• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

[v83] HeavenMS

Newbie Spellweaver
May 6, 2020
Reaction score
I have and I can connect just fine, I can log in to the game and walk around in the game world.

EDIT: I also tried using a different localhost instead of the one off of the github and that didn't work either.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
Here, I made a video of what's happening. A short summary of the video; despite having edited the config.yaml to my public ip, and the localhost to my public IP, I still can't connect to my server, however with the unedited localhost set to I can connect, but I cannot enter the game after the character select screen.

This is helpful. From the video, I made the below observations:
  1. It is correct behavior for you not to be able to get past char selection if your server is hosted on a public IP address and your client is trying to connect to localhost, even though the server technically exists on localhost.
  2. When you connected with your edited exe, your HeavenMS console did not register any incoming connection. Typically, anyone who opens the client and successfully reach the server will result in a connection request line item in the log.

I anyway modified a freshly downloaded localhost with your IP address and tried to connect and... I managed to boot up the client, tried to login with admin, 111111 and it got stuck at the login for a long while before dc-ing me. After that, any attempts at trying to open the client failed. If you were running HeavenMS server, can you check your console whether there was a connection log from an IP address starting with 121.7?

Finally, I second what JustAGame said about port forwarding. Can you check that your network edge device (like your router or switch) is routing all incoming traffic it receives on on ports 8484 and 7575 to the local intranet IP address of your server? This is so all traffic your router / switch receives on those ports are directly directed to your computer hosting your maple server instead of to other network-connected devices like your phones and tablets and smart TVs. To find local IP address of your server computer, you need to open command prompt or PowerShell, type "ipconfig" and press enter. Look for the value of the "IPv4 Address".
Newbie Spellweaver
May 6, 2020
Reaction score
Finally, I second what JustAGame said about port forwarding. Can you check that your network edge device (like your router or switch) is routing all incoming traffic it receives on on ports 8484 and 7575 to the local intranet IP address of your server? This is so all traffic your router / switch receives on those ports are directly directed to your computer hosting your maple server instead of to other network-connected devices like your phones and tablets and smart TVs. To find local IP address of your server computer, you need to open command prompt or PowerShell, type "ipconfig" and press enter. Look for the value of the "IPv4 Address".

I just wanna preface this by saying I’m at work right now so I can’t check anything lol, but to answer your question, I run a Team Fortress 2 dedicated server for my friends semi-frequently so I already have a static IP address set up, and I do all of my portforwarding through xFi with Comcast now, because of a recent update but I have confirmed numerous times using that the ports 8484 and 7575-7577 are open and it reports that they are. I don’t think it’s an issue with the portforwarding however when I get home I can definitely take a look, maybe it’s because I set the ports to be forwarded for both tcp and udp? But it’s definitely I guess a bit of relief that someone else was able to connect to my server. When I get home I’ll either edit this post or make another one detailing if there is a connection reported on the server console from your IP.
Initiate Mage
May 5, 2020
Reaction score
when I try to do playernpc command
its say Could not deploy PlayerNpc. Either no room available here or depleted out scriptids to use
someone can help?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 6, 2020
Reaction score
So I just got home, I was able to check the server log and I did see your IP aeronex.

Edit: I've gotten a bit further in my issue, I'm able to connect and play with my LAN IP (With config.yaml set to my public ip) but if I switch the ip in the localhost to my WAN IP then I cannot start the game anymore.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
So I just got home, I was able to check the server log and I did see your IP aeronex.

Edit: I've gotten a bit further in my issue, I'm able to connect and play with my LAN IP (With config.yaml set to my public ip) but if I switch the ip in the localhost to my WAN IP then I cannot start the game anymore.

This is super interesting because it actually worked once for whatever reason then stopped working. Hmm.. I really do suspect some networking problem, I don't think it's a problem with the source. Is hosting the server on a cloud provider like AWS or Azure an option for you?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 6, 2020
Reaction score
It could be but I'm unsure if I want to pay per month to keep this thing up, as my friends are pretty fickle and might not keep their interest up for very long.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Re: MapleSolaxiaV2 Release

Do I have to client edit if I wan to increase the level cap of Cygnus? Have edited all instances where it shows 120 : 200 but nothing seems to be working. There's no specific exptable for cygnus also. Am I missing something here?
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 20, 2019
Reaction score
Re: MapleSolaxiaV2 Release

