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[v83] HeavenMS

Initiate Mage
Jan 25, 2019
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When launching the server via "launch.bat" I am getting this error :


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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2004
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When launching the server via "launch.bat" I am getting this error :

Did you compile the code before you launch the bat?

If you follow the guide and setup your environment via Netbeans, then you could just Select [Run] -> [Clean and Build Project (...) ]
Initiate Mage
Nov 17, 2021
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Re: [v83] Almost 2 HeavenMS

Hello Fellow Continued Journey MMORPG Project Maplers! From my lack of success in my post above, I recently decided to try again to see if I can get things working properly this time.

I realized the github archived server I was using might not be the best thing to use at this point: , and I noticed that there was an update on the HeavenMS custom maple client since my post:

Then I also realized that Ryan also maintains a fork of HeavenMS server as well and that's also being updated and such and so should be more in sync with his fork of the client as well so I figured i'd have better luck trying them instead.

So I followed the directions, installed MariaDB (since Ryan's fork uses it instead of MySQL, that's fine I guess maybe it's better?) Made sure to use a different port than the regular MySQL server I already have running.
Also had to install java7 update 80 (the most recent) since it's back to using java 7 instead of 8 on this server fork, again I don't mind as long as it will work!

So using this HeavenMS Server:

And this HeavenMS client:

I built the server (having to have it auto fix one almost error 'WhereAmICommand' it complained about it's java file not being named correctly and I let it fix it automatically with the lightbulb suggestor then it built successfully with jdk1.7.0_80) Also fixing the launch.bat PATH string to _80 instead of _79 java version and also correcting the MariaDB mysql port and root password in configuration.ini

Then set up actual database for MariaDB, running the sql scripts in proper order, creating the first account, etc...

One issue I had though was that the link to the 'current_wz' being private (The main thing I need now because as you'll see later becomes a real issue) also containing stuff like 'HaSuite-211.7z' and 'ManagerMsv83.exe' (not sure what this is? MS v83 something).
Anyway HaSuite (HaRepacker mainly) and stuff like netbeans and java can be gotten from other sources but the proper v83 wz files COMBINED with whatever newer version WZ files along with it are harder to come by. I have the version 83 Wz files and have them converted to Nx files but I'm not sure which version of Wz files to convert to Nx files that are now required on newer builds of the HeavenClient... The files in question which are not present in v83 but came in later versions are: Map002.wz, Map2.wz, Mob001.wz, Mob002.wz, Mob2.wz, Skill001.wz, Skill002.wz, Skill003.wz, Sound001.wz, Sound002.wz, and Sound2.wz

Niether of the github repos specify which version those Wz files should come from, this is important as using the wrong wz files converted to nx does enable the custom client to launch and use them to the best of it's ability but inconsistencies result in map's being mangled and not properly traverseable, some maps being totally black, unable to reach portals / they're in the wrong place and other glitches, etc...

So then with the newest server and client building and launching I got notices in the client of those files missing, in an attempt to get past this I grabbed from my near current version maple folder each missing named file it complained about and converted them from wz to nx(it's slightly behind some patches, (haven't launched or updated/played it in a while) but I feel it's probably way to new to work properly with this) Also copied the icon.png as it complained about that missing too... (forgot to copy the fonts folder since it didn't complain in order to launch which you'll see in my screenshots the text was missing until noticed that was the issue with text not displaying)

This link was how I converted them: (you just drag the wz files ontop of WzToNx exe to convert them)

Also the server complained about the wz directory missing so I just copied it over from the previous heavenms server (I realize now maybe I should have re-extracted with HaRepacker's export for private server option? Or maybe it's just the newer exported Wz files data doesn't exist on the server like it should and maybe doing that to export those extra 001,002 files will fix things? I would need to not select MapleStory (Old) in HaRepacker for those then I presume since they are newer wz's) See how this can get confusing when you're mixing old and new wzs? You can tell it's a mixture of old and new since the UI is not the old one which was still present in v83, and now it's expanded to more than just the UI as a mixture of old and new (since those extra files aren't present in v83 they must be from a newer version)...

