[Website] Core-Gaming's MS

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2014
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As the title say, fully functional CMS based off @greenelfx MapleSimplicity, design insperation by @SΞCTOR
It's compatible with all resolutions, mobile and browsers.
I tweaked it up a bit, customized the news system to display an image of the type of the news article, added simple archive and some small stuff that some of you might find it usefull if you're not developers and just want a nice website for your server.
Some says it's ugly and some says it looks good, I don't really care, the reason I'm releasing this is because we're making a new website, better design and our own CMS and not based on public CMSs where the code is accessible to anyone which means that finding a security hole/exploit is easier just because it's public.

To choose which type of news article, simply look in the image directory inside the CSS directory for the types available, the news type is the name of the image.

Also I'm too lazy to add here the server status check but it's simple so you can do that or ripp it off another cms.

*No ranking script, add your own.


GameDev - [Website] Core-Gaming's MS - RaGEZONE Forums

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Off-topic: If it is based off @greenelfx MapleSimplicity why isn't he being credited instead of the huge copyrights for Core Gaming?
On-topic: Nothing special, solid colors, very basic logo, and overall nothing special honestly.
Because it's not like I took a pre made website and used it, I actually modified it, added new stuff, changed existing stuff, remove what I didn't wanted, used my own design and just integrate it into the core system, doesn't use the content of MapleSimplicity CMS, only functions, so I didn't even claimed credits for myself but the fact that I gave credits to whom it belongs here in the thread, I guess that's enough(?)

For the criticism;
I know, that's why I've been working on a new site, the current one a bit sucks.

Thanks for telling me your opinion over the design, appreciate it!
Actually it's based off my PureMaple design, however you still need to improve if you want to take the idea try to make it better than mine :)
As the title say, fully functional CMS based off @greenelfx MapleSimplicity, design insperation by @SΞCTOR

Actually it's based off my PureMaple design, however you still need to improve if you want to take the idea try to make it better than mine :)

I designed it, coded and integrated it into MapleSimplicity, I gave you the proper credits as I got my inspiration from your design PureMaple.
I'm not going to change it or do anything, I told Core (the one who uses my account, GameDev) to release it because we don't need it and so people who want to use it will change it to their liking, and of course improve it.

Yours will still be better even if I'll change it and improve it lol.
I designed it, coded and integrated it into MapleSimplicity, I gave you the proper credits as I got my inspiration from your design PureMaple.
I'm not going to change it or do anything, I told Core (the one who uses my account, GameDev) to release it because we don't need it and so people who want to use it will change it to their liking, and of course improve it.

Yours will still be better even if I'll change it and improve it lol.

Yea no problem i already gave you permission as i remember..
Mine being better or other way around doesn't matter, what really matter is to practice until you achieve your plans.
If you put that in your mind i would tell you that you can be better than me after all, im not that special you know? i just trained until i became good.