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[WIP] SRO Bloody Network

Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
This is a website for Bloody Network's Silkroad Server. It is not done yet, however I reached a point where I need some creative ideas, and constructive criticism.

Mucski - [WIP] SRO Bloody Network - RaGEZONE Forums

First step is above.

Update 2

Mucski - [WIP] SRO Bloody Network - RaGEZONE Forums

Update 3

Mucski - [WIP] SRO Bloody Network - RaGEZONE Forums

Update 4

Mucski - [WIP] SRO Bloody Network - RaGEZONE Forums
Last edited:
Mar 24, 2010
Reaction score
not a fan of the bottom jagged lines on the navbar, but it's your taste. but the logo definitely needs some fixing. it's too red, or something. rather, the rest of the website isn't too red. it's "bloody network," there should be more blood.
but not really blood, just like red or something. more red.

this is pretty hot though brah
MC Web Designs
Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score
Looks great, however as Irahnik mentioned; I'm also not a fan of the jagged edges. Also, The background goes to black far too soon imo, Perhaps have some rocky textures for the background like you've got on the bottom of the header image?

Good work mate, keep us posted with more! :D
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
It's awfully plain, and has an outdated feel to it.
Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
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The menu doesn't fit where it's placed, at least not compared to the rest of the site. ( Seeing as you have several miles between that and the logo and content. ) You should also change the border of the menu, those dots aren't really attractive. The main content looks good, actually like the design there, it suits the background. Lastly, you should do something about the footer. It could use some modifications to make it fit and become a part of the design. I'd do something cooler there, instead of keeping it dead simple and rather boring.

Else, good job! ;)
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Thank you for all above for the comments .. except n0minal.

Changelog (see step 2)

- added forgot password
- added more "bloody red" to sidebar title headers
- changed content divider
- added pagination

Next update will change the menu. And the reason why there is a lot of space between the content and the header is because I wanted the image to be visible. I may or may not reduce it.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Thank you for all above for the comments .. except n0minal.

I really don't know what you expect me to say? Unless you would like to speak for me, I am entitled to an opinion. I don't think ill of it - I just don't think it adheres to that of what is around currently. Before you get the wrong idea, let me take the time to provide thorough critique and some helpful suggestions.

Personally, I think that the navigation is too seperate. I think a better approach would be to have a bar (black, perhaps) running across the top with some less important information that will not steer one's attention away from the content. The background looks a little too current for the design - I feel the grunge-like metallic effects on the borders and outlines look a little dated (much like an older version of the Runescape website). In a previous comment I state the design is a tad bland. By this, I mean that there are no vibrant colours or elements that particular stand out. Just by comparing many recently designed websites in this field - it is blatant that they have been uplifted and made much more appealing: darker colours are fine, but little blacks and greys are actually used (if they are, it's in moderation). There is much more contrast between elements so as to stand out.

The font you have used is not very appealing and whilst fit for purpose, it is not so common to use one variation throughout. There is absolutely no variety where that is concerned! My advice would be to ensure that headers can be distinguished by more than just a colour, as these *could* be mistaken for links, etc. There's nothing wrong with using a serif and sans-serif typeface alongside one another.

In my opinion, I'm not too keen on the logo placement nor the logo - but that is not of a concern because you asked for critique on the design as a whole.

Referring back to my comment about looking dated, I have many reasons to justify why I said what I did, such as...

  • The way in which you chose to represent your content - particularly with the increase in devices that are capable of viewing websites, a centered design with little happening around it is not always the best idea.
  • The lack of adherence to modern fonts (sans and sans-serif) gives the content a slightly cheap feel.
  • The general feel of the theme is not current. I don't quite know how to explain what I mean in this respect, but I hope you realise this when I recommend looking at sites such as Runescape and co. from, say, ~2005.
  • Readability does not appear to have been considered with some of the content sporting a very small font size (something that occured much more frequently in the previous decade).

If there is anything more constructive that I figure I can include, I will update this post. I feel I have covered enough to justify my previous comment.
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
I really don't know what you expect me to say? Unless you would like to speak for me, I am entitled to an opinion. I don't think ill of it - I just don't think it adheres to that of what is around currently. Before you get the wrong idea, let me take the time to provide thorough critique and some helpful suggestions.