Do I have to client edit if I wan to increase the level cap of Cygnus? Have edited all instances where it shows 120 : 200 but nothing seems to be working. There's no specific exptable for cygnus also. Am I missing something here?
You don't need to client edit to remove cap of cygnus on HeavenMs, well, atleast i didn't. I only changed the 120 : 200 in MapleCharacter.java and also in GameConstants.java. It worked like a charm. Well i changed these to 200 : 250 because i wanted to explorer be capped at 250 but i must works either way. Hope that helps you.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
when I try to do playernpc command
its say Could not deploy PlayerNpc. Either no room available here or depleted out scriptids to use
someone can help?
the placement of them though I provided a !playernpc command to create a temporary one of yourself
} else if (sub[0].equals("playernpc")) {chr.playerNPC(c.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(sub[1]), Integer.parseInt(sub[2]));}
is just example, you can also create issue in github but make sure all correct in character and sql
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Re: MapleSolaxiaV2 Release

Do I have to client edit if I wan to increase the level cap of Cygnus? Have edited all instances where it shows 120 : 200 but nothing seems to be working. There's no specific exptable for cygnus also. Am I missing something here?

Did you redo the exptable? I tried changing only that and it's not working for me...
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 20, 2019
Reaction score
Re: MapleSolaxiaV2 Release

Did you redo the exptable? I tried changing only that and it's not working for me...
I'm not sure if the question is aimed to me but yeah, i edited the Exp table as well and it ended like this
    private static final int[] exp = {15, 15, 34, 57, 92, 135, 372, 560, 840, 1242, 1144, 1573, 2144, 2800, 3640, 4700, 5893, 7360, 9144, 11120, 13477, 16268, 19320, 22880, 27008, 31477, 36600, 42444, 48720, 55813, 63800, 86784, 98208, 110932, 124432, 139372, 155865, 173280, 192400, 213345, 235372, 259392, 285532, 312928, 342624, 374760, 408336, 445544, 483532, 524160, 567772, 598886, 631704, 666321, 702836, 741351, 781976, 824828, 870028, 917625, 967995, 1021041, 1076994, 1136013, 1198266, 1263930, 1333194, 1406252, 1483314, 1564600, 1650340, 1740778, 1836173, 1936794, 2042930, 2154882, 2272970, 2397528, 2528912, 2667496, 2813674, 2967863, 3130502, 3302053, 3483005, 3673873, 3875201, 4087562, 4311559, 4547832, 4797053, 5059931, 5337215, 5629694, 5938202, 6263614, 6606860, 6968915, 7350811, 7753635, 8178534, 8626718, 9099462, 9598112, 10124088, 10678888, 11264090, 11881362, 12532461, 13219239, 13943653, 14707765, 15513750, 16363902, 17260644, 18206527, 19204245, 20256637, 21366700, 22537594, 23772654, 25075395, 26449526, 27898960, 29427822, 31040466, 32741483, 34535716, 36428273, 38424542, 40530206, 42751262, 45094030, 47565183, 50171755, 52921167, 55821246, 58880250, 62106888, 65510344, 69100311, 72887008, 76881216, 81094306, 85594273, 90225770, 95170142, 100385466, 105886589, 111689174, 117809740, 124265714, 131075474, 138258410, 145834970, 153826726, 162256430, 171148082, 180526997, 190419876, 200854885, 211861732, 223471711, 223471711, 248635353, 262260570, 276632449, 291791906, 307782102, 324648562, 342439302, 361204976, 380999008, 401877754, 423900654, 447130410, 471633156, 497478653, 524740482, 553496261, 583827855, 615821622, 649568646, 685165008, 722712050, 762316670, 804091623, 848155844, 894634784, 943660770, 995373379, 1049919840, 1107455447, 1168144006, 1232158297, 1299680571, 1370903066, 1446028554, 1525246918, 1608855764, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697030000, 1697040000, 1697050000, 1697060000, 1697070000, 1697080000, 1697090000, 1697100000, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059};
And it's working for me: Cygnus
Ronan - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums
Ronan - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Re: MapleSolaxiaV2 Release

