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What exactly makes a Retro 'different'? Private 

Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
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You sure? There's more than 120.

And since 2007 the retro comms has sort of died off, we lost all the good developers, and owners of hotels just care about money. So nothing really makes a retro different these days.

Developers leave beacuse Habbo is boring and poop now a days. And thats why we hotel owners just care about money.

And once you come in a room, your users are screaming your name and asking for staff. Really annoying..
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 17, 2012
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Retro's are a place of community, Fabbo achieves this as we don't care about money, we don't even sell VIP. We just give a really good experience.

In your case this is different, At least you have absolute pride in your Retro. I Would Buy VIP from you as you have coded Fabbo yourself.
Sean told me to come back
Jul 21, 2007
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Developers leave beacuse Habbo is boring and poop now a days. And thats why we hotel owners just care about money.

And once you come in a room, your users are screaming your name and asking for staff. Really annoying..

Yeah, I can agree with that.
Apart from Habbo being boring,
It always has been that's why retros started.
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
different combinations of features / community

a retros individuality all depends on the owner and general community. emulator and CMS are also a selective distinction in retros, though most retros just use the same CMS's out there.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Nothing. Everyone is in this for the money and anyone who says they're otherwise is a liar.
Feb 18, 2010
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^That's why i left the habbo community.. The only reason i even come here is for the drama, it's funny, great source of entertainment on a boring Wednesday afternoon.


He runs a hosting company i think, but i bet he doesn't know 2 shits about servicing a VPS if there is a problem. So basically he is exploiting kids who will buy his service, and they will basically get poop support in return. It shouldn't be allowed, he needs to be stopped in his money whoring tracks. Kid's reselling nodes should not be allowed anyway. And if he does have support staff, they will probably be kids from his crap forum acting like they know stuff, when basically, they don't know poop.
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Zephyr Studios
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2012
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^That's why i left the habbo community.. The only reason i even come here is for the drama, it's funny, great source of entertainment on a boring Wednesday afternoon.


He runs a hosting company i think, but i bet he doesn't know 2 shits about servicing a VPS if there is a problem. So basically he is exploiting kids who will buy his service, and they will basically get poop support in return. It shouldn't be allowed, he needs to be stopped in his money whoring tracks. Kid's reselling nodes should not be allowed anyway. And if he does have support staff, they will probably be kids from his crap forum acting like they know stuff, when basically, they don't know poop.
Dude... WTF are you talking about??
Zephyr Studios
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Lmfao, it is MichaelFagMan who runs Keyhots.net right? Or does he just advertise it in his sig? :p
MichaelMadMan runs Keyhosts.net - I think It's pretty descent actually. :p
Feb 18, 2010
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MichaelMadMan runs Keyhosts.net - I think It's pretty descent actually. :p

If your having problems with your VPS, he wont be able to sort it.. He will run back to whatever company he resells for.. That's why kids like him shouldn't be running services such as. They are basically ripping people off with their lack of knowledge, take otakuhosts for example, before that got shut down absolutely no support was given to it's customers.. It was a terrible service.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
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MichaelMadman is the biggest money lady in the habbo community.. Just thought i would get that off my chest. I really, really can't stand that c*nt. And alot of others i have spoken to can't either..

Why not? I'm not gonna dispute the ethical issues with it, but, ever the opportunist!
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Anyone can make money off a hotel.. The ones that don't are in it for the community, he just wants money, crawls around the section looking for things to make his hotel better to make more money. He doesn't contribute poop.

Oh, sorry - for a moment then I thought you were trying to make retros sound ethical.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 19, 2012
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I look at it this way a community is what makes a retro, Some are the same some have their own custom emulators. Like Muscab said he runs on a R63B. Me personally i like R63B also another thing that makes hotels different from one another believe it or no is the staff members they change the hotel. Also one things that gets me with hotels is the CMS i love the layouts of CMS's. What im trying to say pretty much is the things the users see is what they will judge off of liking the hotel or not. You can get some users also you can lose some users with what you have. It's a hit or miss chance not only that I couldn't see myself playing a hotel with Rev CMS (Big Uber fan)
Experienced Elementalist
Oct 25, 2009
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I look at it this way a community is what makes a retro, Some are the same some have their own custom emulators. Like Muscab said he runs on a R63B. Me personally i like R63B also another thing that makes hotels different from one another believe it or no is the staff members they change the hotel. Also one things that gets me with hotels is the CMS i love the layouts of CMS's. What im trying to say pretty much is the things the users see is what they will judge off of liking the hotel or not. You can get some users also you can lose some users with what you have. It's a hit or miss chance not only that I couldn't see myself playing a hotel with Rev CMS (Big Uber fan)

I've never said I run R63B pal :D but ye I run phx which is R63A and I don't intend on switching anytime soon.