Personally, I think that the navigation is too seperate. I think a better approach would be to have a bar (black, perhaps) running across the top with some less important information that will not steer one's attention away from the content. The background looks a little too current for the design - I feel the grunge-like metallic effects on the borders and outlines look a little dated (much like an older version of the Runescape website). In a previous comment I state the design is a tad bland. By this, I mean that there are no vibrant colours or elements that particular stand out. Just by comparing many recently designed websites in this field - it is blatant that they have been uplifted and made much more appealing: darker colours are fine, but little blacks and greys are actually used (if they are, it's in moderation). There is much more contrast between elements so as to stand out.

The font you have used is not very appealing and whilst fit for purpose, it is not so common to use one variation throughout. There is absolutely no variety where that is concerned! My advice would be to ensure that headers can be distinguished by more than just a colour, as these *could* be mistaken for links, etc. There's nothing wrong with using a serif and sans-serif typeface alongside one another.

In my opinion, I'm not too keen on the logo placement nor the logo - but that is not of a concern because you asked for critique on the design as a whole.

Referring back to my comment about looking dated, I have many reasons to justify why I said what I did, such as...

  • The way in which you chose to represent your content - particularly with the increase in devices that are capable of viewing websites, a centered design with little happening around it is not always the best idea.
  • The lack of adherence to modern fonts (sans and sans-serif) gives the content a slightly cheap feel.
  • The general feel of the theme is not current. I don't quite know how to explain what I mean in this respect, but I hope you realise this when I recommend looking at sites such as Runescape and co. from, say, ~2005.
  • Readability does not appear to have been considered with some of the content sporting a very small font size (something that occured much more frequently in the previous decade).

If there is anything more constructive that I figure I can include, I will update this post. I feel I have covered enough to justify my previous comment.

See? That's a whole a lot better. Now I can actually guide through your suggestions myself and try to fix whatever I made wrong (I never said I am Michelangelo so don't expect me to be the best around here, hell I keep telling my "clients" that too), and make it better for everyone's eye. You have to understand after a few hours as a designer, your eyes gets used to stuff, and you no longer can distinguish what's wrong and what's not. Stating a single word as "your site is outdated", "looks like poop", "dafuq is this?" etc. won't help me at all. The main reason why I asked for criticism. There are a few things however that has been set by the client with no ability to change it. Such as the font on the logo, the bloody color, or the site darkness. The rest yes, it was all my idea.

So once again thank you, and I am looking forward for such detailed criticism in the future from you, and others too.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
See? That's a whole a lot better. Now I can actually guide through your suggestions myself and try to fix whatever I made wrong (I never said I am Michelangelo so don't expect me to be the best around here, hell I keep telling my "clients" that too), and make it better for everyone's eye. You have to understand after a few hours as a designer, your eyes gets used to stuff, and you no longer can distinguish what's wrong and what's not. Stating a single word as "your site is outdated", "looks like poop", "dafuq is this?" etc. won't help me at all. The main reason why I asked for criticism. There are a few things however that has been set by the client with no ability to change it. Such as the font on the logo, the bloody color, or the site darkness. The rest yes, it was all my idea.

So once again thank you, and I am looking forward for such detailed criticism in the future from you, and others too.

I know exactly what you mean -- I am a designer, too. I was strapped for time and so I made comments that I didn't feel would offend. Glad you can take my criticism onboard!
Mar 24, 2010
Reaction score
edit made it look 100x better. now just about the logo... still too red... or maybe the rest of the site isn't bloody enough. something like that. but it looks better now yaasss
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Made some improovements, changed some stuff. (see update 3)Yeah I know I work slow now and sorry if I bumped my own 3 weeks old thread :| But I believe WIP stands for work in progress and this is not yet finished. xD Also the menu isn't finished yet either.
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Update 4: Finished the menu (or at least I think so, unless you guys have some better ideas), added some dummy sidebar widgets to the right sidebar, made minor changes/fixes. I guess after this the rest of the pages should be done then some finishing touches.

See main post for screenshot.

Edit: Apparently I forgot to change the last widget's title, so it's the same as the above. Just ignore that xD
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
- the login button is a tad too big
- The text on both vote and donate should be the same as the one in the posts.
- Remove the red "bulbs" at the end of the "Account" "Top Players etc. (all 6 should be removed imo)
- Maybe you can make the nav bar float like this one? ( ) That would cover the space at the top (unless you have something planned to be put there). You could also move the menu higher up, put the title (Bloody network) closer to the nav bar, and let the footer have a bit more space.