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What Web/Dedi host


Skilled Illusionist
Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I am planning to start my own server soon.
Now I'm looking for good website hosting and dedicated game server.
Could you tell me what company would be best choice for these two?
What do you use for your servers?
Mention everything you know please. I would like it to be cheap but well... If I must I can get some *extra* money.

Thnx for your time.
Initiate Mage
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
ah.. well I've seen this add before, it looks cheap enough for a dedi with ok stats but I'm no expert on this, and it say's vps buster dedi server, it could mean its a vps with like only 2 users with good stats cheap but its also in the dedicated servers section so i'm not sure.

here's the stats and .

VPS Buster Dedicated Server

* Atom Dual-Core 1.6Ghz
* 1GB Ram 800mhz
* 250GB Hard Drive
* Dedicated Server

* 2000GB Transfer
* 5 IPS
* 100MB Port
* Unmanaged Support

$39 per month! Order and Configure

2GB Ram + 3000GB (10mbps) Transfer
$49 per month! Order and Configure

but there is also the cheapest vps site you will find for windows,

there stats are ok but i'd only do it for just starting up or longer if it doesnt lagg, there dedi's arent as good as interserver with less stats and around the same price.

i hope that helped and gave you some options, though i'm not made of money and would need to save up a little to get a dedi first.
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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
I can give you a good dedicated web hosting service, try

P.S. if you need more space and all PM me or w/e and I can increase it, if you choose to use it.
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