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Vertisy V90 Launcher Bat error

Experienced Elementalist
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
Having difficulty getting the launcher bats in Vertisy V90 source to connect to the database. Regardless of which launch-XXXXX.bat I start first, I always get the same result-- An error connecting to the database and then a wall of Java errors. I have everything setup for a localhost connection, and I have a root password set on my database, however it is entered correctly in the "configuration.ini" file. I can upload screenshots of my command prompt if necessary.

EDIT: The line sticking out to me the most from the Stacktrace is, "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; Consider updating MySQL client" Is it possible that the password on my database is screwing this up? I have it set correctly in configuration.ini so it's throwing me off.

I have had success in downloading an updated and replaced the one in the dist folder, and also fixing the name of my compiled jar to "vertisy.jar" and not "versity.jar" because I can't read or something. One of these things alone does not solve the issue, but both combined does solve the issue. Now it is a matter of getting the client to connect to the server.

Got the client to connect, had to fix the localhostv90.exe IP to properly connect to

Thanks for reading!
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