Finally I load up the server, all good, then load up the client and...
ax8ffiU - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

Oh man the Wizet logo is slightly offscreen in the top left corner, that's not a good sign lol...

Then I get to the login screen and wtf?
eVrsqJS - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

I don't think that's right either... Especially since as you can see the user 'admin' I typed in is offset from the visible field where it should be. I type admin hit tab type the password hit enter it logs in and as you can see from the next screens inside the spoiler that the graphics are missing/glitched making it hard to actually select a character and login and pretty much impossible to actually create one and set a pic. (Since even the hitting enter the pic entry is glitched and since it rotates where buttons are you can't see which ones are where your pic digits to enter are)...

Anyway I won't bore you with all of the details but I managed to use the old version of heavenclient not compiled by me using an older version of the source which doesn't use any of those extra newer wz files and so the graphics on the login / char creation are correct but the problem is the server/client communication is different so it crashed on trying to create a character. Luckily the error message said exactly where it was throwing an exception -> In character creation received packet -> CharacterFactory getEquipId -> MapleInformationProvider getItemData -> substring

So that turned out to be the idStr.substring(0, 4) in the code paste below, which I added the 'idStr.length() >= 4 &&' in there and then I was able to use the old client to create a character, it doesn't progress in game though...
private MapleData getItemData(int itemId) {
        MapleData ret = null;
        String idStr = "0" + String.valueOf(itemId);
        MapleDataDirectoryEntry root = itemData.getRoot();

        for (MapleDataDirectoryEntry topDir : root.getSubdirectories()) {
            for (MapleDataFileEntry iFile : topDir.getFiles()) {
                if (idStr.length() >= 4 && iFile.getName().equals(idStr.substring(0, 4) + ".img")) {
                    ret = itemData.getData(topDir.getName() + "/" + iFile.getName());

More details:
It loops on connecting to server with the last message in the old client stating 'Opcode [11] Error: Packet Error: Stack underflow at 154'
hXsd2S - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

Opcode 11 is CHARLIST, so something changed slightly on character listing between the old client and the newer server code... It's the old client that I didn't compile though so I can't fix it in it, I must press on and get the new client graphically working as it is as you'll see mostly in sync with the servers opcodes...

So with the character at the very least created now I can launch the new albiet graphically bugged because of wrong wz data client and at least get in game and check things out see if I at least get mobs spawning this time! :D

Navigating through the bugged UI in the new client I can press enter on the character screen to select the character I just created even though I can't see it, the PIC set screen pops up and it too is graphically bugged and doesn't show where the keys are to press... So goto ServerConstants.java change enable pic to be false, rebuild server and relaunch and try again! 'public static final boolean ENABLE_PIC = false;'

Z0o0C47 - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

RFv2l7D - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

zzSwhm9 - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

ppQ2set - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums
Woohoo! I then get passed login and char select and I get placed in game in a really glitched out looking maple island but I navigate through the first few portals luckily and encounter the first snails! That's right I have snails spawning, only trouble is they are glitched and they stay still until they are attacked then they move normally, in fact all mobs even spawned by command ones are still until attacked then they move like normal... That is a bit strange but at least they are no longer non existant and appearing and attackable and killable.

I have a little fun spawning some mobs for the first time in a long time (since an old odinms source I used to run a long time ago), Immediately spawn some Paps and Zaks as a lvl 1 noob on the first screen where you enounter mobs! lol

Then I kill enough snails to levelup while hoping that works fine and doesn't crash or anything and it does! (Oh and I had to !drop a starter sword of course to do so since my awkwardly created in old client character didn't receive one to start because of the buggy way in which I created it, and also I typed these commands in all without seeing the text since as I mentioned above at this point I forgot to copy the fonts folder which I didn't yet realize is why the text was invisible, I thought it was related to how everything looks all messed up anyway.)