I'm not sure if the question is aimed to me but yeah, i edited the Exp table as well and it ended like this
    private static final int[] exp = {15, 15, 34, 57, 92, 135, 372, 560, 840, 1242, 1144, 1573, 2144, 2800, 3640, 4700, 5893, 7360, 9144, 11120, 13477, 16268, 19320, 22880, 27008, 31477, 36600, 42444, 48720, 55813, 63800, 86784, 98208, 110932, 124432, 139372, 155865, 173280, 192400, 213345, 235372, 259392, 285532, 312928, 342624, 374760, 408336, 445544, 483532, 524160, 567772, 598886, 631704, 666321, 702836, 741351, 781976, 824828, 870028, 917625, 967995, 1021041, 1076994, 1136013, 1198266, 1263930, 1333194, 1406252, 1483314, 1564600, 1650340, 1740778, 1836173, 1936794, 2042930, 2154882, 2272970, 2397528, 2528912, 2667496, 2813674, 2967863, 3130502, 3302053, 3483005, 3673873, 3875201, 4087562, 4311559, 4547832, 4797053, 5059931, 5337215, 5629694, 5938202, 6263614, 6606860, 6968915, 7350811, 7753635, 8178534, 8626718, 9099462, 9598112, 10124088, 10678888, 11264090, 11881362, 12532461, 13219239, 13943653, 14707765, 15513750, 16363902, 17260644, 18206527, 19204245, 20256637, 21366700, 22537594, 23772654, 25075395, 26449526, 27898960, 29427822, 31040466, 32741483, 34535716, 36428273, 38424542, 40530206, 42751262, 45094030, 47565183, 50171755, 52921167, 55821246, 58880250, 62106888, 65510344, 69100311, 72887008, 76881216, 81094306, 85594273, 90225770, 95170142, 100385466, 105886589, 111689174, 117809740, 124265714, 131075474, 138258410, 145834970, 153826726, 162256430, 171148082, 180526997, 190419876, 200854885, 211861732, 223471711, 223471711, 248635353, 262260570, 276632449, 291791906, 307782102, 324648562, 342439302, 361204976, 380999008, 401877754, 423900654, 447130410, 471633156, 497478653, 524740482, 553496261, 583827855, 615821622, 649568646, 685165008, 722712050, 762316670, 804091623, 848155844, 894634784, 943660770, 995373379, 1049919840, 1107455447, 1168144006, 1232158297, 1299680571, 1370903066, 1446028554, 1525246918, 1608855764, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697030000, 1697040000, 1697050000, 1697060000, 1697070000, 1697080000, 1697090000, 1697100000, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059, 1697021059};
And it's working for me: Cygnus
Ronan - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums
Ronan - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

Thanks...It's working now...somehow....After compiling a few more times lmao...

Must be Netbeans screwing with me...Now some of the hair IDs not registering properly....Weird....
Initiate Mage
May 23, 2020
Reaction score
Hi. i am looking to pay someone a fee to set this up for me. i have tried all my means to do it but i still fail. >< SQL is doing fine.

I launched netbean, and compile. i have errors too.
Did a launch test server and got this error: Could not find or load main class net.server.server

So i right clicked on the testserver.bat and edit. The class path is default as what was discussed here. Have been trying for days. :/
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 20, 2019
Reaction score
I launched netbean, and compile. i have errors too.
Did a launch test server and got this error: Could not find or load main class net.server.server

So i right clicked on the testserver.bat and edit. The class path is default as what was discussed here. Have been trying for days. :/

Mmm this may not work but did you try to Clean and Build the project in Netbeans? If i remember correctly i had some issues with the build in netbeans the first time i tried to make the server, but after doing the mentioned above it solved my problem and compiled correctly.

Maybe it can solve your problem, the icon of Clean and Build the project inside netbeans looks like this
Ronan - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hi. i am looking to pay someone a fee to set this up for me. i have tried all my means to do it but i still fail. >< SQL is doing fine.

