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Warrock Toxiic Core - Bypass Passport & Unpacked Client

Sep 1, 2016
Reaction score
Re: [Release] Warrock Toxiic Core - Bypass Passport & Unpacked Client

Juniorhappy, there are help sections for WarRock on these forums. You can post your questions or the problems you are having in these sections. Here is a link: http://forum.ragezone.com/f829/
Thanks for your advice, I know that sections but this topic i saw many comment in this topic that they want help too :/
Initiate Mage
Jan 20, 2018
Reaction score
Re: [Release]Warrock Toxiic Core + Xor Keys + Bypass Passport + Unpacked Client

Hello you can help me
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
I have the same problem too.after login, the client remains locked at that point.sorry I translated, I'm Italian
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [Release] Warrock Toxiic Core - Bypass Passport & Unpacked Client

Eng Goole tradutor
Hi, can anyone help me put a bonus to work when the player passes a certain wave in zombie survival mode
Type I wanted to put to the player to gain a certain weapon when passing the wave 8 and in the wave 16 and in the wave 21

Oi alguém poderia me ajudar a colocar para funcionar um bonus quando o player passar um determinada wave no modo zombie survival
Tipo eu queria colocar para o player ganhar uma determinada arma ao passar a wave 8 e na wave 16 e na wave 21
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Podria ser algo asi, al terminar la wave:
foreach (User in room.users.Values)
{Inventory.AddOutBoxItem(User, "item.code", days);}
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
Podria ser algo asi, al terminar la wave:
foreach (User in room.users.Values)
{Inventory.AddOutBoxItem(User, "item.code", days);}

vou tentar

Eng google tradutor
I'll try

Deu uns erros poderia me ajudar com isso

Eng google tradutor
Made some mistakes could help me with this

Bola - Warrock Toxiic Core - Bypass Passport & Unpacked Client - RaGEZONE Forums

voce poderia me ajudar esse aqui é o meu ZombiesMode
Eu queria fazer algo tipo isso para diferenciar os premios por dificuldade

Eng google translate
Could you help me out here is my Zombie Mode?
I wanted to do something like this to differentiate prizes by difficulty

if (this.ZombieDifficulty !> 0)
foreach (virtualUser player in this.Players)
if (this.WeaponsGot)
player.send(new PACKET_CHAT("EVENT", PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Room_ToAll, "EVENT >> You got CLAW_KNIFE (30 DAYS) because u sirvived wave 15!!", (long)999, "NULL"));
player.AddOutBoxItem("DA13", 3);
this.WeaponsGot = true;

if (this.ZombieDifficulty > 0)
foreach (virtualUser player in this.Players)
if (this.WeaponsGot)
player.send(new PACKET_CHAT("EVENT", PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Room_ToAll, "EVENT >> You got CLAW_KNIFE (30 DAYS) because u sirvived wave 15!!", (long)999, "NULL"));
player.AddOutBoxItem("FA15", 15);
this.WeaponsGot = true;

_____ ___ __ __ _____ _____ ___ _ __ ___ ___ __ __
/__ \ /___\\ \/ / \_ \\_ \ / __\( )/ _\ / __\ /___\ /__\ /__\
/ /\/// // \ / / /\/ / /\// / |/ \ \ / / // /// \// /_\
/ / / \_// / \ /\/ /_/\/ /_ / /___ _\ \ / /___/ \_/// _ \//__
\/ \___/ /_/\_\\____/\____/ \____/ \__/ \____/\___/ \/ \_/\__/

Created by: ToXiiC
Thanks to: CodeDragon, Kill1212, CodeDragon

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Game_Server.GameModes
class ZombieMode
private Room room = null;
public bool PreparingWave = false;
public bool LastWave = false;
public bool respawnThisWave = false;

public int Wave = 1;
// public bool WeaponsGot;
public int ZombiePoints = 0;

public int ZombieToWave = 0;

public void PrepareNewWave()
room.send(new Game.SP_ZombieNewWave(0));
room.spawnedMadmans = room.spawnedManiacs = room.spawnedGrinders = room.spawnedGrounders = room.spawnedHeavys = room.spawnedGrowlers = room.spawnedLovers = room.spawnedHandgemans = room.spawnedChariots = room.spawnedCrushers = 0;
PreparingWave = true; //Teste original era true
room.KilledZombies = room.ZombieSpawnPlace = room.KillsBeforeDrop = room.SpawnedZombies = 0;
room.SleepTime = 15; // 15 Seconds
respawnThisWave = false;
room.send(new Game.SP_ZombieNewWave(Wave, LastWave));

public int LastTick = 0;

public void Zombie()
if (LastTick != DateTime.Now.Second)
LastTick = DateTime.Now.Second;
if (room.SendFirstWave)
room.FirstWaveSent = true;
room.send(new Game.SP_ZombieNewWave(0));
room.SendFirstWave = false;
if (room.zombieRunning)
/*foreach (User usr in Players)
usr.Health = 500000;
int DifficultyPer = (room.zombiedifficulty + 1);
switch (Wave)