So at this point I am nearly to heaven... ms :D! I'm at least very happy that the main part of the game: mobs spawning! Is actually working now! It doesn't feel like maplestory when maps are empty, it really kind of shows that without them there isn't even really a game at all...

From correct maps and graphics but the maps being empty, to glitchy maps and graphics but at least they populate and can be artificially populated further with admin spawn commands! xD It is an improvement in one way and a unimprovement in another way lol! But it's progress! xD

Image set of the progress: lol
mMUDh4U - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

fCYlano - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

1Eatjbi - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

S2dTwj9 - [v83] HeavenMS - RaGEZONE Forums

Oh and in that last one because of the wz's being not right it thinks I'm hacking lol when each mob is hit for the first time it falls from the sky, like an unintentional old school wz edit vac almost... ha

In conclusion or TLDR:

1. What versions of Wz files converted to NX do I need for those extra non v83 Wz's do I need to get graphics working and looking properly again for the latest commits and builds of ryantpayton's forks of both HeavenMS server and client? These ones: 'Map002.wz, Map2.wz, Mob001.wz, Mob002.wz, Mob2.wz, Skill001.wz, Skill002.wz, Skill003.wz, Sound001.wz, Sound002.wz, and Sound2.wz'

2. Do I need to HaRepacker export those extra non v83 Wz's to the server wz/ directory as well for things to work correctly?

3. How do you enable the admin skillbook as pictured in this image from a github issue page of the client posted by Ryan himself? ->

Thanks again to those that help me and everyone involved in producing these excellent pieces of software enabling us to keep on mapling forever which would even make Wizet proud! Even if at some point official things shutdown we will now forever never lose our ability to launch a server and keep on mapling! Or even in the near future play completely offline :D

As with this HeavenMS custom client once working completely correctly or nearly completely correctly or actually even just good enough that it's mostly playable, I intend to create a totally offline single player version of maple (and then port it to any device/architecture/os people want it on [focusing on PC first of course but thats the beauty of this work, its not limited to just 32bit and just windows anymore it can now transcend architectures and platforms!])

Since we're in control of both server and client now I even have some ideas on making the server/client opcodes more robust so that even if there's a slight variation between versions it should still be compatible, as it is now a single byte off or in the wrong place and bam you get unhandled packets or over/underflows which is annoying as heck. I believe it could be made more robust without too much of a network bandwidth or performance penalty... Well I'll keep at it and who knows maybe we'll surely soon enough even draw our own graphics too to totally remove the last and final dependency on anything of the big Wz/Nx and while we're at it create a whole new world (since if we're putting in the sprite work might as well make it our own totally new IP!) and make it the true successor to MapleStory which 2 clearly was not it. Uncap the level and coordinates and currencies and everything to a 64bit or 128bit integer! (I always disliked the 2.xx billion i.g.c. cap, we can fix that) Larger and seamlessly transitioning and blending worlds (but still have portals for special areas/transitions) Higher resolution pixel art, support 1080p and 4k by default right from the start! Our own custom package format not Wz or Nx but even better! And build it for every popular platform worthwhile to support!

Yes it's going to be a lot of work, but I wouldn't have it any other way... Wizet probably never envisioned that their creation would be loved and adored so much that it would be reverse engineered and rengineered to hell and back so much that it would be used to bootstrap and create something new, removing them as a dependency as if they were a library in the build process being converted into a single header file include and freeing that creativity and magic spark to go above and beyond anything they ever dreamed of!

Working title -> "Everlasting Story: The Journey And Beyond"

Let me know what you think, I thought of it after being inspired by the title and the project of the totally 100% custom code client: "The Continued Journey MMORPG Project" and combining it with not a Maple Story but creating our own story for once, an Everlasting Story. You're damned right we're going to continue the journey and we're going way beyond it! :)


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Newbie Spellweaver
May 20, 2015
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Great repo, sadly the link to "client files & general tools" does not work because access is denied. Am not sure how anyone is getting this release working without the aforementioned files.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 9, 2022
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So whenever i try to create a guild it just creates a party instead? o,o anyone know how to fix this error?

