

anyhow my question is i gathered a load of spawn data in a text file for example.

D402 100 100 Zombie3 100 65 8 0
D402 100 100 CaveMaggot 100 35 8 0
D402 100 100 Zombie20 100 1 80 0

however whenever i try to import the text file in to the SQL TBL_mongen file it dont work, are there any easier steps that i am missing?
error in field one it says and a load of other stuff..

any tips or advice would be great as you might have gatehred i am poor at this sql stuff. alternativly a mongen file which includes bichon and mine etc would be great.

either way thanks in advance.
Initiate Mage
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
ok managed to import no worries..
but im sure ill ask more noob questions in future.

you can delete this btw :)