case 1: ZombieToWave = 51; break; // Wave 1
case 2: ZombieToWave = 41; break; // Wave 2
case 3: ZombieToWave = 35; break; // Wave 3
case 4: ZombieToWave = 35; break; // Wave 4
case 5: ZombieToWave = 40; break; // Wave 5
case 6: ZombieToWave = 12; break; // Wave 6
case 7: ZombieToWave = 45; break; // Wave 7
case 8: ZombieToWave = 45; break; // Wave 8
case 9: ZombieToWave = 45; break; // Wave 9
case 10: ZombieToWave = 18; break; // Wave 10
case 11: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 11
case 12: ZombieToWave = 18; break; // Wave 12
case 13: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 13
case 14: ZombieToWave = 20; break; // Wave 14
case 15: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 15
case 16: ZombieToWave = 20; break; // Wave 16
case 17: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 17
case 18: ZombieToWave = 20; break; // Wave 18
case 19: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 19
case 20: ZombieToWave = 23; break; // Wave 20
case 21: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 21
case 22: ZombieToWave = 40; break; // Wave 22 (Final Wave)

case 1: ZombieToWave = 30; break; // Wave 1
case 2: ZombieToWave = 30; break; // Wave 2
case 3: ZombieToWave = 40; break; // Wave 3
case 4: ZombieToWave = 40; break; // Wave 4
case 5: ZombieToWave = 45; break; // Wave 5
case 6: ZombieToWave = 8; break; // Wave 6
case 7: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 7
case 8: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 8
case 9: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 9
case 10: ZombieToWave = 10; break; // Wave 10
case 11: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 11
case 12: ZombieToWave = 10; break; // Wave 12
case 13: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 13
case 14: ZombieToWave = 15; break; // Wave 14
case 15: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 15
case 16: ZombieToWave = 15; break; // Wave 16
case 17: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 17
case 18: ZombieToWave = 15; break; // Wave 18
case 19: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 19
case 20: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 20
case 21: ZombieToWave = 50; break; // Wave 21
case 22: ZombieToWave = 60; break; // Wave 22 (Final Wave)*/

LastWave = Wave >= (room.zombiedifficulty > 0 ? 18 : 21);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0) ZombieToWave += 18; //Aqui aumenta a quantidade de zombies no modo dificil
//if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0) ZombieToWave += 1;
if (room.mode == (int)RoomMode.Defence) ZombieToWave += 15; //Aqui aumenta a quantidade de zombies no modo dificil
// if (room.mode == (int)RoomMode.Defence) ZombieToWave += 15;
if (room.AliveDerb == 0) { room.EndGame(); }

//Log.WriteDebug(room.KilledZombies + " " + ZombieToWave);
if (room.KilledZombies >= ZombieToWave)
// if (LastWave)
if (this.Wave > 22)

if (room.SleepTime >= 0)

if (PreparingWave) PreparingWave = false;

// Max 26 concurrent zombies.

if (room.Zombies.Where(r => r.Value.Health > 0).Count() >= 20 || room.SpawnedZombies >= ZombieToWave) return;

if (!PreparingWave)
if (room.mode == (int)RoomMode.Defence)
if (room.spawnedHandgemans < 5) room.SpawnZombie(7);

switch (Wave)
case 1:
foreach (User in room.users.Values)
{Inventory.AddOutBoxItem(User, "item.code", days);}

if (room.spawnedMadmans < 50) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 18) room.SpawnZombie(2);
//if (room.spawnedChariots < 5) room.SpawnZombie(8);
case 2:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 20) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 15) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 8) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 18) room.SpawnZombie(3);
case 3:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 10) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 10) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 8) room.SpawnZombie(4);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 18) room.SpawnZombie(3);
case 4:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 10) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 14) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 17) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 2) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 15) room.SpawnZombie(3);
case 5:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 10) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 10) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 8) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 5) room.SpawnZombie(4);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 18) room.SpawnZombie(3);
case 6:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 1) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 1) room.SpawnZombie(3);
// if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 8) room.SpawnZombie(4);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 15) room.SpawnZombie(4);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 3) room.SpawnZombie(3);
case 7:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 10) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 10) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 14) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 13) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 2) room.SpawnZombie(4);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 36) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 8:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 8) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 10) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
// if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(9);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 30) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 9:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 8) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 5) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 5) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
// if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(9);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 30) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 10:
case 12:
0 - Madman
1 - Maniac
2 - Grinder
3 - Grounder
4 - Heavy
5 - Growler
6 - Lover
7 - Handgeman
8 - Chariot
9 - Crusher
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 8) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 1) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 5) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
// if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(9);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 36) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 14:
case 16:
case 18:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 1) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 2) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 2) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 5) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 8) room.SpawnZombie(4);
// if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
//if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
// if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
//if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 31) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 11:
case 13:
case 15:
case 17:
case 19:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 4) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 10) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 5) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 31) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 20:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 5) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 5) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 5) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 8) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 30) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 21:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 4) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 8) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 10) room.SpawnZombie(4);
//if (room.spawnedChariots < 10) room.SpawnZombie(8);
//if (room.spawnedCrushers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(9);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 15) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 30) room.SpawnZombie(4);
case 22:
if (room.spawnedMadmans < 1) room.SpawnZombie(0);
if (room.spawnedManiacs < 1) room.SpawnZombie(1);
if (room.spawnedGrinders < 1) room.SpawnZombie(2);
if (room.spawnedGrounders < 10) room.SpawnZombie(3);
if (room.spawnedGrowlers < 10) room.SpawnZombie(5);
if (room.spawnedLovers < 8) room.SpawnZombie(6);
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(9);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 10) room.SpawnZombie(4);
if (room.zombiedifficulty > 0)
if (room.spawnedChariots < 1) room.SpawnZombie(8);
if (room.spawnedCrushers < 1) room.SpawnZombie(9);
if (room.spawnedHeavys < 38) room.SpawnZombie(4);
catch { }