Hey there ^^ i was having the same issue as u did, and i fixed by changing the config.yaml. If u scroll down, u'll see some stuff about Guilds, there's one there that u can set the number of people that needs to be around your character when creating a guild. The default number is 6, but this is not total number, it is 6 people around you + YOURSELF, so 7 people in total. Here's what I did, I changed the number to 1. Since I had another character with me, both my main and an alt account, I could create the guild that way.

* One thing to observe, I think u cannot change the number to 0, because u need to have a Founder and a Cofounder to make the guild. U can't do it alone is what I think. I haven't tested since I got it to work by changing to 1 before I thought about testing with 0.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2017
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the g drive is open for anyone to access

No it isn't.

This link doesn't have anything.

When I try to open db_database.sql in the MySQL Query Browser, I get the error "No database selected" on several lines.

What gives? How do I select a database?
Initiate Mage
Apr 9, 2022
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So is the Google Drive link just going to be gone forever now? There's no way to get the custom wz files?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2017
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Hi Make sure you're using your personal gmail account to access and not a account that is tied to an organisation

Mine is a personal email but I still get that access denied message.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 25, 2013
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Got the source working easy to start up but only the same thing .. When I try to make a guild it starts a party already changed binary in yaml.conf into 1/0 but still the same error. :?:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 9, 2022
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Got the source working easy to start up but only the same thing .. When I try to make a guild it starts a party already changed binary in yaml.conf into 1/0 but still the same error. :?:

I think you need at least a leader and a jr.leader to make a guild. Having another character with u in the party, u can make the guild.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 29, 2018
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Anyone can help me with the NX files for heavenClient?
i converted v83 wz files to NX files but the Client also asks for:
"Map001.nx", "Map002.nx", "Map2.nx", "Mob.nx", "Mob001.nx", "Mob002.nx", "Mob2.nx","Skill.nx", "Skill001.nx", "Skill002.nx", "Skill003.nx", "Sound.nx", "Sound001.nx", "Sound002.nx", "Sound2.nx".
Where can i find these wz files and convert them?

or if anyone has working NX files please share with me :)

edit: i did get v155 UI.wz file
Initiate Mage
Oct 2, 2021
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I would encourage anyone interested in HeavenMS to look into Cosmic, which is the successor that I've worked on (on and off) for over a year now.

Features/improvements over HeavenMS include (but are not limited to):
- Use Maven as build tool
- Updated dependencies (Java 17, MySQL, HikariCP among others)
- Migrate networking library from Apache Mina to Netty.
- Consolidate server logging, using Log4j2 via Slf4j. No longer a bunch of different logging methods.
- Implemented hired merchant viewerlist and blacklist.
- Implemented GM chase (thanks Chronos!)
(full list can be found in #progress channel on Discord)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2014
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Anyone can help me with the NX files for heavenClient?
i converted v83 wz files to NX files but the Client also asks for:
"Map001.nx", "Map002.nx", "Map2.nx", "Mob.nx", "Mob001.nx", "Mob002.nx", "Mob2.nx","Skill.nx", "Skill001.nx", "Skill002.nx", "Skill003.nx", "Sound.nx", "Sound001.nx", "Sound002.nx", "Sound2.nx".
Where can i find these wz files and convert them?

or if anyone has working NX files please share with me :)

edit: i did get v155 UI.wz file

what is .nx format, does it better than wz ?
Initiate Mage
Aug 23, 2022
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Hello,Halcyon,could you please share the client files with me? Thank you very much!
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 26, 2019
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I'm d/cing everytime I click on a potion dealer, whether in ellinia, kerning, ludi. Anyone know how to fix this?