I launched netbean, and compile. i have errors too.
Did a launch test server and got this error: Could not find or load main class net.server.server

So i right clicked on the testserver.bat and edit. The class path is default as what was discussed here. Have been trying for days. :/

Hi, all you need to do is update your JDK 7 to JDK 8. This problem happened to me and it was immediately solved after I downloaded both the JDK8 and Netbeans 8.2. You can search for them online. Lmk if it helps. Also, I am having difficulty making my friends connect into the server. I've hex-edited the client, and couldn't find any part of the compiling that requires me to edit IP address in. I have also edited the HOST ip address in config.ini. Now I'm using Hamachi and it's well connected.(Green icons on my server as well as my friend's). Can anyone help me out on this?
Initiate Mage
Jun 3, 2020
Reaction score
/* This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <patrick.huy@frz.cc> Matthias Butz <matze@odinms.de> Jan Christian Meyer <vimes@odinms.de> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.*//* Rooney Map Name (Map ID) Used to exchange VP for Maple Leaves, and Maple Leaves for rewards. */var itemToUse = 4001126;var chairs = new Array(3010000, 3010001, 3010002, 3010003, 3010004, 3010005, 3010006, 3010007, 3010008, 3010009, 3010010, 3010011, 3010012, 3010013, 3010015, 3010016, 3010017, 3010018, 3010019, 3010022, 3010023, 3010024, 3010025, 3010026, 3010028, 3010040, 3010041, 3010043, 3010045, 3010046, 3010047,3010057,3010058,3010060,3010061,3010062,3010063, 3010064,3010065,3010066,3010067,3010069,3010071,3010072,3010073,3010080,3010081,3010082,3010083, 3010084,3010085,3010097,3010098,3010099,3010101,3010106,3010116,3011000,3012005,3012010,3012011);var scrolls = new Array(2040603,2044503,2041024,2041025,2044703,2044603,2043303,2040807,2040806,2040006,2040007,2043103,2043203,2043003,2040506,2044403,2040903,2040709,2040710,2040711,2044303,2043803,2040403,2044103,2044203,2044003,2043703);var weapons = new Array(1302020, 1302030, 1302033, 1302058, 1302064, 1302080, 1312032, 1322054, 1332025, 1332055, 1332056, 1372034, 1382009, 1382012, 1382039, 1402039, 1412011, 1412027, 1422014, 1422029, 1432012, 1432040, 1432046, 1442024, 1442030, 1442051, 1452016, 1452022, 1452045, 1462014, 1462019, 1462040, 1472030, 1472032, 1472055, 1482020, 1482021, 1482022, 1492020, 1492021, 1492022, 1092030, 1092045, 1092046, 1092047);var nxAmount = 3000;var chairAmount = 2;var weaponAmount = 2;var buffAmount = 2;var hiredMerchantLength = 7;var buff1ID = 2022273;var buff2ID = 2022179;var status;var vp;var choice; function start() { //vp = cm.getClient().getVotePoints(); //if(vp == null) vp = 0; status = -1; action(1, 0, 0);}function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode < 0) cm.dispose(); else { if (mode == 1) status++; else status--; if (status == 0 && mode == 1) { if(cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 20) { cm.sendOk("Hello, I am the Vote Point exchanger for #rMapleSolaxia#k!\r\n\r\nI am sorry, but I can only exchange Vote Points for players #blevel 20 or over#k."); cm.dispose(); return; } var outStr = "Hello, I am the Vote Point exchanger for #rMapleSolaxia#k!\r\n"; outStr += "You currently have #r#c" + itemToUse + "##k #t" + itemToUse + "# and #r" + vp + "#k Vote Points.#b\r\n\r\n"; outStr += "#L0#I would like to exchange my vote points for Maple Leaves#l\r\n"; outStr += "#L1#I would like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for "+ nxAmount + " NX Cash#l\r\n"; outStr += "#L2#I would like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + chairAmount + " Random Chair" + (chairAmount > 1 ? "s" : "") + "#l\r\n"; outStr += "#L3#I would like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + weaponAmount + " Maple Weapons#l\r\n"; outStr += "#L4#I would like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + buffAmount + " #t" + buff1ID + "#s and " + buffAmount + " #t" + buff2ID + "#s#l\r\n"; outStr += "#L5#I would like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for a " + hiredMerchantLength + " Day Hired Merchant#l\r\n"; cm.sendSimple(outStr); } else if(status == 1) { choice = selection; if(selection > 0) { if(!cm.haveItem(itemToUse) && vp == 0) { cm.sendOk("I'm sorry, but you don't