public void Update()
if (room.AliveDerb == 0) { room.EndGame(); return; }

public void reset()
PreparingWave = respawnThisWave = room.zombieRunning = room.SendFirstWave = room.FirstWaveSent = false;
room.SleepTime = 15;
ZombiePoints = room.SpawnedZombieplayers = room.KilledZombies = room.KillsBeforeDrop = room.ZombieSpawnPlace = room.spawnedMadmans = room.spawnedManiacs = room.spawnedGrinders = room.spawnedGrounders = room.spawnedHeavys = room.spawnedGrowlers = room.spawnedLovers = room.spawnedHandgemans = room.spawnedChariots = room.spawnedCrushers = 0;

public ZombieMode(Room room)
this.room = room;
Last edited:
◝(⁰▿⁰)◜Smile◝ (⁰▿⁰)◜
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
If you're going to introduce items after you clear a wave, then it's better to reward these items when the game ends to ensure nothing glitches or shows unwanted pop-ups.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
If you're going to introduce items after you clear a wave, then it's better to reward these items when the game ends to ensure nothing glitches or shows unwanted pop-ups.

então é que eu ainda não sei mexer muito bem com C# ainda com o código todo em inglês eu fico perdido eu nem sei como consegui colocar para funcionar o modo zombie nesse server

Eng google translation
so I still do not know how to play very well with C # still with the whole code in English I get lost I do not even know how I managed to put the zombie mode on this server
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
This is how I have it.

I hope it helps
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
This is how I have it.

I hope it helps

Obrigado (TiraRebel :eek:tt:)
O seu Zombie Mode não funciona para o meu Server mas eu consegui usar o seu Reward
Voce não teria o Modo Explosivo funcionando corretamente para enviar
Ou você poderia enviar o seu server

Eng Google translate
Thank you TiraRebel
Your Zombie Mode does not work for my Server but I was able to use your Reward
You would not have Explosive Mode working properly to send
Or you could send your server
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
I am sorry. The two modes that do not work properly in my verion are Explosive and Escape.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
I am sorry. The two modes that do not work properly in my verion are Explosive and Escape.

No meu não funcionava nada no modo zombie quando eu tentava criar uma sala o cliente dava crash e fechava ai eu consegui fazer funcionar mas o modo explosivo eu não estou conseguindo ta dando uns bugs

Eng Google translation
In mine nothing worked in zombie mode when I tried to create a room the client crashed and closed then I managed to make it work but the explosive way I can not get ta bugs

Eu estou usando o server que foi postado aqui neste tópico eu só estou tentando corrigir os problemas

Eng Google translation
I'm using the server that was posted here in this thread I'm just trying to fix the problems
◝(⁰▿⁰)◜Smile◝ (⁰▿⁰)◜
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
so I still do not know how to play very well with C # still with the whole code in English I get lost I do not even know how I managed to put the zombie mode on this server

English is usually used for code bases since it's an international language. You can code in your own language but then the non-ascii characters might not display correctly on other systems. (It happened before when Russian comments were introduced in other emulators).
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
English is usually used for code bases since it's an international language. You can code in your own language but then the non-ascii characters might not display correctly on other systems. (It happened before when Russian comments were introduced in other emulators).

eu sei é que eu estava aprendendo C# e fazia em BR
Eng google
I know I was learning C # and I was doing it in BR
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Can you share youre version?
I hope to share it soon, when I finish fixing a couple of things.
I know little the C #, and surely there are some errors in the way of programming. I hope you are benevolent with me.

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [Release]Warrock Toxiic Core + Xor Keys + Bypass Passport + Unpacked Client

I have the same problem. changing

usr.clanId = int.Parse(userInformation["clanID"].ToString()); to

usr.clanId = int.Parse(userInformation["clanid"].ToString());

didn't work for me, i have the same problem as him after the login.... can someone help me?
