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WebGame [Webgame 3D MMORPG] - Vân Trung Ca

Jun 8, 2007
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all files are encrypted need
Tools Pack and Unpack .inf file (Vietnameseize and edit ingame text)
Tools Gen Md5 (Replace, edit existing md5 file list)
Main has been standardized Tahoma font (Simsun root, broken font when displaying Vietnamese)
Res set has been decompiled from MD5 to the original file name (Used for Vietnamese translation, easy editing and debugging)

files is not free
Good job on copy/pasting the information from srcgame. Really helpfull.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2013
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Interesting. i've sniffed a bit throught the code. So far i didn't got the tool to work properly.

the included datalog.txt is just log. if it didnt found the id etc. pretty useless so far.

The tool in itself needs an mysql database to work properly. The DB connection is handled by MyBatis3, but despite having an function to create the database, i couldn't manage to run it.
So i need to recreate the database by hand. Currently im pretty busy, so it will take a while (except some of you legends has an tool to rebuild the db <.<)
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 7, 2013
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In short, configs (those with extension .inf) really encrypted algorithm and they can all be decrypted. But here's the problem with resources. First, the names of their files can not be restored (if there is no dictionary file anywhere (I did not find it)), and secondly, the resources are not encrypted as configs. Trying to find out how they are coded, I found nothing in the source code. This may mean that these resources are just cached (loaded in the program for the first time in the form of a file, and stored in the form of just a set of bits), well, or it could mean that I have not found in this pile of code a piece with their uploading of the files.
Inf files are archives in json configs
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2013
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Hey lokamber,
Yes. the configs are crypted with DES (See Post #16).
edit:// Did you managed to decrypt some on the inf files? if so, can you check the following files?
These are the res files, which the clients loads in the beginning. These doesn't have a header file and seem simmilar to the inf files.
After these, the client loads the atf, j3d etc.

as for askmyleg's tool. ive finally managed to run it (sorry, got lost in wow again). This tool is... somewhat usefull?
It can recrypt the RES data, but to work correctly, we need to have the RES Data imported into a database, which is missing from this release.
if you want to poke arround in the tool, here is the databse structure for it (but w/o data, its useless)


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2014
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Files are decrypted

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2013
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Thanks Bond.
And it's kinda what i've thought.
b75b95...are some model data db like. Has some strings in it.
946fad... is the Filelist, which data the client should load in what order.
345487 is the Client itself. and again, i've find as3crypto there with the same hex key for DES.
But more important, a shitton of text is stored inside that file, so for translation purposes, that file is the most interesting.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2014
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Tools made.
1. See com.sunweb.game.util.CryptoUtil in JL3DGame.swf (34548711a02dffdbd260b8a116d53f8e) for unpacking files.
2. Use CryptoUtil.decryptDES() for unpacking and CryptoUtil.encryptDES() for packing files.
3. Use the file resGroups.inf (946fadcb270e92686af7f50bfc16720b) to structure the files of the entire client.
4. To decrypt server files use javax.crypto.SecretKey, Key: { 50, -3, -122, 37, -83, 61, -26, 24 }, "DES".

iH9F4kR - [Webgame 3D MMORPG] - Vân Trung Ca - RaGEZONE Forums
j1QM80X - [Webgame 3D MMORPG] - Vân Trung Ca - RaGEZONE Forums



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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 21, 2012
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What browser and flashplayer version are you guys using? I cannot seem to get through after selecting a character.
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2019
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Can you actually fly in this game? with mounts, etc?
Initiate Mage
Apr 20, 2023
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View attachment 225529
View attachment 225530
Password: tuan565


1. Run [1]Web
2. Run [2]Server
3. Go to in browser
4. Enter any account name, and submit..
5. Play :)

(Thanks to @Tomelyr)
MySQL access (which askmyleg already got):
host: localhost
user: root
pw: sunweb53730
port: 3306
gamelog (should be self explained)
somc and somc1-4 are all the worldserver databases and is saving the mail, friendlist, etc.
you can find this data in any proxoolconf (for instance in Server\worldServer\)

Files to translate this game are located at: D:\VanTrungCa\wwwroot\res
However, they appear to be encrypted... If some one figures out how to decrypt them, let me know so we can work on translating this game!

As for the translation(s), @Tomelyr posted this:
all the langPack.ini's only contain the translation for the server files. For instance if your enter your GM command wrong, then it loads the string from it. From a Game translation perspective not really usefull. Also certain strings are still hardcoded.

The juicy bits for that are in "Server\worldServer\_config"
the .inf files are in reality encrypted zip files with an different ending. and there i faced a roadblock.
They are crypted with javax.crypto. i have no clue how to write Java.

More information regarding his post:

Can you give Google access? bsamet41@gmail.com
Newbie Spellweaver
May 22, 2023
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View attachment 225529
View attachment 225530
Senha: tuan565


1. Execute [1]Web
2. Execute [2]Servidor
3. Vá para no navegador
4. Insira qualquer nome de conta e envie.
5. Jogue:)

(Graças a @ Tomelyr )
Acesso ao MySQL (que askmyleg já obteve):
host: localhost
usuário: raiz
pw: sunweb53730
porta: 3306
bancos de dados:
gamelog (deve ser auto-explicativo)
somc e somc1-4 são todos os bancos de dados do worldserver e estão salvando o e-mail, lista de amigos, etc.
você pode encontrar esses dados em qualquer proxoolconf (por exemplo em Server\worldServer\)

Os arquivos para traduzir este jogo estão localizados em: D:\VanTrungCa\wwwroot\res
No entanto, eles parecem estar criptografados... Se alguém descobrir como descriptografá-los, avise-me para que possamos trabalhar na tradução deste jogo!

Quanto à(s) tradução(s), @ Tomelyr postou isto:
todos os langPack.ini contêm apenas a tradução para os arquivos do servidor. Por exemplo, se você inserir seu comando GM errado, ele carregará a string dele. Do ponto de vista da tradução do jogo, não é realmente útil. Além disso, certas strings ainda são codificadas.

Os bits suculentos para isso estão em "Server\worldServer\_config"
os arquivos .inf são, na verdade, arquivos zip criptografados com um final diferente. e lá eu enfrentei um obstáculo.
Eles são criptografados com javax.crypto. Eu não tenho idéia de como escrever Java.

Mais informações sobre sua postagem:

don't know how to translate webgames? LOL seriously? in the middle of 2023 I tell you that I know how to do this!It's simpler than you think :) :)