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What Do You Look In Your GM's?

Sep 10, 2010
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Hey Ragezoners,
I wanted to ask what do you look in your Gm's known as gamemasters
Well i'm talking about when recruiting GM's what do you look inside of them for?
Or anything else.
So feel free to post whatever you look inside your Gm's :D
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Loyal Member
Dec 24, 2006
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I look for professionality.
Also, please stop starting every word with a capital.
It's hard to read when You Type Like This.
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Experience and background information is important as well.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 31, 2010
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If the application is typed with a correct grammar and in a proffetional way + good flyff experience then thats pretty much fine with me.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2009
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A perfect GM is one that doesn't ever involve their emotional issues or IRL problems and bad personality traits into their GM duties. You want one that is mature or older than usual, experienced with FlyFF and the way the game is played. The GM should also have a background check, make sure they aren't dedicated to other servers since some can easily backstab you. A perfect GM also has restricted ingame abilities and will never be able to spawn items or attack monsters/players.

GM's also have to be able to take insults. If somebody yells "STUPID ***** ***** YOUR MOM IS A ****** **** YOU", instead of flaming back, raging at them, etc., they should follow the servers rules and administer whatever punishment is offered for insulting a staff member. The GM should NEVER experience any form of rage, sadness, etc when being insulted by a player. GM's should also never be biased or take bribes. They should be as literate as possible in their own language and others if needed.

They should usually agree with server changes that are good for the community and have extreme patience to help others ingame with issues without showing a single sign of annoyance or impatience. They must have strengths in patience and tolerance or they will fail at their job. They should NEVER drink on the job. Yes, if they're drinking while ingame on their GM, that should not be allowed. I've witnessed this happen on many occasions and it creates the worst environment for players. Always question your GM's and log their work time as well as actions heavily, ingame and out of game.

There is a lot more to it, but following most basics can bring the best Game Masters to your server.
Experienced Elementalist
Oct 30, 2010
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He/she must be professional, friendly, experienced and he/she can speak english.
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
A person that know how to use the brain and use them well. Mature, loyalty, and ready to serve everyone.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
adler pretty much got the most important thing, do not flame back on other people etc.

I mean seriusly all those server with 14 year old gms that ban, mute, freeze people for calling them an idiot is pretty much unmature.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
adler pretty much got the most important thing, do not flame back on other people etc.

I mean seriusly all those server with 14 year old gms that ban, mute, freeze people for calling them an idiot is pretty much unmature.

Or the people that boast about banning and banhammers like banning is a lifestyle. -_-
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
Well, of course the person should have experience, dedication, be honest and use ban as last resort. Of course as somebody said about background check, dont need no backstabbers.. Person must be reliable, act his age (mature). butt-kissers aren't welcome..
Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
i dont work with gms. i work alone, thats why i never hire gamemasters.

never trust on them.

also i hate when they say, hey hire me! let me be gm, i got experience beeing a gm... experience? how can u have experience in something like that? god~ ._.
Templar FlyFF <3
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
^those peoplehave no experience.
I myself use forms to see what someone can do and based on that hire them.
I watch out for grammar, background and I'm quite a TALKATIVE boss.
Short application is usually a no, because it means you don't take the time to make something that's enjoyable to read and informative about yourself. There have been a few exceptions in my career as a server owner though, and I must say I do not regret hiring any of them.
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
As previously stated, I look for professionalism as maturity. Personally, I like a bit of formality out of the GMs. I like when a GM is "one of us" but still is able to maintain respect and authority.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
1. People that have EXPERIENCE at being a GM (although, experience can be gained)
2. People that don't use text "language" 'r' does not replace are, 'u' does not replace you etc.
3. People that don't annoy the poop out of everybody they meet
4. People who actually CAN dedicate the time to being a gm (thats usually 18 yearolds +
5. People who won't crash my server by summoning 1000000 cws in Flaris (However, no GM on my server can use the /cn Command untill they prove their worthy of it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
The same things you look at when you're interviewing for any job.

Does the person really want the job? This is easy to tell at the application stage. First, throw out anybodies application with bad grammar, spelling or general literacy. Its not difficult to proof read, or run a spell checker over an application. If they're not capable of speaking literate English, they're probably not capable of expressing themselves correctly to players. We've probably all been frustrated by an indian call-centre right? It's just unprofessional to have staff posting around the forums that can't spell.
How long is the application? If its short, they probably haven't put a huge amount of effort into it. On a similar note, if they've just reposted their application from last time jobs were available, then they probably don't want it enough.

Why is this important? If someone doesn't really want the job, they probably won't stick around for long. It's in your interests to have a team working together for as long as possible to build up their rapport, and so you don't have to train lots of people. Consistency is good.

Then look for professionalism. Is the application formal? What about their other posts when they're giving support in Player to Player (or similar sections). Do they post in various colours and fonts which aren't the forums default? Do they spam, troll, flame or insult new people? All of these are probably things you don't want your staff doing in public, as it smears the image of the whole staff team. On a similar note, you don't want staff who frankly just look like complete retards.

Staff in general should be able to compose their business in a cool, mature, disengaged and professional manner. They shouldn't take things personally or let emotions interfere with their jobs, and should aim to provide excellent service to everyone regardless of the situation or personal opinion. You should be able to trust them, but still place restrictions on their access. Importantly, they should understand why these restrictions are in place, and that it's not because you don't trust them.

Dedication in terms of time is kinda important too. You don't want staff who put 12 hours a day in, but at the same time you'd like to see them every now and then.
Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
A perfect GM is one that doesn't ever involve their emotional issues or IRL problems and bad personality traits into their GM duties. You want one that is mature or older than usual, experienced with FlyFF and the way the game is played. The GM should also have a background check, make sure they aren't dedicated to other servers since some can easily backstab you. A perfect GM also has restricted ingame abilities and will never be able to spawn items or attack monsters/players.

GM's also have to be able to take insults. If somebody yells "STUPID ***** ***** YOUR MOM IS A ****** **** YOU", instead of flaming back, raging at them, etc., they should follow the servers rules and administer whatever punishment is offered for insulting a staff member. The GM should NEVER experience any form of rage, sadness, etc when being insulted by a player. GM's should also never be biased or take bribes. They should be as literate as possible in their own language and others if needed.

They should usually agree with server changes that are good for the community and have extreme patience to help others ingame with issues without showing a single sign of annoyance or impatience. They must have strengths in patience and tolerance or they will fail at their job. They should NEVER drink on the job. Yes, if they're drinking while ingame on their GM, that should not be allowed. I've witnessed this happen on many occasions and it creates the worst environment for players. Always question your GM's and log their work time as well as actions heavily, ingame and out of game.

There is a lot more to it, but following most basics can bring the best Game Masters to your server.

You said it.

I`ll be saving these lines for later <3, so i can use them somehow. ;#