have any #t" +itemToUse + " or Vote Points."); cm.dispose(); return; } } if(selection == 0) { // Exchange VP for leaves if(vp <= 0) { cm.sendOk("I'm sorry, but you don't have any Vote Points to exchange!"); cm.dispose(); return; } cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exchange " + vp + " Vote Point" + (vp > 0 ? "s" : "") + " for " + vp + " #t" + itemToUse + "# " + (vp > 0 ? "s" : "") + "?"); } else if(selection == 1) { // Exchange 1 Leaf for Cash cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + nxAmount + " NX Cash?"); } else if(selection == 2) { // Exchange 1 Leaf for Chair cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + chairAmount + " Random Chair" + (chairAmount > 1 ? "s" : "") + "?"); } else if(selection == 3) { // Exchange 1 Leaf for Maple Weapons cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + weaponAmount + " Random Maple Weapons?"); } else if(selection == 4) { // Exchange 1 Leaf for Apples/Cheese cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for " + buffAmount + " #t" + buff1ID + "# and #t" + buff2ID + "#?"); } else if(selection == 5) { // Echange 1 Leaf for Merchant cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exchange 1 #t" + itemToUse + "# for a " + hiredMerchantLength + " Day Hired Merchant?"); } else { cm.dispose(); } } else if(status == 2) { var useVP = false; if(!cm.hasItem(itemToUse) && vp > 0) useVP = true; if(choice == 0) { // VP Exchange if(!cm.canHold(itemToUse)) { cm.sendOk("It looks like you don't have enough space in your #rETC#k inventory to hold the #t" + itemToUse + "#" + (vp > 0 ? "s" : "") + "."); cm.dispose(); return; } cm.getClient().useVotePoints(vp); cm.gainItem(itemToUse, vp); cm.dispose(); } else if(choice == 1) { // Leaf for Cash if(useVP) cm.getClient().useVotePoints(1); else cm.gainItem(itemToUse, -1); cm.getPlayer().getCashShop().gainCash(1, nxAmount); cm.getPlayer().announce(Packages.tools.MaplePacketCreator.earnTitleMessage("You have earned " + nxAmount + " NX")); cm.logLeaf(nxAmount + " NX"); cm.dispose(); } else if(choice == 2) { if(!cm.getPlayer().getInventory(Packages.client.inventory.MapleInventoryType.SETUP).isFull(chairAmount)) { var chairStr = ""; for(var i = 0; i < chairAmount; i++) { var chair = chairs[Math.floor(Math.random() * chairs.length)]; cm.gainItem(chair, 1, true); chairStr += chair + " "; } if(useVP) cm.getClient().useVotePoints(1); else cm.gainItem(itemToUse, -1); cm.logLeaf("Chair ID: " + chairStr); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendOk("Please make sure you have enough space to hold the items!"); } } else if(choice == 3) { if(!cm.getPlayer().getInventory(Packages.client.inventory.MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).isFull(weaponAmount)) { var weaponStr = ""; for(var i = 0; i < weaponAmount; i++) { var weapon = weapons[Math.floor(Math.random() * weapons.length)]; cm.gainItem(weapon, 1, true, true); weaponStr += weapon + " "; } if(useVP) cm.getClient().useVotePoints(1); else cm.gainItem(itemToUse, -1); cm.logLeaf("Maple Weapon IDs: " + weaponStr); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendOk("Please make sure you have enough space to hold the items!"); } } else if(choice == 4) { if(!cm.getPlayer().getInventory(Packages.client.inventory.MapleInventoryType.USE).isFull(2)) { cm.gainItem(buff1ID, buffAmount, true); cm.gainItem(buff2ID, buffAmount, true); cm.gainItem(itemToUse, -1); cm.logLeaf(buffAmount + " cheeses and apples"); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendOk("Please make sure you have enough space to hold the items!"); } } else if(choice == 5) { if(!cm.haveItem(5030000, 1)) { if(!cm.getPlayer().getInventory(Packages.client.inventory.MapleInventoryType.CASH).isFull(1)){ cm.gainItem(5030000, 1, false, true, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * hiredMerchantLength); if(useVP) cm.getClient().useVotePoints(1); else cm.gainItem(itemToUse, -1); cm.logLeaf(hiredMerchantLength + " day hired merchant"); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendOk("Please make sure you have enough space to hold these items!"); } } else { cm.sendOk("I can't give you a merchant if you already have one!"); } } } else { cm.dispose(); } }}

Anyone know why this npc script for VotePoints is not working?

Appreciate any help thank you.